Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:1, p.487-488, 1962-73 Current Contents, #40, p.5-6, October 3, 1973 meantime, if scientific journalists, among others, want to know where the action was, is, and will be, they would do WCH to look into this method. We rcccntly Wd a similar technique to determine the relative “impact” of journais,2 In spite of the snide remarks of thoset who prefer the world of Number 40 October 3, 1973 The following letter appeared recently. ~ It teqxmds in Nature to some critics who ob@t to my suggestion that citation analysis can be used to forecast the award of Nobel subjectivity, the Iattcr study has caused a considerable amount of soul-searching among those seeking a rationale for thousands of infrequently cited journals. Eugene Ck-field 1. Gzrflcld E. Natxre 227:669, 1970. 2. Giutleld E. Sciemce 178:471, 1972. 3. Anonymous. New Scientit 56:464, Prizes.2 * e- Citaciors and Distinction ‘i Sit--I previously indicated 1 that fre- Citaiion analyses of the Science could help forecast NoM Prize Inde# winners. A number of people have pooh-poohed this simple technique. Ccrnsequency qtrently, it is of interest to note that all of this year’s NoM Prize winners again were among the list of most frequently cited authors. Two of them were anticipated in my article, in which I gave a list of the ffiy most cited authors for 1967, using the 1967 SCP as the data bme. We have, since then, used the annual SCIJ from the years 1961 through 1!971 (except 1962 and 1963 which were not available 1972” then) to compile a list of most fre- To reiterate, my Icttcr emphasizes the uscfsdness of a simple, objective, algorithmic method in measurement of xicntillc impact. That citation analysis k useful in this regard, I and many others now accept as fact. Nobel Prizes also reflect scientific impact--surely there is no argument about that. his strange that some people should object to the observed correlation between the two, Our computers go about their citation counting much more swiftly than the Royal Swedish Academy gcrcs about its subjective ;clcctions; it is unavoidable that the onc will ar-rticipatc the other. I have never claimed what critics of the correlation impute to me-that the algorithm will, in advance, duplicate snd thus predict the Academy’s sclectiorrs. quently cited authors. Out of more than 1.8 million authors cited, only 42,000 were cited Since the Icttcr was written, wc have in:Iudcd the ycats 1962 and 1$)63 in our ISI@ at least thirty times in a single iata base, year during and made some fin-rhcr counts. this nine-year period. However, less than 2,100 were cited more than 1,000 times. In ?ollowing this essay is a list of the ffty au:hors most cited in 1967, x it appeared in the this list will be found all of the Nobel Prize winners for 1972 and also winners for the preceding five- year period, with fcw exceptions. Thus, the Nobel Prize winners were members of an elite group consisting of the top 0.1 % of all cited authors. I‘If any of our rcadcri can propose another Vatwe article. 2 With the original list arc two xhers: the fkty authors most cited in 1972, utd the fkty authors most cited in the pcricd [96 1-72. More than one-fourth of the Iattcr algorithmic fic impact, procedure for measuring let him come fommrd. artkings of authors Iikc Khorana and others vho are frequently cited as coauthors. 1. Garfield 2. E. Citation and distinction, Nature 242:185, 1973. .Citation indexing for studying science. Nature 227:669-71, scientiIn the uc Nobel Laureates. Sometime during the ]cxt year wc hope to bc able to refine these lata even further to take into REFER 487 1970. account the Authors Most in 1967 Cited Authors lhrws Rank CKad 2921 2 3 4 5 1374 1174 1150 1063 6 7 8 9 18 19 942 940 933 906 904 893 876 863 842 826 822 801 754 750 20 748 21 22 741 737 23 729 24 25 26 27 28 29 727 726 721 717 GoHAmrn M Cotton FA Pople JA Bellamy LJ Snedecor GW Boyer PD Baker BR Kolthoff IM Wrzberg G Fischer F Seitz F Djerassi C Bergmeyer HU Weber G Reynolds ES Mott NF Ecckrs JC Feigl F Freud S Pearse AGE Eliel EL Streifwieser A 712 711 M&titi RS Jacob F 30 31 710 706 hraM 32 33 34 35 702 687 674 673 36 37 668 666 38 39 40 41 42 661 655 643 632 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 43 44 45 631 627 626 626 46 619 47 48 49 618 618 614 609 50 Authors Lowry OH Chance B L.arrrfarsLD Brown HC Pamrtfrrg L Brachet J Wlnstein S Albert A Luff JH 08dUV~ C won Euksr US Fieser LF Huisgen R Novikoff AB Goodwin TW Barton DHR Fisher RA Bates DR Ffory PJ Stahl E Dewar MJS Gilman H Folch J Dische Z Glick D Rank Cited 1 2 3 4 5 5925 1501 1436 1307 1185 6 7 8 9 10 1210 1163 1162 1099 1039 Cited mrrw Name Lowry OH PoPle JA LarrdaraLD Brown HC Snedecor GW PmrMrg L Herzberg G Chance B Cotton FA ●Corey EJ Dewar MJS Reynolds ES “Bray GA Moff NF “Olah GA Folch J 11 981 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 981 942 925 914 896 880 878 873 812 776 775 767 756 746 742 727 711 “Davis BJ ●Fredrickson DS ~!OrY PJ “Hoffmann R “Woodwarrt RB Huisgen R Eccfes JC Boris M Luft JH Eliel EL *Siegel S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 691 679 670 663 652 651 649 637 636 633 631 618 618 *Anden NE Pearse AGE ●Burton K ●Abragam A Bellamy LJ ●Nesmeyanov AN Albert A Bjorken D “Ginzburg VL Fieaer LF *Miller JFA “Carlsson A Streitwieser A 50 Most 1961-1972 limes Ham 1 10 Most Cited in 1972 MMWn W 614 614 613 602 598 592 584 582 *Clementi E Kolthoff IM “Slater JC Freud S “Spackman DH ‘Cfratt J *Tanford C *Hirschfeider JD 580 Weber G Rank C&at Ntmra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 35198 13411 12728 11870 11220 10503 10279 9865 8923 8688 11 12 8094 8025 MWmr RS 7470 7457 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Lowry OH Chance B Brown HC Parting L Landau LD Pople JA Snedecor GW fismztrerg G Bellamy LJ Cotton FA GefH&wsn M 7947 Eccfa5 JC 7800 Kolthoff IM 7506 FIory PJ 7501 Pearse AGE 7493 *Selye H 20 7266 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6919 6886 6874 6839 6762 6671 6617 6612 Ojerassi C Motf NF Fieser LF Reynolds ES Albert A Folch J Born M Huisgen R Eliel EL Weber G Corey EJ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 6607 6587 6558 6528 6499 6420 6412 6381 6306 6245 6232 6210 Dewar MJS Luff JH Freud S ●Fiske CH Winstein S Gilman H Dische Z “Moore S Fisher RA “Wswburg O ‘Kuhn R “Novikoff AB 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 6196 “Kabat EA 6175 hcob F 6165 Siegel S 6149 Boyer PD 6087 %artwr DHR 6073 “Chandrasekhar S 5943 *Kre5s HA 5936 “Brodie BB 5896 “Gomori G 5883 Streitwiesser A 50 Asterisked names in the 1972 list are names that do not armear on the 1967 list. Asterisked names in the 1961-1972 list are names that do not appear on either of the other lists. The names of Nobel Laureates appear in bold type. 488