Español 2
(del 31 de enero al 4 de febrero)
Día 1
1. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of new Spanish vocab.
structures in context
2. Language objective(s): Students will identify main events in a Spanish story, respond to questions
in Spanish
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to… (10 min.)
2. Activity 2: Pre-test Data cycle 5 (5min)
3. Activity 3: Warm Up. Quiz Tres-Have students number 1-9. Give 2 minutes on the timer to match
the Spanish & English vocab. (10 min.)
4. Activity 4: Introduce story vocab. Write these chunks on the world wall and teach the target
vocab. list below using TPR and Pesonalized Questions (15 min)
5. Activity 5: Tell story. “El muchacho que tiene que limpiar el microndas” Tell story with student
actors (30 min)
6. Activity 6: Q & A. Ask whole class questions in Spanish about the story, re-working all the vocab.
Then go back through the story again with a quick verbal “Fill in the Blank” in Spanish (10 min)
7. Activity 7: Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and answer the HOTS
question: ¿Por qué Charles tiene miedo de abrir el microondas? Charles tiene miedo de abrir el
microondas porque piensa que Chucky está. (5 min.)
1. Barre---Sweeps
2. La alfombra---Carpet
3. Saca la basura---Takes out the trash
4. Corta el césped---Mows the lawn/Cuts the grass
5. Arregla la sala---Straightens up the living room
6. Tiene que limpiar el microondas---Has to clean the microwave
7. Sueña con limpiar el microondas---Dreams about cleaning the microwave
8. Charles está durmiendo---Charles is sleeping
9. Ya lo hice mamá---I already did it Mom
10. No lo hiciste. Límpialo---You didn´t do it. Clean it!
11. Está comiendo pizza---She/He´s eating pizza
12. Está tocando la guitarra---Is playing the guitar
13. Tiene miedo---Is afraid
Present progressive---(ing)
1. –ar ando
2. –er iendo, yendo
3. –ir iendo
Affirmitive informal (Tú) commands with pronouns attached at end
Día 2
1. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of new Spanish vocab.
structures in context
2. Language objective(s): Students will write a story in Spanish and illustrate it, create a dictionary
of new Spanish vocab., and continue reading and translating the novel “Casie se muere”
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to… (10 min.)
2. Activity 2: Write the story. Give each student a blank copy of El cuento de… storyboard to write
the story “El chico que tiene que limpiar el microondas” on as well as illustrate it, or make up a
new story about chores. Model the writing on a transparency, asking students what happened
next, how do we say it in Spanish?, etc. Talk about grammar, spelling, and syntax, etc. as we write
together (30 min.)
3. Activity 3: Dictionary page 1. Pass out a blank dictionary page to each student. Model the
spelling for each word or phrase on the transparency, and a stick figure drawing. Walk around
and check for completion (20 min)
4. Activity 4: Affirmative informal commands. Talk about the the commands “báñate” from “El
Jabón Sexy Man” and “Límpialo” from “El chico que tiene que limpiar el microondas,”
discussing the rules for how to form these commands and why there is an accent mark. Practice
turning English commands into Spanish, such as “eat it” (the pizza); “Read it” (the book); and
“look for it” “the cat”-etc (10 min)
5. Activity 5: Continue reading “Casi se muere” while translating, and identify main events in the
reading by responding to questions in Spanish (10 min)
6. Activity 5: Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and translate one sentence
from today´s reading of the novel for HOTS (5 min.)
1. Barre---Sweeps
2. La alfombra---Carpet
3. Saca la basura---Takes out the trash
4. Corta el césped---Mows the lawn/Cuts the grass
5. Arregla la sala---Straightens up the living room
6. Tiene que limpiar el microondas---Has to clean the microwave
7. Sueña con limpiar el microondas---Dreams about cleaning the microwave
8. Charles está durmiendo---Charles is sleeping
9. Ya lo hice mamá---I already did it Mom
10. No lo hiciste. Límpialo---You didn´t do it. Clean it!
11. Está comiendo pizza---She/He´s eating pizza
12. Está tocando la guitarra---Is playing the guitar
13. Tiene miedo---Is afraid
Present progressive---(ing)
4. –ar ando
5. –er iendo, yendo
6. –ir iendo
Affirmitive informal (Tú) commands with pronouns attached at end
Día 3
LECCIÓN: Lectura
1. Content Objective(s): Students will demonstrate comprehension in context while reading a novel
in Spanish
2. Language objective(s): Students will continue reading the novel “Casi se muere ”, translate the
reading, and identify main events in the novel by responding to questions in Spanish
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to…. (5 min.)
2. Activity 3: Continue reading “Casi se muere” while translating, and identify main events in the
novel by responding to questions in Spanish (30 min)
3. Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and translate one sentence from the
novel (5 min.)