NOTICE: Eligibility criteria for EMBO Short-Term Fellowships will soon change. New rules will be applicable to proposals submitted on October 1, 2016 or later. Helpful notes for Short-Term Fellowships applicants • All applications must be in English. • You are responsible to ensure that 2 References and the Receiving Institute Acceptance aresent to the EMBO Fellowship Office. Applications are only complete and can only be processedupon receipt of the references and the Receiving Institute Acceptance. • One of the referees should be your current supervisor. • The research proposal should be detailed and well-argued and written by the applicant. It should contain a 200-word summary followed by a 200-word explanation outlining the biological significance of the proposed work. The detailed research proposal should not exceed 1500 words and should include relevant references to published literature (references do not contribute to the word limit). A brief introduction should be included to outline the background to the proposal. The research proposal should be sufficiently detailed to allow the evaluators to form a clear idea of the planned work. Figures or tables cannot be included. • References in the research proposal should include the complete list of authors followed by the TITLE of the paper, YEAR, JOURNAL and normal details on volume, page numbers etc. • The synopsis of work performed at the home institute should be designed to allow the reader to appreciate both your past experience and its relevance, if any, to the proposed research topic. • You should clearly communicate your career plans for the period following the short-term fellowship. • The list of publications by the applicant should not include papers submitted or in preparation. In your publication list, please indicate the three most important publications. In the case of shared first authorship please keep the order of NOTICE: Eligibility criteria for EMBO Short-Term Fellowships will soon change. New rules will be applicable to proposals submitted on October 1, 2016 or later. authors as they appear on the original publication. Publication updates after the application deadline are not accepted. Details of abstracts (i.e. title of poster or talk) of presentations at conferences may be included. • As the EMBO fellowships are funded by 29 predominantly European countries, it is their wish that the majority of the successful applications involve movement between laboratories in the different Member States. For this reason, if you are not from a laboratory in one of these countries, your receiving institute should make sure in the acceptance form how their scientific programme would benefit from your visit. It is your responsibility to request them to do so. • If you are from a laboratory within a member state and wish to move to a laboratory somewhere outside Europe then you must provide a strong justification for your choice which highlights the specific advantages to you of working in this, rather than a European, laboratory. • In case your contact details/address changes after submission the Fellowship Office must be informed. August 2016