Cuenta la historia que en esos dias se llevaban a cabo las primeras

Mas sin embargo y a pesar de la magnitud de
tal tragedia, la valentia y lucha de estas
mujeres victimas no fue en vano; ya que esto
logro centrar un precedente para el debate de la
lucha de los derechos de la mujer.
Cuenta la historia que en esos dias se llevaban
a cabo las primeras celebraciones del Primer
Dia Internacional de la mujer el cual
reunieron a mas de Un Millon de personas
para Proclamar Los Derechos de la Mujer.
Una semana despues el 25 de marzo de 1911
hubo un incendio en la fabrica Triangle Shirt
waist de New York, ocasionado a las escasas
medidas de seguridad y gracias al abuso de
tener que laborar con las puertas aseguradas
desde la parte de afuera, en 15 minutos dicho
incendio acabo con la vida de 146 de los
trabajadores de esta fabrica en su mayoria
mujeres entre las edades de 13 a 23 años.
Cabe mencionar que dichas mujeres
inmigrantes de esta factoria trataron de unirse y
luchar por los derechos de igualdad los cuales
les eran negados en su totalidad, ya que
tuvieron que sufrir discriminación, maltratos y
abusos de parte de sus jefes.
Dichos abusos llegaron al punto de tener que
trabajar por largas jornadas sin tener acceso ni
siquiera al baño, ya que las puertas del lugar
donde trabajaban solo se abrian cuando el jefe
entraba a supervisarlas.
Hoy 100 años mas tarde con todo y los avances
producidos aun queda mucho por hacer en
materia de igualdad de genero en el ambito
laboral, la violencia en contra de la mujer a
todo nivel y tipo en el hogar, las multiples
luchas y barreras a las que la mujer se debe
enfrentar al inmigrar y en general cuando se
hable de estadisticas en cuanto a abuso en el
ambito fisico, emocional, sexual y economico
no se mencione al genero femenino con el mas
alto indice.
Incansable sera la lucha y las ganas de que esto
se cumpla y que la violencia se erradique
totalmente: Ese el proposito por el cual dia a
dia las mujeres valientes que conforman VIP Programa para la Intervencion Contra la
Violencia, siguen adelante con sus proyectos y
servicios a las mujeres y familias de la
comunidad; con lo cual han logrado salvar a
muchas mujeres que han sido abusadas de
distintas formas y saberlas sobrevivientes
gracias a que han podido prestarles la ayuda
Por todo esto hoy conmemoremos estas
victimas que no pudieron sobrevivir, pero
estamos nosotras para seguir sus sueños de
igualdad de genero, no al abuso y cero
Rocelia Richards:VIP Promotora
But nevertheless, despite the magnitude of this
tragedy, the courage and struggle of these
women victims was not in vain, as it managed
to focus a precedent for the discussion of the
struggle of women's rights.
The story goes that in those days were held the
first celebrations of the First International
Women's Day which gathered more than a
million people to proclaim the Rights of
A week after the March 25, 1911 there was a
fire at the Triangle Shirt Waist factory in New
York, led to poor safety measures and through
the abuse of having to work with the doors
locked from the outside in 15 minutes that fire
killed 146 of the factory workers, mostly
women between the ages of 13 to 23 years.
It is noteworthy that these women migrants in
this factory tried to unite and fight for equal
rights which were denied in their entirety as
they had to suffer discrimination, mistreatment
and abuse by their bosses.
These abuses came to the point of having to
work long hours without access even to the
bathroom, since those doors were opened only
when the boss came in to monitor them.
Today 100 years later with all the progress
made and much remains to be done in terms of
gender equality in the workplace, violence
against women at every level and type at home,
the many struggles and barriers that women
must face when they immigrate and generally
when we talk about abuse statistics in the
physical, emotional, sexual and economic not
to the female gender with the highest index.
Be tireless struggle and desire that is true and
that violence is eradicated completely: That the
purpose for which every day the brave women
who make up the Organization Against
Domestic Violence, VIP go ahead with their
projects and services to women and families in
the community with which they have managed
to save many women who have been abused in
different ways and knowing survivors because
they have been able to provide the necessary
On this day we commemorate these victims
who could not survive, but are we to follow
their dreams of gender equality, non-zero
abuse and violence .....
Rocelia Richards: VIP Promotora
This is a written piece contributed by VIP: Violence Intervention Program/ Programa para la
Intervencion Contra la Violencia. Violence Intervention Program (VIP) is a nationally
recognized Latina organization. Our mission is to promote nonviolent partner relationships,
familias, and communities through raising awareness, activism, and culturally competent
services that are respectful of each survivor's right to self-determination. This wonderful piece is
written by one of VIP’s Promotoras, Rocelia Richards. It explains the abuses the immigrant
workers, mostly women, suffered and the reason for their deaths. She concludes with explaining
that despite all the progressions, Women continue to be abused in many ways. VIP’s goal is for
the violence on women to be eradicated and despite the struggles we will continue the fight.