L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY UNIVERSIDAD INTERNACIONAL MENÉNDEZ PELAYO This document can be used as reference documentation of this subject for the application for recognition of credits in other study programmes. For its full effect, it should be stamped by UIMP Student’s Office. MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework GENERAL DATA Name L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework Code 101661 Academic year 2015-16 Degree MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY ECTS Credits 1 Type OPTATIVA Duration Duracion A 2/7 Language MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework FACULTY Coordinator/s Escudero Neyra, Paola Rocío Investigadora Institute of Phonetic Sciences University of Amsterdam, Holanda Lecturers Davidson , Lisa New York Universtity Celata , Chiara Profesora Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italia Elvin , Jaydene 3/7 The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework SCHEDULE Timetable 03/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-La adquisición del componente fónico en L1 y L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 12:00 - 14:00 Itinerario B-La adquisición del componente fónico en L1 y L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 04/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-La adquisición del componente fónico en L1 y L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 12:00 - 14:00 4/7 Itinerario B-La adquisición del componente fónico en L1 y L2 MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 05/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-La adquisición del componente fónico en L1 y L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 12:00 - 14:00 Itinerario B-Principales líneas de investigación sobre la adquisición de la fonética-fonología de L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 06/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-Principales líneas de investigación sobre la adquisición de la fonética-fonología de L2 Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University Itinerario B-Principales líneas de investigación sobre la adquisición de la fonética-fonología de L2 5/7 12:00 - 14:00 MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework Jaydene Elvin The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University 17/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-El deterioro de la L1 por influencia de la L2 Chiara Celata Profesora Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italia 12:00 - 14:00 Itinerario B-El deterioro de la L1 por influencia de la L2 Chiara Celata Profesora Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italia 18/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-El deterioro de la L1 por influencia de la L2 Chiara Celata 6/7 Profesora Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italia MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY L2 Phonological Acquisition of Language : The Theoretical Framework 19/05/2016 12:00 - 14:00 Itinerario B-El detalle fonético en la percepción y la producción de una L2 Lisa Davidson New York Universtity 20/05/2016 9:30 - 11:30 Itinerario B-El detalle fonético en la percepción y la producción de una L2 Lisa Davidson New York Universtity 12:00 - 14:00 Itinerario B-El detalle fonético en la percepción y la producción de una L2 Lisa Davidson 7/7 New York Universtity Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)