XAlgebras de Nichols de tipo triangular cuya dimensión de Gelfand-Kirillov
es finita
Conferencista: Andruskiewitsch Nicolás
Resumen: La clase de espacios vectoriales trenzados de tipo triangular, que contiene a
los de tipo diagonal, es relevante en la clasificación de las álgebras de Hopf de dimensión
de Gelfand-Kirillov finita. Se presentarán resultados parciales de clasificación, con énfasis
en nuevos ejemplos. Trabajo en colaboración con I. Angiono e I. Heckenberger
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XAutomorfismos conglomerados
Conferencista: Assem Ibrahim
Resumen: Esta es una charla sobre trabajos conjuntos con Ralf Schiffler y Vasilisa Shramchenko, y trabajos relacionados. Definimos la nocion de automofismos de algebras de
conglomerados, y estudiamos algunas de sus propiedades. En particular los relacionamos
a los automorfimos de la categoria de conglomerados. Despues, analizamos la conjetura
que dice que un morfismo del algebra de conglomerados en si misma que se restringe a
una permutacion de las variables conglomeradas es un automorfismo. Esta es una forma
debil de la conjetura de uniestructuralidad, que dice que el conjunto de variables de conglomerados determina unicamente los conglomerados. Examinamos los casos donde estas
conjeturas han sido probadas y su relacion con la conjetura de Fomin y Zelevinsky que
dice que dos variables de conglomerados son compatibles si y solo si una no aparece en el
denominador de la expansion de Laurent de la otra.
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XAlgebras semigenéricamente mansas sobre campos perfectos
Conferencista: Bautista, Raymundo (trabajo conjunto con Efrén Pérez y Leonardo
Resumen: Sea k un campo perfecto y A una k-álgebra asociativa con uno de dimensión
finita sobre k.
En lo que sigue si M es un A-módulo izquierdo EM es el anillo de A-endomorfismos de
M. La endolongitud de M es la longitud de M como EM -módulo.
Diremos que un A-módulo izquierdo G es genérico si es inescindible de dimensión infinita
sobre k pero de endolongitud finita.
El álgebra A se llama genéricamente mansa si para cada número natural d existe a
lo mas un número finito de A-módulos genéricos con endolongitud igual a d. Por un
resultado de W.W. Crawley-Boevey se sabe que si k es algebraicamente cerrado entonces A
es genéricamente mansa si y solamente si para cada número natural d, hasta isomorfismo,
casi todo los A-módulos con dimensión sobre k igual a d pueden parametrizarse por un
número finito de parámetros.
En esta plática consideraremos el caso en que k es perfecto pero no necesariamente
algebraicamente cerrado. Las álgebras A tales que al extender los escalares a K producen
un àlgebra genéricamente mansa fueron descritas por E.Pérez en términos de ciertos
módulos genéricos. Veremos entonces que si A es una de estas álgebras, para cada número
natural d existe una extensión finita F de k tal que, hasta isomorfismo, casi todos los A⊗F módulos inescindibles de endolongitud igual a d pueden parametrizarse por medio de un
número finito de A ⊗ F -F [x]-bimódulos.
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XCohomological dimensions of Hopf algebras
Conferencista: Bichon Julien
Resumen: I will discuss the relation between two possible notions of cohomological dimension for a Hopf algebra: the (usual) Hochschild cohomological dimension and the
Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomological dimension. This is linked to the problem of relating the Hochschild cohomologies of Hopf algebras having equivalent tensor categories of
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XHopf monads, Hopf polyads and applications
Conferencista: Bruguières Alain
Resumen: The notion of a Hopf algebra has been generalized to the context of braided
monoidal categories in a relatively straightforward way, which leads to the now well-known
notion of braided Hopf algebra. In particular, the center of a braided category B can be
viewed as the category of modules over a certain braided Hopf algebra in B, namely
the coend of B. In order to make such a description work for a monoidal, non braided
category, one must replace braided Hopf algebras with Hopf monads.
Hopf monads appear wherever there is a comonoidal adjunction - in other words, a
strong (co) monoidal functor having a left adjoint. In particular, under certain ’smallness’
conditions one can describe the action of a group G on a monoidal category C in terms
of a Hopf monad on C; in that case, the category of modules of this Hopf monad is the
equivariantization (this was done in a joint paper with S. Natale).
However, in general (without the appropriate smallness conditions) such a monadic
description of the equivariantization is not available. Hopf polyads are a generalization of
Hopf monads which encompasses also (general) group actions. In a sense, Hopf polyads
are ”Hopf monads parametrized by a category”.
We will introduce this notion, and explore its relation to group actions, and more
generally ”category actions”, on monoidal categories: the ”fundamental theorem of Hopf
polyads” asserts that a faithful right exact Hopf polyad lifts canonically to a category
We will give several examples and special cases. For instance, a Hopf category with
set of objects X as introduced by Batista, Caenepeel and Vercrysse is a special case of
a Hopf polyads, in exactly the same sense as braided Hopf algebras are special cases of
Hopf monads - in that case the parameter category of the Hopf polyad has X as set
of objects and exactly one morphism between any two objects. On the other hand, in
the non-braided setting, the fundamental theorem of Hopf polyads, applied to the socalled ’center’ Hopf polyad, asserts that the center of a G-graded fusion category is the
equivariantization of the center of the degree 1 part under a certain action of G, a result
due to Virelizier. Here the ’fusion category’ is required to have finitely many classes of
simples in each degree (and may therefore have infinitely many simples, if G is infinite).
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XResoluciones proyectivas de álgebras asociativas y ambigüedades
Conferencista: Chouhy Sergio
Resumen: En esta charla contaré los principales resultados obtenidos en mi tesis de doctorado sobre la construcción de resoluciones proyectivas de álgebras asociativas utilizando
sistemas de reducción de Bergman y la resolución de Barzell para álgebras monomiales.
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XHomologı́a cı́clica periódica en caracterı́stica positiva
Conferencista: Cortiñas Guillermo
Resumen: La homologı́a cı́clica periódica de álgebras sobre un cuerpo de caracterı́stica
cero es una teorı́a con buenas propiedades, como escisión e invarianza homotópica, que
puede verse como la versión no conmutativa de la cohomologı́a de de Rham. La charla
será un reporte sobre los resultados parciales que hemos obtenido con Joachim Cuntz y
Ralf Meyer en la búsqueda del análogo correcto de la homologı́a cı́clica periódica para
álgebras sobre un cuerpo de caracterı́stica positiva.
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XRepresentations of Weyl algebras and induced modules for Affine Lie algebras
Conferencista: Futorny Vyacheslav
Resumen: We will describe simple weight modules for infinite rank Weyl algebras and
construct corresponding simple modules for Heisenberg algebras and Affine Lie algebras.
In the latter case we show that the induced functor preserves irreducibility when the
central charge is nonzero.
XFundamental groups and coverings of algebras
Conferencista: Le Meur Patrick
Resumen: The fundamental group of a quiver with relations (Q,I) was defined by José
Antonio de la Peña. It is a factor group of the fundamental group of the underlying
graph of Q so that two oriented paths get identified if they appear in a same minimal
relation of I. When the ideal I is admissible, the path algebra of Q modulo I is finitedimensional, and the fundamental group of (Q,I) is connected with the representation
theory of this algebra as well as to its Hochschild cohomology. The talk will present
results on this notion obtained between 2000 and 2006 by PhD students of Claude Cibils
from two points of view: (1) the connections of this group with topology and (2) for a
given finite-dimensional algebra, the dependence of this group on the choice of the quiver
with relations presenting the algebra.”
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XBrauer Theory for profinite groups
Conferencista: MacQuarrie, John
Resumen: The representation theory of a finite group over a field can be divided into
two cases: when the field has characteristic 0, every finitely generated module is just a
sum of simple modules; when the field has characteristic p, finitely generated modules can
be substantially more complicated. The subject known today as Brauer Theory allows
for a ”comparison” of these two cases.
A profinite group is an inverse limit of finite groups - such groups are enormous, but
share many properties with the finite groups from which they are built. In this talk, we
present a Brauer Theory for profinite groups, developed by reconsidering the concepts
of the established theory in an aggressively functorial manner. We will see that many
properties generalize, but that there are peculiar differences.
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XThe heart of a compactly generated t-structure in the derived category of a
commutative Noetherian ring
Conferencista: Saorı́n Manoel
Resumen: In a way that will be made precise in the talk, we will show that the heart
of any compactly generated t-structure in the (unbounded) derived category of a commutative Noetherian ring is, except in pathological cases, a locally coherent Grothendieck
category. However, this Grothendieck category is very rarely a module category, in fact
only in case that the t-structure is induced by perfect localization of the ring.
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XOn a generalisation of N-Koszul algebras for Brauer graph algebras
Conferencista: Taillefer Rachel
Resumen: Koszul algebras are a well-known and much studied class of algebras. They
were generalised in 2001 by Roland Berger to N-Koszul algebras. This means that if
we write the algebra as a quotient of a tensor algebra A = Tk (V )/I, the ideal I can be
generated by elements of degree N and that the projective modules in a minimal graded
projective resolution of k can be generated in specific degrees depending on N. Moreover,
the Ext algebra of k is generated in degrees 0, 1 and 2.
This notion has been generalised since in several ways. We are interested in two of
them: - an algebra is called K2 if it is graded and if its Ext algebra is generated in degrees
0, 1 and 2 [Cassidy-Shelton]; - an algebra A = Tk (V )/I is called 2-d-determined if the
ideal I can be generated by elements of degrees 2 and d, where d > 2 is an integer, and
the projective modules in a minimal graded projective resolution of k can be generated
in specific degrees depending on 2 and d [Green-Marcos].
The aim of this talk is to give examples of such algebras, within the class of Brauer
graph algebras, and to compare K2 Brauer graph algebras and 2-d-determined Brauer
graph algebras.
This is joint work with E.L. Green, S. Schroll and N. Snashall.
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XLa dimensión de representación de un álgebra autoinyectiva de tipo euclideno
Conferencista: Trepode, Sonia (trabajo conjunto con Ibrahim Assem y Andrzej Skowronski)
Resumen: El concepto de dimensión de representación de un álgebra de artin fue introducido por Auslander en los 70. El esperaba que esta noción darı́a una forma razonable
de medir cuán lejos se encuentra un álgebra de ser de representación finita. Auslander
probó que un álgebra es de representación finita si y solo si su dimensión de representación
es igual a dos. Más tarde Iyama probó que la dimensión de representación de un álgebra
es siempre finita. El interés en la dimensión de representación revivió cuando Igusa y
Todorov mostraron que la dimensión de representación esta relacionada con la conjetura
de la dimensión finitista. Ellos probaron que si un álgebra tiene dimensión de representación a lo sumo tres su dimensión finitista es finita. Más tarde Rouquier construyó
ejemplos de álgebras con dimensión de representación arbitrariamente grande. Todos
estos ejemplos corresponden a álgebras salvajes. Como, de acuerdo con Auslander, la dimensión de representación deberı́a medir la distancia a representación finita, uno podrı́a
esperar que las álgebras mansas deberı́an tener dimensión de representación pequeña. Un
problema abierto excitante es mostrar que todas las álgebra de tipo de representación
manso tienen dimensión de representación a lo sumo tres. En esta charla probamos que
la dimensión de representación de un álgebra autoinyectiva de tipo euclideno es menor o
igual tres. Construimos explı́citamente un generador de Auslander.
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XHochschild cohomology of a smash product with a cyclic group
Conferencista: Volkov, Yuri
Resumen: This talk is based on joint work with E. Marcos. Let A be a finite-dimensional
unital algebra over a field k and G be a finite group acting on A. Then we can define a
smash product of A and kG, which is denoted by A#kG. Let M be an A#kG-bimodule
with compatible structure of k-algebra. It is well known that there is an isomorphism
of graded algebras HH∗ (A#kG, M ) ' HH∗ (A, M ) in the case where the group algebra
kG is semisimple. On the other hand, there is no familiar good connection between the
Hochschild cohomology of A and the Hochschild cohomology of A#kG in the p-modular
case. We consider the case where G is a trivial extension of a cyclic p-group by some pgroup, where p = chark. We give a definition of (m, h)-degenerated A#kG-bimodule. We
prove that dimk HHn (A, M )G ≤ dimk HHn (AG, M ) for any n and dimk HHn (A, M )G =
dimk HHn (AG, M ) for any n iff M is (m, h)-degenerated. For (m, h)-degenerated M
we establish some relations between HH∗ (A#kG, M ) and HH∗ (A, M )G . We give some
applications for the case where A is a factor of some repetetive algebra by a power of its
Nakayama automorphism and G is a cyclic group generated by a Nakayama automorphism
of A.
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