PASIVA Tom remembers the song ACTIVA: S vb CD PASIVA: The song is remembered by Tom S VB C. Agente o El CD pasa a sujeto o El sujeto pasa a C. Agente con BY o El verbo principal se pone en participio y el vb TO BE se conjuga Ej, Tom remembered the song = The song WAS remembered Tom will remember the song = The song WILL BE remembered Tom is remembering the song = The song IS BEING remembered Tom has remembered the song = The song HAS BEEN remembered Tom is going to remember the song=The song IS GOING TO BE remembered PRONOMBRES PERSONALES I – ME SHE - HER YOU – YOU WE - US HE – HIM THEY - THEM Ej. I play the piano = the piano is played by ME PASIVA CON DOS OBJETOS (CD/CI) ACTIVA: Peter gave me a present CI CD PASIVA: 1. (CD) A present was given TO me (by Peter) 2. (CI) I was given a present (by Peter) HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE ACTIVA: A carpenter repaired my doors. p. cualificada PASIVA: I had my doors repaired = el sujeto es quien se beneficia S have something done PASIVA IMPERSONAL ACTIVA: People believed [that the car disappeared] S PASIVA: 1. It was believed that the car disappeared. 2. The car was believed TO HAVE DISAPPEARED Infinitivo de perfecto ACTIVA: People think [that I will win] PASIVA: 1. It is thought that I will win 2. I am thought TO WIN Infinitivo simple * VERBOS: say, think, know, believe, report, expect, consider, suppose…