Fomulario TECS College

Camper Family Name:…………………………………………………………Given Name:………………………………………………………………
Student E-mail:…………………………………………………………………..Date of Birth: ……/……./…… Sexo:
Family E-mail:……………………………………………………………………..Family Phone Number:………………………………………………..
Information about TECS College
The TECS College methodology, “Total English PLUS”, consists of an intensive English immersion programme focused on
personal development, the development of professional skills. As a result, this programme is not suitable for everyone so the
purpose of this application form is to ensure that applicants are aware and prepared for this type of programme.
Due to the nature of this programme, students will be given a great length of freedom which they will need to use
responsibly whilst continuing to follow some rules. This programme will also require that students do a lot of work
independently so, only candidates really interested in developing themselves in this environment should apply.
During their stay on camp students must never speak Spanish and are required to communicate 100% in English at all times,
not only with camp staff but also amongst themselves. Should a TECS College student fail to adhere to the “Total English”
requirements, TECS reserves the right to move the student to another TECS Summer Camp with a less strict methodology.
In order to truly comply with this method, the students will not be able to make any phone calls during their stay but they
will be able to communicate with their parents by sending e-mails in English.
All students attending TECS College will be assigned a “Little Brother/Sister” who will be a younger camper attending the
Magic Village camp. TECS College students will not only be taught how to look after young kids in a summer camp
environment, but will also be expected to act like a responsible “Big Brother/Sister” by helping them and spending time with
them in certain moments.
Información sobre TECS College
La metodología de TECS College, llamada “Total English PLUS”, consiste en un intensivo programa de inmersión en inglés
centrado en el desarrollo personal, concretamente el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales. Como resultado, este programa
no es recomendable para todo el mundo. A través de este formulario pretendemos asegurar la participación de solamente
aquellos candidatos realmente preparados y motivados para disfrutar de este tipo de programa.
En él, los alumnos disfrutarán de gran libertad que deberán usar de manera responsable al tiempo que han de cumplir con
ciertas normas. Asimismo, este programa requerirá un alto grado de trabajo independiente por parte del alumno (realización
de proyectos prácticos y actividades curriculares). Es por ello que, solo aquellos candidatos realmente interesados en
desarrollar estas aptitudes en un ambiente de campamento deberían solicitar plaza en este programa.
Durante su estancia, los alumnos de TECS College no podrán usar la lengua española, debiendo comunicarse solo y
exclusivamente en inglés tanto con el personal como con sus compañeros. Si el alumno no logra cumplir con los requisitos de
la metodología “Total English”, TECS se reserva el derecho de cambiarle a otro campamento TECS de metodología menos
estricta. Con el objeto de asegurar la total inmersión que requiere este método, los alumnos no podrán comunicarse
telefónicamente con sus padres durante las dos semanas, sino solamente a través de correo electrónico y en inglés.
A todos los alumnos de TECS College se les asignará un “hermano/a menor” que será un campista de Magic Village de los
más pequeños. Los alumnos de TECS College no solo aprenderán como cuidar de niños más pequeños en un entorno de
campamento sino que deberá actuar como un responsable “hermano/a mayor”, ayudándoles y pasando tiempo con ellos en
ciertos momentos.
*** Speaking English all the time in all moments is 100% required in this camp and students are already expected
to be able to do this before coming on this camp. ***
*** The overall objectives of this camp are far more educational – like university – than any other TECS camp,
students require a high level of personal commitment to this programme. ***
Have you attended a TECS Summer Camp before?
(Please note a standard requirement of this camp is to have attended Little Village for 2 years and to be at least 16 years old in 2014-15. Exceptions will be made for
suitable candidates who prove through this application that they have had similar experiences via other camps/environments and/or are of suitable maturity for the dynamics of TECS
College where adhering to Total English is critical to programme success).
If yes, please state what camps and what years:
If no, please state what relevant experience you have of summer camps life and of an environment similar to that of Total
English. It is very important to give as much information as possible so that we can take it into account and to show us your
commitment to this application:
What are you hoping to learn and achieve during your TECS College Experience?
(The objectives of TECS College will only be achieved if students are fully committed to developing personally and professionally (for someone of their age), therefore we ask that all
campers make a statement of intent about what they will aim to get out of this amazing camp experience. The statement is the start of the students personal development as it will be
passed to each student’s tutor and used as framework to help the student develop throughout the camp so students should make sure to complete as best as possible. If we believe that a
student hasn’t completed this application form to the sufficient level for TECS College we may ask them to re-complete this application form to ensure that they are ready for the intensive
personal development programme. As a guideline students should write between 100-150 words.).
For the student:
By signing below the applicant agrees that they:
- Understand the objectives of TECS College and fully understand and are committed to what will be expected of them during the two weeks. They understand
this camp is focused much more on educational development than any other camp.
- Will not speak any other language other than English for the two weeks, and that failing to do this could result in being moved to another camp.
- Have the maturity, responsibility and English level to participate on TECS College.
- Will adhere to all camp rules, including not consuming any alcohol or tobacco products. This rule exists regardless of whether the student is of legal age.
Para los padres:
Firmando este documento acepto que:
- Entiendo los objetivos de TECS College y lo que se supone para mi hijo/a durante las dos semanas. Entiendo que el objetivo de este programa es mucho más
educativo-formativo que el de otros campamentos TECS y que la lengua inglesa es el medio para conseguirlo.
- Mi hijo/a solo podrá hablar inglés durante su estancia, y que no cumplir este requisito podría resultar en que TECS le cambie de campamento.
- Mi hijo/a posee la madurez, responsabilidad y nivel de inglés necesarios para participar en TECS College.
- Mi hijo/a tendrá que respetar todas las normas del programa, incluyendo el no consumir alcohol o tabaco aún en el caso de ser mayor de edad.
Firma Campista
Firma Padres
Fecha: …../……/……