Implementación operacional de GBAS

Implementación operacional de GBAS Uso prác)co de sistemas GNSS Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Taller de capacitación técnica y operacional sobre sistemas globales de navegación por satélite 28 de Noviembre de 2013, San9ago de Chile Impar9do por: Organizado por: -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Introduc)on • 
A methodology to support Stakeholders in the process of implemen*ng GBAS opera*ons • 
Aligned with ICAO PBN Implementa*on Manual and RNP-­‐APCH ICAO Guidelines • 
Three main phases: –  Incep*on Phase (Decision & Analyse) –  Service Provision (includes the GBAS ground system installa*on) –  Opera*onal Implementa*on • 
Those three phases will be illustrated through real cases examples -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Guidance for GBAS Opera)ons Implementa)on Incep)on Phase Malaga Case -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Bremen / Newark Cases Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase •  Implemen*ng GBAS opera*ons implies an important investment at ground infrastructure level •  In order to support decision makers on such investment a GBAS Incep*on Programme is recommended to: - 
Familiarize Stakeholder with GBAS concept and technology (Na*onal Team) - 
Provides ini*al assessment on future GBAS service and performance based on real local data - 
Develops a Cost Benefit Analysis from the Service Provision perspec*ve •  GBAS Incep*on Programme includes five main tasks: -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase: GBAS Team Create GBAS Inception
Programme Team
-­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase: Scenario iden)fica)on & si)ng Example of Sa)sfying Areas The green areas of this example are feasible to allocate an RRS for the following reasons: 1.  Free obstacles zones 2.  Power Supply access 3.  Site access available 4.  Equipment shelter available 5.  Equipment Security 6.  Mul*path Free 7.  No installa*on issues Dakar Aerodrome Chart (ICAO) -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase: Data Collec)on campaign Data Collec)on Campaign •  A 24h data collec*on is performed to: -­‐  Validate correct installa*on 24h Data Analysis
-­‐  Assess quality of GPS service in the area (local effects like mul*path, shadowing, etc.) -­‐  Posi*on the antenna precisely -­‐  Preliminary assessment RRS Precise Positioning
•  Antenna precise posi*oning through phase processing techniques Data campaign
•  Launch data collec*on campaign in support to GBAS performance assessment -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase: GBAS performances simula)on •  GBAS Performance Assessment is enhanced through PEGASUS EUROCONTROL Toolset: -­‐  Emulates on-­‐ground and on-­‐board equipment data processing in compliance with RTCA standards
-­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Incep)on Phase: CBA Cost Benefits Analysis GBAS Performance
•  Opera*onal benefits and incurred costs are evaluated (total costs including maintenance, pay-­‐back and rough es*mated ROI (return on investment)) •  CBA at Service Provision Airport level compared to actual scheme ILS based Business Case
•  Airline based CBA can also be performed -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision Service Provision Phase includes all tasks related to Sta*on Installa*on and Service approval Incep)on Phase Malaga Case -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Bremen / Newark Cases Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Si)ng Survey Examples Galeão Intl., Brazil Toulouse Blagnac, France Málaga, Spain Bremen, Germany -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Performance analysis Málaga Case •  Sta*c campaign: 3 days •  Flight campaign – 3 hours of flight: –  2 GBAS approaches, one for each Runway end –  4 “level flights” and 4 arcs to test GBAS coverage AircraP Installa)on Descrip)on (provided by AENA) -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Performance analysis Málaga Case Transmi)on Ra)o •  Analyse if the TX ra*o of GBAS MT sent by the GBAS GS is MOPS compliant Transmited content • Analyse if the content of GBAS MT [sent by the GBAS GS is MOPS compliant Transmited correc)ons •  Analyse the number of visible PRN for the different RRS and compare them with the PRN visible by the GBAS GS Data Link Precision •  Verify correct communica*on between VDB TX antenna and the receivers on-­‐
board the aircrae during the flight tests •  The Accuracy of the GBAS system is checked through the analysis of the Ground Accuracy Designator (GAD) -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Performance analysis Málaga Case Dilu)on of Precision • Analyse the DOP obtained by the geometry of the satellites used by the GBAS GS Integrity • Check if the GBAS system accomplishes [
with the Integrity level requiered by the Standards Con)nuity • Check that the GBAS con*nuity is never below to the minima established in the Standards Availability • Check that the level of availability of the GBAS approach service accomplishes with the Standards Coverage & Intensity • Check that, within the coverage volume, the GBAS system accomplishes with the coverage and Intensity requirements -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Ionospheric assessment • 
The ionosphere is a region of the upper atmosphere (~ 50 km to 1200 km) composed of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that is ionized by Sun emissions • 
Ionosphere structure is varying con*nuously due to the intensity of the solar radia<ons and solar wind • 
Solar ac*vity generally varies according to an 11-­‐year cycle • 
It can cause posi*on errors up to 99 meters! • 
To characterize ionospheric effects, the ionosphere is divided in 3 main regions along the Earth: -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Service Provision -­‐ Ionospheric assessment Effects The ionosphere can affect GNSS signals through: High TEC = Added TX Delay –  Group Delay and Phase Advance •  The free electrons in the ionosphere affect the propaga<on of radio waves •  The main consequences are the delay of the <me of arrival of a satellite signal at the receiver Ionospheric Delay Concept –  Scin)lla)on •  Rapid carrier-­‐phase changes •  Affects the ability of the receiver’s tracking loop to keep lock on the carrier signal à Cycle slips and complete temporary loss of signal tracking •  More severe in the equatorial zone Scin9lla9on ac9vity map -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Index Introduc*on Guidance for GBAS Opera*ons implementa*on -­‐ Incep*on Phase -­‐ Service Provision -­‐ Opera*onal Implementa*on -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Opera)onal Implementa)on The third and final step of the methodology contains those ac*vi*es aiming to get the approval for the opera*onal implementa*on of the GBAS system Incep)on Phase Malaga Case -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Bremen / Newark Cases Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Opera)onal Implementa)on -­‐ Training • 
GBAS opera*ons training are mainly focused on the ground and support segments • 
Different ac*vi*es are proposed to be performed: Opera*on of equipment Maintenance Opera*on of communic. Support Segment Ground Segment Opera*onal valida*on & cer*fica*on Develop., maint. and implement. of simula*on tools System data filing and analysis Support to Opera*on and maintenance func*ons Support to system engineering and development func*ons Tasks related to the interoperability between system elements -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Opera)onal Implementa)on -­‐ Procedure design Procedure design • 
GBAS procedure design criteria is today based on ILS criteria while specific GBAS criteria are in prepara*on • 
GBAS CAT-­‐I opera<ons design based on ILS CAT-­‐I procedures • 
Despite the above statement, PANS-­‐OPS vol. II has included a dedicated chapter for the design of GBAS procedures. The material can be found in PANS-­‐
OPS, vol. II, Part III, Chapter 6 Procedure construc)on Transi*on to GBAS final approach segment and final missed approach phase conforms with the general criteria. The differences are found in the physical requirements for the GBAS precision segment, which contains the final approach segment as well as the ini*al and intermediate phases of the missed approach segment. GBAS Precision Segment includes the ini9al and intermediate phase of the missed approach segment -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Opera)onal Implementa)on -­‐ Safety Case • 
Ac*vi*es for Opera)onal Safety: –  Safety assessment has to be developed (e.g. using Safety Assessment Methodology developed by EUROCONTROL) in support to the opera*onal approval, including a Matrix of Accomplishment –  Update and adapt generic GBAS CAT-­‐I Concept of Opera*ons to the airport –  Par*cularize Safety assessment to the airport based on previous Conops –  Check that the Matrix of Accomplishment is full-­‐filled • 
Ac*vi*es for System Declara)on (based on Single European Sky rules): –  Interoperability Regula*on 552/2204 states that, before a system is put into service, the relevant ANSP must establish an EC declara*on of verifica*on, confirming compliance, and must submit it to the NSA together with a technical file –  The ANSP should develop a Technical File to document all the points stated in the document, taking as a basis the report provided by the manufacturer and the ac*vi*es, including performance assessment, developed on site -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Opera)onal Implementa)on -­‐ Examples • 
GBAS debut at Bremen Airport [9 Feb. 2012] GBAS system has received the German type cer*fica*on as a primary landing system by the Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Naviga*on Services (BAF) At Bremen Airport, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung will be the first air naviga*on service provider in the world to operate GBAS for CAT I precision approaches for regular air services • 
First U.S. GBAS Opera)onal at Newark Airport [28 Sept. 2012] On Sept 28, 2012, the GBAS installed at Newark Liberty Interna*onal Airport got the opera*onal approval Another milestone was achieved on October 10th when the first new United Boeing 787 made its first GLS landing at Newark airport -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación Legal No)ce No part of this material may be copied, reproduced and/or disclosed, in any form or by any means without the prior wri^en permission of the Pildo Labs ([email protected]). © 2013 This material reflects only the author’s views and the company is not liable for any use that may be made of the informa)on contained herein. -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación -­‐ Implementación Operacional de GBAS -­‐ Uso prác9co de sistemas GNSS -­‐ Aplicaciones en el sector de la aviación 