Word Bank - Dallas ISD

3rd Grade
Third Grade Spanish
Distance Learning Program
Teaching a World Language in Third Grade
Program Design/What is Distance Learning?/
Video Viewing Strategies/
Letter to Parents
Certificate of Completion for Students
How to implement the Spanish Program
Spanish Word Wall/Spanish Journal
Heritage Speaker/Spanish Fiesta
Instructions for Assessments
Student Progress Chart: Rubric
Script for Assessment of Unit 1
Unit 1 Assessment
Script for Assessment of Unit 2
Unit 2 Assessment
Overview of Program: Unit 1 and Unit 2
Lessons #1-20
Teaching a World Language in Third Grade
Communication: Communication skills are the primary focus of language.
Studies have shown that the window of opportunity for learning a second
language must take place before the age of ten. (Jacqueline Thomas,
Professor of Languages at Texas A&M, 1996)
Cultures: Students learn about and experience other cultures as an integral
part of studying languages other than English. Children who have studied a world
language develop a sense of cultural pluralism (openness to and appreciation of
other cultures). (Lipton, page 36) Because language acquisition is an
important element in the learning development of the first grade student,
culture plays a vital role. Through art, music, dance, drama, poetry and
literature, second language acquisition can be easily developed. (LOTE, page 46)
A natural result of learning another language is the
comparison of the language being learned with the native language. Children
who have studied a world language show greater cognitive development in
such areas as mental flexibility, creativity, divergent thinking and higher
order thinking skills. (Lipton, page 36)
Connections: Knowledge of other languages and cultures provides the tools
and context for connecting with other subject areas including the arts,
health, social studies, sciences, mathematics and English. Because linguistic
development takes place simultaneously in the early elementary grades,
connections to the learning of basic concepts are readilly acquired. (LOTE,
page 52) It has also been shown that children who have studied a world
language in the elementary school achieve expected gains and even higher
scores on standardized tests in reading, language arts and mathematics.
(Lipton, page 36)
Communities: Learning languages other than English increases opportunities
for participation in communities in Texas, in other states and around the
world. Students use languages to enhance their personal and public lives and
to meet the career demands of the 21st century. (LOTE, page 66)
*(A Texas Framework for Languages Other Than English, Texas
Education Agency, 1997) and (Gladys C. Lipton, Elementary Foreign
Language Programs Fles* An Administrators Handbook. Illinois: NTC,
By the end of the school year, the children will be able to:
• Develop listening and speaking skills to become
proficient in a second language.
• Understand basic vocabulary and Spanish expressions
that are necessary for everyday communication.
• Respond to simple questions and commands.
Students sing songs and play games in Spanish to practice
the language.
• Explore the cultural diversity and similarity within the
Spanish-speaking countries and the United States.
Students compare how Independence Day is celebrated
in the United States and Mexico.
• Use the language to provide the tools and context for
connecting with other subject areas including arts,
health, social studies, sciences, mathematics and English.
The science connection is made when the students learn
the names of the forest animals in Spanish.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of one
language and culture on another.
Students compare how they greet each other in English
to the way they greet each other in Spanish.
• Use the language both within and beyond the school
setting through activities such as participating in cultural
The distance learning teacher visits the classrooms to
provide student exposure to a native language speaker.
Program Design
The program is divided into two units. The first unit is based on learning
more vocabulary and grammar in Spanish while simultaneously having one of
the puppets travel throughout the Spanish-speaking countries of South
America and the other puppets and Srta. García look for a lost pet at home.
The setting for unit 2 is in the rain forests of Central America with science
vocabulary taught in Spanish. Each unit consists of a review and an
assessment. There is also a theme to every lesson with a new verb being
introduced. A cultural lesson based on a Spanish-speaking country is also
included in every lesson.
What is Distance Learning?
• Distance - teacher and student are separated by distance.
• Learning - knowledge is gained through the use of technology.
• Technology bridges the distance - carries the message.
Video Viewing Strategies
In order for this program to be successful, the following procedures are
* Teachers are responsible for previewing and playing the taped lessons.
* Each lesson is to be viewed two times per week.
* It is suggested that one teacher/facilitator from each school be
* Set a time for “Spanish only” and reflect it in your daily schedule.
designated as the coordinator of the program.
* Encourage students to share the Spanish vocabulary with parents.
* Bring in songs, books and community resources.
* Repetition of vocabulary learned is to be used.
* Having fun and a good attitude makes a difference in the learning
performance of the students.
* Administer the assessments.
Third Grade Spanish
Distance Learning Program
Dear Parents:
¡Hola! (Hello!) Your child will be learning this and other Spanish expressions
in special age-appropriate video lessons. Your child’s school is one of the
schools participating in the Nuevos Amigos distance learning Spanish
program. This program was designed especially for third grade students.
Your child will delight in sharing his or her knowledge with you.
Studies have shown that the earlier a second language is introduced the
more successful the acquisition. Please encourage your child to teach you the
new vocabulary words, songs or games which he/she has learned.
I look forward to having your child participate in Nuevos Amigos this year.
Rebecca García
Spanish Distance Learning Teacher
How to Implement Nuevos Amigos
in the Classroom
Before starting the program:
(1) Spanish Word Wall
(2) Spanish Journal
Before viewing the program:
(1) Preview the video.
(2) Read the story to the
(3) Write or glue vocabulary
onto the Spanish Word Wall.
View the video:
After viewing the video:
(1) Show the video to the
class at the beginning of week.
(1) Practice singing songs
(2) Students repeat the
(2) Learning Center:
Drama Center - Sing songs
and have students find words
on the Spanish Word Wall.
Game Center - Play games.
(3) Students sing songs.
View the video again:
(1) Show the video again
during the middle of week.
(2) Students repeat the
(3) Students sing songs.
After viewing the video:
(1) Practice singing songs.
(2) Learning Centers:
Writing Center - Have the
students write in Spanish
Reading Center - Have
students read to a friend.
Spanish Word Wall
1) Select a space to secure the Spanish Word Wall.
2) Leave enough space between letters to glue the vocabulary.
3) Use the uppercase letters.
L Ll M N
R rr S T
Spanish Journal
(1) Students may use a notebook, spiral, folder or stapled paper.
(2) Cover should have name of student and title: “My Spanish Journal.”
Spanish Journal
Heritage Speakers
Students whose native language is Spanish can definitely enhance the
program by providing many assets such as:
Provide assistance in the pronunciation of Spanish words and share their
knowledge of other words that are used in their country of origin.
Example: La pluma for a ballpoint pen in Mexico is also called el bolígrafo
or el boli in Spain and in some of the Spanish-speaking countries.
Also, if speakers of Spanish question the usage or pronunciation of a
word or expression, tell them that they are fortunate to now know two
ways of saying the same thing. Example: The color café for brown is also
called marrón, and the color anaranjado for orange is also known as
Heritage Speakers of languages other than Spanish can also offer
enriching opportunities to talk about their native language, cultural
customs and traditions.
Spanish Fiesta
Take this opportunity to prepare a performance for family and friends.
What a better way to exhibit what the students have learned than to have
them perform the songs! Students may perform on the school stage and
later have refreshments in their classroom to show off their class work.
Here’s an example of an invitation:
¡Bienvenidos a la fiesta de (Name of Class)!
Come and join our fiesta! Watch us sing our songs in Spanish!
Instructions for Assessments for Unit 1 and 2
As students acquire a second language, assessment and evaluation serve as
an important tool in maintaining students’ enthusiasm for language learning.
Oral Language Assessment – The goal of the Spanish program is to develop
oral language communications skills in a second language. Therefore, the
different manners to test the various levels of language learning can
incorporate the informal and formal types of assessments.
Types of Assessment: Informal and Formal Assessments
Informal Assessments – These exams can be spontaneous and may be
administered without reflecting a score result. It may be as simple as taking
note as to how two students are using the newly acquired Spanish vocabulary
or looking at the drawings and writings in a student’s Spanish Journal.
Formal Language Assessments – It is necessary to give formal assessments,
but they are not to be given as to create anxiety in the students. Create an
atmosphere in which the students see formal testing as something between
you and them. Use this assessment as a tool for helping the learner.
Formal Assessments – Use the Unit I and Unit 2 Assessments to measure
the basic vocabulary after viewing the lessons within each unit.
Assessment Strategies:
* Group Assessment – Observe and monitor activity while the group is
performing a song, poem or game.
* Porfolio Assessment - Create portfolios of written work and projects, and
you may even take pictures of the Group Assessment. Observe and monitor
activity while the group is performing a song, poem or game.
* Peer Assessment – Many of the activities are designed for pair and group
work. By playing games together and singing songs, students can practice
the language with each other. Use the Rubric for Holistic Assessment and
Vocabulary Chart to record students’ responses.
Student Progress Chart
Check the appropriate box under each relevant item. There is space
available for comments and an example of comments is given.
Student’s Name ________________________
1. Listens but does not respond orally.
Comment: ______________________________________
2. Listens and repeats.
Comment: ______________________________________
3. Sings along with videotape.
Comment: ______________________________________
4. Sings along with the class.
Comment: ______________________________________
5. Responds to commands appropriately.
Comment: ______________________________________
6. Answers non-personal questions.
Comment: ______________________________________
7. Answers personal questions.
Comment: ______________________________________
8. Participates in classroom activities.
Comment: ______________________________________
9. Is willing or volunteers to speak Spanish.
Comment: ______________________________________
10. Writes and draws in Spanish journal.
Comment: ______________________________________
Script for Administering Unit 1
Third Grade Pre-Test
Unit 1 Pre-Test covers lessons 1-10
Materials to gather:
• One assessment per student
• One pencil per student
Question #1: Spanish All Around Us
Teacher: ¡Hola, amigos! It’s time to find out what you know in Spanish. I
will read a sentence in Spanish three times for you. You are to select the
verb used in the infinitive form found in the sentence. Remember that an
infinitive verb is a verb that has not been conjugated in Spanish. Its endings
are –ar, -er and –ir. An example of an –ar verb is bailar, an –er verb is
comer and –ir verb is vivir. Listen first, then circle, and then check your
Yo visito la panadería. Yo visito la panadería. Yo visito la panadería.
Circle the correct verb used in the infinitive form; this is the verb that has
not been conjugated.
Question #2: Latino Communities Around the World
Teacher: Now I will read a sentence for you, and you are to circle the noun
with its definite article found in the sentence. Please listen to the word I
will say. Circle the word that is missing and completes the sentence
correctly. Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
La Estatua de Libertad representa____________.
La Estatua de Libertad representa ____________.
La Estatua de Libertad representa ____________.
Circle the correct noun with its definite article that will complete the
la libertad
la luna
la lluvia
Question #3: The Mercados of Mexico City
Teacher: I will read the sentence. You are to circle the verb used in the
infinitive form just as you did in question #1. Listen first, then circle, and
then check your answer.
Yo regateo por los muebles del mercado.
Yo regateo por los muebles del mercado.
Yo regateo por los muebles del mercado.
Circle the correct verb used in the infinitive form; this is the verb that has
not been conjugated.
Question #4: Ancient Mexico City
Teacher: Next, I will read another sentence. You are to circle the noun
found in the sentence just like you did in question #2. Find the noun that
best fits in the sentence. Listen first, then circle, and then check your
Los aztecas construyeron __________.
Los aztecas construyeron __________.
Los aztecas construyeron __________.
Circle the correct noun with its definite article found in the sentence.
la pirámide
la calle
el palacio
Question #5: Ancient Mayan Culture
Teacher: Let’s continue and listen to the following sentence I will read to
you. You are to circle the correct verb that is found in the sentence.
Nosotros vemos la luna por la noche.
Nosotros vemos la luna por la noche.
Nosotros vemos la luna por la noche.
Circle the correct verb used in the infinitive form; this is the verb that has
not been conjugated.
Question #6: Ancient Incan Culture
Teacher: I will read another sentence and just like before you are to circle
the correct noun with its definite article that makes the sentence correct.
___________ corre por el puente.
___________ corre por el puente.
___________ corre por el puente.
Circle the correct noun with its definite article found in the sentence.
el ejército
el español
el eclipse
Question #7: The Conquistadores
Teacher: You are to compose a sentence by filling in the blank with the
appropriate verb in its conjugated form.
Los conquistadores __________________ el Nuevo Mundo.
Los conquistadores __________________ el Nuevo Mundo.
Los conquistadores __________________ el Nuevo Mundo.
Circle the correct verb used in its conjugated form.
Question #8: Modern Costa Rica
Teacher: You are to compose a sentence by filling in the blank with the
appropriate verb in its conjugated form.
José __________ a Costa Rica.
José __________ a Costa Rica.
José __________ a Costa Rica.
Circle the correct verb used in its conjugated form.
Question #9: Modern Panama
Teacher: I will read another sentence and just like before you are to circle
the correct noun with its definite article that makes the sentence correct.
María baila con __________________ del carnaval.
María baila con __________________ del carnaval.
María baila con __________________ del carnaval.
Circle the correct noun with its definite article found in the sentence.
La prenda
el disfraz
el vestido
Unit 1 Pre-Test
Answer Key
Answers: Questions 1-9
1. visitar
2. la libertad
3. regatear
4. la pirámide
5. ver
6. el ejército
7. exploran
8. viaja
9. el disfraz
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 1 Pre-Test
Question #1: Spanish All Around Us
Yo visito la panadería.
Question #2: Latino Communities Around the World
La Estatua de Libertad
la libertad
la luna
la lluvia
Question #3: The Mercados of Mexico City
Yo regateo por los
muebles del mercado.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 1 Pre-Test
Question #4: Ancient Mexico City
Los aztecas construyeron _______.
la pirámide
la calle
el palacio
Question #5: Ancient Mayan Culture
Nosotros vemos la
luna por la noche.
Question #6: Ancient Incan Culture
___________ corre
por el puente.
el ejército
el español
el eclipse
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 1 Pre-Test
Question #7: The Conquistadores
Los conquistadores
_____________ el Nuevo Mundo.
Question #8: Modern Costa Rica
José __________ a
Costa Rica.
Question #9: Modern Panama
María baila con
_________ del carnaval.
La prenda
el disfraz
el vestido
Script for Administering Unit 2
Third Grade Pre-Test
Unit 2 Pre-Test covers lessons 11-20
Materials to gather:
• One assessment per student
• One pencil per student
Question #1: Modern Argentina
Teacher: ¡Hola, amigos! It’s time to find out what you know in Spanish. I
will read a sentence in Spanish three times for you. You are to select the
verb used in the conjugated form found in the sentence. Remember that a
conjugated verb has certain endings that go along with a personal pronoun.
Listen first, then circle, and then check your answer.
La pareja _______ el tango.
La pareja _______ el tango.
La pareja _______ el tango.
Circle the correct verb in its conjugated form.
Question #2: Venezuela
Teacher: Now I will read a sentence for you, and you are to circle the
adjective that defines a noun. Remember that adjectives in Spanish are
found after the noun. Please listen to the word I will say. Circle the word
that is missing and completes the sentence correctly.
El conjunto toca la música ____________.
El conjunto toca la música ____________.
El conjunto toca la música ____________.
Circle the correct adjective that will complete the sentence.
Question #3: Colombia
Teacher: I will read the sentence. You are to circle the verb in its
conjugated form just as you did in question #1. Listen first, then circle, and
then check your answer.
Los colombianos _______________ la fiesta.
Los colombianos _______________ la fiesta.
Los colombianos _______________ la fiesta.
Circle the correct verb used in the infinitive form, verb without being
Question #4 Bolivia
Teacher: Next, I will read another sentence. You are to fill in the blank
with the missing noun that is a synonym. Synonyms are two words that mean
the same.
Find the synonym for la ropa.
____________ es otra palabra para la ropa.
____________ es otra palabra para la ropa.
____________ es otra palabra para la ropa.
Circle the correct noun with its definite article found in the sentence.
la prenda
la moda
la ceremonia
Question #5: Cuba
Teacher: Let’s continue and listen to the following sentence I will read to
you. You are to circle the correct noun that fits best in the sentence.
El poeta, José Martí, enseña la importancia de ____________.
El poeta, José Martí, enseña la importancia de ____________.
El poeta, José Martí, enseña la importancia de ____________.
Circle the correct noun that best fits in the sentence.
la amistad
las amigas
la amiga
Question #6: Puerto Rico
Teacher: I will read another sentence and just like before you are to circle
the correct verb conjugated in its correct conjugated form.
La ley __________ a la gente de Puerto Rico.
La ley __________ a la gente de Puerto Rico.
La ley __________ a la gente de Puerto Rico.
Circle the verb conjugated in its correct form.
Question #7: The Dominican Republic
Teacher: Now that you have listened to five sentences. You are to compose
a sentence by filling in the blank with the appropriate noun and the definite
El deporte más popular es ______________ en la República Dominicana.
El deporte más popular es ______________ en la República Dominicana.
El deporte más popular es ______________ en la República Dominicana.
Circle the appropriate noun and the definite article.
el basquetbol
el fútbol
el béisbol
Question #8: Spain
Teacher: I will read another sentence and just like before you are to circle
the correct verb conjugated in its correct conjugated form.
El gitano ___________ la canción para la guitarra.
El gitano ___________ la canción para la guitarra.
El gitano ___________ la canción para la guitarra.
Circle the verb conjugated in its correct form.
Question #9: Spanish at Work
Teacher: Let’s continue and listen to the following question that I will read.
You are to answer what language you would speak if you did business with
¿Qué lengua hablas tú?
Circle the language that you would speak if you did business with someone.
el inglés
el español
el francés
Unit 2 Pre-Test
Answer Key
Answers: Questions 1-9
1. baila
2. popular
3. celebran
4. la prenda
5. la amistad
6. proteje
7. el béisbol
8. escribe
9. answers will vary
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 2 Pre-Test
Question #1: Modern Argentina
La pareja _______ el tango.
Question #2: Venezuela
El conjunto toca la
música ____________.
Question #3: Colombia
Los colombianos
____________ la fiesta.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 2 Pre-Test
Question #4: Bolivia
____________ es otra
palabra para la ropa.
la prenda
la moda
la ceremonia
Question #5: Cuba
El poeta, José Martí,
enseña la importancia
de ____________.
la amistad
las amigas
la amiga
Question #6: Puerto Rico
La ley __________ a
la gente de Puerto
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Unit 2 Pre-Test
Question #7: The Dominican Republic
El deporte más popular es
______________ en la República
el basquetbol
el fútbol
el béisbol
Question #8: Spain
El gitano ___________
la canción para la
Question #9: Spanish at Work
¿Qué lengua hablas tú?
el inglés
el español
el francés
Third Grade Spanish
Distance Learning Program
Unit 1
1 – Spanish All Around Us
2 – Latino Communities in the U.S.A.
3 – The Mercados of Mexico City
4 – Ancient Mexico City
5 – Ancient Mayan Culture
6 – Ancient Incan Culture
7 – The Conquistadors
8 – Modern Costa Rica
9 – Modern Panama
10 – Unit Review
Unit 2
Modern Argentina
Puerto Rico
The Dominican Republic – La República Dominicana
Spanish at Work
Unit Review
Lesson 1: Spanish All Around Us
Objective: Students learn how the latino culture influences Dallas.
TEKS: Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B, C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.1A,B; 3.2B; 3.6A; 3.8A,D; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Before viewing the first lesson, have the students make a Spanish Journal.
Students should use their Spanish Journals only for Spanish and at all times
as they progress through the lessons.
Develop a Spanish Word Wall in your classroom where the vocabulary words
of each lesson can be placed. These words can be written in both English
and Spanish, if desired.
Viewing the lessons in class
As students watch the video lessons, they should write the verb of the day
and its conjugation, the vocabulary words, and the student composition in
their Spanish Journals. (If they miss some words they can write them after
viewing the video during the review activities.)
Verb/ Verbo: visitar – to visit
yo visito – I visit
tú visitas – you visit
él/ella visita – he/she visits
Usted visita – you visit (formal)
nosotros/as visitamos – we visit
Ustedes/ellos/ellas visitan – you all/they visit
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el negocio – business
la comunidad – community
el restaurante – restaurant
la tienda de novias – bridal shop
la taquería – taco stand
el salón de belleza – beauty shop
la panadería – bakery
la frutería – fruit stand
el mercado – market
bailar – to dance
la música - music
Proverb / “Dicho”: La mejor medicina es la buena comida –
The best medicine is good food.
(Compare to: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.)
Poem / Poema:
“El hambre de la quinceañera”
En mis quince pasé
de niña a mujer.
¡El hambre que me dio
al ver la iglesia del Señor!
Desfile hacia el altar
con nervios y de más.
La misa se acabó
y la fiesta comenzó.
El vals ya lo bailé
y me comí todo el pastel.
Por fin el hambre se me quitó
pues ahora ya pasé
de ser niña a mujer.
“The Hunger of a Fifteen Year Old Girl”
As I turn fifteen and become a woman,
I became hungry
as I was in the church.
In a line we from in the altar,
with nerves and more.
The mass ended,
and the party began.
I danced the waltz
and ate the cake.
At last, my hunger was quenched.
Now, I changed from a girl to a woman.
This is a poem of how a quinceañera feels during and after her ceremony.
She is nervous and hungry at church and throughout the party, but when
it is all over, she knows that she has become a woman and her apetito is
Student Compostition / Composición Estudiantil
Imagine that you have just returned from a friend’s quinceañera
celebration. Describe what it was like (the ceremony and the party). How
did people dress? What kind of food was served? What kind of music was
After watching the video lesson for the first time:
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time:
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : index cards, markers
• Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
• Instructions:
A) Give each group enough index cards to write each
vocabulary word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
B) In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary
words among themselves and copy the words on one side of
the index cards. The other side of the card should be left
blank. Each word should be written twice to make pairs.
The result will be 11-14 pairs of Spanish words on index
cards for each group.
C) The game is played by placing the words facing down so
that they are not visible, and mixing them on top of a flat
surface. Group member will take turns to find pairs. Once
this is done they get to keep each pair they find. The
student with the most pairs wins.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2
Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
1. In groups, students will plan to open a restaurant. Have them write a
menu in Spanish. (This could be an on-going Spanish literacy center.
Take-out menus from local restaurants can be added to the center for
variation. )
2. Instruct the students to copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with
the food from their menus. Pretend to be at a restaurant and use the
sentences to create a dialog.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
visitar – to visit
yo visito – I visit
tú visitas – you visit
él/ella visita – he/she visits
Usted visita – you visit (formal)
nosotros/as visitamos – we visit
Ustedes/ellos/ellas visitan – you all/they visit
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
el negocio – business
la comunidad – community
el restaurante – restaurant
la tienda de novias – bridal shop
la taquería – taco stand
el salón de belleza – beauty shop
la panadería – bakery
la frutería – fruit stand
el mercado – market
bailar – to dance
la música - music
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
La mejor medicina es la buena comida.
The best medicine is good food.
(Compare to: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.)
Student Compostition / Composición Estudiantil
Imagine that you have just returned from a friend’s
quinceañera celebration. Describe what it was like: the
ceremony and the party. How did people dress? What
kind of food was served? What kind of music was
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb VISITAR
1. Nosotros _________________ la tienda de novias.
2. Tú _________________ el mercado.
3. Usted _______________ la taquería.
4. Yo _________________ la frutería.
5. Ella ________________ el negocio.
6. Ustedes _______________ la panadería.
Word bank:
visitamos visitan
Extension Activity 2- Transparency
Copy the dialogue in Spanish and practice it with a
friend. Use the menu that you created to fill in the
blank for the food. Act out the dialogue pretending
that you are at a restaurant.
Waiter: Hola, aquí está el menú. (Hello, here is
the menu.)
Client: Gracias. (Thank you.)
Waiter: ¿Quiéres ordernar? (Do you want to order?)
Client: Sí, ¿tienes ___________? (Yes, do you have __?)
Waiter: Sí. (Yes.)
Client: Yo quiero eso. (That is what I want.)
Waiter: Bueno, gracias. (Good, thank you.)
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 1: Spanish All Around Us
el negocio- business
visitar – to visit
la comunidad- community
la tienda de novias- bridal store
el salón de belleza–beauty shop
el restaurante- restaurant
la taquería- taco stand
la panadaría- bakery
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 1: Spanish All Around Us
la frutería- fruit stand
bailar- to dance
La mejor
medicina es la
buena comida.
el mercado- market
la música- music
The best medicine is
good food.
(An apple a day keeps the
doctor away.)
Lesson 2: Latino Communities in the U.S.A.
Objective: Students learn about the history and culture of Latino
communities in the U.S.A.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.1A,B; 3.2B; 3.6A; 3.8A,D; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: mudarse – to move
yo me mudo – I move
tú te mudas – you move
él/ella se muda – he/she moves
Usted se muda – you move (formal)
nosotros/as nos mudamos – we move
Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudan – you all/they move
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la inmigración - immigration
la libertad - liberty
la revolución - revolution
el dictador - dictator
la canción – song
el cantante – singer
la orquesta - orchestra
la banda - band
el cementerio - cemetery
muerto - dead
la celebración - celebration
Proverb / “Dicho”: Cada quien construye su propio destino. –
Each person builds his own destiny.
Poem / Poema:
“Estatua de la libertad”
La antorcha se encendió
hace cientos de años.
Le han visto al llegar
barcos llenos de inmigrantes.
Aveces se apaga
pero a gritos le aclaman
“que se encienda la llama”
para que alumbre el camino
a los nuevos aventureros,
y para que el cielo
proteja la Libertad.
“Statue of Liberty”
The torch has burned
for over a hundred years.
Immigrants watch her as they arrive on boats.
Sometimes her torch is not lit,
But people yell, “Turn on her torch,
so she can light the road for new adventurers,
and so that the sky will protect Liberty!”
This poem reflects the feeling of many Americans. As we know, the United
States is a country formed by immigrants looking for a better opportunity
than what they had in their native countries. The flame of the Statue of
Liberty in New York represents, in this poem, the hope of liberty and
freedom that immigrants want to find in this country.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil- Imagine that you have just
moved to an Hispanic barrio. Write a letter to a friend describing your new
community. What kinds of stores are there? What kinds of restaurants?
What kind of music do you hear?
After watching the video lesson for the first time:
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1-Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time:
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : index cards, markers
• Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
• Instructions:
A) Give each group enough index cards to write each
vocabulary word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
B) In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary
words among themselves and copy the words on one side of
the index cards. The other side of the card should be left
blank. Each word should be written twice to make pairs.
The result will be 11-14 pairs of Spanish words on index
cards for each group.
C) The game is played by placing the words facing down so
that they are not visible and mixing them on top of a flat
surface. Group members will take turns to find pairs. Once
this is done they get to keep each pair they find. The
student with the most pairs wins.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2
Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
a. Students write a list of questions to use to interview an
b. Students interview an immigrant and record his/her answers.
This could be a homework assignment and shared with the class.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: mudarse – to move
yo me mudo – I move
tú te mudas – you move
él/ella se muda – he/she moves
Usted se muda – you move (formal)
nosotros/as nos mudamos – we move
Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudan – you all/
they move
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la inmigración - immigration
la libertad - liberty
la revolución - revolution
el dictador - dictator
la canción – song
el cantante – singer
la orquesta - orchestra
la banda - band
el cementerio - cemetery
muerto - dead
la celebración – celebration
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Cada quien construye su propio destino.
Each person builds (creates) his own destiny.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil Imagine that you have just moved to an Hispanic barrio.
Write a letter to a friend describing your new
community. What kinds of stores are there? What kinds
of restaurants? What kind of music do you hear?
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb MUDARSE
1. Tú __________________ a California.
2. Usted _____________ a otra casa.
3. Él ___________ de su casa.
4. Nosotros _____________ a tu casa.
5. Yo _______________ con ustedes.
6. Ustedes ______________ conmigo.
Word bank:
me mudo
nos mudamos
te mudas
se muda
se mudan
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 2: Little Mexico
la inmigración- immigration
mudarse – to move
la libertad - liberty
la revolución- revolution
el dictator- dictator
la canción- song
el cantante- singer
la orquesta- orquestra
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 2: Little Mexico
la banda- band
el cementerio - cemetery
muerto - dead
la celebración- celebration
Cada quien
construye su
Each person builds his
own destiny
Lesson 3: The Mercados of Mexico City
Objective: Students learn about modern markets of Mexico City.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.6A,D; 3.6A; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: regatear – to bargain
yo regateo – I bargain
tú regateas – You bargain
él/ella regatea – he/she bargains
Usted regatea – you bargain (formal)
nosotros/as regateamos – we bargain
Ustedes/ellos/ellas regatean – you all/they bargain
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
los centros naturistas – herbal shops
la hierba - herb
el propietero- proprietor/owner
el puesto - stall
la cerámica - pottery
el nopal -cactus leaf
la naranja - orange
el tomate - tomato
el ave - poultry
la manzanilla- chamomile
los muebles - furniture
la manta - blanket
la canasta - basket
la olla - pot
los huaraches - mexican sandals
el sombrero - hat
Proverb / Dicho: Saca lo tuyo al mercado: uno dirá “bueno” y otro dirá
“malo”. –
Take what is yours to the market: one will say “good” and another will say
“bad”. (Compare to : Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.)
Poem / Poema:
El regateo
Deme usted diez pesos
y le doy yo los huaraches.
Déjemelos a cinco
y me llevo yo dos pares.
Dos pares por quince
es buena compra, no le miento.
Dos pares por quince
y un sombrero de pilón.
“The Bargain”
Give me ten “pesos,”
And I’ll give you some sandals.
Give them to me for five,
And I’ll give you two pairs.
Two pairs for fifteen is a good buy,
I’m not lying.
Two pairs for fifteen and add a hat.
This poem titled “The Bargain” describes how the vendor and the costumer
deal with each other.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil: Imagine that you are
visiting a market in Mexico City. Describe the market using your five senses.
What does it look like? What are some of the smells? Is it loud or quiet?
What do you hear? Did you eat some food? What did it taste like? How did
you feel to be there?
After watching the video lesson for the first time:
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time:
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
a. Materials : index cards, markers
b. Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
c. Instructions:
A) Give each group enough index cards to write each
vocabulary word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
B) In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary
words among themselves and copy the words on one side of
the index cards. The other side of the card should be left
blank. Each word should be written twice to make pairs.
The result will be 11-14 pairs of Spanish words on index
cards for each group.
C) The game is played by placing the words facing down so
that they are not visible and mixing them on top of a flat
surface. Group members will take turns to find pairs. Once
this is done they get to keep each pair they find. The
student with the most pairs wins.
2, Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals
and fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb conjugation. (Day
2 Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
a. Instruct students to copy the poem which is a dialogue between two
people. Make sure that they color code or label the sentences as
they assign them for each person. (Extension- Transparency)
b. Have students practice in pairs the poem as a dialogue.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: regatear – to bargain
yo regateo – I bargain
tú regateas – You bargain
él/ella regatea – he/she bargains
Usted regatea – you bargain (formal)
nosotros/as regateamos – we bargain
Ustedes/ellos/ellas regatean – you all/
they bargain
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
los centros naturistas – herbal shops
la hierba - herb
el propietero- proprietor/owner
el puesto - stall
la cerámica - pottery
el nopal -cactus leaf
la naranja - orange
el tomate - tomato
el ave - poultry
la manzanilla- chamomile
los muebles - furniture
la manta - blanket
la canasta - basket
la olla - pot
los huaraches - mexican sandals
el sombrero – hat
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / “Dicho”:
Saca lo tuyo al mercado: uno dirá “bueno” y otro dirá
Take what is yours to the market: one will say “good” and
another will say “bad”.
(Compare to: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.)
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are visiting a market in Mexico City.
Describe the market using your five senses. What does
it look like? What are some of the smells? What do you
hear? Did you eat any food? What did it taste like?
Describe how you felt at the market. Use some of the
Spanish vocabulary words in your writing.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb REGATEAR
1. Yo _____________ en el puesto.
2. Nosotros _____________ por la canasta.
3. Tú _____________ con ella.
4. Usted ______________ conmigo.
5. Ella _____________ por los muebles.
6. Ustedes _______________ con el propietario.
Word bank:
Extensión- Transparency
Practice this poem as a dialogue with a friend.
El regateo
Déme usted diez pesos
y le doy yo los huaraches.
Déjemelos a cinco
y me llevo yo dos pares.
Dos pares por quince
es buena compra, no le miento.
Dos pares por quince
y un sombrero de pilón.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 3: The Mercados of Mexico City
regatear – to bargain
centros naturistas herbal shops
la hierba - herb
el propietero - proprietor/
el puesto - stall
la cerámica - pottery
el nopal - cactus leaf
la naranja- orange
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 3: The Mercados of Mexico City
el tomate - tomato
el ave - poultry
la manzanilla - chamomile
la manta - blanket
la olla - pot
los muebles - furniture
la canasta- basket
los huaraches - mexican sandals
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 3: The Mercados of Mexico City
el sombrero - hat
Saca lo tuyo al
mercado: uno dirá
“bueno” y otro dirá
Take what is yours to the
market: one will say
“good” and another will
say “bad”.
(Beauty is in the eyes of
the beholder.)
Lesson 4: Ancient Mexico City
Objective: Students learn about the history and culture of ancient Mexico
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.2A,B; 3.3A; 3.5A,C; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb/verbo: construir – to build
yo construyo – I build
tú construyes - you build
él/ella construye – he/she builds
Usted construye – you build (formal)
nosotros/as construimos – we build
Ustedes/ellos/ellas construyen – you all/they build
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
antiguo - ancient
el valle - valley
la pirámide - pyramid
el palacio - palace
el templo - temple
la calle - street
el canal - canal
la isla - island
el lago - lake
el guerrero - warrior
el águila - eagle
el jaguar - jaguar
el oro - gold
la tierra - Earth / dirt
la pelota - ball
la cancha - ball court
Proverb / “Dicho”: La pelota está aún en el tejado. –
The ball is still on the roof. The game is not over yet.
Poem / Poema:
¿Acaso en verdad se vive en la tierra?
No para siempre en la tierra,
Solamente un poco aquí.
Aunque sea jade, se rompe
Aunque sea oro, se hiende.
Y el plumaje de quetzal se quiebra.
No para siempre en la tierra,
Solamente un poco aquí.
Escrito por el Rey Nezahualcoyotl de Texcoco
Perhaps you Really Live on Earth?
Not forever on Earth,
Only here for a little while.
Although it be jade, it breaks.
Although it be gold, it melts.
And the feathers of the quetzal break.
Not forever on Earth,
Only here for a little while.
By King Nezahualcoyotl of Texcoco
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil – Create a Venn Diagram
comparing ulama to modern basketball.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word.
If it is played as a whole class activity, then the person who
guesses the word correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
• Book ____________________________
1. Class reading of ___________________________ aztec legend.
2. Class discussion of legend.
3. Instruct students to draw and write a paragraph of the main idea of
the story.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb/verbo: construir – to build
yo construyo – I build
tú construyes - you build
él/ella construye – he/she builds
Usted construye – you build (formal)
nosotros/as construimos – we build
Ustedes/ellos/ellas construyen – you all /
they build
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
antiguo - ancient
el valle - valley
la pirámide - pyramid
el palacio - palace
el templo - temple
la calle - street
el canal - canal
la isla - island
el lago - lake
el guerrero - warrior
el águila - eagle
el jaguar - jaguar
el oro - gold
la tierra - Earth / dirt
la pelota - ball
la cancha - ball court
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
La pelota está aún en el tejado.
Literal Translation: The ball is still on the roof.
Meaning: The game is not over yet.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil
Create a Venn Diagram comparing ulama to modern
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb CONSTRUIR.
*Notice the words “un” and “una” which mean “a, an.”
In Spanish “un” and “una” are gender specific. “Un is
for a masculine noun and “una” is for a feminine noun;
just like “el” and “la.”
1. Ustedes ______________ una piramide.
2. El _____________ un templo.
3. Nosotros ____________ un palacio.
4. Yo ___________ un canal.
5. Usted ____________ una calle.
6. Tú _____________ una cancha.
Word Bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 4: Ancient Mexico City
construir – to build
antiguo- ancient
el valle- valley
la pirámide- pyramid
el palacio- palace
el templo- temple
la calle- street
el canal- canal
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 4: Ancient Mexico City
el lago- lake
la isla- island
el águila- eagle
el guerrerowarrior
el jaguar- jaguar
la tierra- earth/ dirt
el oro - gold
la pelota- ball
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 4: Ancient Mexico City
la cancha- ball court
La pelota está
aún en el
The ball is still on the roof.
The game is not over yet.
Lesson 5: Ancient Mayan Culture
Objective: Students learn about the history & culture of the Ancient Maya.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3,2A,B; 3.3A; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / verbo: ver- to see
yo veo – I see
tú ves – you see
él/ella ve – he/she sees
Usted ve – you see (formal)
nosotros/as vemos – we see
Ustedes/ellos/ellas ven – you all/they see
Vocabulary / vocabulario:
el observatorio - observatory
el sistema solar - solar system
la constelación - constellation
el planeta - planet
el eclipse - eclipse
la estrella- star
la luna - moon
Venus - Venus
la montaña - mountain
el pántano – swamp
la selva - jungle
el chile - hot pepper
el maíz/ el elote - corn
Proverb / Dicho: Si ves las estrellas brillar, sal marinero a la mar. If you see the stars shine, the sailor will head off to sea.
Poem/ Poema:
“Jaguar del tiempo”
Paso el jaguar por nuestra Tierra,
las montañas le saludaron
y los pantanos le dieron agua.
Llegamos los humanos
a verle caminar por la selva Maya.
Le ofrecimos maíz y chile
pero solo quiso comer carne.
Le tuvimos miedo y el jaguar
se hecho a correr
y desapareció con el sonido
de los truenos.
Ahora vemos sus huellas
en la constelación, y nos guía
con las estrellas.
En las cuatro esquinas del mundo,
norte, sur, este y oeste
alumbra la luna llena
cuando en ella se acurruca el jaguar.
“Jaguar of Time”
The jaguar passed through our Earth,
the mountains greeted him
and the swamps gave him water.
We, the humans, got to see him
walk through the Mayan jungle.
We offered him corn and chile pepper
but he only wanted to eat meat.
We got scared of him
he began to run
and he disappeared
with the sound of thunder.
Now we see his footprints
in the constellation, and he guides us
with the Stars.
In the four corners of the world,
north, south, east and west
the full moon shines
when the jaguar warmly sleeps in it.
Composición Estudiantil- Planning a Mayan Meal.
Imagine that you are cooking a meal for a Mayan King. Brainstorm a list of
foods that you might serve. Use as much Spanish as you can.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word
in their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish
flash cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
• Jaguar mask model: Use Extension Transparency to make a class
1. Class reading of poem Jaguar del Tiempo and the translation Jaguar
of Time.
2. Class discussion of poem.
3. Instruct students to use the Jaguar mask model to trace, color and
cut their own masks.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / verbo: ver- to see
yo veo – I see
tú ves – you see
él/ella ve – he/she sees
Usted ve – you see (formal)
nosotros/as vemos – we see
Ustedes/ellos/ellas ven – you all/they see
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / vocabulario:
el observatorio- observatory
el sistema solar- solar system
la constelación- constellation
el planeta- planet
el eclipse- eclipse
la estrella- star
la luna- moon
Venus- Venus
la montaña- mountain
el pántano – swamp
la selva- jungle
el chile- hot pepper
el maiz/ el elote- corn
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4
Proverb / Dicho:
Si ves las estrellas brillar, sal marinero a la mar.
Translation: If you see the stars shine, the sailor will
head off to sea.
Composición EstudiantilImagine that you are cooking a meal for a Mayan king.
Brainstorm a list of foods that you might serve. Use the
Spanish vocabulary words you have learned.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the conjugated forms of the
verb -VER.
1. Yo ______________ el pántano.
2. Usted _____________ el pántano de la selva.
3. Ustedes ______________ las estrellas.
4. Nosotros _________________ las estrellas en el
5. Tú _____________ la constelación.
6. Ella _____________ la constelación y el planeta
Word Bank:
Extensión- Transparency
Poema: Jaguar del tiempo
Paso el jaguar por nuestra Tierra,
las montañas le saludaron
y los pantanos le dieron agua.
Llegamos los humanos
a verle caminar por la selva Maya.
Le ofrecimos maíz y chile
pero solo quiso comer carne.
Le tuvimos miedo y el jaguar
se hecho a correr
y desapareció con el sonido
de los truenos.
Translation: Jaguar of Time
The jaguar passed through our Earth,
the mountains greeted him
and the swamps gave him water.
We, the humans, got to see him
walk through the Mayan jungle.
We offered him corn and chile pepper
but he only wanted to eat meat.
We got scared of him
he began to run
and he desapeared
with the sound of thunder.
Ahora vemos sus huellas
en la constelación, y nos guía
con las estrellas.
En las cuatro esquinas del mundo,
norte, sur, este y oeste
alumbra la luna llena
cuando en ella se acurruca el jaguar.
Now we see his foot-prints
in the constellation, and he guides us
with the Stars.
In the four corners of the world,
north, south, east and west
the full moon shines
when the jaguar warmly sleeps in it.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 5: Ancient Mayan Culture
ver- to see
el observatorioobservatory
el sistema solarthe solar system
la constelaciónconstellation
el planeta- planet
el eclipse- eclipse
la estrella- star
la luna- moon
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 5: Ancient Mayan Culture
la montaña- montain
Venus- Venus
el pántano – swamp
el chile- chile pepper
Si ves las estrellas
brillar, sal marinero
a la mar.
la selva- jungle
el maíz/ el elote- corn
If you see the stars shine, the
sailor will head off to sea.
Lesson 6: Ancient Incan Culture
Objective: Students learn about the history & culture of the Ancient Inca.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A, B
3.2A,B; 3.3A; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: correr- to run
yo corro – I run
tú cores – you run
él/ella corre – he/she runs
Usted corre – you run (formal)
nosotros/as corremos – we run
Ustedes/ellos/ellas corren – you all/they run
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el emperador- emperor
la tribu- tribe
la carretera – highway
el ejército – army
el imperio - empire
la plata- silver
el cobre - copper
el bronce- bronze
el metal- metal
la altitud – altitude
alta- high
el puente – bridge
las escaleras- stairs/ steps
Proverb / Dicho: No todo que brilla es oro. All that glitters is not gold
Poem / Poema:
Oro no es
It is not gold
Plata no es
It is not silver
Mira lo que tienes
Look what you have
y adivina lo que es.
And guess what it is.
Answer: In the second line ”Plata no es” sounds like “plátano es” (It is a
Student Composition/Composición Estudiantil Write a descriptive passage based on traveling along the great Incan
Highway. Imagine that you are a chasqui runner taking an important
message to the King. Write a brief description of the road you travel on.
Use as much Spanish as you can.
After watching the video lesson for the first time:
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word in
their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish flash
cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time:
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
• Materials: (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency) and 2 fly
• Instructions:
A) Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides, next to
the projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
B) Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it in Spanish on the wall. The first one to find the
Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter. The
rule is that no swatters may be raised until the player
thinks he or she has found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
• Materials: Access to computer lab with Internet.
1. Instruct students to search the Internet to research information on
the Incas and their culture. Students print images of only one aspect
of the Incas.
2. Instruct students to write a paragraph stating the reasons for their
interest in their chosen aspects.
3. Share the students’ writings and gathered images.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: correr- to run
yo corro – I run
tú corres – you run
él/ella corre – he/she runs
Usted corre – you run (formal)
nosotros/as corremos – we run
Ustedes/ellos/ellas corren – you all/they run
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el emperador- emperor
la tribu- tribe
la carretera – highway
el ejército – army
el imperio - empire
la plata- silver
el cobre - copper
el bronce- bronze
el metal- metal
la altitud – altitude
alta- high
el puente – bridge
las escaleras- stairs/ steps
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
No todo que brilla es oro.
Translation- All that glitters is not gold
Student Composition/Composición Estudiantil – Write a
descriptive passage based on traveling along the great
Incan Highway. Imagine that you are a chasqui runner
taking an important message to the King. Write a brief
description of the road you are traveling on. Use as much
Spanish as you can.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks with the conjugated forms of the verb
CORRER – to run.
1. Tú ______________ con la carreta.
2. Él _____________ con la carreta hacia el imperio.
3. Yo ___________ a ver el emperador.
4. ¿Usted __________ a ver el emperador?
5. Nosotros ___________ rápido (fast) como el
6. Ustedes ___________ corren rápido como el
ejercito también (too).
Word Bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 6: Ancient Incan Culture
el emperador- emperor
correr- to run
la tribu- tribe
el ejército – army
la plata- silver
la carretera – highway
el imperio - empire
el cobre - copper
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 6: Ancient Incan Culture
el metal- metal
el bronce- bronze
la altitud – altitude
alta- high
el puente – bridge
No todo que
brilla es oro.
las escaleras- stairs/ steps
All that glitters is not gold.
Lesson 7: The Conquistadors
Objective: Students learn about the history of some of the conquistadors
of the Western Hemisphere.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A, B, C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.3A; 3.13A; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: explorar- to explore
yo exploro – I explore
tú exploras – you explore
él/ella explora – he/she explores
Usted explora – you explore (formal)
nosotros/as exploramos – we explore
Ustedes/ellos/ellas exploran – you all/they explore
Vocabulary / Vocabulary:
el indígena - indigenous or native
el lenguaje - language
castellano - Spanish
el traductor - translator
la colonia - colony
la conquista - conquest
la expedición - expedition
la arquitectura - architecture
Proverb / Dicho: El que quiera conquistar tiene que luchar.
He who wants to conquer must fight.
Poem / Poema:
No somos indios,
somos nativos.
Los indios en India están.
Si no nos conoces
ponte a estudiar,
nos has de encontrar.
Nuestras raíces indígenas
aún mantenemos,
aztecas, incas, taínos o mayas.
Aztecs, incas, tainos or mayans.
Somos los nativos, los originarios,
ni los conquistadores ni la colonia
nos pudieron destruir.
We are not Indians
we are natives
the Indians in India are.
If you have not met us
start studying,
in all of America
you will find us.
Our indigenous roots
we still maintain,
Aztecs, Incas, Tainos or Mayans.
We are the natives, the origin,
not the conquerors, nor the colony
was able to destroy us.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Write a paragraph of how you think the indigenous Latin American people
learned Spanish. Was it in a classroom setting, with a teacher? Was it at a
church? At a home? At a trading-goods exchange? Describe the
surroundings, the clothing of the natives and the Spaniards and how they
interacted with each other.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word in
their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish flash
cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
1. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
2. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
• Materials: Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency and 2 fly swatters.
• Instructions:
A) Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides, next to
the projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
B) Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it in Spanish on the wall. The first one to find the
Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter. The
rule is that they may not raise the swatter until they
think they have found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and fill in
the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
1. Explain to students that the conquistadors that traveled under
Christopher Columbus’s command sailed from Europe to America
in three ships named “La Niña,” “La Pinta” and “La Santa María.”
Students should draw and label the three ships. Then have
students imagine they are on one of the ships and write a entry
in their log book describing their daily life and routine.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: explorar- to explore
yo exploro – I explore
tú exploras – you explore
él/ella explora – he/she explores
Usted explora – you explore (formal)
nosotros/as exploramos – we explore
Ustedes/ellos/ellas exploran –
you all/they explore
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulary:
el indígena - indigenous or native
el lenguaje - language
castellano - Spanish
el traductor - translator
la colonia - colony
la conquista - conquest
la expedición - expedition
la arquitectura - architecture
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
El que quiera conquistar tiene que luchar.
Translation- He who wants to conquer must fight.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Write a paragraph of how you think the indigenous Latin
American people learned Spanish. Was it in a classroom
setting, with a teacher? Was it at a church? At a home?
At a trading-goods exchange? Describe the
surroundings, the clothing of the natives and the
Spaniards and how they interacted with each other.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks with the conjugated forms of the
verb EXPLORAR – to explore.
1. Nosotros ______________ el lenguaje.
2. Ustedes ______________ el lenguaje Castellano.
3. Yo _______________ la colonia.
4. Tú _____________ con la expedición de la colonia.
5. ¿Ella ______________ con usted?
6. Usted ______________ la tierra de los indígenas.
Word Bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 7: The Conquistadors
explorar- to explore
el indígena –
the indigenous
or native
el lenguaje - the language
el traductor - translator
la conquista - the conquest
Castellano - Spanish
la colonia - colony
la expedición - expedition
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 7: The Conquistadors
la arquitectura –architecture
El que quiera
conquistar tiene
que luchar.
He who wants to
conquer must fight.
Lesson 8: Modern Costa Rica
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Costa Rica.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A,D; 3.6A; 3.11A; 3.16A;
Verb / Verbo: viajar- to travel
yo viajo – I travel
tú viajas – you travel
él/ella viaja – he/she travels
Usted viaja – you travel (formal)
Nosotros/as viajamos – we travel
Ustedes/ellos/ellas viajan – you all/they travel
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la costa - coast
el café - coffee
el volcán - volcano
la confederación - confederation
el trigo - wheat
el buey – ox
la carreta - cart
el ecoturismo - ecotourism
la lluvia - rain
los temporales – morning rain
el veranillo - sudden dry period
la caminata - hike
Proverb / Dicho: Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. The shrimp that falls asleep drowns with the current. You snooze, you lose.
Poem / Poema:
Por Federico García Lorca
By Federico García Lorca
Mariposa del aire,
qué hermosa eres,
mariposa del aire
dorada y verde.
mariposa del aire,
y quédate ahí, ahí, ahí!
No te quieres parar,
pararte no quieres.
Butterfly of the air
how beautiful you are
Butterfly of the air
gold and green
Butterfly of the air
Stay there, there, there!
You do not want to stop
To stop you do not want
Mariposa del aire
dorada y verde.
Luz de candil,
mariposa del aire,
y quédate ahí, ahí, ahí!
¡Quédate ahí!
Mariposa, ¿estás ahí?
Butterfly of the air
gold and green
Butterfly of the air
Stay there, there, there!
Stay There!
Butterfly, are you there?
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil - Imagine that you have just
returned from an ecotourism trip to Costa Rica in which you went for a long
hike, in the rain forest. Write a descriptive paragraph about your trip.
What birds and animals did you see? Were there any rare plants or
butterflies? What was the weather like? Did it rain? Try to use as many
Spanish vocabulary words as possible as you describe your tour.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word in
their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish flash
cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
• Materials: Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency and 2 fly swatters.
• Instructions:
A) Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides, next to
the projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
B) Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it in Spanish on the wall. The first one to find the
Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter. The
rule is that they may not raise the swatter until they
think they have found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and fill in
the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
• Materials: shoe boxes, construction paper, glue, tape, colors,
markers or paint.
1. Divide the class into teams of 2-3 students.
2. Instruct each team to build and decorate an ox-cart with the
theme of Costa Rica.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: viajar- to travel
yo viajo – I travel
tú viajas – you travel
él/ella viaja – he/she travels
Usted viaja – you travel (formal)
nosotros/as viajamos – we travel
Ustedes/ellos/ellas viajan – you all/
they travel
Day 1 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la costa- coast
el café- coffee
el volcán- volcano
la confederación- confederation
el trigo- wheat
el buey– ox
la carreta- cart
el ecoturismo- ecotourism
la lluvia- rain
los temporales– morning rain
el veranillo- sudden dry period
la caminata- hike
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente.
The shrimp that falls asleep drowns with the current.
You snooze, you lose.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil Imagine that you have just returned from an ecotourism
trip to Costa Rica in which you went for a long hike in the
rain forest. Write a descriptive paragraph about your
trip. What birds and animals did you see? Were there
any rare plants or butterflies? What was the weather
like? Did it rain? Try to use as many Spanish vocabulary
words as possible as you describe your tour.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks with the conjugated forms of the verb
VIAJAR – to travel.
1. Ella ____________ al volcán de Costa Rica.
2. Nosotros _____________ por la costa.
3. Usted ___________ por la Costa de Lluvias.
4. Yo ___________ a Costa Rica para hacer (to do) el
5. Usted ___________ a Costa Rica para hacer la
6. Tú _____________ a Costa Rica para comprar (to
buy) café.
Word Bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 8: Modern Costa Rica
viajar- to travel
la costa- coast
el café- coffee
la confederación- confederation
el buey– ox
el volcán- volcano
el trigo- wheat
la carreta- cart
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 8: Modern Costa Rica
el ecoturismo- ecotourism
la lluvia- rain
los temporales– morning rain
el veranillosudden dry period
la caminata- hike
Camarón que
se duerme, se lo
lleva la
The shrimp that falls asleep
drowns with the current.
You snooze, you lose.
Lesson 9: Modern Panama
Objectives: Students learn about the history and culture of Panama.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
1A,B; 3.2B; 3.6A; 3.8D; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: cruzar – to cross
yo cruzo – I cross
tú cruzas – you cross
él/ella cruza – he/she crosses
Usted cruza – you cross (formal)
nosotros/as cruzamos – we cross
Ustedes/ellos/ellas cruzan – you all/they cross
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el istmo - isthmus
la bahía – bay
el golfo – gulf
el clima – weather/climate
la mansión - mansion
el disfraz - costume
el carnaval – carnival
el tambor – drum
la murga – Panamenian dance
el ruido – noise
el tesoro – treasure
el pirata – pirate
el cuadro - frame
Proverb / Dicho:
Las cosas hablando se entienden. –
Through talking things can be understood.
Poem / Poema:
“Con tambores”
Con tambores cruzaremos
cantando a la paz del mundo
y la murga bailaremos
al lado del mar profundo.
Panameños, panameñas
corazones muy abiertos,
alegrías por las calles,
el carnaval nos trae despiertos.
“With Drums”
We shall cross with drums,
Singing for world peace
And we shall dance “la murga.”
Panamanians, Panamanians
with open hearts,
happiness through the streets,
the carnival wakes up people.
This poem talks about the happy attitude that Panamanians have during
carnival times. It begins by saying that they will sing to world peace using
drums and dancing the murga, a typical Panamanian dance, by the sea. In the
end it states that during carnival all hearts are open and people have fun in
the streets until the late night hours.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil –
Imagine that you are crossing the Panama Canal. Describe the type of naval
transportation that you are using. Are you on a cruise, aboard a canoe, a
sailboat or any other boat? How would you describe the ocean currents, the
weather and the time of the day? Use detail to describe the coastline that
you observe from the water.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : index cards, markers
• Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
• Instructions:
1) Give each group enough index cards to write each
vocabulary word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
2) In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary
words among themselves and copy the words on one side of
the index cards. The other side of the card should be left
blank. Each word should be written twice to make pairs.
The result will be 11-14 pairs of Spanish words on index
cards for each group.
3) The game is played by placing the words facing down so
that they are not visible, and mixing them on top of a flat
surface. Group member will take turns to find pairs. Once
this is done they get to keep each pair they find. The
student with the most pairs wins.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and fill
in the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activitiy
Class research project on Panama- Divide the class into groups of 5-6. Each
group will research a different aspect of Panama. The student research can
be in the library or on the internet. Each group will become the experts in
the area of their research. The groups will present their findings to the
rest of the class. The class can then compile the research of each group and
host an informational fair about Panama. Other classes or the principal
could be attendees at the presentation.
Topics for the groups to research:
• History of the Panama Canal
• Climate of Panama
• Location of Panama and surrounding countries
• Exports of Panama
• Native plants and animals of Panama
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: cruzar – to cross
yo cruzo – I cross
tú cruzas – you cross
él/ella cruza – he/she crosses
Usted cruza – you cross formal
nosotros/as cruzamos – we cross
Ustedes/ellos/ellas cruzan – you all/
they cross
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el istmo - isthmus
la bahía – bay
el golfo – gulf
el clima – weather/climate
la mansión - mansion
el disfraz - costume
el carnaval – carnival
el tambor – drum
la murga – Panamanian dance
el ruido – noise
el tesoro – treasure
el pirata – pirate
el cuadro - frame
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Las cosas hablando se entienden. -
Through talking things can be understood.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil –
Imagine that you are crossing the Panama Canal.
Describe the type of naval transportation that you are
using. Are you on a cruise, aboard a canoe, a sailboat or
any other boat? How would you describe the ocean
currents, the weather and the time of the day? Use
detail to describe the coastline.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb CRUZAR
Nosotros ___________ la calle para ir al
Ustedes _____________ la bahía en el barco.
Tú _________ el Canal de Panama.
Usted __________ con ella.
Yo _______________ con ustedes.
Ella ______________ conmigo.
Word bank:
Nuevos Amigos
cruzar –
to cross
Grade 3
Lesson 9: Modern Argentina
el istmo - isthmus
la bahía – bay
el clima – weather/climate
el disfraz - costume
el golfo – gulf
la mansión - mansion
el carnaval –
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 9: Modern Argentina
el tambor – drum
el ruido – noise
la murga –
el tesoro – treasure
el cuadro - frame
el pirata –
Las cosas
hablando se
Through talking
things can be
Lesson 10: Unit Review
Objective: Review of lessons 1-9
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.1A,B; 3.2B; 3.6A; 3.8A,D; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: repasar– to review
yo repaso – I review
tú repasas – you review
él/ella repasa – he/she reviews
Usted repasa – you review (formal)
nosotros/as repasamos – we review
Ustedes/ellos/ellas repasan – you all/they review
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la taquería – taco stand
la panadería – bakery
la inmigración – immigration
la libertad – freedom
la cerámica – pottery
los huaraches – sandals
la tierra – Earth/dirt
la pelota – ball
el observatorio – observatory
la estrella – star
la tribu – tribe
el imperio – empire
el indígena – indigenous/native
el traductor – translator
el buey – ox
la carreta – cart
el istmo – isthmus
el clima – weather/climate
Proverbs / Dichos:
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. –
A shrimp that falls asleep will drown with the current. In other words: You
snooze, you lose.
Cada quien construye su propio destino.Each person builds his own destiny.
El que quiera conquistar tiene que luchar. –
He who wants to conquer must fight.
Composición Estudiantil Imagine that you can travel back in time, choose one of the places that we
have visited and write about it. Describe what the people are like. What
kind of food do they eat? What do their buildings look like? What is their
government like? Is there anything special about them?
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: index cards, markers
• Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
• Instructions:
a. Give each group enough index cards to write each vocabulary
word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
b. In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary words
among themselves and copy the words on one side of the index
cards. The other side of the card should be left blank. Each
word should be written twice to make pairs. The result will be
11-14 pairs of Spanish words on index cards for each group.
c. The game is played by placing the words facing down so that
they are not visible, and mixing them on top of a flat surface.
Group member will take turns to find pairs. Once this is done
they get to keep each pair they find. The student with the
most pairs wins.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2
Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
1. Using a map of the world or a globe, students work in pairs to locate all of
the Spanish speaking countries studied thus far: United States, Mexico,
Peru, Costa Rica and Panama.
2. Students select the country studied thus far that they would most like
to visit. They should write a persuasive paragraph encouraging others to
visit that country including why it is their favorite.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: repasar– to review
yo repaso – I review
tú repasas – you review
él/ella repasa – he/she reviews
Usted repasa – you review (formal)
Nosotros/as repasamos – we review
Ustedes/ellos/ellas repasan –
you all/they review
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la taquería – taco stand
la panadería – bakery
la inmigración – immigration
la libertad – freedom
la cerámica – pottery
los huaraches – sandals
la tierra – Earth/dirt
la pelota – ball
el observatorio – observatory
la estrella – star
la tribu – tribe
el imperio – empire
el indígena – indigenous/native
el traductor – translator
el buey – ox
la carreta – cart
el istmo – isthmus
el clima – weather/climate
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. A
shrimp that falls asleep will drown with the current. In
other words: You snooze, you lose.
Cada quien construye su propio destino.-
Each person builds his own destiny.
El que quiera conquistar tiene que luchar. –
He who wants to conquer must fight.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil –
Imagine that you can travel back in time and choose one
of the places we have visited and write about it. Describe
what the people are like. What kind of food do they eat?
What do their buildings look like?
What is their
government like? Is there anything special about them?
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb REPASAR-to review.
1. Nosotros ___________ el vocabulario.
2. Ustedes _____________ el pronóstico de la clima
(the weather report).
3. Tú _________ el mapa del Canal de Panama.
4. Usted __________ con ella.
5. Yo _______________ con ustedes.
6. Ella ______________ conmigo.
Word bank:
repaso repasas repasa repasamos repasan
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 10: Unit review
to review
Grade 3
Lesson 11: Modern Argentina
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Argentina
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A,D; 3.13B; 3.14A,B; 3.16A;
Verb / Verbo: bailar - to dance
yo bailo – I dance
tú bailas – you dance
él/ella baila – he/she dances
Usted baila – you dance (formal)
Nosotros/as bailamos – we dance
Ustedes/ellos/ellas bailan – you all/they dance
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la cascada – waterfall
el cuero – leather
el gaucho – Argentine cowboy
la estancia – cattle ranch
el presidente - president
el tango – tango
el ritmo – rhythm
resbalar – to slide or to slip
el asado - barbeque
el fuego – fire
la boleadora – gaucho hunting tool
cazar – to hunt
Proverb / Dicho: La vida es un tango y si te resbalas sigue bailando. –
Life is a Tango, and if you slip, keep dancing.
Poem / Poema:
Gaucho, vaquero, cowboy
camina por la tierra
haciéndola pequeña
con su lazo atrapa el hoy.
Vive tranquilo
al ritmo de su son
y busca sorpresas
debajo del sol.
Gaucho, vaquero, cowboy,
walk on the land
making it small
with its lazo catching the day.
Live peacefully
at the rhythm of the song
and looking for surprises
underneath the sun.
This poem is about the gaucho, the Argentinian cowboy. It says that he
walks on the land making it small and trapping “today” with his lasso. He lives
calmly to the rhythm of his own melody and searches for surprises under the
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are a gaucho on the pampas or plains of Argentina.
Describe a typical day using your new vocabulary words.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct letter
on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to each word in
their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish Journals.
These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Memory game for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: index cards, markers, Day 1 Activity 2
• Group activity (3 – 4 students per group)
• Instructions:
a. Give each group enough index cards to write each vocabulary
word on two cards (22-28 cards approximately).
b. In their groups, students need to divide the vocabulary words
among themselves and copy the words on one side of the index
cards. The other side of the card should be left blank. Each
word should be written twice to make pairs. The result will be 1114 pairs of Spanish words on index cards for each group.
c. The game is played by placing the words facing down so that
they are not visible, and mixing them on top of a flat surface.
Group members will take turns to find pairs. Once this is done
they get to keep each pair they find. The student with the most
pairs wins.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb conjugation. (Day 2
Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activity
Make a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts an Argentinian gaucho to
an American cowboy familiar to the students. The completion of the graphic
organizer could be a class or individual activity.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: bailar - to dance
yo bailo – I dance
tú bailas – you dance
él/ella baila – he/she dances
Usted baila – you dance (formal)
nosotros/as bailamos – we dance
Ustedes/ellos/ellas bailan – you all/they dance
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la cascada – waterfall
el cuero – leather
el gaucho – Argentine cowboy
la estancia – cattle ranch
el presidente - president
el tango – tango
el ritmo – rhythm
resbalar – to slide
el asado - barbeque
el fuego – fire
la boleadora – gaucho hunting tool
cazar – to hunt
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
La vida es un tango y si te resbalas sigue bailando.
Life is a Tango, and if you slip, keep dancing.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are a gaucho on the Pampas or plains of
Argentina. Describe a typical day using your new
vocabulary words.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb BAILAR- to dance.
1. La gente ___________ en la calle cuando es carnaval.
2. Ustedes _____________ los sábados (on Saturdays).
3. Tú _________ con tu amigo.
4. Usted __________ muy bien.
5. Nosotros _______________ con ustedes.
6. Ella ______________ conmigo.
Word bank:
Extension - Transparency
Poem / Poema:
Gaucho, vaquero, cowboy
camina por la tierra
haciéndola pequeña
con su lazo atrapa el hoy.
vive tranquilo
al ritmo de su son
y busca sorpresas
debajo del sol.
Gaucho, vaquero, cowboy,
walk on the land
making it small
with its lazo catching the day.
Live peacefully
at the rhythm of the song
and looking for surprises
underneath the sun.
This poem is about the Gaucho, the Argentinian cowboy. It says
that he walks on the land making it small and trapping “today”
with his lasso. He lives calmly to the rhythm of his own melody
and searches for surprises under the sun.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 11: Modern Argentina
la cascada – waterfall
bailar- to dance
el cuero – leather
el gaucho – Argentine cowboy
la estancia – cattle ranch
el presidente - president
el tango – tango
el ritmo – rhythm
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 11: Modern Argentina
el asado - barbeque
resbalar –
to slide or to
el fuego – fire
la boleadora – gaucho hunting tool
cazar – to hunt
La vida es un tango
y si te resbalas sigue
Life is a Tango,
and if you slip,
keep dancing.
Lesson 12: Venezuela
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Venezuela.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C, 3.2A; 3.3; A, B,
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A, D; 3.6A; 3.17A, B
Verb / Verbo: traer – to bring
yo traigo – I bring
tú traes – you bring
él/ella trae – he/she brings
Usted trae – you bring (formal)
nosotros/as traemos – we bring
Ustedes/ellos/ellas traen – you all/they bring
Vocabulary / Vocabulario
el mundo - world
la choza - hut
el techo - roof
la pared - wall
la brisa - breeze
la hamaca - hammock
el conjunto - ensemble
la temporada - season
el instrumento - instrument
variedad - variety
popular - popular
Proverb / Dicho: Cada cabeza es un mundo.
Every mind is a world of its own.
Poem / Poema:
“En la Tierra”
En la Tierra
siempre existirán
millones de mundos
con quien hablar.
Cada persona
va a contar
sus propias ideas
y luego se irán.
Por eso en la vida
has de pensar
en buenas ideas
para progresar.
“On the Earth”
On the Earth
shall always exist
millions of worlds
wth which to speak with.
Every person
shall tell
their own ideas
and then depart.
For this reason in life
thinking of good ideas
bring about progress.
This poem relates to today’s dicho. It says that each person creates his or
her own world or destiny. Each person shares their own ideas and then they
leave. This is why, in life, you should come up with good ideas so you may be
able to prosper.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, during Christmas
time. You are invited to become a musician of a Gaitas band. What
instrument would you play? What would you wear? What songs would you
teach, even if they are not typical of Venezuela? And what kinds of stories
would you share with the Venezuelans about your own culture or family?
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to each
word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
a. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials : Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give him/her one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activity
An excellent way to help anyone learn a second language is to create as much
exposure as possible to the target language. Everyone can benefit from
listening to a Spanish language radio station or watching a television program
on one of the local Spanish language channels. Come to a mutual decision as a
class or vote on what type of media to watch or listen to. The local news is a
good option. Perhaps the class could listen to a few minutes of Spanish
language radio everyday for a few weeks to identify known words.
Day 1 Activity 1-Transparency
Verb / Verbo: traer – to bring
yo traigo – I bring
tú traes – you bring
él/ella trae – he/she brings
Usted trae – you bring (formal)
nosotros/as traemos – we bring
Ustedes/ellos/ellas traen – you all/they bring
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el mundo - world
la choza - hut
el techo - roof
la pared - wall
la brisa - breeze
la hamaca - hammock
el conjunto - ensemble
la temporada - season
el instrumento - instrument
variedad - variety
popular - popular
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Cada cabeza es un mundo.
Every mind is a world of its own.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela,
during Christmas time. You are invited to become a
musician of a Gaitas band. What instrument would you
play? What would you wear? What songs would you
teach, even if they are not typical of Venezuela? And
what kinds of stories would you share with the
Venezuelans about your own culture or family?
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb TRAER-to bring.
Yo ___________ mi guitarra conmigo.
Usted __________ un instrumento nuevo al
Ella _______ un plato de comida a la fiesta.
Ustedes __________ fruta del mercado.
Tu _________zapatos nuevos de la
Nosotros ____________un regalo para ti.
Word bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 12: Venezuela
el mundo - world
traer –
to bring
la choza - hut
el techo - roof
la pared - wall
la brisa - breeze
la hamaca - hammock
el conjunto - ensemble
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 12: Venezuela
la temporada - season
el instrumento - instrument
variedad - variety
Cada cabeza
es un
popular – popular
Every mind is a
world of its own
Lesson 13: Colombia
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Colombia.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C, 3.2A; 3.3; A, B,
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A, D; 3.6A; 3.17A, B
Verb / Verbo: celebrar – to celebrate
yo celebro – I celebrate
tú celebras – you celebrate
él/ella celebra – he/she celebrates
Usted celebra – you celebrate (formal)
nosotros/as celebramaos – we celebrate
Ustedes/ellos/ellas celebran – you all/they celebrate
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el jefe - chief
el polvo - dust
la investigación - investigation
la iglesia - church
la imágen - image
la belleza - beauty
la gente - people
el mediodía – noon, afternoon
la tarde - evening
la noche - night
Proverb / Dicho:
Después de la lluvia sale el sol. –
After the rain comes the sun. One of the meanings of this proverb is that
after hard or sad times, there will be brightness or happiness.
Poem / Poema:
En busca de brillantez
El oro brilla más allá del ojo.
Los humanos lo quieren todo apoderar.
Más no hay que ser envidioso,
lo que no es tuyo déjalo en paz.
Si el oro enterrado está,
pertenece a la Tierra
que debemos cuidar.
Asi, el oro es de todos,
y a todos nos hace brillar.
“In search of Brightness”
Gold glitters past the eye.
Humans want to hold all its power.
But one should not be envious,
What is not yours leave it alone.
If the gold is buried
It belongs to the Earth
that we’ve got to take care of.
This way the gold is everyone’s
And everyone shines.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that there is a buried treasure at the bottom of a big lake in your
hometown and that you are the only one who knows about it. Write about
how you discovered the treasure. What is the treasure? Would you try to
get it? If the answer is yes describe how you would retrieve the treasure.
If the answer is no explain why not.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day # 1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day # 2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activity
Read and discuss the poem for the lesson “En busca de brillantez” and its
translation, “In Search of Brightness.” Relate it to the conquistadors’
motivation to explore the Americas.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: celebrar – to celebrate
yo celebro – I celebrate
tú celebras – you celebrate
él/ella celebra – he/she celebrates
usted celebra – you celebrate (formal)
nosotros/as celebramaos – we celebrate
ustedes/ellos/ellas celebran – you all/ they celebrate
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el jefe - chief
el polvo - dust
la investigación - investigation
la iglesia - church
la imágen - image
la belleza - beauty
la gente - people
el mediodía – noon/afternoon
la tarde - evening
la noche – night
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Después de la lluvia sale el sol.
After the rain comes the sun.
One of the meanings of this proverb is that after hard or
sad times, there will be brightness or happiness.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that there is a buried treasure at the bottom of
a big lake in your hometown and that you are the only one
who knows about it. Write about how you discovered the
treasure. What is the treasure? Would you try to get
it? If the answer is yes describe how you would retrieve
the treasure. If the answer is no explain why not.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb CELEBRAR-to celebrate.
1. Ella ___________ la independencia de Colombia.
2. Yo __________ mi cumpleaños mañana.
3. Nosotros ____________ con una fiesta.
4. ¿Dónde __________ Ustedes?
5. Tú _________en la belleza que es Bogota.
6. Ellos _________ cada anó.
Word bank:
Extension- Transparency
Poem / Poema:
“En busca de brillantez”
El oro brilla más allá del ojo.
Los humanos lo quieren todo apoderar.
Más no hay que ser envidioso,
lo que no es tuyo déjalo en paz.
Si el oro enterrado está,
pertenece a la Tierra
que debemos cuidar.
Asi, el oro es de todos,
y a todos nos hace brillar.
“In Search of Brightness”
Gold glitters past the eye.
Humans want to hold all its power.
But one should not be envious,
What is not yours leave it alone.
If the gold is buried
It belongs to the Earth
that we’ve got to take care of.
This way the gold is everyone’s
And everyone shines.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 13: Colombia
celebrar – to celebrate
el jefe - chief
el polvo - dust
la iglesia –
la belleza - beauty
la investigación - investigation
la imágen - image
la gente - people
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 13: Colombia
el mediodía –
la tarde - evening
noon, afternoon
la noche – night
Después de la
lluvia sale el sol.
After the rain comes the
After hard or sad times,
there will be brightness
or happiness.
Lesson 14: Bolivia
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Bolivia.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C, 3.2A; 3.3; A, B,
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A, D; 3.6A; 3.17A, B
Verb / Verbo: honrar – to honor
yo honro – I honor
tú honras – you honor
él/ella honra – he/she honors
usted honra – you honor (formal)
nosotros/as honramos – we honor
ustedes/ellos/ellas honran – you all honor
la ceremonia - ceremony
la cordillera – mountain range
el altiplano – plateau
el oriente – orient
la población - population
la moda - fashion
la plaza – town square
la prenda - garment
la creencia - beliefs
la universidad – university
la medicina - medicine
la salud - health
Proverb / Dicho: Mente sana, cuerpo sano – Literal translation: Healthy
mind, healthy body.
Poem / Poema:
“Mientras uno comparte, se aprende”
Qué bueno y qu bonito
es ver a la gente sonrreir
aunque sea un poquito.
Aunque somos todos diferentes
nos podemos comunicar,
compartir nuestrase culturas
y aprender de los demás.
“By Sharing One Learns”
How charming and how lovely
it is to see people smile
even though it’s for a moment.
Although we can communicate differently,
learning occurs by
sharing our cultures with others.
This poem tells us that it is good to see people smile, even if it is just a little
bit. How can we make each other smile? The poem says that even if we are
all different, we can share our cultures through communication so that we
can learn from each other.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Write a description of your own design of a “pollera” or “chullo.” What
fabric materials would you use? What colors, shapes, figures and designs
would you put and why?
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day # 1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for day # 2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
The poem of the day is about sharing and learning from others. The first
stanza describes how nice it is to see someone smile. Students should make
a list of things that make them smile in their Spanish journal. Remind them
to use as many Spanish vocabulary words as they can when appropriate.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: honrar – to honor
yo honro – I honor
tú honras – you honor
él/ella honra – he/she honors
Usted honra – you honor (formal)
nosotros/as honramos – we honor
Ustedes/ellos/ellas honran – you all/
they honor
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
la ceremonia - ceremony
la cordillera – mountain range
el altiplano – plateau
el oriente – orient
la población - population
la moda - fashion
la plaza – town square
la prenda - garment
la creencia - beliefs
la universidad – university
la medicina - medicine
la salud - health
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Mente sana, cuerpo sano
Healthy mind, healthy body.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Write a description of your own design of a “pollera” or
“chullo.” Describe the material that you would use. What
colors, shapes, figures and designs would you incorporate
and why?
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb HONRAR-to honor.
1. Ellos le ___________ en la universidad.
2. Yo __________ a mi mamá.
3. Ustedes ___________al heroe en la plaza.
4. ¿Ella ________ a su familia?
5. Nosotros _________a los soldados.
6. Tu siempre _________ tus promesas.
Word bank:
Extension- Transparency
Poem / Poema:
Compartiendo se esta Aprendiendo
Que bueno y que bonito
es ver a la gente sonrreir
aunque sea un poquito.
Aunque somos todos diferentes
nos podemos comunicar,
compartir nuestras culturas
y aprender de los demás.
“By Sharing One Learns”
How charming and how lovely
it is to see people smile
even though it’s for a moment.
Although we can communicate differently,
learning occurs by
sharing our cultures with others.
This poem tells us that it is good to see people smile, even if it is just a little
bit. And how can we make each other smile? The poem says that even if we
are all different, we can share our cultures through communication so that
we can learn from each other.
The poem of the day is about sharing and learning from others. The
first stanza describes how nice it is to see someone smile. Create a list
of things that make you smile in your Spanish journal. Use vocabulary
words as appropriate.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 14: Bolivia
honrar – to honor
la ceremonia - ceremony
la cordillera – mountain range
el altiplano – plateau
el oriente – orient
la población - population
la plaza – town square
la moda - fashion
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 14: Bolivia
la prenda - garment
la creencia - beliefs
la universidad – university
la medicina - medicine
la salud - health
Mente sana,
cuerpo sano.
Healthy mind,
healthy body.
Lesson 15: Cuba
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Cuba.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C, 3.2A; 3.3; A, B,
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A, D; 3.6A; 3.17A, B
Verb / Verbo: enseñar - to teach
yo enseño – I teach
tú enseñas – you teach
él/ella enseña – he/she teaches
Usted enseña – you teach (formal)
Nosotros/as enseñamos – we teach
Ustedes/ellos/ellas enseñan – you all/they teach
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
El Mar Caribe – Caribbean Sea
el huracán - hurricane
la plantación - plantation
socialista - socialist
el héroe - hero
el aeropuerto - airport
la palabra – word
el verso - verse
la amistad - friendship
la educación - education
gratis – free / at no cost
el libro - book
el uniforme – uniform
la prueba – test
Proverb / Dicho: Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando. –
A bird in the hand is worth a hundred in the air.
Similar to: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Poem / Poema: By José Martí
Tiene el leopardo un abrigo
En su monte seco y pardo:
Yo tengo más que el leopardo
Porque tengo un buen amigo.
Tiene el señor presidente
Un jardín con una fuente,
Y un tesoro en oro y trigo:
Tengo más, tengo un amigo.
The leopard has a coat
In his dry and brownish hill:
I have more than the leopard
Because I have a good friend.
The president has
A garden with a fountain
And a treasure in gold and wheat:
I have more, I have a friend.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are a classroom teacher. What grades or levels would you
teach? What subjects? What would your classroom or place of teaching
look like? What would be your favorite part of your teaching day? Use as
many Spanish vocabulary words as possible.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word
in their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish
flash cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
• Materials: Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency and 2 fly swatters.
• Instructions:
A) Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides next to
the projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
B) Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it on the Spanish on the wall. The first one to find
the Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter.
The rule is that they may not raise the swatter until
they think they have found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activity:
Cuba is an island. Allow students to use maps, globes or the internet to find
other islands in the Carribean Sea. Expand the boundaries and allow them to
find islands in the whole Western Hemisphere.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: enseñar - to teach
yo enseño – I teach
tú enseñas – you teach
él/ella enseña – he/she teaches
Usted enseña – you teach (formal)
nosotros/as enseñamos – we teach
Ustedes/ellos/ellas enseñan – you all/
they teach
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
El Mar Caribe – Caribbean Sea
el huracán - hurricane
la plantación - plantation
socialista - socialist
el héroe - hero
el aeropuerto - airport
la palabra – word
el verso - verse
la amistad - friendship
la educación - education
gratis – free/at no cost
el libro - book
el uniforme – uniform
la prueba – test
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando.
A bird in the hand is worth a hundred in the air.
(Similar to a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are a classroom teacher. What grades
or levels would you teach? What subjects? What would
your classroom or place of teaching look like? Describe
your favorite part of your teaching day. Use as many
Spanish vocabulary words as possible.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation for
the verb ENSEÑAR-to teach or to show.
1. Yo ___________ en la universidad.
2. La maestra __________ la palabra a los
3. Nosotros ___________a la gente.
4. ¿Tú me ________ la canción?
5. Ustedes _________el lenguaje con un libro.
6. Jose nos _________ el verso.
Word bank:
Nuevos Amigos
enseñar - to teach
Grade 3
Lesson 15: Cuba
El Mar del Caribe –
Caribbean Sea
el huracán - hurricane
la plantación - plantation
socialista - socialist
el héroe - hero
el aeropuerto - airport
la palabra – word
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 15: Cuba
el verso - verse
la amistad - friendship
la educación - education
gratis – free / at no cost
el libro - book
el uniforme – uniform
la prueba – test
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 15: Cuba
A bird in the hand is
worth a hundred in the
Más vale pájaro
en mano que cien
A bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush.
Lesson 16: Puerto Rico
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Puerto Rico.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A, B, C, 3.2A; 3.3; A, B,
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A, D; 3.6A; 3.17A, B
Verb / Verbo: protejer – to protect
yo protejo – I protect
tú protejes – you protect
él/ella proteje – he/she protects
Usted proteje – you protect (formal)
Nosotros/as protejemos – we protect
Ustedes/ellos/ellas protejen – you all/they protect
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el gobernador – governor
la ley– law
la marcha – march
la mayoría – majority
el permiso - permission
el himno - anthem
la fortaleza – fortress
el cañón – cannon
el barco – ship
la rana – frog
la deforestación - deforestation
la llamada – call
la leyenda – legend
la fortuna – fortune
Proverb / Dicho: Al buen entendedor pocas palabras –
A good listener needs few words.
Poem / Poema:
Coquí coquí
canta la rana
coquí coquí
debajo del agua
coquí coquí
no va a salir
le teme al ruido
de tus pisadas
debajo del agua
puede reir.
“Coquí, the Little Frog”
My coquí, little frog, how I love you,
For your songs give me comfort and peace.
Every night I can go to sleep happy
When I hear lullabies from coquí.
Coquí, coquí, coquí, quí, quí, quí.
This poem talks about the coquí, the Puerto Rican frog. Its call sounds just
as its name, ko-kee. The poem says that the frog calls from under the water
yet it will not come out. It is afraid of your steps but still laughs under the
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Suppose you are doing a campaign to stop deforestation. Your assignment is
to design a poster that uses the image of the coquí and has a catchy
message that frowns on deforestation. What message would you write?
Describe the designs and colors used in your poster. How does the coquí
look? Where is the coquí? Draw the poster first and then describe your
creation in a short paragraph.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word
in their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish
flash cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
• Materials: Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency and 2 fly swatters.
• Instructions:
A) Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides, next to
the projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
B) Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it in Spanish on the wall. The first one to find the
Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter. The
rule is that they may not raise the swatter until they
think they have found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
1. Brainstorm a list of all animals in danger due to deforestation. Find out
how many of these animals are actually endangered. Use the library or the
internet to help research.
2. As a class or individually write a persuasive paper asking the governor to
stop the deforestation of Puerto Rico.
Day 1 Activity 1- Transparency
Verb / Verbo: protejer – to protect
yo protejo – I protect
tú protejes – you protect
él/ella proteje – he/she protects
Usted proteje – you protect (formal)
nosotros/as protejemos – we protect
Ustedes/ellos/ellas protejen – you all/
they protect
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el gobernador – governor
la ley – law
la marcha – march
la mayoría – majority
el permiso - permission
el himno - anthem
la fortaleza – fortress
el cañón – cannon
el barco – ship
la rana – frog
la deforestación - deforestation
la llamada – call
la leyenda – legend
la fortuna – fortune
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4- Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
Al buen entendedor pocas palabras.
A good listener needs few words.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Suppose you are doing a campaign to stop deforestation.
Your assignment is to design a poster that uses the image
of the coquí and has a catchy message that frowns on
deforestation. What message would you write? Describe
the designs and colors used in your poster. How does the
coquí look? Where is the coquí? Draw the poster first
and then describe your creation in a short paragraph.
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb PROTEGER-to protect.
1. Nosotros ___________ a la rana.
2. El gobernador __________ a su población.
3. La fortaleza ___________a la gente.
4. ¿Ellos ________ al barco con cañones?
5. ¿Cómo _________Ustedes a los animales de la
6. Yo ___________a mi familia.
Word bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 16: Puerto Rico
protejer – to protect
el gobernador – governor
la ley– law
la mayoría – majority
la marcha – march
el permiso - permission
la fortaleza – fortress
el himno - anthem
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 16: Puerto Rico
el cañón – cannon
el barco – ship
la rana – frog
la llamada – call
la fortuna – fortune
la deforestación - deforestation
la leyenda – legend
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 16: Puerto Rico
Al buen
pocas palabras.
A good listener needs
few words.
Lesson 17: The Dominican Republic – La República Dominicana
Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of the Dominican
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A,D; 3.13B; 3.14A,B; 3.16A;
Verb / Verbo: jugar – to play
yo juego – I play
tú juegas – you play
él/ella juega – he/she plays
Usted juega – you play (formal)
nosotros/as jugamos – we play
Ustedes/ellos/ellas juegan – you all/they play
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el vecino - neighbor
el azúcar - sugar
la caña de azúcar – sugarcane
la producción – production
la industria – industry
la cosecha – harvest
el cristal – crystal
el paso - step
el festival - festival
el escenario – stage
famoso/a - famous
el béisbol - baseball
el deporte - sport
el equipo - team
el guante - glove
Proverb / Dicho: No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy –
Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Poem / Poema:
Un poquito de azúcar
para endulzar mi vida
azúcar para tí y para mi mamá
dame el azúcar para desayunar.
Un poquito en la fruta y en el ceral,
un poquito en el café para empezar bien,
dame el azúcar
quiero endulzar al mundo
y nada más.
A liitle bit of sugar
give me some
a little bit of sugar
give me some
sugar for you and for my mother
give me some sugar to eat breakfast
a little for the fruit and in the cereal
a little in my coffee to begin with
give me some sugar.
This poem gives a value to sugar that goes beyond sweetening food. Besides
using it at breakfast, the author says, “Give me sugar to sweeten up my life
and the world.”
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review the verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review the vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall.
Students may participate by writing words and placing them under the
correct letter on the word wall. Students can also draw a nonlinguistic
representation to illustrate the meaning next to each vocabulary word
in their journals or on index cards to make a word bank of Spanish
flash cards. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Class game “fly swat.”
a. Materials: Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency and 2 fly swatters.
b. Instructions:
i. Use Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency to project the
vocabulary words on a wall as big as possible. Call two
students at a time to stand on opposite sides, next to the
projected image. Each student has a fly swatter.
ii. Read a vocabulary word in English and allow students to
find it in Spanish on the wall. The first one to find the
Spanish word must swat it with the flay swatter. The
rule is that they may not raise the swatter until they
think they have found the word.
2. Students are to copy the sentences into their Spanish Journals and
fill in the blanks with appropriate verb conjugation. Day 2 Activity 2
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Suppose that you are a reporter and you are going to interview Alex
Rogriguez or Sammy Sosa or a famous baseball player or any famous sports
player. Title your composition with the name of that player and write a list
of questions that you would ask him or her.
Extension Activities:
Explore the Dominican Republic while using technology by visiting this
website: www.dominicanrepublic.com. Research more information about this
fascinating country. There is much to be learned about the Dominican
Republic while maneuvering through this website and the links connected to
Day 1 Activity 1-Transparency
Verb / Verbo: jugar – to play
yo juego – I play
tú juegas – you play
él/ella juega – he/she plays
usted juega – you play (formal)
nosotros/as jugamos – we play
ustedes/ellos/ellas juegan – you all/they play
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el vecino - neighbor
el azúcar - sugar
la caña de azúcar – sugarcane
la producción – production
la industria – industry
la cosecha – harvest
el cristal – crystal
el paso - step
el festival - festival
el escenario – stage
famoso - famous
el béisbol - baseball
el deporte - sport
el equipo - team
el guante - glove
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4 Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy.
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Suppose that you are a reporter and you are going to
interview Alex Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa or another famous
baseball player or any famous sports player. Title your
composition with the name of that player and write a list
of questions that you would ask him or her.
Day 2 Activity 2 Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb JUGAR.
1. Yo ________al béisbol.
2. ¿Ustedes __________ en un equipo?
3. Nosotros ___________cada sábado.
4. Tú ________ con ellos?
5. ¿Mariano _________ un deporte?
6. Ellos ___________muy bien juntos.
Word bank:
Day 2 Activity 2 Transparency
Poem / Poema:
Un poquito de azúcar
para endulzar mi vida
azúcar para tí y para mi mamá
dame el azúcar para desayunar.
Un poquito en la fruta y en el ceral,
un poquito en el café para empezar bien,
dame el azúcar
quiero endulzar al mundo
y nada más.
A liitle bit of sugar
give me some
a little bit of sugar
give me some
sugar for you and for my mother
give me some sugar to eat breakfast
a little for the fruit and in the cereal
a little in my coffee to begin with
give me some sugar.
This poem gives a value to sugar that goes beyond sweetening food.
Besides using it at breakfast, the author says, “Give me sugar to
sweeten up my life and the world. ”
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 17: The Dominican Republic –
La República Dominicana
jugar – to play
el vecino - neighbor
el azúcar - sugar
la producción - production
la cosecha – harvest
la caña de azúcar – sugarcane
la industria – industry
el cristal – crystal
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 17: The Dominican Republic –
La República Dominicana
el paso - step
el festival - festival
el escenario – stage
famoso/a - famous
el béisbol - baseball
el deporte - sport
el equipo - team
el guante - glove
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 17: The Dominican Republic –
La República Dominicana
No dejes para
mañana lo que
puedes hacer hoy.
Don’t put off until
tomorrow what can be
done today.
Lesson 18 – Spain
Lesson Objective: Students learn about the culture and geography of Spain.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A,D; 3.13B; 3.14A,B; 3.16A;
Verb / Verbo: escribir – to write
yo escribo – I write
tú escribes – you write
él/ella escribe – he/she writes
Usted escribe – you write formal
nosotros/as escribimos – we write
Ustedes/ellos/ellas escriben – you all/they write
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la herencia - heritage
la patria – native land
la provincia - province
la unidad - unity
la novela - novel
el caballero - knight
el siglo - century
el molino - windmill
el gitano – gypsy
la guitarra – guitar
la pasión – passion
Proverb / Dicho: La tercera es la vencida. –
The third time is the charm.
Poem / Poema:
“Entre novelas y cuentos”
Déjate llevar
por el viento
y tu imaginación volar.
Entre mares las sirenas
van a acariciar
tus pensamientos
sin un fin
cuando te dejas llevar
en novelas y cuentos.
“In Between Novels and Stories”
Fly through the wind
and allow your imagination to soar.
Between oceans the mermaid will
embrace your thoughts without end
when you live the adventures
in the novels and stories.
This poem, titled “Novels and Stories,” invites the reader to let herself flow
with the wind and allow her imagination to fly. When reading, your thoughts
can be touched by the characters, plot and other elements of the story.
The author encourages the reader to unleash his or her imagination and
become a part of literature.
Composición Estudiantil
You are going to become a novel writer. Write a plan for a novel of your own.
What is it going to be about? Describe the characters and the setting.
What is the problem or conflict? How will your novel end? What will you
title it? Plan your thoughts by using a graphic organizer to help you plan the
beginning, middle and end. Use your imagination and be unique.
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
In small groups or individually, students use a map of the world to locate all
of the countries studied so far. Emphasize to the students that all of the
Spanish speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere were forever
influenced by Spain and and the Spanish explorers of the colonial era.
Day 1 Activity 1-Transparency
Verb / Verbo: escribir – to write
yo escribo – I write
tú escribes – you write
él/ella escribe – he/she writes
usted escribe – you write (formal)
nosotros/as escribimos – we write
ustedes/ellos/ellas escriben – you all/
they write
Day 2 Activity 2- Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la herencia - heritage
la patria – native land
la provincia - province
la unidad - unity
la novela - novel
el caballero - knight
el siglo - century
el molino - windmill
el gitano – gypsy
la guitarra – guitar
la pasión – passion
Day 1 Activity 3 – 4 Transparency
Proverb / Dicho:
La tercera es la vencida.
The third time is the charm.
Composición Estudiantil
You are going to become a novel writer. Write a plan for
a novel of your own. What is it going to be about?
Describe the characters and the setting. What is the
problem or conflict? How will your novel end? What will
you title it? Plan your thoughts by using a graphic
organizer to help you plan the beginning, middle and end.
Use your imagination and be unique.
Day 2 Activity 2 - Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb ESCRIBIR.
1. Ella ___________ con pasión.
2. Yo __________ de mi vida en España.
3. El autor _________ una novela
4. Nosotros __________de nuestra patria.
5. Tú _________ de tu herencia.
6. ¿_________ Ustedes cuentos de caballeros?
Word bank:
Day 2 Activity 2 - Transparency
Poem / Poema:
“Entre novelas y cuentos”
Déjate llevar
por el viento
y tu imaginación volar.
Entre mares las sirenas
van a acariciar
tus pensamientos
sin un fin
cuando te dejas llevar
en novelas y cuentos.
“In Between Novels and Stories”
Fly through the wind
and allow your imagination to soar.
Between oceans the mermaid will
embrace your thoughts without end
when you live the adventures
in the novels and stories.
This poem, titled “Novels and Stories,” invites the reader to let herself flow
with the wind and allow her imagination to fly. When reading, your thoughts
can be touched by the characters, plot and other elements of the store.
The author encourages the reader to unleash his or her imagination and
become a part of literature.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 18 – Spain
escribir – to write
la herencia - heritage
la patria – native land
la provincia - province
la unidad - unity
la novela - novel
el caballero - knight
el siglo - century
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 18 – Spain
el gitano – gypsy
el molino - windmill
la guitarra – guitar
la pasión – passion
La tercera es
la vencida.
The third time
is the charm.
Lesson 19 – Spanish at Work
Lesson Objective: Students learn about the global economy.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1 A,B,C; 3.2 A; 3.3 A,B
3.2B; 3.3A; 3.4A,D; 3.13B; 3.14A,B; 3.16A;
Verb / Verbo: negociar – to negotiate
yo negocio – I negotiate
tú negocias – you negotiate
él/ella negocia – he/she negotiates
Usted negocia – you negotiate (formal)
Nosotros/as negociamos – we negotiate
Ustedes/ellos/ellas negocian – you all/they negotiate
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la economía global – global economy
la oportunidad – opportunity
la cámara de comercio – chamber of commerce
la red de trabajo – network
la publicidad – advertising
la destreza - skill
la fuerza de trabajo – workforce
el teatro – theater
la obra – play
el repertorio – repertoire
Proverb / Dicho: Donde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre. –
Where one door closes, another one opens.
This dicho means that opportunities are everywhere. Look around and you
will find that if an opportunity is no longer there, it is because a different
one is opening its doors somewhere else.
Poem / Poema:
Parlez-vous Francais?
Oui, oui, poquito yo sé.
Do you speak English?
I’m learning as well.
Español es mi idioma
vamos a negociar
tú hablas ingles
y yo en Francais.
En tres
seguro que
ha de
algo bueno
Do you speak French?
Yes, yes, I know a little.
Do you speak English?
I’m learning as well.
Spanish is our language
and let’s negotiate
you speak English
and I speak French.
In three languages
we can negotiate
and it’s guaranteed
that something good will happen.
This poem titled “Oportunidad” – Opportunity, uses the word idioma for
language. It is a conversation between two people that starts in French,
asking: “Do you speak French?” The answer is yes, a little – poquito. In the
second verse one person claims that Spanish is her language and that they
could negotiate in French and English, too. At the end it ensures that by
using three languages something good has to happen.
Composición Estudintil
Imagine that you are a businessperson. What would your business be? How
would you market it and make a profit? What type of negotiations would you
have to make?
After watching the video lesson for the first time
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb). (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
Journals. These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give him/her one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2
Extension Activities
Students work in cooperative groups to plan and organize a business. Each
team creates a business and works together to plan and document the
specific details. Students are encouraged to use as much Spanish as
possible as they work on the project (orally and written).
For example, each team could:
• Decide on a business venture (a restaurant, store or service, for
• Create a logo or advertisement for the business.
• Choose a clever name for the business.
• Describe the clientele.
• Create a logo for the business.
• Design a map of the business.
Each member of the team should participate, using as much Spanish as
possible, as the final project is presented to other teams.
Day 1 Activity 1-Transparency
Verb / Verbo: negociar – to negotiate
yo negocio – I negotiate
tú negocias – you negotiate
él/ella negocia – he/she negotiates
usted negocia – you negotiate (formal)
nosotros/as negociamos – we negotiate
ustedes/ellos/ellas negocian – you all/
they negotiate
Day 2 Activity 2--Transparency
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
la economía global – global economy
la oportunidad – opportunity
la cámara de comercio – chamber of commerce
la red de trabajo – network
la publicidad – advertising
la destreza - skill
la fuerza de trabajo – workforce
el teatro – theater
la obra – play
el repertorio – repertoire
Day 3 Activity 3 – Transparancy
Proverb / Dicho:
Donde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.
Where one door closes, another one opens.
Composición Estudiantil/Student Composition:
Imagine that you are a businessperson. What
would your business be? How would you market it
and make a profit? What type of negotiations
would you have to make?
Day 5 Activity 5 - Transparency
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb NEGOCIAR.
1. Yo __________antes de comprar algo.
2. Nosotros siempre __________ antes de comprar en
el mercado.
3. ¿Tú _________ los costos de la publiciadad?
4. La cámara de comercio ___________ con los
5. Ustedes ____________ la oportunidad.
Word bank:
Day 5 Activity 5 - Transparency
Poem / Poema:
Parlez- vous Francais?
Oui, oui, poquito yo sé.
Do you speak English?
I’m learning as well.
Español es mi idioma
vamos a negociar
tú hablas inglés
y yo en francais.
En tres
seguro que
ha de
algo bueno
Do you speak French?
Yes, yes, I know a little.
Do you speak English?
I’m learning as well.
Spanish is our language
and let’s negotiate
you speak English
and I speak French.
In three languages
we can negotiate
and it’s guaranteed
that something good will happen.
This poem titled Oportunidad – Opportunity, uses the word idioma for language. It is a
conversation between two people and it starts in French, asking: “Do you speak French?”
The answer is yes a little – poquito. In the second verse one person claims that Spanish is
her language and that they could negotiate in French and English, too. At the end it ensures
that by using three languages something good has to happen.
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 19 – Spanish at work
negociar – to negotiate
la economía global –
global economy
la oportunidad – opportunity
la cámara de comercio –
chamber of commerce
la red de trabajo – network
la publicidad – advertising
la destreza - skill
la fuerza de trabajo –
Nuevos Amigos
Grade 3
Lesson 19 – Spanish at work
el teatro – theater
la obra – play
el repertorio – repertoire
Donde una
puerta se cierra,
otra se abre.
Where one door
closes, another one
Lesson 20: Unit Review
Objective: Review highlights from lessons 11-19.
Language Arts:
Social Studies:
3.1A,B,C; 3.2A; 3.3A,B
3.1A,B; 3.2B; 3.6A; 3.8A,D; 3.16A; 3.17A,B
Verb / Verbo: terminar – to finish
yo termino – I finish
tú terminas – you finish
él/ella termina – he/she finishes
Usted termina – you finish (formal)
nosotros/as terminamos – we finish
Ustedes/ellos/ellas terminan – you all finish
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el gaucho – Argentinian cowboy
el asado – barbeque
el mundo – world
la choza – hut
el jefe – chief
la investigación – investigation
la ceremonia – ceremony
la cordillera – mountain range
el Mar Caribe – Caribbean Sea
socialista – socialist
la ley – law
la deforestación – deforestation
el azúcar – sugar
el equipo – team
la patria – native land
la unidad – unity
la economía global – global economy
el teatro - theater
Proverb / Dicho: Después de la lluvia sale el sol –
After the rain comes the sun.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are making a documentary about any of the countries that
we have learned throughout Unit 2. Brainstorm a list of the places, events
and people that you will visit within the country. Next to each item on the
list write what you would like to include specifically for the documentary.
For example: If your country is Venezuela, that would be the title of your
documentary. Then your list might look like this:
Caracas: Film a Gaitas Conjunto and interview musicians.
Rio Orinoco: Film nature, native people and huts.
After watching the video lesson for the first time:
Activities for Day #1
1. Review verb of the day. (Day 1 Activity 1 Transparency)
2. Review vocabulary words by placing them on the word wall. Students
may participate by writing words and placing them under the correct
letter on the word wall. They might also draw the meaning next to
each word in their journals. (Day 1 Activity 2 Transparency)
3. Review the “Dicho” (Proverb) (Day 1 Activity 3-4 Transparency)
4. Students should write the student composition in their Spanish
These may be shared in class. (Day 1 Activity 3-4
After watching the video lesson for the second time
Activities for Day #2
1. Play Pictionary for vocabulary retention.
• Materials: Index cards, dry erase or chalk board or chart paper
• Group size: Whole group or small groups of 4 or more.
• Instructions:
A) Write each vocabulary word on an index card or have
students write them.
B) Assign one student at a time to come up to the board and
give them one card with a vocabulary word.
C) The student at the board must read and draw the meaning of
the word on the board. The rest of the students try to guess
the word without looking at their notes or at the word wall.
If Pictionary is played in a small group, the students must be
divided into 2 teams. Only the team members of the student at
the board are allowed to guess. Keep a time limit for this to
happen, from 1 – 2 minutes. The team gets a point only if they
guess the correct Spanish vocabulary word. If it is played as a
whole class activity, then the person who guesses the word
correctly gets to draw next.
2. Students copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct
conjugated form of the verb of the day. (Day 2 Activity 2 Transparency)
Extension Activities
Facilitate a group discussion on the benefits of learning a second language.
Student comments may hopefully include: Able to communicate with more
people; Can make new friends; Learn about new places and cultures; Possible
increase of opportunities in the future for people knowing another language,
etc. Students could write about other languages they would like to learn and
why or about what other topics they would like to study in Spanish.
Day 1 Activity 1 -- Transparancy
Verb / Verbo: terminar – to finish
yo termino – I finish
tú terminas – you finish
él/ella termina – he/she finishes
Usted termina – you finish (formal)
nosotros/as terminamos – we finish
Ustedes/ellos/ellas terminan – you all/
they finish
Day 2 Activity 2 -- Transparancy
Vocabulary / Vocabulario:
el gaucho – Argentinian cowboy
el asado – barbeque
el mundo – world
la choza – hut
el jefe – chief
la investigación – investigation
la ceremonia – ceremony
la cordillera – mountain range
el Mar Caribe – Caribbean Sea
socialista – socialist
la ley – law
la deforestación – deforestation
el azúcar – sugar
el equipo – team
la patria – native land
la unidad – unity
la economía global – global economy
el teatro - theater
Day 3 Activity 3 -- Transparancy
Proverb / Dicho:
Después de la lluvia sale el sol.
After the rain comes the sun.
Student Composition / Composición Estudiantil:
Imagine that you are making a documentary about any of
the countries that we have learned throughout Unit 2.
Brainstorm a list of the places, events and people that
you will visit within the country. Next to each item on
the list write what you would like to include specifically
for the documentary.
For example: If your country is Venezuela, that would be
the title of your documentary.
Then your list might look like this:
Caracas - Film a Gaitas Conjunto and interview
Rio Orinoco - Film nature, native people and huts.
Day 4 Activity 4 -- Transparancy
Fill in the blanks using the correct verb conjugation
for the verb TERMINAR.
1. Nosotros ___________ de cruzar la cordillera.
2. Yo ___________ de ver la ceremonia.
3. El gaucho __________ de hacer la carne asada.
4. Tú siempre ___________de escribir primero.
5. La investigación _____________ hoy.
6. Ellos ____________de negociar.
Word bank:
Nuevos Amigos
Lesson 20: Unit review
terminar –
to finish
Grade 3