6. Escuchar 7. Bailar 8. Llevar 9. Estudiar 10. Mirar 11. Pronunciar 12. Llegar 13. Completar 14. Empezar 15. Cocinar 16. Aprender 17. Comer 18. Beber 19. Vivir 20. Leer 2. AR Regular Verb Conjugation Practice You will hear an AR verb in its infinitve form, and you will hear a subject pronoun. Determine the proper present indicative verb conjugation, and its English equivalent. For example, if you hear “Hablar/Yo”. You would say “hablo. I speak.” There are 15 exercises. Empecemos/Let’s begin llego / I arrive quien habla / Who speaks Él lleva / He carries. He wears 4. Llevar / ustedes ustedes llevan /You all carry. You all wear 5. Esperar /Nosotros Nostros esperamos / We hope. We wait 6. LLegar/ tú Tú llegas /You arrive 7. Enseñar/Ell Ella enseña /She teaches. She shows. 8. Tocar/ Ellos Ellos tocan / They Touch. They play (an instrument, for example) 9. Terminar/ Vosotros Vosotros termináis/ You all finish 10. Llegar /Usted Usted llega. You arrive 11. Mirar / Nadie Nadie mira. Nobody watches. 12. Caminar / Ellas Ellas caminan. They walk. 13. Esperar / Los niños Los niños esperan. The children wait. The children hope. 14. Estudiar/Usted Usted estudia. You study. 15. Llevar/ Ella y él Ella y él llevan. She and he carry. She and he wear. 1. Llegar / yo 2. Hablar / quien 3. Llevar / él 3. Verb Recall Drill (Spanish to English) You will hear a verb in its Spanish infinitive. Determine the English equivalent. For example, if you hear ¨Trabajar¨, you would say ¨to work¨. 1. Hablar 2. Trabajar 3. Terminar 4. Esperar 5. Enseñar To speak To work To finish To wait; to hope To teach; to show 4. To listen To dance To carry; to wear To study To watch. To look at To pronounce To arrive To complete To begin To cook To learn To eat To drink To live To read Verb Recall Drill (English to Spanish) You will hear a verb in its English infinitive. Determine the Spanish equivalent. For example, if you hear ¨To touch¨, you would say ¨tocar¨. 1. To begin 2. To speak 3. To finish 4. To wait 5. To arrive 6. To study 7. To watch 8. To carry 9. To hope 10. To eat 11. To drink 12. To live 13. To write 14. To learn 15. To listen 16. To read 17. To prepare 18. To pronounce 19. To complete 20. To work Empezar Hablar Terminar Esperar Llegar Estudiar Mirar Llevar Esperar Comer Beber Vivir Escribir Aprender Escuchar Leer Preparar Pronunciar Completar Trabajar 5. Regular Verb Sentences. You will 10 hear sentences or questions containing regular AR,ER, and IR verbs. Each one will be read once, then will be followed by its English equivalent. Then it will be read again two more times in Spanish. Repeat the sentence or question after the 2nd and 3rd time it is repeated. 1. ¿Quiénes comen aquí? Who eats here? 2. ¿Dónde vives? Where do you live? 3. ¿Por qué no comen ustedes? Why are you all not eating? 1. Trabajo para Microsoft. I work for Microsoft. 4. ¿Cuándo llegan ellos? When do they arrive? 2. Termino mi trabajo a las cinco. I finish my job at 5. 5. ¿En cuál ciudad viven sus padres? In which city do your parents live? 3. Llego al aeropuerto a las ocho y veinte de la mñana. I arrive at the airport at eight in the morning. 6. ¿Bebes más el agua o el jugo? Do you drink water or juice more? 4. Leo mucho y miro la televisión poco. I read alot and I watch TV a little. 5, ¿Dónde compra usted su comida? Where do you buy your food? 6. ¿Trabaja ella contigo? Does she work with you? 7. No necesito comer ahora. I don’t need to eat now. 7. Normalmente llevo mi teléfono. Normally I carry my telephone (with me) 8. ¿A qué hora llegas? What time do you arrive? 9. No compro mucho los dulces porque no me gustan. I don´t buy sweets a lot because I don´t like them. 10. Yo aprendo español pero enseño la historia. I learn Spanish but I teach History. 8. ¿Cuándo llegan ustedes? When do you all arrive? 9. Sentences With Ser y Estar 9. Aprendo mucho español cuando visito México. I learn a lot of Spanish when I visit México. 10. ¿Dónde esperamos para comprar los boletos? Where do we wait to buy the tickets? 7. More Regular Verb Sentences (II) You will 10 hear sentences or questions containing regular AR,ER, and IR verbs. Each one will be read once, then will be followed by its English equivalent. Then it will be read again two more times in Spanish. Repeat the sentence or question after the 2nd and 3rd time it is repeated. You will 10 hear sentences or questions containing SER or ESTAR Each one will be read once, then will be followed by its English equivalent. Then it will be read again two more times in Spanish. Repeat the sentence or question after the 2nd and 3rd time it is repeated. 1. Soy de California. I´m from California 2. Soy ingeniero. I´m an Engineer. 3. Estoy en mi trabajo ahora mismo. I¨m at my job right now. 4. El café no está caliente. The coffee isn´t hot. 5. ¿De dónde es usted? Where are you from? 6. ¿Dónde están tus amigos? Where are you friends? 7. ¿Dónde está el banco más cercano? Where is the closest bank? 8. ¿Dónde está el hotel más cercano? Where is the closest hotel? 9. ¿Está cerca o lejos el restaurante? Is the restaurant close or far? 10. El evento es mañana. The event is tomorrow. Where is the closest hotel?