EDUCATION AT THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE 6NLOOVDQGTXDOLÀFDWLRQVIRUOLIHLQGHPRFUDF\ SHUTTERSTOCK 270044066 EN Tackling today’s challenges together Common European Framework of Reference for languages &RUUXSWLRQ LQHGXFDWLRQ /LQJXLVWLFLQWHJUDWLRQ RIDGXOWPLJUDQWV European Language Portfolio Help a school become a Safe School %XOO\LQJ Promote open and respectful dialogue Adopt the highest ethical standards 5HFRJQL]LQJUHIXJHHV· TXDOLÀFDWLRQV Reconciliation and peace building )DLOXUHDW6FKRRO Language(s) of schooling for equity and quality in education 7HDFKLQJ FRQWURYHUVLDOLVVXHV %LDVHG KLVWRU\WHDFKLQJ 'LVHQFKDQWPHQW ZLWK'HPRFUDF\ Contents Ensuring the right to Quality Education for all .................. 2 Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation ... 6 CDPPE - Steering Committee for Educational Policy and Practice ..................................................................... 8 Thematic areas ................................................................ 10 Capacity building and co-operation .................................. 14 Programme ...................................................................... 16 Contents Education at the Council of Europe ............................... 3 Our Networks ................................................................... 18 Making an impact: supporting our target groups .............. 20 (GXFDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWLQ¿JXUHV ..................................... On-line resources and websites ...................................... 27 Poster ............................................................................... 28 1 Right to quality education 2 Ensuring the right to quality education for all The Council of Europe DGYRFDWHV quality education not WR only SUHSDUH for employment, but also for life as active citizens in democratic societies, personal development and the development and maintenance of a broad, advanced knowledge base. All four purposes are equally important and Fompatible. They reinforce each other. Many of the competences you need to be an active citizen also help make you employable and they contribute to your personal development. Education systems in Europe should make it possible for every student to develop his or her abilities to the full and help them develop their ambitions. This is particularly important for students who come from backgrounds where education is considered less as an opportunity than as a waste of time. Therefore the quality of an education system must include its ability to provide adequate opportunities for all learners. Moving from the institution to the system level, it becomes even more evident that inclusion is an important dimension of the quality debate. Can a system be excellent if it leaves a solid proportion of its learners by the wayside? Quality education is ensured differently in compulsory and in non-compulsory education and it is ensured differently in kindergarten than in higher education. Some groups will need special attention and special measures to have a quality education offer adapted to their needs, but quality education must be ensured for all. Public authorities have an important role in making sure that quality education is available to all but they do this in different ways in different countries and at different levels. Some education is privately provided but it operates within a framework established by public authorities. Public responsibility does not stop where private schooling begins, or when compulsory education comes to an end. The Council of Europe’s education programme stems from the European Cultural &RQYHQWLRQ (76 Q DQG WKH &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH 5HFRJQLWLRQ RI 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV concerning Higher Education in the European Region (ETS n° 165) as well as from several Recommendations adopted by the Committee of Ministers in relation to the public responsibility for effective implementation of quality inclusive education as well as citizenship, human rights and antidiscrimination in education. Education at the Council of Europe Structure Education at the Council of Europe 3 Education at the Council of Europe 7KH(XURSHDQ&XOWXUDO&RQYHQWLRQ 4 There has always been recognition of the major role performed by culture in the progress of social knowledge, understanding of others, and transmission of values. ,W FRQVWLWXWHV D SUHFRQGLWLRQ IRU D VDWLVI\LQJ OLIH DQG D VRXUFH RI IXO¿OPHQW 7KH Council of Europe from its creation has been aware of the role of culture and education in encouraging respect for cultural diversity while furthering common fundamental values. The European Cultural Convention is the foundation for &RXQFLORI(XURSHFRRSHUDWLRQLQWKH¿HOGVRIFXOWXUHHGXFDWLRQ\RXWKDQGVSRUW to which the principles of human rights and democracy developed by the Council of Europe should apply. All 47 members of the Council of Europe are also party to the Cultural Convention; in addition Belarus, the Holy See and Kazakhstan are party to the Cultural Convention but are not Council of Europe members. 7KH&RXQFLORI(XURSH6WDQGLQJ&RQIHUHQFH RI0LQLVWHUVRI(GXFDWLRQ The Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education makes an important contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Council of (XURSH DQG SURYLGHV KLJK OHYHO LQSXW IRU LQWHUJRYHUQPHQWDO DFWLYLWLHV LQ WKH ¿HOG of Education. The ministerial declaration of the 24th session of the Standing Conference on “Governance and Quality Education”, adopted on 27 April 2013 in Helsinki is at the origin of several new activities of the education programme, in particular the platform for Ethics, 7ransparency and ,ntegrity in education as well as Tuality education. The project on developing and describing Competences for Democratic Culture initiated in Helsinki is included in the Council of Europe’s Action Plan against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism. The Education programme is overseen by the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practice (CDPPE) and the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee. Both committees co-operate closely in ensuring overall implementation of the programme in accordance with the Council of Europe’s standards and political priorities. They also co-operate with other pertinent Council of Europe bodies as well as with other international institutions, public authorities and civil society organisations. 7KH&RQYHQWLRQRQWKH5HFRJQLWLRQRI 4XDOLÀFDWLRQVFRQFHUQLQJ+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQLQWKH(XURSHDQ5HJLRQ This Convention was developed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO and adopted by national representatives meeting in Lisbon, 8 - 11 April 1997. 53 FRXQWULHV KDYH VLQFH UDWL¿HG WKLV &RXQFLO RI (XURSH 81(6&2 &RQYHQWLRQ usually referred to as the Lisbon Convention; these include all Cultural Convention States except two. 7KH&RQYHQWLRQ&RPPLWWHH A special committee was set up in 1999 to oversee the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention. The Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee has members from each Party to the Lisbon Recognition Convention, and several other countries and organisations (e.g. the European Community and the President of the ENIC Network) can participate in the meetings. The Committee PD\DOVRDGRSWUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVUHODWHGWRUHFRJQLWLRQRITXDOL¿FDWLRQV Education at the Council of Europe Structure 7KH6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHHIRU(GXFDWLRQ 3ROLF\DQG3UDFWLFH&'33( . 5 Directorate of democratic citizenship and participation 6 Directorate of democratic citizenship and participation Rooted in the European Cultural Convention, the mission of the Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation (as part of Directorate General of Democracy DGII of the Council of Europe) is to develop democracy, human rights and the rule of law through the Council of Europe’s programmes in education and youth policy and practice. The programmes focus on the emerging generation, enabling children and young people to become engaged and responsible European citizens who advocate human rights and participate fully in democratic life. The Education Department develops policies and practice to help member states build a culture of democracy through education. It covers all areas and levels of education. The Education Department is engaged in both policy development and capacity building and co-operation. Key instruments include the European Cultural Convention (art.2), a new Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education, the Recommendation on ensuring Quality Education, the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The programme is overseen by the Steering Committee for Educational Policy and 3UDFWLFH&'33(DQGFRPSULVHVSURMHFWVRQHGXFDWLRQIRUGHPRFUDWLFFLWL]HQVKLS human rights education; digital citizenship; competences for democratic culture; WKH(XURSHDQ+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ$UHDUHFRJQLWLRQRITXDOL¿FDWLRQVKLVWRU\WHDFKLQJ language policy; the linguistic integration of adult migrants; training and capacity building (Pestalozzi Programme); ethics, transparency and integrity in education; remembrance of the Holocaust and prevention of crimes against humanity; and the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue. A part of the programme is carried out through Joint Programmes with the European &RPPLVVLRQ WKH (($1RUZD\ *UDQWV DQG WKH (XURSHDQ &HQWUH IRU 0RGHUQ Languages in Graz (Partial Agreement), as well as through co-operation with the European Wergeland Centre. (XURSHDQ&HQWUHIRU0RGHUQ/DQJXDJHVLQ *UD](&0/ The mission of the ECML is to encourage excellence and innovation in language WHDFKLQJ DQG WR KHOS (XURSHDQV OHDUQ ODQJXDJHV PRUH HI¿FLHQWO\ 7KH (&0/ V Strategic Objectives are to help its member states implement effective language teaching policies by focusing on the practice of the learning and teaching of languages, SURPRWLQJGLDORJXHDQGH[FKDQJHDPRQJWKRVHDFWLYHLQWKH¿HOGWUDLQLQJPXOWLSOLHUV and supporting programme-related networks and research projects. In order to implement its strategic objectives, the European Centre for Modern Languages, organises a programme of international projects on language education Directorate of democratic citizenship and participation (GXFDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 7 CDPPE Steering committee for educational policy and practice (CDPPE) The Steering Committee for Educational Policy and Practice oversees the Council of (XURSH¶VSURJUDPPHVLQWKH¿HOGRIHGXFDWLRQDQGDGYLVHVWKH&RPPLWWHHRI0LQLVWHUVRQ education issues. Governments of the 50 States Party to the European Cultural Convention DUHUHSUHVHQWHGLQWKH&RPPLWWHHE\VHQLRURI¿FLDOVIURPWKHJHQHUDOHGXFDWLRQDQGKLJKHU education sectors. Several NGOs active in education are observers to the Committee. SHUTTERSTOCK 180624818 8 Tasks 1 2 3 exchangeLGHDVLQIRUPDWLRQDQGJRRGSUDFWLFH among its members on issues concerning education; promote and facilitate FRRSHUDWLRQ DQG XQGHU VWDQGLQJ between member states; promote UHIRUPV RI HGXFDWLRQ V\VWHPV DQG SROLFLHV to further democratic competences and participation and to 4 5 6 7 8 provide DGYLFH for policy makers and education professionals in States Party to the European Cultural Convention in implementing education policies in line with the programme of activities adopted by the Committee of Ministers; draw up UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV and other instruments allowing States Party to the European Cultural Convention to develop education policies in conformity with the principles and standards of the Organisation and implement them; CDPPE develop the European Higher Education Area; provide member states with a UHIHUHQFH IUDPHZRUN RI FRPSHWHQFHV for democratic culture to assess learners’ achievements with regard to citizenship, human rights and intercultural dialogue and thus to enable member states to evaluate the effectiveness of the their curricula and training programmes in this area; IXUWKHU TXDOLW\ HGXFDWLRQ WKURXJK VSHFL¿F DFWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ HGXFDWLRQ SROLFLHV to favour safe learning environments for all, social inclusion, gender equality and anti-discrimination in the education sector; GHYHORS VSHFL¿F DFWLRQV LQ FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK UHOHYDQW FRQYHQWLRQDO mechanisms with regard to the HIIHFWLYHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ of the right to education for all and the promotion of appropriate measures in favour of vulnerable groups. 9 Thematic areas Thematic areas 6NLOOVDQGTXDOLÀFDWLRQVIRUOLIHLQGHPRFUDF\ (GXFDWLRQ IRU 'HPRFUDWLF &LWL]HQVKLS DQG +XPDQ 5LJKWV(GXFDWLRQ('&+5( Following the adoption of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education in 2010, this project supports the promotion of the values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law through education in the States Party to the European Cultural Convention, through data collection and analysis and on-going dialogue among the key actors. &RPSHWHQFHVIRU'HPRFUDWLF&XOWXUH The development of a reference framework for identifying and describing the competences needed by individuals to participate effectively in democratic society that may be acquired through formal, informal and non-formal education is the core element of this project. The Council of Europe will propose a model of competences for democratic culture and generic descriptors that member states will be able to adapt and integrate into their respective education policies and practice while adhering to common Council of Europe values and principles. 'LJLWDO&LWL]HQVKLS(GXFDWLRQ This project is building on the achievements of the current programme on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education and will promote and share best practices from member states on effective policies and programmes for the acquisition of digital citizenship competence for students through the curriculum, and for teachers through initial and in-service education. 10 Higher education plays a crucial role in developing the democratic culture without which democratic institutions and laws will not function in practice. They should also play a key role in assessing and rethinking how our democracies should evolve over the coming generation to ensure a commitment to European values and the active participation of citizens in public space. +LJKHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG 5HVHDUFK The work of the Council of Europe LQ WKH ¿HOG RI KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ DQG research focuses on issues related to WKH UHFRJQLWLRQ RI TXDOL¿FDWLRQV SXEOLF responsibility for higher education and research, higher education governance DQG RWKHU ¿HOGV UHOHYDQW IRU WKH establishment of the European Higher Education Area. The Council of Europe also supports reform of higher education in the so-called priority regions, mainly South East Europe, South Caucasus and the CIS countries. Thematic areas +LJKHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG 'HPRFUDWLF&XOWXUH 23 11 (TXDORSSRUWXQLWLHVDQG TXDOLW\HGXFDWLRQIRUDOO Thematic areas 7HDFKLQJKLVWRU\LQ FRQWHPSRUDU\(XURSH 12 The overall objective of this project is to enhance the expertise of policy makers in member states in addressing the major cultural and political challenges facing history education in Europe today. The production of guidance documents in addressing the major challenges facing history education in the 21st century will offer support in ensuring quality of teaching and learning history. 5HPHPEUDQFHRIWKH +RORFDXVWDQGSUHYHQWLRQRI FULPHVDJDLQVWKXPDQLW\ The aim of this project is to promote the implementation of a range of educational measures in member states with a view to preventing the repetition or denial of the devastating events that have marked European history, namely the Holocaust, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and large-scale YLRODWLRQV of human rights. 3OXULOLQJXDOHGXFDWLRQ The project proposes holistic language education policies and guidelines taking into account all categories of languages (languages of schooling, foreign ODQJXDJHV DQG UHJLRQDOPLQRULW\PLJUDWLRQ ODQJXDJHV DQG OHDUQHUV¶ LQGLYLGXDO OLQJXLVWLFFXOWXUDOUHSHUWRLUHV 7KH SURMHFW FRQVLVWV RI GHILQLQJPDNLQJ H[SOLFLW WKH OLQJXLVWLF FRPSHWHQFHV QHHGHG IRU OHDUQLQJWHDFKLQJ DQ\ VFKRRO VXEMHFW 7KLV LV DFKLHYHG WKURXJK WKH DQDO\VLVRIH[LVWLQJFXUULFXODDQGWKHUHVHDUFKXQGHUWDNHQE\H[SHUWVLQWKHILHOG RIHGXFDWLRQ /LQJXLVWLF,QWHJUDWLRQRI$GXOW0LJUDQWV/,$0 The project aims to offer support to policy makers and practitioners in providing language training and assessment for adult migrants in order to facilitate their integration into society by developing instruments responding to migrants’ VSHFL¿FDQGZLGHUDQJLQJQHHGV (WKLFV 7UDQVSDUHQF\ DQG ,QWHJULW\ LQ (GXFDWLRQ (7,1(' Through its ETINED Platform this project will facilitate exchange of information and best practices on ethics, transparency and integrity in education, with special DWWHQWLRQWRWKH¿JKWDJDLQVWFRUUXSWLRQDQGIUDXGLQKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQDQGUHVHDUFK Thematic areas /DQJXDJHVRIVFKRROLQJ 3HVWDOR]]L 1HWZRUNLQJ DQG 7UDLQLQJ RI (GXFDWLRQ SURIHVVLRQDOV The Pestalozzi Programme is the Council of Europe training programme for the professional development of teachers and education actors. It supports trainers, teachers and other educational actors in their role as professionals in the increasingly multicultural societies in which we live. 13 Capacity building Capacity building %LODWHUDODQGUHJLRQDOFRRSHUDWLRQ Through capacity building and bilateral and regional co-operation the Council of Europe Education Department aims to increase the capacity of national education systems to SURYLGH TXDOLW\ FLWL]HQVKLS HGXFDWLRQ ¿JKW GLVFULPLQDWLRQ LQ HGXFDWLRQ VXSSRUW DQWL corruption measures and combat extremism and violence in schools. Projects are implemented within several frameworks and include the joint European 8QLRQ&RXQFLO RI (XURSH SURJUDPPH IRU WKH (DVWHUQ 3DUWQHUVKLS FRXQWULHV FRYHULQJ WKH thematic areas of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education and the strengthening of integrity and combating corruption in higher education in Armenia following the launch of the Pan-European Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED). Regional co-operation is fostered through summer academies for democracy and human rights in Central Europe, South East Europe and the Baltic States with the support of a grant from Norway and in co-operation with the European Wergeland Centre. ,Q6RXWK(DVW(XURSHDMRLQW(8&R(SURMHFWFRQWLQXHVLQWKHDUHDRIPLQRULW\SURWHFWLRQ DQGIXWXUHHIIRUWVLQWKHHGXFDWLRQ¿HOGDUHH[SHFWHGZLWKLQWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH(XURSHDQ Union “South East Europe Horizontal Facility”, with a particular focus on democratic competences and anti-corruption. Anti-discrimination measures for children and youth are also being continued in the framework of the programmes “Children and Youth at Risk” and “Local and Regional Initiatives to Reduce National Inequalities and to Promote Social Inclusion” in Bulgaria, Romania and the Slovak Republic with the support of the EEA and Norway grants. )LQDOO\WKHMRLQW(XURSHDQ8QLRQ&RXQFLORI(XURSH3LORW3URMHFWV6FKHPH³+XPDQ5LJKWV and Democracy in Action” will continue to support countries who so wish to work together RQVSHFL¿FLVVXHV 14 15 Capacity building Programme Programme The Education Department’s programme is determined by the Council of Europe’s member states. The objective of the Education programme is to help develop a culture of democracy through quality education. The Council of Europe achieves this aim through intergovernmental co-operation (Committees and Working Groups) and by favouring exchanges of information and innovative policies and practices (Networks) at pan-European level, as well as peer-to-peer learning among member states (seminars, symposiums, conferences). The main target groups of the programme are policy makers in Ministries of Education in member states and other public education actors from specialised agencies as well as higher education institutions and universities and non-governmental organisations. The programme is supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz, which implements Council of Europe policy in the Enlarged Partial Agreement’s member states through the development and dissemination of best practice and innovation in language education, and the European Wergeland Centre in Oslo, which develops education for intercultural understanding, human rights, awareness of democratic culture and the need for intercultural dialogue among professionals in all areas of education. Capacity building and co-operation activities are carried out several priority geographical areas that include Eastern Partnership countries and South East Europe. Regional cooperation is fostered through regional summer academies for democracy and human rights in central Europe, South East Europe and the Baltic States. 7KH (GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW RSHUDWHV LWV WZR\HDU SURJUDPPH WKURXJK VSHFL¿F DFWLYLWLHV carried out by several international project teams that: 16 • co-operate with experts from over 50 European countries and draft policy recommendations; • provide guidelines and toolkits for policy makers, curriculum developers, textbook authors, teacher educators; • collect good practices applicable in different contexts. +RZLWZRUNV Following the adoption of the Council of Europe programme and budget by the Committee of Ministers, the Steering Committee for Educational Policy and Practice (CDPPE) prepares a twoyear operational programme focusing on key educational issues requiring action. Several groups of experts are designated for each project: these groups include government experts nominated by national authorities as well as independent experts selected by the Council of Europe Secretariat. +RZWRJHWLQYROYHG Co-operate with your national 0inistry of (ducation in order to take part as a representative of your country in the various projects groups. The Council of Europe publishes the lists of 0inistry representatives online. SHUTTERSTOCK 119857718 +RZWREHQHÀWIURP SURJUDPPHDFWLYLWLHV Attend workshops and seminars, consult the different websites of the programme, organise national events for the dissemination of results, translate publications into national languages. 17 Our networks Our networks ('&+5(FRRUGLQDWRUV The co-ordinators for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human 5LJKWV ('&+5( FRRUGLQDWRUV DUH RI¿FLDOO\ DSSRLQWHG FRQWDFW SHUVRQV whose main tasks are to ensure that Council of Europe information on this topic is disseminated in the member states and to keep international SDUWQHUVLQIRUPHGRI('&+5(GHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHLURZQFRXQWULHV0RVWRI the coordinators are representatives of Ministries of Education or public professional bodies. ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQWDFW*URXSRQ('&+5( In 2011, an International Contact Group on citizenship and human rights education was set up to ensure close co-operation among regional and international initiatives. It brings together the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV (GXFDWLRQDO 6FLHQWL¿F DQG &XOWXUDO 2UJDQL]DWLRQ 81(6&2WKH2I¿FHIRU'HPRFUDWLF,QVWLWXWLRQVDQG+XPDQ5LJKWVRIWKH2UJDQL]DWLRQ IRU6HFXULW\DQG&RRSHUDWLRQLQ(XURSH26&(2',+5WKH(XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQWKH European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Arab League Educational, &XOWXUDO DQG 6FLHQWL¿F 2UJDQL]DWLRQ $/(&62 2UJDQL]DWLRQ RI$PHULFDQ 6WDWHV 2$6 and the Council of Europe. 1HWZRUNRIWKH1DWLRQDO/LDLVRQ2IÀFHUV1/2RIWKH3HVWDOR]]L 3URJUDPPH Each signatory state to the European Cultural Convention appoints a 1DWLRQDO/LDLVRQ2I¿FHUZKRLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH3HVWDOR]]L3URJUDPPH LQKLVRUKHUFRXQWU\1DWLRQDO/LDLVRQ2I¿FHUVDUHXVXDOO\FKRVHQIURP among central education authority staff or teacher training staff. In order to share experience, improve organisation and develop the Pestalozzi 3URJUDPPHDSOHQDU\PHHWLQJRIWKH1DWLRQDO/LDLVRQ2I¿FHUVLVKHOGHYHU\WZR\HDUV 18 The Council of Europe and UNESCO established the ENIC Network in 1994 in order to develop joint policy and practice in all European countries IRUWKHUHFRJQLWLRQRITXDOL¿FDWLRQV,QDGGLWLRQWRWKDWWKH(1,&1HWZRUN SOD\VDNH\UROHLQWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH81(6&2 &RQYHQWLRQ RQ WKH UHFRJQLWLRQ RI TXDOL¿FDWLRQV FRQFHUQLQJ KLJKHU education in the European Region adopted in Lisbon on 11 April 1997. The ENIC Network co-operates very closely with the NARIC Network of the European Union, and the networks hold joint annual meetings. All members of the NARIC Network are also members of the ENIC Network. In addition, the ENIC Network includes countries that are not part of the EU co-operation in education. (7,1('3ODWIRUP²(WKLFV7UDQVSDUHQF\DQG,QWHJULW\LQ (GXFDWLRQ The ETINED Platform is a network of specialists appointed by the States Party to the European Cultural Convention. Its core mission is to exchange information and best practices on ethics and integrity in HGXFDWLRQZLWKVSHFLDODWWHQWLRQWRWKH¿JKWDJDLQVWFRUUXSWLRQDQGIUDXG in education and research. $GKRF$GYLVRU\*URXSRQ+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ Our networks (1,&1$5,&1HWZRUN(XURSHDQ1HWZRUNRI1DWLRQDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ&HQWUHVRQDFDGHPLFUHFRJQLWLRQDQGPRELOLW\ The purpose of the ad hoc group is to advise member states on issues related to higher education policy in close connection with the priorities of the Council of Europe programme. (XURSHDQ:HUJHODQG&HQWUH The European Wergeland Centre is a European resource centre on education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. It is established in co-operation between Norway and the Council of Europe. The centre was inaugurated in Oslo on 29 May 2009. 19 Making an impact Making an impact Supporting our target groups: Sample resources )RUGHFLVLRQPDNHUV &XUULFXOXP'HYHORSPHQWDQG5HYLHZIRU 'HPRFUDWLF&LWL]HQVKLSDQG+XPDQ5LJKWV (GXFDWLRQ &RXQFLORI(XURSH81(6&2WKH2I¿FHIRU'HPRFUDWLF,QVWLWXWLRQV and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Organization of American States have jointly produced this publication in order to support member states’ commitment to fostering citizenship and human rights education and improving access to quality education for all. ISBN 978-92-871-9918-8 6LJQSRVWV3ROLF\DQGSUDFWLFHIRUWHDFKLQJ DERXWUHOLJLRQVDQGQRQUHOLJLRXVZRUOGYLHZV LQLQWHUFXOWXUDOHGXFDWLRQ Signposts aims to give policy makers, schools and teacher trainers in the Council of Europe member states, as well as others who wish to use it, tools to help them DGGUHVV issues arising from the interpretation of the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on the Dimension of Religions and non-religious world view in intercultural education, and meet the needs of individual countries. ISBN 978-92-871-8006-3 20 The Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (2010) adopted by the Organisation’s 47 member states in the framework of 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ&05HFLVDQLPSRUWDQWUHIHUHQFHSRLQW for all those dealing with citizenship and human rights education. It provides a focus and catalyst for action in the member states. It is also a way of disseminating good practice and raising standards throughout Europe and beyond. ISBN 978-92-871-6898-6 7KH/LQJXLVWLFLQWHJUDWLRQRI$GXOW0LJUDQWV 7KLVFROOHFWLRQRIWH[WVSURSRVHVDQXPEHURIVSHFL¿FPHDVXUHV member states can take to help adult migrants become acquainted with the language of the host country. The main focus is on organising language courses that meet migrants’ real communication needs. It is not enough for authorities simply to consider the technical aspects of such courses; they should also design and conduct them in accordance with the fundamental values of the Council of Europe. The collection also sets out approaches and instruments designed to assist in implementing effective policies. ISBN 978-92-871-7871-8 +LJKHU HGXFDWLRQ IRU GHPRFUDWLF LQQRYDWLRQ &RXQFLORI(XURSH+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ6HULHV1R Making an impact &KDUWHURQ(GXFDWLRQIRU'HPRFUDWLF&LWL]HQVKLS DQG+XPDQ5LJKWV(GXFDWLRQ Through contributions by authors from Europe, North America and other parts of the world, this book explores how higher education FDQKHOS¿QGQHZZD\VWRGHYHORSFRPPLWPHQWWRSXEOLFVSDFH and societal engagement and make democracy more vibrant. ISBN 978-92-871-8121-3 21 Making an impact &RPPRQ(XURSHDQ)UDPHZRUNRI5HIHUHQFH IRU/DQJXDJHV/HDUQLQJ7HDFKLQJ $VVHVVPHQW&DVHVWXGLHV 22 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages has been widely adopted in setting curriculum standards, designing FRXUVHVGHYHORSLQJPDWHULDOVDQGLQDVVHVVPHQWDQGFHUWL¿FDWLRQ This collection will help readers to develop their understanding of the Framework and its possible uses in different sectors of education. ISBN 978-92-871-4983-1 7KH/LVERQ5HFRJQLWLRQ&RQYHQWLRQDW PDNLQJIDLUUHFRJQLWLRQDUHDOLW\&RXQFLORI (XURSH+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ6HULHV1R This book examines some of the challenges to the international UHFRJQLWLRQ RI TXDOL¿FDWLRQV 7KH FRQYHQWLRQ LV DQ HVVHQWLDO OHJDO text, but it needs to be put into better practice. How can learners use WKHLUGHJUHHVDQGTXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQDQHZFRXQWU\ZLWKRXWORVLQJWKH UHDOYDOXHRIWKRVHTXDOL¿FDWLRQV"7KHDXWKRUVUHYLHZWKHSROLFLHV and practice of recognition, link recognition to the broader higher education policy debate and consider the role of recognition in enabling individuals to move freely across borders. ISBN 978-92-871-7740-7 )RUWHDFKHUVDQGWHDFKHUWUDLQHUV This human rights education textbook presents 12 learning activities based on landmark decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. It aims to familiarise secondary school students with the key principles of European law related to human rights in order to help them understand how the European Court of Human Rights works. ISBN 978-92-871-8069-8 *XLGHOLQHV IRU (GXFDWRUV RQ &RXQWHULQJ ,QWROHUDQFHDQG'LVFULPLQDWLRQDJDLQVW0XVOLPV $GGUHVVLQJ ,VODPRSKRELD WKURXJK (GXFDWLRQ 'HYHORSHG E\ 26&(2',+5 WKH &RXQFLO RI (XURSH DQG UNESCO, these Guidelines aim to support educators in countering intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. They are intended for a wide audience, including teachers, principals and head WHDFKHUV HGXFDWLRQ SROLF\PDNHUV DQG RI¿FLDOV WHDFKHU WUDLQHUV teacher unions and professional associations, and NGOs. The Guidelines are relevant for both primary and secondary education and can also be used in non-formal education settings. Making an impact )UHHGRPV /HDUQLQJ DFWLYLWLHV IRU VHFRQGDU\ VFKRROVRQWKHFDVHODZRIWKH(XURSHDQ&RXUW RI+XPDQ5LJKWV 7$6.V IRU GHPRFUDF\ 3HVWDOR]]L 6HULHV 1R TASKs for democracy – 60 activities to learn and assess transversal attitudes, skills and knowledge is a handbook for practitioners in formal and non-formal educational settings developed within the Pestalozzi Programme Community of Practice. ISBN 978-92-871-8001-8 23 Making an impact ('&+5(9ROXPH,(GXFDWLQJIRUGHPRFUDF\ %DFNJURXQGPDWHULDOVRQGHPRFUDWLF FLWL]HQVKLSDQGKXPDQULJKWVHGXFDWLRQIRU WHDFKHUV 24 The objective of this manual is to support teachers and practitioners in Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education ('&+5( ,W DGGUHVVHV NH\ TXHVWLRQV DERXW ('& DQG +5( including competences for democratic citizenship, the objectives DQGEDVLFSULQFLSOHVRI('&+5(DQGDZKROHVFKRRODSSURDFKWR education for democracy and human rights. ISBN 978-92-871-6920-4 6KDUHGKLVWRULHVIRUD(XURSHZLWKRXWGLYLGLQJ OLQHV)LQDOFRQIHUHQFH At a time when many European countries are scaling down or threatening to cut the teaching of European history, the Council of Europe has developed a comprehensive pan-European tool that covers four main themes in history teaching: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution; The Development of Education; Human Rights as reflected in the History of Art; Europe and the World. ´/LYLQJ'HPRFUDF\µPDQXDOV The six Council of Europe “Living Democracy” manuals provide teachers with high-quality lesson materials which have been tested E\HGXFDWRUVLQVHYHUDOFRXQWULHVDQGDUHÀH[LEOHHQRXJKWRHQDEOH both experienced and trainee teachers to introduce citizenship and human rights education into their schools in a fun, interactive and challenging way. They draw on expert authors from different parts of Europe and cover the whole age range from primary to secondary or high school. A set of tools for promoting democracy and human rights through education was developed by the Council of Europe based on its member states’ experiences and expertise in this area, and LV QRZ NQRZQ DV DQ ³('&+5( 3DFN´ ,W LQFOXGHV SXEOLFDWLRQV VSHFL¿FDOO\ DGGUHVVHG WR SROLF\ PDNHUV WHDFKHU WUDLQHUV school directors, school inspectors, universities and civil society organisations. ISBN 978-92-871-6896-2 7UDLQLQJ SDFN 7HDFKLQJ FRQWURYHUVLDO LVVXHV This training pack is a professional development programme for teachers which is designed to support and promote the teaching of controversial issues in European schools. Making an impact ('&+5(3DFN 25 Services and resources (GXFDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWLQÀJXUHV 21 26 Education Department in ÀJXUHV ,Q 50 VWDWHVKDYHUDWL¿HG the European Cultural Convention (1954) (ETS N°. 18), including the Council of Europe’s 47member states 100 online training and teaching resources were made available on the Pestalozzi Programme website 5080 representatives from member states took part in the activities of the CoE The main website on language policy includes over 1000 resources for policy makers, curriculum designers, course providers and trainers 159 meetings (working groups, seminars, workshops, conferences) were organised in cooperation with member states 22 countries were involved in summer academies on “Human Rights and Democracy at School” Platform of resources and references for plurilingual and intercultural education Pestalozzi Training Programme for Education Professionals Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) History teaching Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants European Language Portfolio Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters European Day of Languages Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education Teaching about the Holocaust Pan-European Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED): Council of Europe Higher Education Series 5HFRJQLWLRQRITXDOL¿FDWLRQV On-line Resources and Websites On-line resources and websites 27 23 28 What makes us unique Keep in touch Updates on the Council of Europe’s work, DVZHOODVRQQDWLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWVLQWKH¿HOGRIHGXFDWLRQ (GXFDWLRQ )DFHERRN 7ZLWWHU Council-ofEurope-42276542714 7HOHSKRQH :HE $GGUHVV +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 f Council of Europe Education Department Agora Building 1, Quai Jacoutot 67075 Strasbourg Cedex France EDUCATION AT THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE (TXDO2SSRUWXQLWLHVDQG4XDOLW\(GXFDWLRQ