Los Doce Dias de Navidad The 12 Days of

Los Doce Dias de Navidad
The 12 Days of Christmas in Spanish
Marcela Hede
Hispanic Culture Online
Los Doce Dias de Navidad - The 12 Days of Christmas
This is a simple activity I created to enjoy the 12 Days of Christmas song with my son, mixing both cultures, American (the
song) and Hispanic (the language).
Children really seem to enjoy the famous 12 Days of Christmas song Miss Piggy from The Muppets sings. My son
particularly loves it, so I started thinking about a way to combine our American traditional song of the 12 Days of
Christmas with some Spanish language learning. That is when I created this Northeastern looking home to use with the 12
Days of Christmas in Spanish along some cutting and gluing. You can find here Los Doce Dias de Navidad.
Objective 1
• Increase Spanish vocabulary
related to this traditional American
song. If you notice, many of the
words in this song are not
particularly traditional Christmas
words in Latin America.
Objective 2
• Share the spirit of Christmas with
your child or students, no matter
what culture you belong to.
• Celebrate different traditions as a
perfect way to open our minds to
tolerance and understanding.
Objective 3
• Mix American and Hispanic culture
without having to choose between
the two of them.
The Legal Part
All rights exclusively reserved. The author allows photocopying of these designs only for teachers’ personal use in the
classroom, to parents for their own children or personal use. Use this PDF designs for non-commercial purposes only. You
are not permitted to use the house image after you colored it, made crafts with it, or used it as template, etc., in any
commercial venture. Requests to the Author for permission should be addressed on the web through the Contact Me
Page at Hispanic Culture Online.
What You Have to Do
Step 1
Step 4
Print pages 5 and 6 of this PDF to create your 12 Dias de
Navidad project. I recommend using photographic paper
but it is up to you.
Hang the house in a visible place where your child or students can go
open the windows and recognize the image of the word they learnt with
Step 2
Step 5
Cut open the windows belonging to the 12 Days of
Christmas in Spanish. They are labeled with ordinal
numbers in Spanish.
Start on December 12 by singing day one. Continue each day up to the
day's verse and glue the image for that day. Sing only up to the part
that mentions that day. For example, if we are on day 2, we sing the
verses up to day 2, and on this second day we glue the picture of the gift
the "true love gave to me," in this case la tortolita.
Step 3
Step 6
Cut the 12 images that belong to each window and keep
them together. The idea is to glue one each day with your
child or students while singing the song in Spanish.
Continue each day singing the 12 Days of Christmas in Spanish and
gluing the corresponding image until the 24th of December.
Please write any feedback on my contact me page at www.hispanic-culture-online.com
Note: I created only one image per window, sometimes it matches the number in the song sometimes it
doesn't. The idea is for your child to recognize the animal or object and be comfortable saying it in Spanish.
Pictures of the Process
Print out pages 4
and 5
Cut open the windows
Glue each correspondent image in the window for each day
Hang the project on place low
to be manipulated.
Materials You Need
Una perdiz
Dos tortolitas
Tres gallinitas
Cuatro pajaritos
Cinco anillos dorados Seis mama gansas
Siete cisnecitos
Ocho lecheritas
Nueve bailarinas
Once gaiteritos
Diez senores saltando
1. 2- 8 ½" x 11" photographic
paper sheets. You can
also use any kind you
want. Try to use a strong
paper to avoid the
project from warping
when cutting open the
windows and gluing the
2. 1-8 1/2 " black paper to
serve as a background for
your house.
3. Glue or even better yet,
use photo gluing strips to
glue the house to the
black paper and the
images to each window
every day.
4. Scissors, ruler, and cutting
knife to open the
windows in the house
5. Tape to stick your project
to the wall or fridge.
Doce tamborileros
Primer Dia 1
Tercer Dia
Tercer3 Dia 3
Segundo Dia 2
Cuarto Dia
Cuarto4 Dia 4
Noveno Dia
Decimo Dia
Onceavo Dia
Doceavo Dia
Septimo Dia 7
Quinto Dia
Quinto5 Dia 5
Sexto Dia
Sexto6 Dia 6
Octavo Dia 8