Lesson Planning in English # Programa de clase en inglés

Level: 5st year
Number of students: 25
Student's Description
Non−bilingual public school children
Student's previous knowledge
Basic vocabulary (for example, the colours) and someone structures
Topic: The body
Final Task / Project
The class is divided in two tasks.
First of all, the teacher will hand out some sheets containing body parts already drawn (head, nose, mouth,
etc.) to the students so that they have to paint the body parts with the colours the teachers indicates. This way,
new words are introduced (body parts) and students go over what they have previously learnt (colours).
Once this task is over, the students and the teacher will stand up and will gather around the teacher to sing the
following song while pointing at the correct body part:
Head, shoulder, knees and feet knees and feet
Head, shoulder, knees and feet knees and feet
And eyes and ear and mouth and noise
Head, shoulder, knees and feet knees and feet
• To learn English in a funny way
• To introduce basic ideas
• To learn main body parts.
• To get used to the correct pronunciation
• To learn vocabulary: Body parts (head, shoulder, knees, feet, eyes, ear, mouth and noise)
• To introduce grammatical structures and connective words: This is my, what colour is my? etc.
• To get the children to correctly pronounce the words learnt
• To coordinate movements
• To associate colour and drawings
• Team working
• To develop teacher−student learning schemes
• To learn while singing
Teacher: sheets with body parts drawn and already painted in different colours.
Students: sheets with body parts drawn and crayons.
Two hours in different days
• Activity introduction in
Spanish : Hoy vamos a
estudiar las partes del
• The teachers show the
First Task
% The teacher will ask individually
or to the group
• The teacher explains the
structure of the class and
the words while pointing to
her body parts and asking:
This is my head This is my
noise... This is my? %
• She asks What colour is
my noise? %
• Students listen
• Students watch
• Students repeat and answer
• Students look at the sheet
and answer
• Students paint and answer
• She hands out the sheets
and crayons and she
indicates what the students
will have to paint and the
colours to use, making the
same questions.%
Second Task
• The teacher encourages
• Students repeat and sing
the song
• The teacher sings the first
• The teacher sings the
second verse.
• The teacher shows the
dancing (pointing each
body part)
• The teacher gets the
students to sing in pairs.
• The students sing alone
• The teachers observes
• The students hang the
drawings on the walls