Bancóldex S.A. Multilateral Investment Fund - FOMIN Inter-American Development Bank - IDB Cecilia Álvarez-Correa Glen Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism Luis Fernando Castro Vergara Chief Executive Officer Bancóldex Development Team: Laura Viviana Rodríguez Torres Edna Carolina Arias Parada Margarita Coronado Gómez Mauro Sartori Randazzo Design Team: Felipe Castellanos Agudelo Creative Jessica Andrea Galvis Editorial Design © Bogotá 2015. As a result of this commitment, this year I have the pleasure of presenting the sixth edition of the Catalogue of private equity and venture capital funds, which has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (Fomin-IDB). The monitoring that is carried out – year after year – through this publication has allowed us to witness the evolution and dynamics of this industry in Colombia. For example, in 2010, the catalogue made reference to 11 funds, of which only one was a venture capital fund. Today, information is registered for at least 80 funds, some already closed1 and others in the process of fundraising2. BOOSTING PRIVATE EQUITY AND VENTURE CAPITAL IN COLOMBIA During the last year, Bancóldex has consolidated its new corporate strategy with the aim of catalyzing entrepreneurial growth within the country. One of the pillars of this strategy is related to “smart capital” investment processes, which stem from private equity and venture capital. This confirms our interest and commitment to industry development within the country through the Bancóldex Capital program. It is important to highlight that, since the creation of the program in 2009, Bancóldex has played an active role in the private equity and venture capital industry, on two fronts. The first is focused on financial support, which consists of participating as an investor (LP) in private equity and venture capital funds. The second revolves around non-financial support, where Bancóldex acts as The list of closed funds today includes: five venture capital funds, twenty-four private equity funds, three for natural resources, six for real estate, four for infrastructure, and four impact funds. This not only shows the noticeable progress of the business, but also its degree of specialization and sophistication. I hope that this document becomes a useful tool for attracting investors to private equity and venture capital funds from around the world, and also becomes a source of relevant information to boost the growth of the industry in Colombia. Kind regards, Luis Fernando Castro Chief Executive Officer Bancóldex Closed Fund: Private Equity and Venture Capital funds that finished its process of obtaining resources or investment commitments. Fund in Fundraising: Private Equity and Venture Capital funds that are in the process of obtaining investment commitments. 1 2 PRIVATE EQUITY AND VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS COLOMBIA an industry facilitator, working with investors, fund managers, and entrepreneurs in areas of training related to investment private equity and venture capital funds, better practices, and industry regulation, among others. CONTENT The catalogue of Private Equity and Venture Capital Newsletter Colcapital Procolombia 6 8 11 184 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Closed Funds FINTRA - Fondo de Infraestructura en Transporte Darby Overseas Investments y Grupo Colpatria 14 Infraestructura Brookfield Colombia Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 16 Ashmore I - FCP Colombia Infrastructure Fund Ashmore Management Company Colombia 18 Nexus Infraestructura I FCP Nexus Capital Partners S.A. 20 Fundraising Funds Ashmore I - CAF Colombian Infrastructure Senior Debt Fund I Ashmore CAF Management Company Colombia ElDorado LATAM Fund CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Capital Partners Ltd FCP 4G | Credicorp Capital – Sura Asset Management, Compartimento Deuda Privada Infraestructura I Unión para la Infraestructura S.A.S. Nova renewable Energy Latin America LP Nova Latin America GP LP 22 24 26 28 Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias 38 Nexus Inmobiliario Nexus Capital Partners 40 Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund I Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund GP 42 Fundraising Funds Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund II Avenida Partners LLC 44 BBP Real Building Blocks Partners 46 Futuro Inmobiliario Compartimento II Quadras 48 Inmobiliario Ultrabursátiles Gestor inmobiliario 50 Paladin Realty Latin America Investors V Paladin Realty Partners 52 Polígonos Industriales de Colombia Profesionales de Bolsa 54 Real Estate Income Fund Profesionales de Bolsa 56 SFI Sociedad Fondo Inmobiliario Sociedad Fondo Inmobiliario 58 Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund II Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund GP 60 Real Estate Value Private Equity Fund: TLC Bogotá Profesionales de Bolsa 62 Real Estate Value Private Equity Fund: TLC Cartagena Profesionales de Bolsa 64 Yellowstone Capital Real Estate Fund I Yellowstone Capital Partners 66 NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS REAL ESTATE FUNDS Closed Funds Closed Fund Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund I Avenida Partners LLC 32 Colombian Investment in Hydrocarbons Fund LAEFM Colombia Ltda. 70 Fondo Inmobiliario Colombia Fiduciaria Bancolombia S.A. 34 Colombian Investment in Forestry Fund LAEFM Colombia Ltda. 72 Futuro Inmobiliario Compartimento I Quadras 36 Tribeca Natural Resources Fund Tribeca Management Company 74 Fundraising Funds Valor Forestal Profesionales de Bolsa 76 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Closed Funds Pátria – Brazilian Private Equity Fund V Pátria Investiments 110 Southern Cross Group Fund IV Southern Cross Group 112 Teka I Teka Capital 114 Tribeca Energy Fund Tribeca Management Company 116 Advent Latin America Private Equity Fund VI LAPEF VI GP Limited Partnership 80 Tribeca Fund I Tribeca Management Company 118 Alaf I The Abraaj Group 82 Tribeca Homecare Fund Tribeca Management Company 120 Altra Private Equity Fund I Altra Investments Inc. 84 Tribeca TC Dorado Fund Tribeca Management Company 122 Altra Private Equity Fund II Altra Investments II GP Inc. 86 Valorar Futuro Sociedad Gestora Valorar Futuro 124 Bricapital Brilla Capital Management, LTD 88 Victoria South American Partners II Victoria Capital Partners 126 Compartimentos CP-Val 90 Fundraising Funds 1. Compartimentos Cp-Val Sector Distribución de Combustibles: Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A. 2. Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Térmico: Mónica Cheng. 3. Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Hidrocarburos: Altra Inversiones SAS. Escala Capital Promotora 92 Fondo Energético Andino Gestor Andino 94 Fondo Transandino Colombia FCP SEAF Colombia 96 Kandeo Fund I Colombia Kandeo Investment Advisors Colombia 98 Kandeo Fund II Perú Kandeo Investment Advisors Perú 100 Linzor Capital Partners III Linzor Capital Partners 102 MAS Colombia-LATAM MAS Equity Partners 104 MGM Sustainable Energy Fund MGM Innova Capital LLC 106 P2 BRASIL Private Infrastructure Fund III Pátria Infrastructure 108 Alaf II The Abraaj Group 128 ANCLA 360 I Efromovich Silva Capital Partners 130 Ashmore II - FCP Andean Fund Ashmore Management Company Colombia 132 CASEIF III LP LIM LTD 134 Catterton Aimara Latin America Fund II, L.P. CALA Managing Partner II, L.P. 136 Expansión Valorar Futuro FCP Sociedad Gestora Valorar Futuro 138 Inversiones Ganaderas Profesionales de Bolsa 140 Kandeo Fund II LP Kandeo Fund II GP 142 MAS Equity Fund III MAS Equity Partners 144 SEAF Colombia Agribusiness Fund (SCAF) SEAF Management LLC 146 Serfinco Agronegocios Agrofuturo 148 Victus Colombia Sembrador S.p.A 150 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Closed Funds Amerigo Ventures Pacífico Axon Partners Group 154 Certo S.A. - NXTP Labs Nibeluz S.A. 156 FCP Innovación SP FCP Innovación SP 158 Progresa Capital Promotora 160 Velum Early Stage Fund I Velum Ventures 162 Fundraising Funds Firstrock Capital Colombia I Atom Ventures 164 Nazca Investments Nazca Ventures 166 Promotora Early Growth Fund II Promotora 168 IMPACT FUNDS Closed Funds Acumen Acumen 172 Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund I Bamboo Finance 174 Bamboo Finance Oasis Fund S.C.A., SICAV-FIS Bamboo Finance 176 Inversor Corporación Inversor 178 Fundraising Funds Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund II Bamboo Finance 180 Sethos Capitalia, Compartimento de Impacto y Desarrollo Capitalia Colombia 182 Socio de los empresarios que se atreven a crecer. Bogotá Phone National Phone (+57 1) 742 0281 01 8000 18 0710 THE CATALOGUE OF PRIVATE EQUITY AND VENTURE CAPITAL IN COLOMBIA. In 2009, Bancóldex, in its search for ways to complement financing of companies through capital, created a program for investment in private equity and venture capital funds called Bancóldex Capital. The main objectives of the program have been: 1) to offer alternative means for long-term company financing through capital, 2) to contribute to the development of private equity and venture capital funds in Colombia and, 3) to attract new private, public, local, and foreign investors that are interested in participating in companies through these financing structures. Bancóldex Capital works on two fronts. The first is financial support that consists of participating as an investor (LP) in private equity and venture capital funds, through which eight investment commitments have been made for USD 31.6 million. This investment allowed Bancóldex to multiplied it´s resources 11.4 times, supporting 56 companies, 44 of which are Colombian. The second front is non-financial support, which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry. Results Bancóldex Capital 8 USD 31.6 million INVESTMENT COMMITMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR: MULTIPLIED: 11.4 times SUPPORTING: 44 Colombian 56 companies 6 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 The International Program for Private Equity and Venture Capital 2 130 EDITIONS WITH MORE THAN: participants WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE RENOWNED HARVARD PROFESSOR: Josh Lerner For this, Bancóldex has developed a series of activities, outlined in a cooperation agreement with MIF-IDB that seeks to provide tools to each actor in the industry. Among these activities are: The International Program for Private Equity and Venture Capital, which has trained more than 130 participants in its two editions. The third event will take place on March 28th -29th 2016 with the presence of the renowned Harvard professor Josh Lerner. The Venture Forum aims to connect companies and entrepreneurs with potential investors. The events have achieved an attendance of 380 people, have trained more than 40 companies, and have made connections between these companies and potential investors, resulting in investments for more than USD 3 million in four companies. Other activities carried out by Bancóldex in order to build the ecosystem are: outreach over 40 potential investors, sponsor 7 events aiming to promote the private equity and venture capital industry, at a local and international level, and the continuous training of businesses and other stakeholders. During the last five years, Bancóldex has developed the catalogue of private equity and venture capital, with the initial support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism, and from 2012 with the economic support of MIF outlined in the previously mentioned agreement, with the aim of promoting the private equity and venture capital industry and offer Colombian SMEs new sources of financing through capital. In 2010, the first venture capital fund was reported in Colombia, and by 2013, three more funds of this type had been created. In the 2015-2016 version of the catalogue, there are nine venture capital funds, four of which are in the process of fundraising with a goal of raising USD 103 million for investment in Colombia and the region, and five are closed with investment commitments for USD 144 million to invest in Colombia and the region, this shows a positive dynamic of growth that is prevalent in this type of funds. This year we have included an Impact Category, that includes six funds operating in Colombia, four of which are closed with investment commitments for USD 276 million, and two are in the process of fundraising with a USD 212 million goal. This category will allow companies offering not only financial profitability but also social profitability, in terms of support generated in their communities, the opportunity to find new sources of financing. Similarly, investors interested in diversifying their portfolio by including social profitability as an important factor in their investment decisions may find additional alternatives for their portfolios in this section. Closed Fund: A capital fund that has already finished its process of obtaining resources or investment commitments. 2 Fund in Fundraising: A capital fund that is in the process of obtaining investment commitments. 3 These figures reflect the total amount of investment commitments reported in the catalogue, however they do not reflect the total figures of the private equity and venture capital industry of Colombia. 1 Venture Forum 380 ATTENDANCE OF: people TRAINED MORE THAN: 40 companies AS A GUIDE FOR READING THIS CATALOGUE, WE RECOMMEND LOOKING IN THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER, WHICH WILL INDICATE THE STATUS OF THE FUND – WHETHER IT IS CLOSED OR IN THE PROCESS OF FUNDRAISING. CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THESE COMPANIES AND POTENTIAL INVESTORS, RESULTING IN INVESTMENTS FOR MORE THAN: USD 3 million 7 PRIVATE EQUITY AND VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS COLOMBIA In 2010, the first catalogue showed 11 closed funds1 that had investment commitments for USD 924 million. Additionally, 19 funds were in the process of fundraising2, aiming to acquire capital for USD 1,447 million. The current catalogue3 (2015-2016) has 46 closed funds, with capital commitments for USD 13,050 million for investment not only in Colombia but also in the region, which represents a growth rate of 318% in the number of closed funds. There are 34 funds in the process of fundraising in the current catalogue (2015-2016) and their goal is to raise USD 6,387 million for investment in Colombia and the region. This represents a growth of 79% in the number of funds in the process of fundraising. NEWSLETTER Australis Partners Asset management firm focused on regional Private Equity primarily in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The investment professionals of Australis Partners have invested in Latin America for the last 17 years, with 18 completed investments since 1998. Throughout these years, the investment professionals of Australis Partners have gained industry expertise in different sectors including Agribusiness, Food, Retail, Industrials, Financial Services, Telecom, Natural Resources, Energy, Real Estate and Infrastructure Development, among others. Contact Information: Juan Pablo Pallordet - Partner. Australis Partners 745 Fifth Avenue, 14th floor New York, NY10151 Tel: (917) 309-9130 [email protected] Advent Latin America Private Equity Fund VI In 2014 and through the first half of 2015, Advent invested in nine Latin American companies: (i) United Medical, a group of pharmaceutical 8 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 companies that is focused on the critical care market in Brazil (United Medical is an add-on for Biotoscana, a pharmaceutical company based in Bogotá, Colombia, and majority owned by Advent International); (ii) Alianza Fiduciaria, Colombia’s largest independent trust and custody services provider; (iii) Alianza Valores, Colombia’s leading independent brokerage house; (iv) GTM – Grupo Transmerquim, a leading transnational distributor of chemicals raw materials in Latin America; (v) Cataratas do Iguaçu, the largest concessionaire and operator of services in national parks in Brazil; (vi) Allied, leading independent marketer and provider of technology products in Brazil; (vii) Faculdade da Sierra Gaucha Group, a leading private education company in the south of Brazil; (viii) Grupo Financiero Mifel, leading Mexican mid-sized bank serving the mass-affluent retail segment and small and medium-sized companies; and (ix) Lifemiles B.V., one of the largest and fastest-growing loyalty coalition programs in Latin America. During the same period, Advent fully realized its investments in four Latin American companies: Atmosfera, Monte de Mexico, Kroton and Cetip. Altra Private Equity Fund I The Fund ended the investment period in 2012. Currently it is starting to explore the first disinvestment. Altra Private Equity Fund II In 2014, the Fund invested in three companies completing 7 portfolio companies in different sectors of the economy. Currently the Fund is analyzing new investment opportunities. Amerigo Ventures Pacífico The fund management locally is split since January between Daniel Martin and Ivan Feito. In this period the fund made an investment in the company Enmedio, which can be up to 4,000 million pesos. Bricapital In December of 2013, Bricapital made its first investment in the Hyatt Regency Hotel located in the city of Cartagena, acquiring 26.7% of the fiduciary rights to the asset. Certo S.A. (brand name: NXTP Labs) NXTP Labs has been selected as a valuable case study as a model for business management and innovation by the prestigious Harvard Business School (HBS). The case is entitled "NXTP Labs: An Innovative Accelerator Model" and was written by Josh Lerner, Maria Fernanda Miguel and Laura Urdapilleta. Energético Andino In February 2, 2015, Compartment C operating activities began successfully. Fundrising Process ended successfully (Fund size: USD 40 million) Escala Capital Having closed the investment period in March 2013, and thus having stopped investing in other companies, there were no significant changes between 2014 and 2015, other than the evolution of the Fund's portfolio companies. Fondo de Capital Privado por Compartimentos CP-Val It was closed the Compartimento Cp val Eléctrico Colgener. Fondo de Capital Privado Futuro Inmobiliario Compartimento I The Fund’s 1st Compartment investment period ended during the third quarter of 2015 and the second Compartment is being marketed with the same investment thesis. Colombian Investment in Hydrocarbons Fund The Colombian Investment in Hydrocarbons Fund (“Fund”) made an exit of all its projects during 2014/2015. Including distributions of results from the project´s cash flow and the revenues from the sale transaction, the Fund generated USD 524.9 million with an investment of USD 292 million. The gross IRR for the three phases of the Fund altogether was 26% and 17% net. Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias Recently, the Fund acquired through the Compartment One - two logistic assets in Mosquera (Bogota Metropolitan Area) for approximately USD 6 million. Currently, the Fund is in the acquisition process of assets worth USD 13 million. Additionally, the Fund is exploring alternatives to create new investment vehicles to fund real estate development projects, under a strategy consisting of three phases; i) acquisition of projects / assets through payments during construction stage, ii) stabilization of projects, and iii) sale of properties once stabilized. Linzor Capital Partners III, L.P. Jean Bernard Ide, who is based in the Mexico office, was promoted to partner. Linzor closed its third fund with US$621mm of committed cap. MGM Sustainable Energy Fund, L.P. energy efficiency and distributed generation in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. Representative office in Medellin, Colombia. Nexus Inmobiliario Since September of 2014, three compartments have initiated their operations. P2 BRASIL Private Infrastructure Fund III • Opening of the first investment office outside of Brazil in Bogota / Colombia, for all of the Latin American region; • Raising of the Private Equity Fund V for a total amount of 1.8 billion dollars • Raising of the Infrastructure Fund III for a total amount of 1.6 billion dollars • Raising of the Real Estate Fund III for a total amount of 800 million dollars • Raising of the PIPE Fund I for a total amount of 170 million dollars • Opening of Investor Relations offices in Santa Monica and Dubai Progresa Capital • Progresa finished its investment period in April 2014. • GP is currently fundraising for an Early Growth Fund, targeting USD 50 million. • The Fund will invest in three sectors: Information and Communication Technologies, Life Sciences (including Biotechnology) and Applied Engineering. • GP hired a new investment manager, with expertise in the life sciences sector. Southern Cross Group Fund IV Juan Pablo Ortiz joined Southern Cross Group as a Principal in 2015 • Successful conclusion of fundraising (January 2015). • Closure of four investments in 9 PRIVATE EQUITY AND VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS COLOMBIA Cartagena has positioned itself as one of the favorite tourist destinations in Latin America, and continues to be the principal destination for conventions and business events in Colombia. Cartagena enjoys the highest hotel rates and occupancy levels in Colombia, in part due to the city’s offerings in cultural events, tourist sites, convention infrastructure and mixed-use real estate developments. The Hyatt Regency Hotel will feature 261 rooms on 16 floors. Additionally, the mixed-use project will have nine floors of luxury residences, a meeting room, a spa, gym, restaurant, swimming pool and a business center. The hotel is expected to open in August of 2015. Teka I In 2015, Teka Capital has remained active in the execution of successful value creation strategies, working alongside the management teams of its portfolio’s companies. Tribeca For Tribeca, the 2014-2015 period was very important given the excellent results from the exits of various of its portfolio companies. In first place, during the third quarter of 2014, Tribeca reported the exit of the investment in Sociedad Portuaria El Cayao, the company in charge of building and operating the first LNG regasification terminal in Colombia, which is currently being built near Cartagena, in the country’s Atlantic Coast. This exit generated a gross multiple of invested capital of 1.4x and a gross IRR of 20%. In second place, during the first quarter of 2015, Tribeca reported the exit of the investment that the Tribeca TC Dorado had in OTCA, the operator of the cargo terminal of El Dorado Airport in Bogotá. This exit generated a gross multiple of invested capital of 1.8x and a gross IRR of 23%. In third place, during the second quarter of 2015, Tribeca reported the exit of the investment that the Tribeca Energy Fund had in Termocandelaria Power Limited, Colombia’s fifth largest energy generator in terms of installed capacity. This exit generated a gross multiple of invested capital of 2.2x and a gross IRR of 17%. Finally, also during the second quarter of 2015, Tribeca reported the exit of the joint investment that it had with Cuestamoras, a family office from Costa Rica, in Bogotá Beer Company, Colombia’s leading producer of craft beer and pub operator. This exit, which occurred after only two year of the 10 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 entry, generated a gross multiple of invested capital of 1.8x and a gross IRR of 30%. With these exits, Tribeca has now returned to its investors a total of USD 457 MM, which represent 1.1x its capital commitments. This makes Tribeca one of Colombia’s private equity funds that have returned the most equity to their investors. In terms of organizational structure, in January of 2015 Tribeca hired two new analysts. Ivan Florian, who joined as a junior investment analyst, was hired from Banco Santander in Colombia, where he was an investment-banking analyst. Previously, Mr. Florian worked as an analyst for the investments division of Corficolombiana. Mr. Florian holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Universidad de los Andes. Andrea Tirado, who also joined as a junior investment analyst, was hired from Avianca, where she was a cash flow planning analyst. Previously, Miss. Tirado worked as a business development analyst for Tiger Companies in Colombia. Miss. Tirado holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Universidad de los Andes and is about to obtain a post-graduate degree in Finance from the same university. Valorar Futuro The fund has currently invested all of its resources and is now focused on strategy execution and value creation for portfolio companies. ANCLA 360 I Fiduoccidente S.A. was selected as the Fund’s administrator. The Fund’s prospectus was approved by the Financial Superintendence. Expansión Valorar Futuro The fund has a pipeline of possible investments that accomplish its focus and strategy for a portfolio companies. CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Fund, L.P First Closing executed in February 2015; first investment executed in September 2015 Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund II During the second quarter of 2015 the fund had its first closing. VICTUS • In June 2015 Sembrador Colombia S.A.S was created, who will be the company's administrative support Sembrador S.p.A (GP). • The fund was approved by the Superintendecy of finance last July 31. Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund S.C.A., SICAV-FIS During the second half of 2014, Bamboo Finance successfully closed an investment in Brazil Plus, a company dedicated to SME finance in Brazil. During the same period the fund exited from Financiera Nueva Visión in Peru, a microfinance institution whose operations are mainly focused in the south of the country. Bamboo Finance Oasis Fund S.C.A., SICAV-FIS The Oasis Fund recently received one of the highest scores in GIIRS rating among all of the impact investment funds evaluated. Since being founded in July 2012, the Colombian Association of Private Equity - ColCapital, has focused on fostering, developing and promoting the integrated needs of private equity funds industry in Colombia. THE MAIN BENEFITS AS MEMBERS ARE: Access to an extensive network of industry contacts, increased business opportunities for members. ColCapital brings together various industry participants including Associates - general partners, and Affiliates professional services firms pursuing the common goal to achieve development for the Private Equity industry in Colombia. On November 2015 ColCapital has 86 members, 39 Associates and 47 Affiliates. Access to timely and reliable information about the industry and its main trends. The Association also aims to increase the flow of capital into industry through the promotion and participation of the local and global investment community as well as position and promote the industry among other actors in the economy and relevant stakeholders. Alternatively, ColCapital promotes best practices in the industry for managing professional and academic knowledge, as well as disseminating significant information about development. Access to publications and specialized documents. Admission to ColCapital and third parties events. Visibility in media and ColCapital communications. Access to training in relevant topics regarding private equity industry. Access to the regulatory framework and its major changes and legal concepts developed exclusively for the industry. Access to one on one connection with the industry players. Contact information María Isabella Muñoz Méndez Executive Director ColCapital [email protected] 11 INFRASTR RUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Description of the general partner Description of the fund The General Partner has two sponsors: FINTRA, the fund managed by the General Partner, can structure investments with subordinated debt/mezzanine structures or equity (minority or control), in infrastructure and related sectors in the countries and terms listed below. • Darby Overseas Investments Ltd is a pioneer in private equity investments in emerging markets with more than 150 investments and USD 3 billion in cumulative capital commitments. • Grupo Colpatria, a financial conglomerate with more than USD 15 billion in assets under management and investments in banking, insurance, construction, infrastructure, pensions, mining, energy and private equity. Contact information María Mercedes Prado Managing Director [email protected] [+57 1] 313 1188 14 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 State of fund: Closed Fund name Fondo de Infraestructura en Transporte - FINTRA Fund Director María Mercedes Prado Fund administrator Fiduciaria Corficolombiana Fund size COP $161 billion - USD 83 million *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) August 2010 August 2014 August 2020 (20 years) Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Number of companies / participations realized (exits) • The largest company of the portfolio company has annual sales exceeding USD 1.5 trillion. N.A. • The second largest company has sales exceeding $ 500 million annually. N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Central America and the Caribbean. Preferred economic sectors • Roads • Energy • Ports/Airports • Logistics • Urban transportation • Related infrastructure General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies, concessions or projects related to infrastructure. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Early stage, high-growth or mature. FINTRA invests in mature companies or greenfield and brownfield projects. Type of fund Private Equity / Infraestructure. • The following two companies have annual sales of us $ 50 million, and $ 25 million respectively. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Smaller investment was $ 10 million, and the larger ticket was USD 25. Shareholding of the fund in the company The fund has minority interest positions with corporate governance agreements that give protection in major decisions. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 4 15 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (Brookfield ) is a company dedicated to the professional management of real assets and private funds of investing, focused primarily in the areas of infrastructure, energy, real estate and special situations. Fondo de Capital Privado de Infraestructura Brookfield Colombia is focused on infrastructure investments in Colombia in the sectors of energy, transport and utilities. Brookfield is listed on various stock markets like the NYSE, TSX and Euronext Amsterdam. Contact information Carlos David Castro Senior Vice President & General Manager [email protected] 16 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Andrés Cump Senior Vice President [email protected] [+57 1] 742 7377 Fund name Infraestructura Brookfield Colombia State of fund: Closed General Partner Brookfield Asset Management Barbados Inc. Sucursal Colombia Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Final closing COP $710.2 billion USD 227.50 million Sam Pollock Benjamin Vaughan Carlos David Castro Andres Crump Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) September 2009 September 2013 12 years • Sales grow at high rates Mature Companies • More than 5 years of operation and more than 50 employees Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) With possibility of extending the deadline twice for periods of one year. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • Generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy • Transport infrastructure (roads, ports, airports), hydrocarbon infrastructure, pipelines, storage station • Other infrastructure projects General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies that provide essential services: • In markets with high barriers to entry (natural monopolies, concessions, existence of long term contracts) • Low volatility cash flows • High operating margins • Having organic and/or inorganic growth opportunities Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Early stage: Infrastructure Projects with designs and licenses approved or in advanced stages of obtaining approval. Growth Companies • More than a year on the market Type of fund Infraestructure N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Annual sales greater than USD $16.4 million Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum of USD$40 million Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or significant minority with shareholders´s agreement Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 17 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Ashmore Management Company Colombia (“Ashmore Colombia”) is a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange listed Ashmore Group plc, a specialist Emerging Markets investment manager with total assets under management of USD 58.9 billion as of 30 June 2015. Ashmore I - FCP Colombia Infrastructure Fund (the” Fund”), is a closed and long-term private equity fund that makes infrastructure investments in Colombia. The Fund is managed by Ashmore Colombia (Professional Manager) to make mainly equity or quasi-equity investments in a diversified portfolio of infrastructure related projects and companies in Colombia. Ashmore Colombia is a company specialized in management of private equity funds; it acts as a professional manager of Ashmore I-FCP Colombia Infrastructure Fund. Contact information Camilo Villaveces President [email protected] [+57 1] 347 0649 18 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Ashmore I - FCP Colombia Infrastructure Final closing COP $491.13 billion USD 157.32 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Ashmore Management Company Colombia S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Camilo Villaveces Roberto Pérez Percentage available for investment in companies 16% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2010 December 2015 15 years and 5 months (v) telecommunications and satellites: fixed, wireless, cellular, satellite and voice and/or data; (vi) garbage and solid waste management; (vii) infrastructure logistics, such as cargo terminals, (viii) social infrastructure (hospitals, multipurpose infrastructure, etc.). Shareholding of the fund in the company Stage of the companies in which the fund invests 10 Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Transportation, electrical power, gas and oil, water, telecommunications and satellites, garbage and solid waste management, infrastructure logistics and social infrastructure. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Infrastructure projects related to, or services associated with, the following sectors: (i) transportation: land, rail, air, port (maritime and river, and the infrastructure necessary for navigation), mass transit; (ii) electrical power: generation, distribution and transmission; (iii) gas and oil: including without limitation transportation, distribution, and transformation (fractionation, gasification, liquefaction, etc.), excluding exploration when this activity is the main purpose; (iv) water: treatment of wastewater, potable water (distribution, transportation, production), irrigation districts; The Fund may not directly or indirectly invest more than 50% of (i) the total investment commitments existing at the time at which the investment committee makes the decision to invest, to develop new or greenfield infrastructure projects. Type of fund Infraestructure Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Majority and minority. In any case, the Fund should always be a shareholder with the capacity to influence in the decisions. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 1 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 1.99x Lazus Colombia S.A.S Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Up to June 30, 2015 net lRR 23.10%. gross lRR 28.40%. N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $57.9 billion - USD 18.55 million. 19 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Nexus Capital Partners is a manager of private equity funds focused in venture capital investments, in new or established projects with high profit potential. Nexus seeks to maximize returns for their investors as well as contributing with the economic development of the region, for which it has a highly qualified team and extensive experience and recognition in managing, structuring and financing projects. The Private Equity Fund “Nexus Infraestructura I FCP” is the first fund managed by Nexus Capital Partners. The objective is to generate attractive returns for their investors, through investments in either greenfield or brownfield infrastructure projects that offer an interesting return potential. Nexus Capital Partners is the GP of the Fund “Nexus Infraestructura I”, which participates in important infrastructure projects in Colombia and the region. Contact information Daniela Postarini Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 321 9838 20 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Alejandra Torres Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 321 9838 In addition to contributing to the development of infrastructure in Colombia and the region, the fund broadens the portfolio of available financing options in the market by investing in different projects, or issuing mezzanine debt. Fund name Nexus Infraestructura I FCP Final closing COP $223.9 billion USD 71.72 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Nexus Capital Partners S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria Bancolombia S.A. Peter Grossich Carlos Vergara Maria Isabel Patiño Percentage available for investment in companies 0% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) October 2009 December 2013 October 2019 (10 years) Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund South and central America and the Caribbean, mainly Colombia and Perú. Infrastructure. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests • Massive transportation systems. • Airports. • Energy. • Road infrastructure. COP $20 billion / COP $200 billion. USD 6.4 million / USD 64 million. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Minimum / maximum fund investment by company - High growth potential in traffic or demand. - Companies or projects that are being developed with proven technologies. - Projects with strategic investors, that may offer competitive advantages, which, summed up with those provided by the GP, will contribute to the maximization of the return over investment. -Projects or companies with a solid corporate governance structure. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Seed and Growth. N.A. N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 7 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. 21 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Ashmore CAF Management Company S.A.S is an investment manager whose shareholders are Ashmore Group plc, which is a specialist Emerging Markets investment manager with total assets under management of USD 58.9 billion as of 30 June 2015; Ashmore Management Company Colombia S.A.S, that acts as the professional manager of Ashmore I - FCP Colombia Infrastructure Fund I; and Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), one of the main development banks in Latin America. The Ashmore I - CAF Colombian Infrastructure Senior Debt Fund (Fund) is a fund focused on providing debt to infrastructure projects in Colombia, especially fourth generation program road concessionaries. Contact information Camilo Villaveces President [email protected] [+57 1] 347 0649 22 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Ashmore I - CAF Colombian Infrastructure Senior Debt Fund I State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Ashmore CAF Management Company Colombia S.A.S. Fund administrator Shareholders: Ashmore and Development Bank of Latin America Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Fund Director First closing Fund size objective COP $1.5 trillion - USD 480 million COP $3 trillion - USD 961 million Percentage available for investment in companies *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 Camilo Marulanda López N.A. First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) Pending Pending 25 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Infrastructure. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund attempts to finance 4G road plan concessions and other projects that meet the requirements of Decree 816/2014 related to infrastructure sectors (transportation, energy, gas, water, waste management and logistics infrastructure, among others). Minimum / maximum fund investment by company - Minimum investment: credits are granted for at least 5% of the totality of investment commitments. - Maximum investment: credits are granted for up to 25% of the totality of investment commitments (this varies depending on the stage of development of the project). Shareholding of the fund in the company N.A. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. The fund may finance a project in any stage of development (from construction to the operation stage). Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Type of fund Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Infraestructure. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 23 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Capital Partners is jointly owned by Corficolombiana and SK Group. Corficolombiana is part of Grupo Aval, the largest financial group in Colombia. It is a leading investor in the infrastructure and energy sectors. SK Group is one of the largest conglomerates in Korea, with operations in the energy, telecom, and infrastructure sectors among others. CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Fund is a private equity fund that targets the infrastructure and energy sectors, where the founding groups have extensive track records. It seeks companies based primarily in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Central America. The fund targets both greenfield and brownfield companies. It currently has USD100 million in capital commitments and is seeking a total USD 500 million. Contact information Juan Pablo Ospina Manager Juan Pablo Crane De Narvaez Managing Director [email protected] [+57 1] 745 8918 [email protected] [+57 1] 745 8918 23 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Fund, L.P State of fund: Fundraising General Partner CFC-SK ElDorado LATAM Capital Partners Ltd Fund administrator Key persons N.A. Juan Pablo Ospina Juan Pablo Crane First closing Fund size objective USD 100 million USD 500 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) February 2015 January 2020 2025 (10 years) 60% of first closing Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Central America. operating companies with revenues over US$30 million. Preferred economic sectors Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Infrastructure and energy. USD 25 million / 75 Million General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Shareholding of the fund in the company The fund targets investments in infrastructure, in assets such as roads, ports, and airports, as well as energy in assets including pipelines, power generation, and processing plants, among others. The fund seeks middle to large sized companies based in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico and Central America. The fund partners with highly proven constructors/operators. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Greenfield and brownfield companies. Type of fund Infraestructure. Majority and Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Greenfield projects with capital requirements over US$100 million and 25 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Company incorporated in 2015, in charge of the investment allocation and portfolio management services of the compartment “Deuda Privada Infraestructura I” of the private infrastructure debt fund “FCP 4G | Credicorp Capital – Sura Asset Management”. The purpose of the compartment “Deuda Privada Infraestructura I” of the private infrastructure debt fund “FCP 4G | Credicorp Capital – Sura Asset Management”, is to provide long-term debt financing to Colombian toll-road infrastructure projects, structured under the framework of public-private partnerships, regulated by Law 1508 of 2012 and awarded by the Colombian infrastructure agency (Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura) in 2014 and 2015. The business objetive of the company is to provide investment advisory services for the professional management of investments in the financing of Colombian infrastructure projects. Contact information Mario Dib De Castro Legal Representative for Investment Advisory Services of the General Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 236 1600 26 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 :: First closing State of fund: Fundraising Fund name General Partner FCP 4G | Credicorp Capital – Sura Asset Management, Compartimento Deuda Privada Infraestructura I Unión para la Infraestructura S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A. Mario Dib De Castro Fund size objective Percentage available for investment in companies Fund size at COP 1 trillion - USD 320.31 million Target COP $2 trillon - USD 640 million *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 100% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) November 2015 November 2018 23 Years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia. Infraestructure. Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests PPP projects structured according to Law 1508 of 2012 – 4G Toll-Road Concessions. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Long-term debt financing to Colombian toll-road infrastructure projects, structured under the framework of public-private partnerships, regulated by Law 1508 of 2012 and awarded by the Colombian infrastructure agency (Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura) in 2014 and 2015. The financing may be granted to concession companies, special purpose vehicles or trust companies created for such purposes. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Start-up - Structuring and granting of financings and loans for the construction of 4G toll-road projects in Colombia. N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Maximum: 30% fund size. Shareholding of the fund in the company Structuring and providing financings and loans. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 27 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information Contact information Miguel Ángel Zavala Manager [email protected] [+345] 952 85 7528 28 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 State of fund: Fundraising Fund name Nova renewable Energy latin America LP General Partner Nova Latin America GP LP Fund administrator GT First closing Fund size objective Percentage available for investment in companies USD 100 million USD 350 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) March 2016 March 2021 March 2026 20% Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries South America, Chile, Colombia, Perú. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Renewable Energy. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest N.A. Impact investment in Renewable Energy: Wind, Hhydro, Solar and Biomass. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Mature Greenfield Startup. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 12% - 15% Type of fund Infraestructure. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 5 million / USD 50 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and Minority. 29 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Fund information REAL E ESTATE REAL ESTATE FUNDS AVENIDACAPITAL Description of the general partner Avenida Capital LLC is a private equity real estate investment advisor with offices in Bogota and New York City. The company manages opportunistic fund and direct equity investments across select property types throughout Latin America. Since its founding in 2006, the firm has committed capital both as principal and on behalf of its investors to residential, retail and mixed-use projects in Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Panama. The principals of Avenida Capital have over 140 years of combined investment management experience and have executed over USD 1.5 billion of real estate transactions. Avenida Capital offers deep knowledge and operational experience aimed at creating innovative and sustainable projects that create value for both its investors and local partners, and contribute to the vitality of the urban environment. Contact information Alexander Chalmers Managing Director [email protected] [+1] 212 220 5856 32 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Currently, the company manages two opportunistic real estate funds with a single country strategy focused on the development of retail, residential and mixed-use assets in Colombia. Description of the fund Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund I, LLC, the Fund, seeks to generate superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-quality real estate assets in Colombia, primarily focusing on the development of retail, residential and mixed-use projects. The Fund’s strategy is focused in investing in a portfolio of real estate assets diversified by geographic location, project type and local developer partner. Fund name AVENIDACAPITAL Final closing USD 140.2 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund I, LLC Avenida Partners LLC Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SS&C Technologies Inc. David Smilow Michael Teich Alexander Chalmers Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. First closing date Investment period (final date) December 2012 December 2017** Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. Majority position. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Real Estate. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund invests in the development of residential, retail and mixed-use projects in the main and secondary cities of Colombia. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Type of fund Private Equity Real Estate. 17 projects. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 3 projects – (USD $38.0 million)** Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2,1x** Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 43,5%** Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company The average equity range for an individual project can be between USD 5 - 25 million. **Update by the general partner 33 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Fiduciaria Bancolombia S.A. is a specialist in the management of investment funds and individual investment portfolios, and development of fiduciary businesses in Colombia. It has a highly qualified human and professional team adding value through the development of fiduciary alternatives, with an integral risk management. With over 18 years of experience in Colombian market, makes part of the Bancolombia Group, one of the leading financial conglomerates in the country, having more than 130 years of experience in financial services of various kinds, and having presence in Panama, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Peru and the United States. Its growing market share and acknowledgement in international financial markets has consolidated our economic group as a major player in the Region. The Fondo Inmobiliario Colombia (FIC) is a private-equity fund, set up as a collective investment fund, both leveraged and long-term, aimed at investors with a medium-risk-profile. This is an excellent investment option on the real estate sector, without the operation that implies the direct management and acquisition of real estate properties and projects, since the management of the properties is delegated to the fund. Its securities are registered at the Colombian Registry of Securities and Issuers (RNVE) as well as the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC), and although they are not currently traded, it allows obtaining liquidity and facilitating the transfer process. Contact information Yarleidy Lopera Jaramillo [email protected] [+57 4] 4041209 34 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 State of fund: Closed Fund name Fondo Inmobiliario Colombia Fund Director Santiago Uribe López Fund administrator Fiduciaria Bancolombia Final closing COP $1.514,7 billion USD 605 million Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date October 2008 Investment period (final date) Additional investment periods can be open by a recommendation from the Investment Committee. Final closing date (term years) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. N.A. Type of fund Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) October 2038 (30 years) But may be extended for additional periods of 10 years with the prior consent of its General Assembly of Investors Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia / All regions. Preferred economic sectors • Real State. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest • Stabilized properties, it means properties with a high occupancy rate and stabilized operating expenses. • Real Estate with high qualities and better specifications which are located on an attractive zone. • Properties which are in the principal cities in Colombia. • Forward purchases (properties under construction). • Built to suit real estate projects, designed and built with the specific needs of the prospective lessee. • Development of real estate projects with a Sale & Lease Back contract. • Properties that imply a moderate intervention or a higher level of commercial management in order to rent vacant space. Real State. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests 7,6% - 8,5% N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimun: COP $ 20 billion. USD 6.4 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 180 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. 35 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Quadras S.A.S. is a company formed by Pienssa S.A.S. and Prodesa S.A. Pienssa’s partners have over 30 years of combined experience in Investment Banking and have participated in the structuring and management of real estate funds. Prodesa’s partners have 25 years of experience in developing real estate projects in Colombia and U.S.A. Futuro Inmobiliario Fund enabled investors to participate in all of the real estate value chain by investing in projects that go anywhere from the acquisition of raw land to its final development. Value creation will come from land entitlement and zoning improvement, redevelopment and /or construction in well-located high quality real estate, in growing supply-constrained markets in Colombia. Contact information Dorothea Bickenbach Fund Manager [email protected] [+57 1] 345 9943 36 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Futuro Inmobiliario Compartimento I Fund administrator Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Final closing COP $46 billion - USD 23.9 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Quadras S.A.S. Fund Director(s) Dorothea Bickenbach Alejandro Ferrer Juan Antonio Pardo Mauricio García Carlos Alfredo Vargas Percentage available for investment in companies *Exchange rate 23rd Aug. 2013: COP $1.921,99 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) August 2013 November 2015 10 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. Majority. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Construction. • Housing. 5 General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Number of companies / participations realized (exits) The fund invests in land for the development of low income (VIS and VIP) and middle income housing projects in Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests 0 N.A. Raw or entitled land. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund 18% net for equity investors. Real Estate. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Maximum: COP $15 billion. 37 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias is a subsidiary of Inverlink S.A., created with the objective of managing real estate private equity funds. The firm stands out because of its highly qualified team, rigorous investment process, and alignment with investors’ interests due to their significant investment in the Fund. In November 2007, Inverlink launched the first private equity real estate fund in Colombia, with the objective of creating a diversified commercial real estate portfolio of industrial, office and retail properties. Through its Special Investment Vehicles (compartments - currently three), the Fund has the ability to expand its investment scope in the real estate sector to capture different opportunities depending on the asset class and the risk-return profile of the asset. Compartment One is comprised of commercial stabilized real estate, including industrial, retail and office properties that have long and medium term leases. On the other hand, Compartments Paralelo 26 and Zona Franca were created with the purpose of investing in real estate development projects: Paralelo 26 Corporate Tower and ZF Towers Phase 1 respectively. Founded over 25 years ago, Inverlink is one of the leading investment banks specialized in mergers & acquisitions, structured and project finance, as well as capital markets throughout Latin America. As the first investment bank in Colombia, and as an independent firm, Inverlink is a leader structuring and executing transactions with a high degree of complexity following international standards. Contact information Andrés Escobar Lega Vice President [email protected] 38 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Catalina García Quintana Vice President [email protected] [+57 1] 748 9000 Fund name Closed General Partner Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias Inverlink Estructuras Inmobiliarias S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Felipe Encinales Andrés Escobar Catalina García Final closing Compartment One: COP $362 billion - USD 116 million Compartment Paralelo 26: COP $115 billion - USD 37 million State of fund: Compartment Zona Franca: COP $45 billion - USD 14 million Total Fund: COP $524 billion - USD 166 million Percentage available for investment in companies Compartment One: Unlimited. The compartment finances new acquisitions through the issuance of new Fund units. For the development of real estate projects the Fund creates new compartments. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Investment period (in years) Compartment One: November 2007 Compartment Paralelo 26: December 2012 Compartment Zona Franca: August 2013 Compartment San Pablo: May 2009 November 2047 (40 years) December 2018 (6 years) August 2019 (6 years) October 2012 (3.5 years) 36 years 3 years 3 years N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Compartment One: total unit appreciation: 3,5x (as of July 2015). Compartment Paralelo 26: 1,4x (Expected). Compartment Zona Franca: 1,8x (Expected). Compartment San Pablo: N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • Real State. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest USD 3.3 million – minimum value of target Compartment One transactions. Compartment One: invests in commercial real estate, including industrial, retail and office properties. Assets must have stabilized long and medium term leases. The Fund also invests in real estate development projects through the creation of new compartments such as Compartment Paralelo 26 and Compartment Zona Franca. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Type of fund Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority stakes . Number of companies in which the fund has invested Compartment One: 28 Compartment Paralelo 26: 1 Compartment Zona Franca: 1 Compartment San Pablo: 2 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Compartment One: 17,58% E.A. (as of July 2015). Compartment Paralelo 26: 18% 22% E.A. (Expected). Compartment Zona Franca: 18% 25% E.A. (Expected). Compartment San Pablo: N.A. Property within Tu Casa Mall (USD 1.2 million) - Compartment One. Compartment San Pablo (Final Fund value USD 43,4 million). Real State. 39 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Nexus Capital Partners is a manager of private equity funds focused in venture capital investments, in new or established projects with high profit potential. Nexus seeks to maximize returns for their investors as well as contributing to the economic development of the region, for which it has a highly qualified team and extensive experience and recognition in managing, structuring and financing projects. Private Equity Fund Nexus Inmobiliario is a long-term, closed fund, operating by compartments, and is oriented towards the development of real estate projects and the acquisition of properties for rent. Among the different investment types, the fund is oriented towards offices, commerce, logistics centers, warehouses, and residential property, among others. Nexus Capital Partners is oriented towards infrastructure and real state capital investments in Colombia and the top economies of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Contact information Jenny González Vice President [email protected] [+57 1] 3219838 Ext: 27 40 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Adriana Hurtado Uribe Vice President [email protected] [+57 1] 3219838 Ext: 37 Fund name Nexus Inmobiliario Closed General Partner Nexus Capital Partners S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A. Fuad Velasco Juri Final closing Torre Alianza Compartment: COP $20.5 billion - USD 6.56 million Diversificado Compartment:: COP $20.6 billion - USD 6.61 million State of fund: Triple A Compartment: COP $80.8 billion - USD 25.8 million Total Fund: COP $121.9 billion - USD 39 million Percentage available for investment in companies Torre Alianza Compartment: 0% Diversificado Compartment: 100% Triple A Compartment: 81% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Final date Torre Alianza Compartment: September 2014 Diversificado Compartment: March 2015 Triple A Compartment: March 2015 Torre Alianza Compartment: September 2024 Diversificado Compartment: March 2021 Triple A Compartment: March 2027 Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Central America and the Caribbean. Preferred economic sectors • Real State. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Offices, commerce, logistics centers, warehouses, and residential property, among others. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Torre Alianza Compartment: In Construction. Diversificado Compartment: N.A. Triple A Compartment: Mature stages. Type of fund Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Torre Alianza Compartment: N.A. Diversificado Compartment: the fund can invest in one single project up to 35% of the total of the commited capital of the compartment. Triple A Compartment: the fund can invest in one single project up to 25% of the total of the commited capital of the compartment. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and minority Number of companies in which the fund has invested Torre Alianza Compartment: 1 Diversificado Compartment: N.A. Triple A Compartment: 2 Real State and Private Equity. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. 41 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund TC Latin America Partners is a specialized Latin American alternative asset management firm. The company has local offices in New York, Mexico City, Bogota, and Lima, and it is currently in the asset management phase of its first two funds and the fundraising phase of its third fund. Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund I is a private equity fund that invests in real estate assets and affordable and middle-income housing projects in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The fund based in Cayman Islands invests under equal conditions with Fondo de Capital Privado Terranum Capital, based in Colombia; jointly, these funds are called Fund I. To achieve its investment goal, the funds partner with local real estate developers or construction companies with a proven track record. Contact information Gregorio Schneider Socio Director - CIO [email protected] [+1] 347 289 3310 42 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund I Fondo de Capital Privado Terranum Capital (part of Fund I) Final closing USD 236.23 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund I GP Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Augentius (Caimán) Corredores Davivienda S.A. (Colombia) Gregorio Schneider Daniel Grunberg Percentage available for investment in companies Has finished the investment period First closing date Investment period (final date) March 2012 March 2015 Final closing date (term years) March 2017 (5 years) Two additional extension periods of 1 year each, at the General Partners’ discretion Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru y Mexico. Preferred economic sectors • Residential Real Estate. • Commercial Real Estate. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Real estate projects with an average investment between USD 5 million and USD 15 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Existing real estate assets and affordable/middle-income housing projects. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests The funds invest directly in existing assets or real estate residential and commercial projects in the stage of structuring, construction and marketing. These assets or projects must be led by established developers in each of the local markets. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The funds invest directly in assets or real estate residential and commercial projects. The funds always hold a majority interest. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 21 projects. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 4 projects. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. N.A. 43 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information AVENIDACAPITAL Description of the general partner Avenida Capital LLC is a private equity real estate investment advisor with offices in Bogota and New York City. The company manages opportunistic fund and direct equity investments across select property types throughout Latin America. Since its founding in 2006, the firm has committed capital both as principal and on behalf of its investors to residential, retail and mixed-use projects in Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Panama. The principals of Avenida Capital have over 140 years of combined investment management experience and have executed over USD $1.5 billion of real estate transactions. Avenida Capital offers deep knowledge and operational experience aimed at creating innovative and sustainable projects that create value for both its investors and local partners, and contribute to the vitality of the urban environment. Contact information Alexander Chalmers Managing Director [email protected] [+1] 212 220 5856 44 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Currently, the company manages two opportunistic real estate funds with a single country strategy focused on the development of retail, residential and mixed-use assets in Colombia. Description of the fund Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund II, L.P., the Fund, seeks to generate superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-quality real estate assets in Colombia, primarily focusing on the development of retail, residential and mixed-use projects. The Fund’s strategy is focused in investing in a portfolio of real estate assets diversified by geographic location, project type and local developer partner. Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Avenida Colombia Real Estate Fund II, LP Avenida Partners LLC Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Global Administrator: SS&C Technologies Inc. Colombia: Corficolombiana David Smilow Michael Teich Alexander Chalmers First closing Fund size objective N.A. USD 250 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) May 2015 May 2022** AVENIDACAPITAL N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. Majority position. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Real Estate. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund invests in the development of residential, retail and mixed-use projects in the main and secondary cities of Colombia. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Type of fund Private Equity Real Estate. 2 projects. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company The average equity range for an individual project can be between USD 15 - 35 million. **Update by the general partner 45 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2014 Building Block Partners is a GP with investment experience in Colombian and the Region, which has replicated its model in different markets. In its first phase Building Block Partners has focused on finding investment opportunities in real estate development in Colombia and the United States, seeking to mitigate risks for investors, developing specific portfolios combining development opportunities with income generating assets. Building Block Partners supports investment management experience of its investment team in companies in various sectors of the economy such as retail, financial and energy; along with real estate. The private equity fund, Fondo BBP Real is a fund compartmentalized, a family fund, with the ability to make investments with different strategies, including different economic sectors and assets to invest in every compartment. The first compartment of the fund is focused on real estate investments, it has investment commitments for COP $97 billion - USD 31 million and investments on July COP $ 67 billion - USD 21.5 million. Contact information Juan Manuel de Pombo Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 601 7896 46 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Mauricio Ortiz Calderón Managing Partner [+57 1] 601 7896 Fund name BBP Real State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Building Block Partners Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SEAF Colombia Sociedad Administradora de Inversiones Juan Manuel de Pombo Mauricio Ortiz Calderón First closing Fund size objective COP $97 billion USD 31 million COP $119 billion USD 38 million Percentage available for investment in companies 30% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2014 July 2018 2024 (10 years) *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, United States of America. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $10 billion. Preferred economic sectors Fund: Multisectorial. Compartment I: Real Estate. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Number of companies in which the fund has invested Compartment I. Real Estate Invest in real estate projects seeking the construction of rents and high future value potential. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Start Up. Participate in early stages of the real estate conceptual project. Type of fund Fund: Private Equity. Compartment I: Real Estate. No preference. 5 N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The expectancy of return by rents depends on type of the asset and it is usually a percent of the value asset. 47 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Quadras S.A.S. is a company formed by Pienssa S.A.S. and Prodesa S.A. Pienssa’s partners have over 30 years of combined experience in Investment Banking and have participated in the structuring and management of real estate funds. Prodesa’s partners have 25 years of experience in developing real estate projects in Colombia and U.S.A. Futuro Inmobiliario Fund’s Second Compartment will enable investors to participate in all of the real estate value chain by investing in projects that go anywhere from the acquisition of raw land to its final development. Value creation will come from land entitlement and zoning improvement, redevelopment and /or construction in well-located high quality real estate, in growing supply-constrained markets in Colombia. Contact information Dorothea Bickenbach Fund Manager [email protected] [+57 1] 345 9943 48 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Futuro Inmobiliario Compartimento II Fund administrator Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. First closing Fund size objective State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Quadras S.A.S. Fund Director(s) Dorothea Bickenbach Alejandro Ferrer Juan Antonio Pardo Mauricio García Carlos Alfredo Vargas Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. USD 100 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. N.A. 10 years 100% Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. Majority. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Construction. • Housing. N.A. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Number of companies / participations realized (exits) The fund invests in land for the development of low income (VIS and VIP) and middle income housing projects in Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests 0 N.A. Raw or entitled land. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund 18% net for equity investors. Real Estate. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. 49 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The Manager is a subsidiary of Emprendimientos Inmobiliarios e Inversiones de Colombia S.A. whose president, Abdón Espinosa Fenwarth, has over 30 years of experience in the real estate sector. Main projects developed by the manager includes: Centro comercial Atlantis Plaza /Bogotá, World Business Port / Bogotá, Plaza de la Fuente / Bogotá, La Morada / Bogotá, Torre 93, Century 82 / Bogotá, Torre Versalles / Cali, Santa Cruz de Sotavento / Bogotá, Santa Cruz del Salitre / Bogotá, Casa Imperial / Bogotá, Santa Cruz de la Alameda /Bogotá, Bosque de Normandia / Bogotá, Vallarta / Bogotá, Oxford Bureau, among others. The Fund invests in income commercial property in Colombia, focusing on commercial properties such as offices, commercial property and warehouses. The fund only invests in existing properties that are operationally stable, with leases that guarantee the investor an income from day one. It is an alternative investment in real estate that allows the investor to obtain a much higher expected return to other alternatives, diversify portfolios, receive income, and the investor has the ability to obtain capital gains over time. Contact information Abdón Eduardo Espinosa Fenwarth [email protected] [+57 1] 317 9917 50 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Mario Sierra [email protected] [+57 1] 317 9917 Fund name Inmobiliario Ultrabursátiles State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Gestor Inmobiliario S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Ultraserfinco Comisionista de Bolsa** Abdón Eduardo Espinosa Fenwarth First closing Fund size objective COP $100 billion - USD 32 million COP $200 billion - USD 64 million Percentage available for investment in companies *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 COP $2.500 million – USD 0.8 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. N.A. 30 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Real Estate. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund invests in commercial properties, offices and industrial warehouses with high qualification standards. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum: COP $2 billion USD 600.000. Not Maximum amount established. Shareholding of the fund in the company The fund invests in majority stakes. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 8 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) The fund invests in existing commercial properties with proven income and signed leases contracts. N.A. Type of fund N.A. Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Cumulative return of 58,67% since day one (as of June 30, 2015). **Update by the general partner 51 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 1995, Paladin Realty is a leading institutional real estate fund manager focused on the development of for-sale residential housing across Latin America, including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay. To date, Paladin has sponsored and managed a number of investment funds, plus related side-car and co-investment vehicles, comprising over US$800 million of equity and US$3 billion of total capitalization. To date, the firm has invested in the development of more than 29,000 residential units, commercial properties and select opportunistic situations in the region, comprising more than 20 million square feet. Paladin Realty is a registered investment advisor headquartered in Los Angeles, California, with offices located in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. Paladin Realty Latin America Investors V (“Latam V”) will build upon the same strategy Paladin has executed throughout Latin America since 1998. Pan-regional approach targeting major markets with attractive demand and supply fundamentals, as well as a favorable climate for foreign investors. Key target markets include Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Mexico, all countries where Paladin has been active. Two-pronged strategy: (1) programmatic housing joint ventures targeting the region’s rapidly growing middle-class population and the huge pent-up demand for affordable housing; and (2) opportunistic investments targeting select commercial properties, entity investments and distress situations. Contact information Fred Gortner Managing Director & COO [email protected] [+1] 310 996 8762 52 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Paladin Realty Latin America Investors V, L.P Fund administrator Paladin Realty V GP, LLC State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Paladin Realty Partners, LLC Fund Director(s) Jim Worms Fred Gortner Randall Loker Ricardo Raoul (Brazil) Alejandro Krell (South America) Santiago Gil (Mexico) First closing Fund size objective Percentage available for investment in companies USD 100 million + USD 400 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) September 2015 December 2019 December 2022 (7 years) N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Latin America / Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Chile. Preferred economic sectors Real Estate. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Latam V has a two-pronged strategy: (1) programmatic housing joint ventures targeting the region’s rapidly growing middle-class population and the huge pent-up demand for affordable housing; and (2) opportunistic investments targeting select commercial properties, entity investments and distress situations. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Type of fund Real Estate. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company A typical real estate joint venture platform investment by the Fund can be between USD 5 million to USD 20 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 40 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 9 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2.0x Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 20% Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. 53 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital markets. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. With a strategy based in promoting Colombia’s economic growth, Profesionales de Bolsa impulses the new way of doing business, under the creation of its Private Equity Funds, successfully administrating a figure greater than COP 550 billion. Under its private equity fund Real Estate Value, Profesionales de Bolsa will develop an ambitious industrial project with a very large scope in logistics and industrial processes, being the first in its type in Colombia: “Polígonos Industriales de Colombia” . (Colombian Industrial Parks). Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello Lacouture [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 54 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Real Estate Value Private Equity Fund: Polígonos Industriales State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective COP $220 billion USD 70.4 million N.A. Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2016 2018 10 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Preferred economic sectors Construction & Infraestructure, Logistic. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund Construction & Infraestructure, Real Estate. IRR 25.02% E.A. (expected). Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $500 million / COP $220 billion. USD 0.16 million / USD 70.4 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. 55 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital markets. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. The Real Estate Income Fund aims to buy properties in order to rent these offices in the cities of Medellín and Bogotá. Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello Lacouture [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 56 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Alba Zapata [+57 1] 646 3330 Fund name Real Estate Income Fund State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective N.A. COP $42.7 billion USD 13.68 million Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) October 2010 December 2017 7 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Preferred economic sectors Construction & Infraestructure, Logistic. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 10% E.A. (expected). N.A. Type of fund Real Estate. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company 600 S.M.M.L.V. Shareholding of the fund in the company The fund invests in majority stakes. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. 57 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Sociedad Fondo Inmobiliario S.A. was created on 1993 in order to develop real estate business as a buy, sell, management, structure fiduciary contracts and lease them; finance with own resources the acquisition of property, receive mortgage guarantees and originate trust schemes on real state property or credits. The SFI Private Equity Fund is a collective investment vehicle closed long-term , aimed at investing in real estate assets with variable return depending on the performance of the assets investment. Contact information Rodrigo Fernández Ávila Sales and Relationship Manager [email protected] [+57 1] 310 0510 Ext: 23 58 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name SFI Sociedad Fondo Inmobiliario State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Sociedad Fondo Inmobiliario S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Gloria Roa de Bernal Rodrigo Fernández Ávila First closing Fund size objective We are entering the period of obtaining resources. COP $500 billion USD 160.15 million Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date N.A. Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) 15 years 20 years Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) The fund may invest in real estate projects that are in the process of structuring , construction or are finished. N.A. Counted from the date of commencement of operations From the date of commencement of operations Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia and other countries. Preferred economic sectors N.A. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Real estate (directly or as underlying ) in structuring phase , construction or finished products intended for: ( i ) Commercial Activities: local, malls, department stores; ( ii ) industrial and logistics activities: warehouses, industrial parks and free trade zones, distribution centers, central wholesalers, retailers and supply; ( iii ) offices and similar applications, including professional offices; ( iv ) educational applications including student dormitories; ( v ) hotel use; ( vi) entertainment industry: events and conventions centers, cinemas and theaters, discos, movie studios, among others; ( vii ) service stations and parking; ( viii ) health industry: clinics and hospitals; ( ix ) mixed use: local, office, hotels. Type of fund Real State. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company N.A. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. 59 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund TC Latin America Partners is a specialized Latin American alternative asset management firm. The company has local offices in New York, Mexico City, Bogota, and Lima, and it is currently in the asset management phase of its first two funds and the fundraising phase of its third fund. Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund II is a private equity fund, based in Cayman Islands, that invests in real estate assets and affordable and middle-income housing projects in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. To achieve its investment goal, the fund partners with local real estate developers or construction companies with a proven track record. Contact information Gregorio Schneider Socio Director - CIO [email protected] [+1] 347 289 3310 60 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund II Terranum Capital Latin America Real Estate Fund II, GP Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Augentius Gregorio Schneider Daniel Grunberg First closing Fund size objective USD 80 million USD 400 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) April 2015 April 2019 March 2024 (8 years) 100% Two additional extension periods of 1 year each, at the General Partners’ discretion. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru y Mexico. Preferred economic sectors • Residential Real Estate. • Commercial Real Estate. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Real estate projects with an average investment between USD 5 and USD 20 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Existing Real Estate assets and affordable/middle-income housing projects. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests The fund invests directly in existing assets or real estate residential and commercial projects in the stage of structuring, construction and marketing. These assets or projects must be led by established developers in each of the local markets. Type of fund Real Estate. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The fund invests directly in assets or real estate residential and commercial projects. The fund always holds a majority interest. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 2 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) None. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. N.A. 61 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital markets. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. Considering the importance of Bogota as the Capital City, business center and growing development of the economic activity, since 2011 Profesionales de Bolsa started to look for an optimal land to develop the Logistic Terminal of Colombia - Bogota in order to make it an integral part of the most complete and specialized logistic platform in the country which will converge with the main logistics nodes. Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello Lacouture [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 62 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Real Estate Value Private Equity Fund: TLC Bogotá State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective COP $120 billion USD 38.4 million N.A. Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) 2016 2017 23 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Preferred economic sectors Construction & Infraestructure, Logistic. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund Construction & Infraestructure, Real Estate . 15.94 % E.A. (expected). Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $500 million / COP $120 billion. USD 0.16 million / USD 38.4 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. 63 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital markets. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. Logistics terminals Colombia - Cartagena was inaugurated as the logistics focus of the region for being the only one of its kind in the country. It has several types of property in one place: warehouses, offices, shops and hotel. Cartagena port strategically located on the Caribbean Sea to the north and the South American center of the Americas, with a high maritime traffic to and from all continents. Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello Lacouture [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 64 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Real Estate Value Private Equity Fund: TLC Cartagena State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective COP $160.5 billion USD 51.4 million COP $160.5 billion Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) 2016 2016 23 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Preferred economic sectors Construction & Infraestructure, Logistic. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund Construction & Infraestructure, Real Estate . 16.61% E.A. (expected). Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $500 million / COP $160.5 billion. USD 0.16 million / USD 51.4 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. 65 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund YELLOWSTONE CAPITAL PARTNERS is a Colombia-based private equity real estate investment firm specialized in opportunistic development and land banking. The firm operates as a partnership between the investment platform owned by the shareholders of AMARILO, and INVEXFUND, a local reputable investment banking and asset management firm. YELLOWSTONE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE FUND I was launched in 2015 creating the opportunity to invest in high growth potential value-driven deals within the AMARILO GROUP proprietary pipeline. As investors with a businessman vision, the FUND cherry-picks opportunities with the best risk/return profiles to invest side-by-side with investors for shared success. AMARILO is the leading real estate development group in Colombia in terms of shareholder value capture. For the past 22 years the Company . The Company has been ranked one of the top-100 companies in Colombia with best business reputation for the past 4 consecutive years by Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (MERCO). The FUND will capitalize on AMARILO’s and INVEXFUND’s complementary proven track-record by investing in real estate assets through 4 distinct FUND compartments: i) Income-producing, ii) For-sale real estate, iii) Land-banking, and iv) Alternative investments. COMPARTMENT AI invested in a large-scale opportunistic income-producing shopping center located in a strategic emerging middle-class corridor in the city of Medellin. The project will replicate the successful Fontanar Shopping Center located in the municipality Chia, a high-growth Bogota suburb. Contact information Luis Fernando Ramírez CEO & Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 552 6352 66 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Juan Carlos Moreno Managing Partner [email protected] / [email protected] [+57 1] 552 6352 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Yellowstone Capital Real Estate Fund I Yellowstone Capital Partners S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Luis Fernando Ramírez Juan Carlos Moreno First closing Fund size objective For the investment in new opportunities the Fund creates new compartments on a deal-by-deal basis. Compartment I: CIMENTO Medellín Shopping Center COP $80 billion – USD 25 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. N.A. Compartment AI: 2015 – 2025 (10 years) For the investment in new opportunities the Fund creates new compartments on a deal-by-deal basis. 5 extensions of 1 year each. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia and Panama. Preferred economic sectors Real Estate. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest • Income-producing shopping centers. • Large-scale residential real estate macro-projects targeting the working and emerging middle-class segments. • Raw land with potential high value capture. • Other strategic real estate assets. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Type of fund Private Equity Real Estate Fund. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Average investment (ticket size) per deal/compartment: COP $40 billion - COP $80 billion. Shareholding of the fund in the company N.A. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. N.A. 67 REAL ESTATE FUNDS Fund information NATURAL R RESOURCES NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS Description of the general partner Description of the fund LAEFM Colombia Ltda., is a subsidiary of Latin America Enterprise Fund Managers L.L.C (“LAEFM”) one of the pioneers in managing private equity funds in Latin America with USD 783 million of cumulative committed resources since 1995. For its part, LAEFM Colombia focuses on managing private equity funds which invest in priority sectors of the Colombian economy, hydrocarbons and forestry. The Colombian Investment in Hydrocarbons Fund was the first private equity fund established in the country. The Fund consists of three phases: Phase I USD 62 million (began operations in 2005), Phase II USD 67 million (began operations in 2008) and Phase III USD 220 million (began operations in 2010). The strategy of the Fund is to invest in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects in association with specialized operators who have contracts with the National Hydrocarbons Agency and/or Ecopetrol in national blocks. Contact information John Jairo Santa Managing Director [email protected] [+57 1] 606 5500 70 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Colombian Investment in Hydrocarbons Fund State of fund: Closed General Partner LAEFM Colombia Ltda. Fund Director Fund administrator Fiduciaria Bancolombia S.A. Final closing USD 349.6 million Phase I: USD 62.3 million Phase II: USD 67.3 million Phase III: USD 220 million Eduardo Elejalde Percentage available for investment in companies Phase I: 0% Phase II: 0% Fase III: 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Phase I: June 2005 Phase II: February 2008 Phase III: September 2010 Phase I: June 2009 Phase II: February 2012 Phase III: September 2014 Final closing date (term years) Phase I: June 2015 (10 years) Phase II: February 2018 (10 years) Phase III: September 2020 (10 years) Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Number of companies / participations realized (exits) The Fund invests risk capital (equity) in projects, not in companies. Phase I: 162% of Committed Resources returned to investors to date. Phase II: 183% of Committed Resources returned to investors to date. Phase III: 129% of Committed Resources returned to investors to date. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia (Llanos Orientales, Putumayo, Catatumbo y Valle Superior y Medio del Magdalena). Preferred economic sectors Hydrocarbons. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund invests risk capital (equity) in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects in association with specialized operators who have contracts with the National Hydrocarbons Agency and/or Ecopetrol in national blocks. It does not invest in companies. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Seed and/or Start-up. The Fund invests risk capital (equity) in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects in association with specialized operators. Type of fund Private Equity - Natural Resources. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Maximum investment of USD 10 million per project in Phase III with the possibility of a waiver up to 20% of Committed Resources. Shareholding of the fund in the company The Fund invests risk capital (equity) in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects (not in companies). The ownership in the projects is minority (30%-40%) with participation in key decisions. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2.6 times. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 26% before expenses (commissions and carried interest) and 17% after expenses (commissions and carried interest). The Fund invests in projects, not in companies. Phase I: 15 projects. Phase II: 15 projects. Phase III: 21 projects. 71 NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund LAEFM Colombia Ltda., is a subsidiary of Latin America Enterprise Fund Managers L.L.C (“LAEFM”) one of the pioneers in managing private equity funds in Latin America with USD 783 million of cumulative committed resources since 1995. For its part, LAEFM Colombia focuses on managing private equity funds which invest in priority sectors of the Colombian economy, hydrocarbons and forestry. The Colombian Investment in Forestry Fund has committed resources of USD 26 million to invest in commercial forestry plantation projects in association with specialized operators and landowners. The projects to be developed must: (i) have proven technological packages; (ii) be located in regions suitable for forestry production; and (iii) have close proximity to already established forestry nuclei, major roads and markets. Contact information Nohemí Restrepo Vice President [email protected] [+57 1] 606 5500 72 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Colombian Investment in Forestry Fund State of fund: Closed General Partner LAEFM Colombia Ltda. Fund Director Fund administrator Fiduciaria de Desarrollo Agropecuario S.A. (Fiduagraria) Final closing USD 26.3 million Eduardo Elejalde Percentage available for investment in companies 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) November 2007 November 2011 November 2015 (8 years) Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Extendible (extension in progress). Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia (Caribbean Plain, Eastern Plains and Northeast Antioquia). Maximum investment USD 8 million per project. Preferred economic sectors Forestry. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Commercial forestry plantation projects in association with specialized operators. No investments in companies. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Start-up/ Growth. The Fund invests in commercial forestry plantation projects in association with specialized operators. No investments in companies. Type of fund Private Equity - Natural Resources. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The Fund invests in commercial forestry plantation projects, not in companies. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and minority. It can have either majority or minority participation in a project; in any case, may not invest more than 80% of project cost not including the land. First exit IRR 19% (in Colombian pesos). The Fund´s IRR is yet to be determined because there are two projects that have not been sold. Number of companies in which the fund has invested The Fund does not invest in companies but has invested in 3 projects whose resources are in the process of being disbursed. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) One exit completed. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) One exit with a multiple of 1.4 (in Colombian pesos). 73 NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2006, Tribeca Asset Management is one of the first private equity firms based in Colombia. As part of its strategy, Tribeca invests in Colombian companies with high growth potential and where its model can be replicated in other countries in Latin America. Tribeca has created a portfolio of private equity investments that exhibit significant potential for growth in healthcare, energy, natural resources, infrastructure and consumer goods and services. Throughout its history, Tribeca has had over USD 420 MM in assets under management, which have been distributed in six private equity funds and 12 companies. The FCP Tribeca Natural Resources Fund was created as a private equity fund that specializes in investing in companies and projects related to the sustainable use of natural resources, especially in the mining sector. The fund manages a portfolio of companies and projects in various stages of development, from initial prospective exploration to development and production. Contact information Ciro Mendez Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 490 0040 74 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Tribeca Natural Resources Fund Final closing USD 39.5 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Tribeca Management Company Fund administrator Fund Director Alianza Fiduciaria Ciro Mendez Percentage available for investment in companies 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) October 2010 October 2014 October 2018 (8 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Perú. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 10 million / 35 million. Preferred economic sectors Mining. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies and projects in the mining sector and general resources in general, including companies involved in the exploitation and / or exploration and / or mining or marketing areas of natural resources and their products and their derivatives. Companies also related to the activities of the sector, including goods and services related to mining and / or natural resources. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth, Early Stage. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 5 - 10 million. 75 NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital market. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. Through the Forest Value Fund, Profesionales de Bolsa is planting, fostering and extracting natural rubber. This project has an estimated value of 130 billion COP and promotes the agro industrial sector in Colombia. In 2011 Profesionales de Bolsa saw the first field with natural rubber trees, now days the plantation has an extension of 6.963 hectares, becoming the largest project of this kind in the country and the fourth in Latin America. Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello Lacouture Juan Guillermo Cruz [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 76 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Valor Forestal State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa S.A. Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective By subfund. COP $130 billion USD 41 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) By fund. Open util the objective is reached. By fund. Open util the objective is reached. 42 years N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 34 Separated account. Preferred economic sectors Agroindustrial - Enviromental. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest N.A. The Fund objective is to sow a 16.000 Hectares of natural rubber in Vichada state, Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. N.A. 18% E.A. Type of fund Agro – Forestal. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests COP $130 billion - USD 41 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $400 million / USD 0.128 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Total. 77 NATURAL RESOURCES FUNDS Fund information PRIVATE E EQUITY PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 1984, Advent International is one of the largest and most experienced global investors of private equity. Since inception, the firm has invested in more than 300 buyout transactions in 40 countries and for June, 2015 it had $32 billion in assets under management. With offices in four continents, Advent has established a globally integrated team of over 190 investment professionals across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. The firm focuses on growth and traditional buyout and strategic repositioning transactions across five core sectors, including business and financial services; healthcare; industrial (including infrastructure); retail, consumer and leisure; and technology, media and telecoms. With 31 years dedicated to international investing, Advent remains committed to partnering with management teams to deliver sustained revenue and earnings growth for its portfolio companies. Advent is one of the leading private equity investors in Latin America. The firm has been operating in the region for 19 years, during which time it has invested in 52 companies across 9 countries and fully realized 33 of those businesses. In 2014, Advent established its sixth Latin American fund, LAPEF VI. Capitalized at $2.1 billion, it is one of the largest private equity funds focused on the region and brings the firm’s total capital raised for Latin America to more than $6 billion. The LAPEF Program is led by a large and experienced team of 42 investment professionals, working out of offices in Bogotá, Mexico City and São Paulo. Contact information Mauricio Salgar - Managing Director Luiz Ribeiro - Director Adolfo Vinatea - Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Manuel García Podestá - Director Lucas Marulanda - Director [+57 1] 254 4747 (Bogotá) [+51 1] 710 5228 (Lima) [email protected] 80 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 [email protected] Fund name Final closing USD 2.1 billion State of fund: Closed General Partner Advent Latin America Private Equity Fund VI LAPEF VI GP Limited Partnership Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Advent International N.A. Percentage available for investment in companies Not disclosed First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) November 2014 Not disclosed 10 years With extension provisions Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Principally in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, but able to invest in companies across Latin America. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum: USD 50 million Maximum: N.A. Preferred economic sectors Shareholding of the fund in the company • Financial and business services. • Healthcare. • Industrial (including infrastructure). • Retail, consumer and leisure. • Technology, media and telecommunications. Number of companies in which the fund has invested General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies with strong growth potential. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth/mature. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Typically majority position, but will consider minority under special circumstances. 52 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 33 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Not disclosed. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Not disclosed. Preferably above USD 60 million. 81 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The Abraaj Group is a leading private equity investor, purpose-built for operating in the growth markets of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Turkey. Our local presence in over 25 offices across five regional hubs gives us unmatched expertise, proprietary transactional access and the ability to grow partner businesses across borders. Abraaj Latin America Fund I (ALAF I) invests in medium and large-sized businesses in Latin-American, transforming them into significant and sustainable regional operations which deliver strong and consistent returns for both themselves and our investors. The Abraaj Group currently manages c. USD 9 billion across regional, sector and country-specific Funds. Contact information Miguel Ángel Olea Partner, Regional Head Latin America Daniel Wasserman Managing Director [email protected] [+52] 55 9178 9019 (México) [email protected] [+57 1] 637 2500 (Bogotá) 82 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Alaf I Final closing USD 183.6 million (fully invested) State of fund: Closed General Partner The Abraaj Group Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiducóldex S.A. Miguel Ángel Olea Daniel Wasserman Héctor Martínez Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2007 December 2012 December 2017 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries México, Colombia, Perú y Chile. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 13 Preferred economic sectors Multisectorial. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 4 Companies with high growth potential, in strategic sectors and experienced management teams. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Mature companies with high growth and interest in regional expansion. N.A. N.A. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Sales level: USD 10 million - USD 100 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Fully invested. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or influential minority 83 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Altra Investments is a value-oriented buyout firm focused on midcap companies, primarily in Colombia and Peru and selectively in other countries in Latin America. Altra focuses on making control investments in companies that have significant potential for improved performance and growth in conjunction with its equity sponsorship and active management. With offices in Bogota and Lima, the firm leverages the team’s operating, consulting, M&A, restructuring, turnaround, and private equity investment experience in the region. Altra Private Equity Fund I, is a multi-sector buyout fund, focused on midcap companies in Colombia, Peru, and Central America. In 2012, the fund finished its investment period, with 6 portfolio companies in the following sectors of the economy: oil & gas services, mining services, thermo-electrical generation, niche financial services, specialized manufacturing, and logistics. Contact information Juan Pablo Gómez Alejandro Carrillo [email protected] [+57 1] 275 8340 [email protected] [+57 1] 275 8340 84 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 104.2 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Altra Private Equity Fund I Altra Investments Inc. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Corredores Davivienda S.A. Dario Durán Mauricio Camargo Jorge Kuryla Percentage available for investment in companies 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2008 June 2012 December 2018 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia, Peru, and Central America. Private Equity. Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Manufacturing, services (mining, transport, financing). General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund invested in sectors with the following characteristics: • An attractive growth potential • Amid changes in competitive dynamics • Fragmented, with the possibility of developing a more dominant position in the market • Companies with the potential to develop a regional presence • Proven business model • Sustainable competitive advantage • Ability to build a market differentiation • Leadership positions in its main markets • Companies with high growth potential USD 20 million - USD 200 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 7 millions / USD 25 millions. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority, or Minority preferably with effective control rights. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 6 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 85 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Altra Investments II GP Inc is a value-oriented buyout firm focused on midcap companies, primarily Colombia and Peru and selectively in other companies in Latin America. Altra focuses on making control investments in companies that have significant potential for improved performance and growth in conjunction with its equity sponsorship and active management. With offices in Bogota and Lima, the firm leverages the team’s operating, consulting, M&A, restructuring, turnaround, and private equity investment experience in the region. Altra Private Equity Fund II is a multi-sector buyout fund, focused on midcap companies primarily in Colombia and Peru, and selectively in other Latin-American countries. The fund along with its parallel funds closed the fundraising stage in January 2013, reaching total commitments for USD 356 million. The fund closed 2014 with 7 portfolio companies with presence in the following sectors: Water Treatment services, Logistics Services, Information Technology Services, Retail Cosmetics, Maritime and Logistics Services, Generation of energy and Transporting services. Contact information Juan Pablo Gómez Alejandro Carrillo [email protected] [+57 1] 275 8340 [email protected] [+57 1] 275 8340 86 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Altra Private Equity Fund II Final closing USD 355.9 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Altra Investments II GP Inc. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Corredores Davivienda S.A. (Local) Maples Fund Services (International) Dario Durán Mauricio Camargo Jorge Kuryla Percentage available for investment in companies 35% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) August 2012 December 2017 December 2022 (10 years) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru and selectively in other countries in Latin America. Growth. Preferred economic sectors Type of fund • Logistics, environmental, health, tourist, education and financial services • Technology and Information • Energy generation • Consumer goods Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Minimum / maximum fund investment by company The fund invested in sectors with the following characteristics: • An attractive growth potential • Amid changes in competitive dynamics • Fragmented, with the possibility of developing a more dominant position in the market • Companies with the potential to develop a regional presence • Proven business model • Sustainable competitive advantage • Ability to build a market differentiation • Leadership positions in its main markets • Companies with high growth potential N.A. USD 20 million - 200 million. USD 20 millions / USD 70 millions. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority, or Minority preferably with effective control rights. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 7 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. 87 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Bricapital, S.A.S. is a private equity firm focused on the hotel and resort asset-class in Colombia. Bricapital, S.A.S. is a subsidiary of Brilla; founded in 2007 and with target markets in South Florida, the Caribbean, and Latin America. The company is composed of a team featuring a vast array of expertise in capital deployment, capital raising, real estate, operations, law, hospitality, and finance. It currently has offices in Miami, Cancun, Mexico City, and Bogota through its subsidiary Bricapital. The portfolio includes the Bricapital Private Equity Fund, administered by Fiduciaria Bancolombia, which attracted US $31 million from a number of Colombian institutional investors, including the Foreign Trade Bank of Colombia and other local pension funds and individuals. The Fund’s objective is to capitalize on the tourism growth the country has experienced during the last decade and the scarcity of hotel supply to satisfy the growing demand. The substantial improvement in security, the wide perception of confidence and the positive economic and political outlook create an excellent investment opportunity in Colombia. Contact information Eduardo Victoria Andrés Peñaranda [email protected] [email protected] 88 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing COP $57.3 billion USD 18.3 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Bricapital Brilla Capital Management, LTD Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria Bancolombia David Brillembourg Percentage available for investment in companies 65,1% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) February 2012 February 2016 February 2020 (8 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Preferred economic sectors Hospitality beach front in Colombia. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 0 Hospitality asset class in Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Operational hotels, hotels being built and hotel projects. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund N.A. Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Average Deal Size: COP $9 billion / COP $13 billion. USD 5 million / USD 7 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or Minority. 89 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund CREDICORP Capital is a brokerage firm and since 1987 provides financial services to customers of all sizes and sectors, working daily to understand market behavior, in order to offer the best alternatives to the financial needs of our customers. The Private Equity Fund by Sub CP-Val aims to invest in assets or economic rights such as shares, debentures, investment on project, fiduciary rights, securities or any other kind of instrument or to participate directly enabling title or indirectly in the equity of companies or projects. Correval since 2012 is part of the group CREDICORP leading financial group in Latin America, listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 1995. Contact information Jaime Cepeda López [email protected] [+57 1] 339 4400 Ext: 1561 90 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Investments will be made in the local or international market and in the following sectors: i) Infrastructure, ii) industry dedicated to the production of all kinds of goods, assets or properties iii) Trade in all kinds of goods, assets or properties and iv) Services in general. Fund name Compartimentos CP-Val State of fund: Closed General Partner Compartimentos Cp-Val Sector Distribución de Combustibles: Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A. Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Térmico: Fund administrator Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A. Mónica Cheng. Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Hidrocarburos: Altra Inversiones SAS. Fund Director(s) Jose Miguel Santamaría Uribe Final closing Percentage available for investment in companies Cp-Val Sector Distribución de Combustibles: Cp-Val Sector Hidrocarburos: USD 90 million USD 30 million 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2007 N.A. 2020 (13 years) Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Térmico: USD 60 milion Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia and other countries. Preferred economic sectors • Utilities. • Infrastructure. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund will invest in assets or economic rights issued by companies that, from its acquisition, could identify potential growth opportunities and create value. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund • Cp-Val Sector Distribución de Combustibles: USD 90 million • Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Térmico: USD 60 million. • Cp-Val Sector Hidrocarburos: USD 30 million. 20.13% Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority for 3 compartments. Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Cp-Val Sector Distribución de Combustibles: 1 • Compartimento Cp-Val Sector Térmico: 1 • Cp-Val Sector Hidrocarburos: 1 Private Equity. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Company annual sales, in which the fund invests 2. • Fuel distribution: USD 6.5 billion • Thermal energy: USD 80 million • Hydrocarbon: USD 110 million Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 1.66 91 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Promotora is a leading firm specialized in Private Equity in Latin America and is backed by the largest economic group in Colombia. The Growth Capital Fund, Escala Capital focuses its investments in companies that have a proven and successful business model, and require an infusion of capital and the right partner to achieve their growth plans. We provide methodological support to improve the business processes and to develop schemes of corporate governance. Since 1987, we have structured, mobilized and managed significant investments, facilitating the growth of small and medium sized enterprises in Latin America. Our team has proven experience and track record in strategic consulting, financial structuring and Private Equity. We firmly believe that trust, flexibility, dynamism, objectiveness, opportunity and closeness, constitute the attributes that allow Promotora to deeply understand the businesses and markets of our clients, investors and investees. Contact information Rafael Yepes Isaza Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 4] 448 4511 Ext: 107 92 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 David Melo White Investment Manager [email protected] [+57 4] 448 4511 Ext: 118 Fund name Escala Capital Final closing COP $80.8 billion USD 25.8 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Promotora Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Valores Bancolombia S.A. Rafael Yepes Isaza Percentage available for investment in companies Fully committed *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) March 2009 March 2013 March 2019 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • Consumer Retail. • Engineering. • Logistics. • Health. • Security. • Waste Management. • Chemicals. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Growth Capital Fund actively seeks companies whose products, processes or business models are in a growth phase and have gained an important market share. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Growth Capital. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 1.6 million USD 19.2 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $5 billion / COP $16 billion. USD 1.6 million / USD 5.17 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Between 40% and 70% Number of companies in which the fund has invested 5 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. COP $5 billion COP $60 billion. 93 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Gestor Andino is a subsidiary of AEF Private Equity Management LTD, a company that manages Américas Energy Fund I, which focus in Latinoamerica´s energy sector . Shareholders of AEF Private Equity are SCL Energía (Company with a lot of experience in the Energy Sector) & LarrainVial (Company with lots of experience in the Financial Sector). Fondo Energético Andino invest in projects related to the energy sector, mainly in Colombia, Chile y Perú among other countries in Latin America. Contact information María Beatriz Antequera Manager [email protected] 94 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Carlos Fuentes Board of Director Member [email protected] [+57] 311 415 6140 (Colombia). [+562] 370 1688 (Santiago de Chile). Fund name State of fund: Closed General Partner Fondo Energético Andino Gestor Andino S.A.S. Fund administrator Jose Antonio Jiménez Andrés Trivelli Juan Alberto Fernández Carlos Fuentes Fund Director(s) Corredores Davivienda Final closing Compartment A: USD 38.2 million Compartment B: USD 8.2 million Compartment C: USD 40 million Percentage available for investment in companies Compartment A: 13,7% Compartment B: 5,9% Compartment C: 79,5% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) Compartment A: September 2010 Compartment B: February 2012 Compartment C: February 2015 Compartment A: September 2015 Compartment B: September 2017 Compartment C: February 2020 Compartment A: 10 years Compartment B: 10 years Compartment C: 10 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Chile, Perú and some countries in Central America. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Between USD 10 million - USD 30 million in conjunction with parallel funds. Preferred economic sectors Energy. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Greenfield energy projects or companies in operation in Latin America. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests The fund aims to have a diversified portfolio in terms of the development stage of the companies in which the fund invests. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or Minority with control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 6 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. USD 10 - USD 100 million. 95 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund SEAF Colombia S.A. Sociedad Administradora de Inversion is a firm specialized in managing private equity funds in Colombia. It is SEAF’s subsidiary, organization headquartered in Washington D.C. dedicated to the management of private equity funds globally. First diversified private equity fund in Colombia, constituted in December of 2005. Counts with capital provided by local and international institutional investors. Thesis investment of disbursements made by the fund are based in the following strategic guidelines: (i)dynamic niches and sectors, (ii) innovating concepts of business (iii) disciplined entrepreneurs with vision, (iv) clear formula for creating and capturing value, (v) potential for growth and replication. SEAF, founded in 1989, has specialized in investing in small and medium enterprises in emerging markets. SEAF manages 25 Active Funds spanning 21 countries; with investment experience in 30 countries. The firm has realized 401 investments globally and in 33 private equity funds of different economic sectors. Contact information Hector Cateriano CEO Sergio Pulido Associate [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 635 2399 96 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 16.74 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Fondo Transandino Colombia FCP SEAF Colombia S.A. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SEAF Colombia S.A. Hector Cateriano Percentage available for investment in companies Without available resources for investment First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2005 December 2009 December 2013 extended 1 year to 12/2014 Liquidation period to 12/2016. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia / Peru through the Latam Growth Fund LGF. Private Equity. Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Accommodation & food service, administration & support, agriculture, forestry and fishing, arts, entertainment & recreation, construction, education, electricity & gas, extraterritorial organizations, finance & insurance, household and personal services, human health & social work, information & communication, manufacturing, mining & quarrying, professional & technical services, public services and social security, real estate, transportation & storage, water & sewage, wholesale & retail, other services. USD 1 million - USD 50 million. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Small and medium enterprises not listed in the ”Registro Nacional de Valores y Emisores”, operating or linked to an economic activity in Colombia. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 0,5 million / USD 5 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 5 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 3 Total Exits, 1 Partial Exit 1.7x times. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 23,5% Growth. 97 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Kandeo Investment Advisors Colombia SAS is made up of a group of Colombian, Peruvian, and Mexican professionals and executives with significant experience in banking, finance, investment banking, and in the operations of companies providing goods and services in the financial and mass consumption sectors. The company has offices in Bogota, Lima, Mexico City, and Miami. The objective of the fund is to invest in the equity of companies that provide financial services to the base of the pyramid and SME’s that that are not adequately attended to by the traditional banking institutions in Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. Contact information Edgar Enrique Sandoval Chief Financial Officer [email protected] [+57 1] 635 8184 98 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fernando Concha Chief Operations Officer [email protected] [+57 1] 635 8184 Fund name Kandeo Fund I (Colombia) FCP (KFIC) State of fund: Closed General Partner Kandeo Investment Advisors Colombia S.A.S. Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Fiduciaria Corficolombiana S.A. Final closing COP $235.15 billion USD 75.3 million Eduardo Michelsen Delgado (CEO) Edgar Enrique Sandoval (CFO) Fernando Concha (COO) Eduardo Michelsen Cuellar (Chairman of the Investment Committee) Percentage available for investment in companies 5,31% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) March 2011 March 2016 March 2021 (10 years) Mexico). Because of this, all investments are Cash In in Common or Preferred Shares to strengthen the equity of the company and help it realize its maximum growth potential. In addition, Kandeo is significantly involved in improving operations in the areas such as finance, business development, risk management, and HR, among others. minimum). Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Mexico. Preferred economic sectors • Financial Services • Microfinance • Secured Credit • Productive Asset Financing General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Financial services for the base of the pyramid, such as companies that originate microloans, financing for the acquisition of productive assets for SME’s, collateral backed private loans, and payroll discounted personal loans, among others, in companies that are and are not regulated by the financial authorities before or after the moment of investment. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests High Growth – Kandeo invests in companies with high growth potential in countries with strong economic performance and growth that is higher than the region (Colombia, Peru, and Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Companies with consolidated annual sales of COP $304 billion - USD 97.4 million. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 6 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Secondary sale of 11.59% of the fund in May 2014. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $14.2 billion / COP $46.7 billion. USD 4.5 million / USD 14.9 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Participation level that allows for an active roll in the strategy and management of the companies (25% 99 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Kandeo Investment Advisors Perú S.A.C is made up of a group of Colombian, Peruvian, and Mexican professionals and executives with significant experience in banking, finance, investment banking, and in the operations of companies providing goods and services in the financial and mass consumption sectors. The company has offices in Bogota, Lima, Mexico City, and Miami. The objective of the fund is to invest in the equity of companies that provide financial services to the base of the pyramid and SME’s that are not adequately attended to by the traditional banking institutions in Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. Contact information Edgar Enrique Sandoval Chief Financial Officer [email protected] [+57 1] 635 8184 100 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Julio Romani Perú Country Manager [email protected] [+51 1] 711 6363 Fund name Kandeo Fund II (Perú) Servicios Financieros (KFIIP) State of fund: Closed General Partner Kandeo Investment Advisors Perú S.A.C. Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Macrocapitales S.A.F.I. S.A. Final closing PEN 419 million USD 144 million Eduardo Michelsen Delgado (CEO) Edgar Enrique Sandoval (CFO) Fernando Concha (COO) Eduardo Michelsen Cuellar (Chairman of the Investment Committee) Percentage available for investment in companies 100% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) November 2014 November 2019 November 2024 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Mexico. Preferred economic sectors • Financial Services • Microfinance • Secured Credit • Productive Asset Financing General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Financial services for the base of the pyramid, such as companies that originate microloans, financing for the acquisition of productive assets for SME’s, collateral backed private loans, and payroll discounted personal loans, among others, in companies that are and are not regulated by the financial authorities before or after the moment of investment. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests High Growth – Kandeo invests in companies with high growth potential in countries with strong economic performance and growth that is higher than the region (Colombia, Peru, and Mexico). Because of this, all investments are Cash In in Common or Preferred Shares to strengthen the equity of the company and help it realize its maximum growth potential. In addition, Kandeo is significantly involved in improving operations in the areas such as finance, business development, risk management, and HR, among others. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Determining the minimum and maximum investment fund takes into account Kandeo Fund II LP: USD 15 million USD 50 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Participation level that allows for an active roll in the strategy and management of the companies (25% minimum). 101 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Linzor Capital Partners is a leading private equity firm in Latin America, focused on the middle market and comprised of 20 investment professionals located in Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia. Linzor seeks to create value by implementing strategic initiatives and operational improvements to promote the growth of its companies. Its six partners have a long track record in the investment and financial markets sectors, and share an extensive network of professional relationships within each market. Since its founding in 2006, Linzor has raised over USD1.200 million in capital commitments. Linzor currently manages three private equity funds: LCP I with commitments of USD 181.5 million, LCP II with USD 465 million, and LCP III with USD 621 million. The investment period of LCP I has lapsed and most of its portfolio has been realized. LCP II is approaching the end of its investment period, while LCP III had its final close in May 2015 and is beginning its investment stage. Contact information Carlos Emilio Gómez Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 530 5177 102 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Linzor Capital Partners III, L.P. Fund administrator JP Morgan Private Equity Fund Services** General Partner Linzor Capital Partners** Final closing USD 621 million State of fund: Closed Fund Director(s) Tim Purcell Alfredo Irigoin Carlos Ingham Carlos Emilio Gómez Cipriano Santisteban Matías Gutierrez Jean Bernard Ide Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) March 2015** March 2021** May 2025 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Latin America. Preferred economic sectors Multisectorial. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Buyout of control in companies with the highest potential of value creation within their sector (Expansion, consolidation and operational improvement). Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Linzor invests in both mature and high-growth companies. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 40 million and up. appetite for co-investment, which may expand the average investment size by a considerable amount. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority/ Co-control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested LCP I and LCP II (Total 11; 5 in LCP I, 7 in LCP II, of which 1 in both Funds). Number of companies / participations realized (exits) LCP I and II: 4. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Typical range is USD 40 to 90 million. However, our investors have a high **Update by the general partner 103 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund MAS Equity Partners (MEP) is the first Colombian private equity fund manager operating in the country since 2005 (initially as SEAF Colombia). Alongside SEAF Colombia, MEP has two funds under management focused on growth capital for mid-size companies. The firm specializes in active minority interest investments and strong support to management teams in order to achieve growth and build value. MAS Colombia-Latam pursues a focused and complementary three-legged investment strategy (i) Strategic Growth, (ii) Specialized Services, and (iii) Food Chain Integration. Target companies follow sound investment principles: dynamic sectors or niches, entrepreneurs with vision and discipline, innovative business models, clear value creation formula, potential for growth and replication. The MEP team has a combined 49 years of experience and has completed 37 transactions in emerging markets. Contact information Hector Cateriano CEO & Managing Partner [email protected] 104 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Patricio D’Apice CIO & Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 622 0126 Fund name MAS Colombia-LATAM Final closing COP $162.7 billion USD 52.1 million State of fund: Closed General Partner MAS Equity Partners Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SEAF Colombia S.A. Hector Cateriano Patricio D´Apice Percentage available for investment in companies 0% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) April 2011 April 2015 April 2019 (8 years) Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia ( 70% minimum) & Latam (Andean region primarily). Private Equity. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Accommodation & food service, administration & support, agriculture, forestry and fishing, arts, entertainment & recreation, construction, education, electricity & gas, extraterritorial organizations, finance & insurance, household and personal services, human health & social work, information & communication, manufacturing, mining & quarrying, professional & technical services, public services and social security, real estate, transportation & storage, water & sewage, wholesale & retail, other services. USD 10 million - USD 100 million, possible exceptions. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest N.A. Private mid-cap companies, with growth potential. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 5 million - USD 25 million, possible exceptions. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 4 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Growth. 105 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund MGM Innova Capital LLC is a private equity and venture capital investment firm focusing on triple bottom line investments in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean-tech, innovation and sustainable natural resource management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The MGM Sustainable Energy Fund LP (MSEF) offers equity and mezzanine financing for projects in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors in Colombia, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean isles. The MSEF aims to achieve triple bottom line results featuring growth opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), energy savings and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Contact information Maria Pia Iannariello COO [email protected] [+1] 786 437 2335 Ext:105 106 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Gerardo Aguilar Fund Manager [email protected] [+1] 786 437 2335 Ext: 214 Fund name MGM Sustainable Energy Fund, L.P. Fund administrator MGM Innova Capital LLC Final closing USD 63.2 million First closing date May 2013 State of fund: Closed General Partner MGM Innova Capital LLC Fund Director(s) Marco G. Monroy Gerardo Aguilar Maria Pia Iannariello Daniel Smyth Alejandro Paz Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. Investment period (final date) May 2018 Final closing date (term years) 2023 (10 years) With up to two one-year extensions. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Mexico, Colombia, Central America and Caribbean isles. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 500.000 minimum USD 8 million maximum (equity). Preferred economic sectors • Energy efficiency. • Renewable energy. • Small scale. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 4 The fund invests in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects through wholly owned special purpose vehicles (SPVs). Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Early stage energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Type of fund Private Equity. 0 N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. 107 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Patria Infrastructure Ltd. is a Brazilian alternative investment fund manager founded in 2006 with approximately 2.9 billion in assets under management in Latin America. The General Partner is a 100% subsidiary of Patria Investments Ltd. and is currently in the process of investing its Fund III. The fund’s strategy is to invest in projects or companies with an operation intensive in infrastructure assets related to (i) transportation and logistics services; (ii) ports and airports; (iii) energy generation from a variety of sources; (iv) telecommunications and (v) environmental infrastructure services. With the strategy of building and operating assets (greenfield), the fund has the mandate of investing at least 70 million dollars in each investment platform. Contact information Andrés O’Byrne Legal Representative [email protected] [+57 1] 383 2200 108 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name P2 BRASIL Private Infrastructure Fund III Fund administrator Pátria Infrastructure Ltd. General Partner Otavio Lopes Castello Branco Neto Final closing USD 1.6 billion First closing date October 2015 State of fund: Closed Fund Director(s) André Sales Felipe Pinto Luiz Otavio Reis de Magalhães Otavio Lopes Castello Branco Neto Ivo Godoi Luiz Rudge Ricardo Madureira Carlos Mateos Percentage available for investment in companies 100% Investment period (final date) October 2020 Final closing date (term years) 2027 (12 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries All of the Latin American region. Preferred economic sectors Not focused on a specific industry. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund invests in operational assets or in infrastructure projects (greenfield) in order to operate them and sell services based on these assets. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Greenfield or operational assets with a high growth potential. that permits a total minimum investment of USD 70 million - no maximum investment amount for the platform. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or co-control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 2 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) The Infrastructure Fund III is currently on the investment period and has not exited any of its investment. Type of fund Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Private Equity. N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) From a non-operational stage onwards. N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum equity investment of USD 40 million on the initial platform, but with a clear path to develop a business plan 109 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Patria Investments Ltd. is a Brazilian alternative investments fund manager founded in 1988 with approximately 9.3 billion dollars in assets under management in Latin America. The fund manager is associated with The Blackstone Group, one of the main fund managers in the world, which holds a 40% stake, and the remaining 60% are held by 18 Brazilian partners who are directly involved in the fund manager’s operation. Throughout its history, Patria Investments has completed over 150 acquisitions in over 50 investment platforms. The Private Equity Fund V was raised in 2015 and holds a total investment dry powder of 1.8 billion dollars. The fund’s strategy is to invest in industries which are related to (i) competitive differentials of the country in which the investment platform is based; (ii) structural bottlenecks in the country, and; (iii) sectors that grow with the overall population’s income growth. With a strategy of getting deeply involved in the companies’ operations, the fund has the mandate of investing at least 50 million dollars in each investment platform. Contact information Andrés O’Byrne Legal Representative [email protected] [+57 1] 383 2200 110 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Pátria – Brazilian Private Equity Fund V State of fund: Closed General Partner Alexandre Teixeira de A. Saigh Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Pátria Investiments Ltd. Final closing USD 1.8 billion First closing date July 2015 Alexandre Teixeira de A. Saigh Luiz Otavio Reis de Magalhães Olimpio Matarazzo Neto Otavio Lopes Castello Branco Neto Percentage available for investment in companies 100% Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) July 2020 2025 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries All of the Latin American region. Preferred economic sectors Not focused on a specific industry. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund invest in medium and large-sized companies in sectors that present opportunities of consolidation and/or aggressive organic growth in which we can implement a business plan of investing at least 50 million dollars. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests High Growth. Minimum equity investment of USD 20 million on the initial platform, but with a clear path to develop a business plan that permits a total minimum investment of USD 50 million - no maximum investment amount for the platform. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority or co-control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested The Private Equity Fund V has not yet invested. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Private Equity. The Private Equity Fund V is currently on the investment period and has not exited any of its investment. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Minimum USD 20 million - total investment of USD 50 million in the full development of the business plan. N.A. Type of fund N.A. 111 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Southern Cross Group is a private equity fund manager focused on Latin America. Southern Cross was founded in 1998 and has since successfully invested in more than 31 companies across multiple sectors. Southern Cross looks to acquire controlling stakes in growing companies and has ample experience partnering with families and professional management to maximize the potential of their business. Currently, Southern Cross is investing its fourth fund and has offices in 5 countries in Latin America, including an office in Bogota from which the firm explores opportunities in Colombia and the Andean Region. Contact information Diego Acevedo Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 321 6355 112 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 1.6 billion First closing date October 2010 State of fund: Closed General Partner Southern Cross Group Fund IV Southern Cross Group Fund administrator Fund Director(s) N.A. Diego Acevedo Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. Investment period (final date) October 2015 Final closing date (term years) October 2020 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Multiple Sectors / Latin America. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 31 Preferred economic sectors N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 19 Mid- to large-sized companies in search primary or secondary equity transactions. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Growth & Mature. N.A. N.A. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 50 million - USD 500 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company Control, majority. 113 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Teka Capital is an investment management firm dedicated to private equity investments in Colombia, focused on creating value in mid-sized companies with proven business models and potential to establish economic ties in the region. The Private Equity Fund Teka I is focused on building a concentrated portfolio of highly successful businesses with great growth and value creation potential. Teka Capital seeks to develop the businesses to their full potential, leveraging on a skilled management team, with significant and proven experience at an operational and investment level, and an extensive network of regional contacts. Its companies operate in sectors in which Teka has proven investment experience and with significant opportunities to build long-lasting competitive advantages, establish a sound market positioning, and/or provide products or services with significant value added. Contact information Diego Córdoba CEO Juan Antonio Pungiluppi Executive Director [email protected] [+57 1] 321 5200 [email protected] [+57 1] 321 5200 114 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Teka I Final closing COP $275.18 billion USD 144 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Teka Capital S.A.S. Teka Capital PEF I, Inc. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Corredores Davivienda S.A. MaplesFS Limited Diego Córdoba Juan Antonio Pungiluppi Percentage available for investment in companies 20% *Exchange rate 31st Dec. 2010: COP $1.913,98 First closing date December 2010 Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) • Companies with significant potential for value creation driven by 1) high growth and/or 2) international growth and/or consolidation and/or 3) operational and/or financial restructuring Number of companies in which the fund has invested December 2015 December 2020 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Latin America, Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • Agribusiness • Alternative Energy • Leisure and Entertainment • Industrial • Natural Resources • Retail • Engineering Services • Non-traditional Financial Services • Health Services • Logistics and Transportation General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest • Companies with proven business models and seasoned management teams • Companies with potential to establish economic ties in the region • Companies with potential to establish enduring competitive advantages in their primary markets, sound market and/or branding positioning, and with the capacity to provide products or services with significant value added Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests 7 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $20 billion / COP $45 billion. USD 10.44 million / USD 23.5 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and/or Minority. 115 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2006, Tribeca Asset Management is one of the first private equity firms based in Colombia. As part of its strategy, Tribeca invests in Colombian companies with high growth potential and where its model can be replicated in other countries in Latin America. Tribeca has created a portfolio of private equity investments that exhibit significant potential for growth in healthcare, energy, natural resources, infrastructure and consumer goods and services. Throughout its history, Tribeca has had over USD 420 million in assets under management, which have been distributed in six private equity funds and 12 companies. The FCP Tribeca Energy Fund was established for the purpose of investing primarily in medium and large companies operating in Colombia and other Latin American countries in the energy sector in general, including companies involved in trading markets, distribution, generation and transmission. The Fund focused its investment particularly the thermoelectric sector, or in other companies related to it. Contact information Jaime A. Ramirez Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 490 0040 116 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 133.5 million First closing date April 2009 State of fund: Closed General Partner Tribeca Energy Fund Tribeca Management Company Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria Jaime A. Ramirez Ciro Mendez Percentage available for investment in companies 0% Investment period (final date) April 2013 Final closing date (term years) April 2016 (7 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 2 Preferred economic sectors Energy Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 1 (resulted from the merger of the 2 acquired companies). Energy sector (generation, transmission, distribution, marketing) and related companies in Colombia. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests 2.2x Growth. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Type of fund 17.1% (realized) Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 20 million - USD 50 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 50 million / USD 80 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. 117 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2006, Tribeca Asset Management is one of the first private equity firms based in Colombia. As part of its strategy, Tribeca invests in Colombian companies with high growth potential and where its model can be replicated in other countries in Latin America. Tribeca has created a portfolio of private equity investments that exhibit significant potential for growth in healthcare, energy, natural resources, infrastructure and consumer goods and services. Throughout its history, Tribeca has had over USD 420 million in assets under management, which have been distributed in six private equity funds and 12 companies. The FCP Tribeca Fund I was one of the first institutional private equity funds created in Colombia with the objective to allow indirect access of institutional investments to the market of privately held companies. Tribeca Fund I is a flexible funding source that allows access to long-term capital to medium-sized businesses that usually have limited access to external financing in order to sustain its operational capacity and future growth. With its large projection, these companies contribute to the economic dynamism of the country and the creation of new jobs. Contact information Jaime A. Ramirez Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 490 0040 118 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name State of fund: Closed General Partner Tribeca Fund I Tribeca Management Company Fund administrator Felipe Iragorri Jaime A. Ramirez Miguel de Pombo Ciro Mendez Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria Final closing USD 131.5 million First closing date September 2007 Percentage available for investment in companies 0% Investment period (final date) September 2011 Final closing date (term years) 2015 (8 years) Extendable to 10 years. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 5 million - USD 25 million. Preferred economic sectors • Oil & Gas. • Consumer Goods. • Telecommunications. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Shareholding of the fund in the company The companies in which the fund participates were selected primarily on the basis of the following attributes: (i) positive operating results, (ii) clear competitive advantages their own sector based on proven technologies and processes, (iii) excellent management teams, (iv) market growth potential, (v) a business model with the ability to be replicated in other countries or regions, (vi) other attributes to infer that the investment in these companies can generate good returns for the fund. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. USD 5 million / USD 40 million. Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 5 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 1 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2.1x Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 17.8% (includes realized and unrealized investments to date). Type of fund Private Equity. 119 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2006, Tribeca Asset Management is one of the first private equity firms based in Colombia. As part of its strategy, Tribeca invests in Colombian companies with high growth potential and where its model can be replicated in other countries in Latin America. Tribeca has created a portfolio of private equity investments that exhibit significant potential for growth in healthcare, energy, natural resources, infrastructure and consumer goods and services. Throughout its history, Tribeca has had over USD 420 million in assets under management, which have been distributed in six private equity funds and 12 companies. The FCP Tribeca Homecare Fund invests in healthcare companies, specifically in medical pre and post-hospital service providers, emergencies and ambulance services, homecare, clinics and other medical services. Contact information Felipe Iragorri Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 490 0040 120 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 43.2 million First closing date December 2010 State of fund: Closed General Partner Tribeca Homecare Fund Tribeca Management Company Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria Felipe Iragorri Percentage available for investment in companies 0% Investment period (final date) March 2015 Final closing date (term years) December 2020 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Latin America. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Preferred economic sectors Healthcare. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 0 Healthcare. Pre and Post-hospital service providers, emergency services, homecare, clinics and providers of medical services in general. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 17.5% (unrealized). Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 5 million - USD 30 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 3 million / USD 20 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. 121 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Founded in 2006, Tribeca Asset Management is one of the first private equity firms based in Colombia. As part of its strategy, Tribeca invests in Colombian companies with high growth potential and where its model can be replicated in other countries in Latin America. Tribeca has created a portfolio of private equity investments that exhibit significant potential for growth in healthcare, energy, natural resources, infrastructure and consumer goods and services. Throughout its history, Tribeca has had over USD 420 million in assets under management, which have been distributed in six private equity funds and 12 companies. The FCP Tribeca TC Dorado Fund invests in infrastructure, with a focus on freight and logistics in airport terminals, and in projects of small and medium scale related to the logistics industry, administration, packaging, storage and distribution of all kinds of goods and cargo in general, and its related commercial lines in Colombia. Contact information Miguel de Pombo Investment Director [email protected] [+57 1] 490 0040 122 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 42 million First closing date June 2010 State of fund: Closed General Partner Tribeca TC Dorado Fund Tribeca Management Company Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria Miguel de Pombo Percentage available for investment in companies 0% Investment period (final date) June 2015 Final closing date (term years) June 2027 (17 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 5 million / USD 30 million. Preferred economic sectors Infrastructure. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Infrastructure projects, with a focus on freight and logistics in airport terminals, and in projects of small and medium scale related to the logistics industry, administration, packaging, storage and distribution of all kinds of goods and cargo in general, administration of parking lots, real estate investments, and its related commercial business lines. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 2 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 1 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 1.8x Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 19.1% Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 5 million - USD 15 million. 123 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The management company is formed as a result of the union of knowledge and experience in the purchase, sale and management of companies. Since foundation to date, we have studied more than 70 investment opportunities for “FCP Valorar Futuro”, of which 11 were selected and studied by the investment committee. Four of these were chosen for purchase: Laboratorios Higietex S.A.S., Profilácticos del Tolima S.A., Mejisulfatos S.A.S. y Ascender S.A. The Private Equity Fund “FCP Valorar Futuro” aims to invest in long term national companies with annual sales between 20 and 80 billion COP, which are part of a consolidation process within a sector, mainly mass market, personal care, agribusiness suppliers, pharmaceutical products, manufacturing and services. Contact information Ricardo Toro Ludeke President [email protected] 124 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Gloria Matilde Arango A. Vice President [email protected] [+57 4] 448 1233 [+57] 310 432 0081 / 310 475 9092 Fund name State of fund: Closed General Partner Valorar Futuro Sociedad Gestora Valorar Futuro S.A. Fund administrator Ricardo Toro Gloria Matilde Arango A. Fund Director(s) Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. Final closing COP $87 billion USD 27.8 million Percentage available for investment in companies 0% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date April 2013 Investment period (final date) December 2014 Final closing date (term years) April 2018 (7 to 10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $6 billion / COP $50 billion. USD 1.9 million / USD 16 million. • Health Care. • Food Industry. • Agribusiness. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Number of companies in which the fund has invested Mass market, personal care, agribusiness suppliers, pharmaceutical products, manufacturing and services with sales between COP $20 billion (USD 6.4 million) and COP $80 billion (USD 25.6 million). Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Majority. 4 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 0 Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 8,82% Company annual sales, in which the fund invests COP $12 billion - COP $25 billion. USD 3.84 million - USD 8 million. 125 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Victoria Capital Partners ("VCP") is an independent firm led mainly by the same responsible team for investments of DLJ South American Partners ("DLJSAP"), predecessor of VCP. Focused on private equity investments in Latin America, Victoria manages two private equity funds ("SAP I" and "SAP II") and co-investment funds with committed capital of over USD 1.7 billion. VCP seeks growth through investments in leading companies with potential growth in the markets of Latin America, mainly in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and regionally. country and industry. VCP constantly reviews its investment strategy for each country considering current trends, market opportunities and risks. Description of the fund Victoria South American Partners II is the second Victoria Capital Partners fund which officially closed in March 2012 in the amount of USD 850 million which are designed to invest in companies in South America including Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and companies with regional presence. VCP is managed by one of the most experienced teams in private equity investments in Latin America, a team that has invested in over 25 companies in the 15 years they have worked together on average. VCP regional strategy allows investors have broad diversification by Contact information Ricardo Vázquez Partner Juan Camilo Rojas Investment Professional [email protected] [+57 1] 200 7630 [email protected] [+57 1] 200 7630 126 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Final closing USD 850 million First closing date March 2012 State of fund: Closed General Partner Victoria South American Partners II Victoria Capital Partners Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Victoria Capital Partners Carlos J. García Mario Spinola Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. Investment period (final date) March 2022 Final closing date (term years) March 2022 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Colombia, Brasil, Chile, Perú, Argentina / Regional. COP $100 billion / COP $1.428 billion *Fx rate: $2.857 COP/USD. Preferred economic sectors Shareholding of the fund in the company Regional focus/ Countries Multi-sectoral. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Industry leader companies with strong growth prospects. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests High growth / mature. Investments in established companies with stable cash flows and high potential growth. Majority, minority and/or co-control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Pre - SAP I: 13 SAP I: 9 SAP II: 6 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 17 Type of fund Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Private Equity. Confidential. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Above USD 35 million. COP $100 billion. Confidential. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 35 million / USD 500 million. 127 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The Abraaj Group is a leading private equity investor, purpose-built for operating in the growth markets of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Turkey. Our local presence in over 25 offices across five regional hubs gives us unmatched expertise, proprietary transactional access and the ability to grow partner businesses across borders. Abraaj Latin America Fund II (ALAF II) invests in medium and large-sized businesses in Latin-American, transforming them into significant and sustainable regional operations which deliver strong and consistent returns for both themselves and our investors. The Abraaj Group currently manages c. USD 9 billion across regional, sector and country-specific Funds. Contact information Miguel Ángel Olea Partner, Regional Head Latin America Daniel Wasserman Managing Director [email protected] [+52] 55 9178 9019 (México) [email protected] [+57 1] 637 2500 (Bogotá) 128 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Alaf II The Abraaj Group Fund administrator Fund Director(s) N.A. Miguel Ángel Olea Daniel Wasserman Héctor Martínez First closing Fund size objective N.A. USD 500 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) August 2015 August 2020 August 2025 (10 years) N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company México, Colombia, Perú y Chile. Majority or influential minority. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested Multisectorial. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies with high growth potential, in strategic sectors and experienced management teams. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Mature companies with high growth and interest in regional expansion. Type of fund Private Equity. 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 40 million - USD 200+ million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum: USD 20 million. Maximum: USD 70 million. 129 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Efromovich/Silva Capital Partners is a regional private equity firm, established in 2012 and managed by German Efromovich and Gabriel Silva, entrepreneurs with extensive business experience, reputation and proven capabilities to create value in a wide range of sectors and companies in LATAM. The firm is headquartered in Bogotá and has offices in Rio de Janeiro and Madrid. Ancla 360 I is a full business cycle private equity fund, expected to begin operations at the end of 2015, with a USD 300 million final closing. Ancla 360 I’s multisector approach targets opportunities in LATAM, with emphasis in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and companies in the Iberian Peninsula with interests in the LATAM region. Ancla 360 I’s Managing Partners are well-known entrepreneurs with a proven track record in multi-billion asset management, and with an established network of companies and business relationships, offering an ideal position to access and create opportunities. Contact information Maria Claudia Correa Ordoñez Operating Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 313 9213 130 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Mauricio Vargas Vergnaud Director Bogotá Office [email protected] [+57 1] 313 9213 Santiago Rengifo Director Madrid Office [email protected] [+34] 639 71 2185 Fund name ANCLA 360 I State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Efromovich Silva Capital Partners Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduoccidente S.A. German Efromovich Gabriel Silva First closing Fund size objective COP $310 billion USD 100 million COP $930 billion USD 300 million Percentage available for investment in companies Fund in Fundraising stage *Exchange rate 24th Aug. 2015: COP $3.102,60 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) June 2016** December 2020 2025 (10 years) Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund LATAM with emphasis in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, and companies in the Iberian Peninsula with interests in the LATAM region. Buyout. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Preferred economic sectors • Logistics and transportation. • Energy. • Financial services. • Retail. • Hospitality. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Managing Partners’ extensive track record translates into a multi-sector approach. The Fund will invest in companies with a business model aligned with the Managing Partners’ track records. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Ancla 360 I has a full business cycle approach, targeting companies in the early stage cycle, growth, buyout, distressed assets, as well as special situations. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The size of the companies the Fund invests in depends on their stage of development and business cycle. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $6.2 billion / COP $248 billion. USD 2 million/ USD 80 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company The fund will strive to invest in majority stakes, but will invest in minority stakes with shareholder agreements that grant the Managing Partners executive control over the portfolio companies. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. **Update by the general partner 131 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Ashmore Management Company Colombia (“Ashmore Colombia”) is a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange listed Ashmore Group plc, a specialist Emerging Markets investment manager with total assets under management of USD 58.9 billion as of 30 June 2015. Ashmore Colombia is a company specialized in management of private equity funds; it acts as a professional manager of Ashmore I-FCP Colombia Infrastructure Fund. Ashmore II-FCP Andean Fund (the “Fund”) is a closed and long-term private equity fund that will make infrastructure investments in Colombia, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala. The Fund will have a parallel fund based in Canada, in order to facilitate investment processes for those investors domiciled in jurisdictions other than Colombia. Contact information Camilo Villaveces President [email protected] [+57 1] 347 0649 132 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Ashmore II-FCP Andean Fund Ashmore Management Company Colombia S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Pending Camilo Villaveces Roberto Pérez Juan Pablo Fonseca First closing Fund size objective USD 150 million USD 300 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) Pending N.A. 10 years treatment of wastewater, potable water (distribution, transportation, production), irrigation districts; (v) telecommunications and satellites: fixed, wireless, cellular, satellite and voice and/or data; (vi) refuse and solid waste management; (vii) infrastructure logistics, such as cargo terminals, (viii) social infrastructure (hospitals, multipurpose infrastructure, etc.). Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala. Preferred economic sectors • Transportation. • Electrical power. • Gas and oil. • Water. • Telecommunications and satellites. • Garbage and solid waste management. • Infrastructure logistics and social infrastructure. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest All projects related to, or services associated with, the following sectors: (i) transportation: land, rail, air, port (maritime and river, and the infrastructure necessary for navigation), mass transit; (ii) electrical power: generation, distribution and transmission; (iii) gas and oil: including without limitation transportation, distribution, and transformation (fractionation, gasification, liquefaction, etc.), excluding exploration when this activity is the main purpose; (iv) water: The Fund, may not directly or indirectly invest more than 20% of the total capital commitments existing at the time at which the investment committee makes the decision to invest, to develop new or greenfield infrastructure projects. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Up to 20% of the total capital commitments. Shareholding of the fund in the company Majority and minority. In any case, the Fund should always be a shareholder with the capacity to influence in the decisions. N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 133 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Lafise Investment Management (LIM) is a joint venture between LAFISE, a financial Group with presence in Central America, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico and United States; and NORFUND, a Norwegian institution for developing countries. LIM has been focused in the sector of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in growth stage; having three Funds under administration: CASEIF I (USD 13.75 million), incorporated in 2000; and CASEIF II (USD 29 million), incorporated in 2007; and 2014 the Fund CASEIF III LP (USD 35.9 million). It has been executed 27 Investments in six countries, 15 exits realized and CASEIF I was liquidated. CASEIF III LP is a Fund established in August 2014 with an initial capital of USD 28.57 million, a second closing of USD 35.9 million and a target size of US$ 60 million in a final closing. Same to their predecessors, CASEIF III LP is focused in SMEs in growth stage; the minimum investment per company is US$ 2.0 million and the maximum US$ 5.0 million. The geographic focus is Central America, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia, where LAFISE Group has presence. Contact information Erick Lagos [email protected] [+505] 2277 1111 134 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name CASEIF III LP State of fund: Fundraising General Partner LIM LTD Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Lafise Investment Management Roberto Zamora Erick Lagos Hugo Chaves Alvaro Padilla First closing Fund size objective Percentage available for investment in companies USD 28.75 million USD 60 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) August 2014 August 2019 August 2024 (10 years) Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 90% Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Central America, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia. SME lower range – annual sales up to USD 15 million. 15% Preferred economic sectors • Agro-industry • Food processing.. • Renewable energy. • Services. • Manufacturing • IT. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest SME upper range – annual sales higher than USD 15 million and lower than USD 25 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum: USD 2 million. Maximum: USD 5 million. Multi-sectoral and focus on the SME with fewer than 500 employees and less than USD 25 million in annual sales/assets, thereby having a stronger development impact with more poverty reduction. Shareholding of the fund in the company Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Majority and minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 2 Growth. 0 Type of fund Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Private Equity. The Fund is focused in mezzanine investments and Equity in limited cases. 0 135 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Catterton is a private equity fund established in 1989 with an AUM of ~$5B USD. Catterton has invested in over 100 companies over the past 26 years. The fund invests in the consumer sector and focuses on the following verticals: food and beverage, retail and restaurants, consumer and marketing services, and branded consumer products. Catterton Aimara Latin America Fund II, L.P. (“CALA II”) is aimed at providing growth equity to well positioned consumer related opportunities in Latin America. The fund will pursue 10-12 investments, typically of $40-75 million in equity, and offers near term opportunity to rapidly deploy capital in a fully developed pipeline. CALA II leverages Catterton’s 26 year franchise and capabilities. Catterton’s industry leading research, proprietary deal flow, extensive network of relationships, and deep investment and operating team all accrue to the benefit of CALA II. Accordingly, CALA II is uniquely advantaged vis-à-vis a stand-alone fund of similar size. Contact information Dirk Donath [email protected] [+1] 212 600 2139 136 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Catterton Aimara Latin America Fund II, L.P. State of fund: Fundraising General Partner CALA Managing Partner II, L.P. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Catterton Latin America Management Co. Dirk Donath Ricardo Salmon First closing Fund size objective USD 250 million USD 500 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2015 N.A. 10 years 100% Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Brazil, Colombia, Mexico. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 40 million / USD 75 million. Preferred economic sectors Consumer sector: • Food and beverage. • Retail and restaurants. • Consumer and marketing services. • Branded consumer products. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest CALA will seek to systematically identify well-positioned companies in consumer categories with superior growth potential. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Shareholding of the fund in the company Flexible: Minority, majority or co-control. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Undisclosed. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Undisclosed. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Undisclosed. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Undisclosed. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Over USD 50 million. 137 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The General Partner launched its second fund: ”Expansión Valorar Futuro” The company is formed as a result of the union of knowledge and experience in the purchase, sale and management of companies. Since foundation to date, we have studied more than 70 investment opportunities for “FCP Valorar Futuro”, of which 11 were selected and studied by the investment committee. Four of these were chosen for purchase: Laboratorios Higietex S.A.S., Profilácticos del Tolima S.A., Mejisulfatos S.A.S. y Ascender S.A. The Private Equity Fund “Expansión Valorar Futuro” aims to invest in long term national companies with annual sales between 10 - 40 million dollars, which are part of a consolidation process within a sector, mainly mass market, personal care, agribusiness suppliers, pharmaceutical products, manufacturing and services. The fund invests in companies in needs of working capital, in the form of mezzanine loans, participate on capital, retaining the traditional support to the management and value creation. Contact information Ricardo Toro Ludeke President [email protected] 138 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Carlos Enrique Correa [email protected] [+57 4] 448 1233 [+57] 310 814 6769 Fund name Expansión Valorar Futuro FCP State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Sociedad Gestora Valorar Futuro S.A. Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Alianza Fiduciaria S.A. First closing Fund size objective COP $40 billion USD 12.8 million COP $100 billion USD 32 million Ricardo Toro Gloria Matilde Arango Juan Camilo Vallejo Carlos Enrique Correa Percentage available for investment in companies 0% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. N.A. N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $5 billion / COP $50 billion. USD 1.6 million / USD 16 million. • Health Care. • Food Industry. • Agribusiness. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Number of companies in which the fund has invested Mass market, personal care, agribusiness suppliers, pharmaceutical products, manufacturing and services with sales between COP $ 20 billion USD 6.4 million and COP $80 billion USD 25.6 million. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Mezzanine. 0 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 0 Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests COP $12 billion - COP $80 billion. USD 3.84 million - USD 25.6 million. 139 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Counting with 28 years of experience, Profesionales de Bolsa is one of the most renowned and leading firms in Colombia’s capital market. It offers its customers the best investing opportunities with a broad portfolio of structured products, designed by a highly qualified team. Currently, our company manages more than 550 billion COP in Private Equity and Mutual Funds. Additionally, the firm operates in five cities: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pereira. Profesionales de Bolsa entered in the Agribusiness Market with the Private Equity Fund - Livestock Investments that focuses on feeder cattle and its commercialization. Currently, 30 compartments have been created and successfully administrated in a five year period, giving us the knowledge and capacity to continue working on the most important project for feeder cattle in Colombia. Contact information Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello [email protected] [email protected] [+57 1] 646 3330 [+57 1] 646 3330 140 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Alba Zapata [+57 1] 646 3330 Fund name Inversiones Ganaderas State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Profesionales de Bolsa Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Profesionales de Bolsa Gustavo Torres Beatriz Cuello First closing Fund size objective By fund. COP $100 billion USD 32 million Percentage available for investment in companies N.A. *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) By fund. One open each 2 months By fund. One open each 2 months By fund. One open each 2 months Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia: Casanare, Córdoba, Antioquia, Cesar and Magdalena. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Agro - Industrial. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Shareholding of the fund in the company Preferred economic sectors The core business of the Fund is the purchase of breeding cattle, which is bought with a weight between 260 and 300 Kg and sold once, reached approximately 450 Kg, in order to optimize their weight gain with an average of 12 Kg/month. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth/ Currently we have 11 farms under management across the country and we are looking to expand our horizons. Type of fund Natural Resources. By compartment. Total. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 34 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 14 % E.A. (expected) 141 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Kandeo Fund II GP is made up of a group of Colombian, Peruvian, and Mexican professionals and executives with significant experience in banking, finance, investment banking, and in the operations of companies providing goods and services in the financial and mass consumption sectors. The company has offices in Bogota, Lima, Mexico City, and Miami. The objective of the fund is to invest in the equity of companies that provide financial services to the base of the pyramid and SME’s that are not adequately attended to by the traditional banking institutions in Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. Contact information Edgar Enrique Sandoval Chief Financial Officer [email protected] [+57 1] 635 8184 142 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fernando Concha Chief Operations Officer [email protected] [+57 1] 635 8184 Sergio Contreras - México Country Manager [email protected] [+52] 55 2223 0588 Julio Romani - Perú Country Manager [email protected] [+51 1] 711 6363 Fund name Kandeo Fund II LP State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Kandeo Fund II GP Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Augentius Fund Administration Inc. Fund size objective Two partial closures by USD 67.8 million Percentage available for investment in companies *USD 115 million (Expected closure February 2016) 69% First closing date Investment period (final date) October 2014 Eduardo Michelsen Delgado (CEO) Edgar Enrique Sandoval (CFO) Fernando Concha (COO) Eduardo Michelsen Cuellar (Chairman of the Investment Committee) Final closing date (term years) October 2019 October 2024 (10 years) Mexico). Because of this, all investments are Cash In in Common or Preferred Shares to strengthen the equity of the company and help it realize its maximum growth potential. In addition, Kandeo is significantly involved in improving operations in the areas such as finance, business development, risk management, and HR, among others. management of the companies (25% minimum). Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Peru, Mexico. Preferred economic sectors • Financial Services • Microfinance • Secured Credit • Productive Asset Financing General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Financial services for the base of the pyramid, such as companies that originate microloans, financing for the acquisition of productive assets for SME’s, collateral backed private loans, and payroll discounted personal loans, among others, in companies that are and are not regulated by the financial authorities before or after the moment of investment. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests High Growth – Kandeo invests in companies with high growth potential in countries with strong economic performance and growth that is higher than the region (Colombia, Peru, and Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Determining the minimum and maximum investment fund takes into account Kandeo Fund II (Peru) Financial Services (KFIIP) which USD 15 million USD 50 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Participation level that allows for an active roll in the strategy and 143 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund MAS Equity Partners (MEP) is the first Colombian private equity fund manager operating in the country since 2005 (initially as SEAF Colombia). Alongside SEAF Colombia, MEP has two funds under management focused on growth capital for mid-size companies. MAS Equity Fund III will focus on equity investments in high-growth, medium sized companies in Colombia which the investment team believes are poised to benefit from strategic growth. The target will be companies with robust business models who are looking to expand and replicate their business either locally or regionally. The firm specializes in active minority interest investments and strong support to management teams in order to achieve growth and build value. The MEP team has a combined 49 years of experience and has completed 37 transactions in emerging markets. Contact information Hector Cateriano CEO & Managing Partner [email protected] 144 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Patricio D’Apice CIO & Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 1] 622 0126 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner MAS Equity Fund III MAS Equity Partners Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SEAF Colombia S.A. Hector Cateriano Patricio D´Apice First closing Fund size objective N.A. USD 200 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) N.A. N.A. 100% Final closing date (term years) 8 years Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia ( 70% minimum) & Latam (Andean region primarily). Preferred economic sectors • Consumer services • Food services • Education • Healthcare • Financial services • Energy services • Engineering and other specialized services • Transportation & logistics General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Private mid-cap companies, with growth potential. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 10 million - USD 120 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 10 million - USD 30 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 145 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF) is a global investment manager, with over 25 years of experience structuring and managing private equity funds to invest in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets. SEAF is currently present in over 26 countries with capital commitments of USD 687 Million, and has managed over 35 funds. SEAF is pioneer in the Private Equity industry in Colombia having launched the first Fund in the country in 2005. SEAF Colombia Agribusiness Fund (SCAF), is SEAF’s third Private Equity Fund established in Colombia. SCAF will invest risk capital instruments in high-growth small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Colombia’s agribusiness sector. The target size of SCAF is US$60 Million. Contact information Mauricio Samper [email protected] [+57 1] 622 01 26 146 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name SEAF Colombia Agribusiness Fund (SCAF) State of fund: Fundraising General Partner SEAF Management LLC Fund administrator Fund Director(s) SEAF Colombia SAI Mauricio Samper First closing Fund size objective USD 30 million Max. USD 80 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) December 2015 December 2020 20% Final closing date (term years) December 2025 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. Minority. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested Agribusiness. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Established small and medium enterprises operating along the value chain in the Agribusiness sector in Colombia, with high growth potential and a proven track record in a transformation/industrial-based business model. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Type of fund Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests USD 3 million - USD 50 million approximately. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD1 million. 147 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Agrofuturo is a specialized company that manages information to promote sustainable agricultural development through the management of agricultural assets and the provision of specialized services for the sector The private equity fund Serfinco Agribusiness aims to invest in projects of the Colombian agricultural sector , allowing the investor to gain exposure to the expected revitalization of the sector. Value generation will be created by the transformation of unproductive land in agricultural companies. Contact information Camilo Pérez Gerente Asset Management [email protected] [+57 4] 444 6212 148 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Serfinco Agronegocios Agrofuturo Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Ultra Serfinco Camilo Pérez First closing Fund size objective COP $25 billion USD 8 million COP $109 billion USD 32 million Percentage available for investment in companies 25% Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date N.A. N.A. N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia. 30% -100% Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested Agriculture. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Greenfield projects in Cocoa. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Start Up (greenfield projects). 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Type of fund Natural Resources-Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 15% More than COP $10 million USD 3.203. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $50 million / COP $100 million. USD 0.016 million / USD 0.032 million. 149 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Sembrador S.p.A is a private equity fund manager founded in 2005 in Chile. Actually, Sembrador manages USD70 million through three private equity funds: Crecimiento Agrícola FICA (2005) AgroDesarrollo (2009) and Victus Chile (2014). At June, the total capital has been invested in 14 agricultural societies in different regions of Chile (6 were divested in 2013 through a sale to an important Chinese company). Victus Colombia will be the fourth fund managed by Sembrador Equipment (USD15-USD50 million in the first compartment). CORFO, MIF and CAF are some of its investors. VICTUS Colombia will become the fourth fund managed by Sembrador S.p.A, which aims to replicate the Chilean model in this country, managing resources by about $ 50 million in its first compartment. The objective of the fund will invest in agricultural development projects in different regions of the country, implementing technologies that contribute to a precision agriculture, sustainable, low risk and attractive returns for investors. Pineapple, Hass avocado, Cocoa and Lemon are some of the products analyzed to develop in its first stage. Contact information Jorge Karadima L. [email protected] [+56 9] 9743 5271 (Chile) 150 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Maria Carolina Pacheco [email protected] [+57 1] 325 8030 State of fund: Fundraising Fund name Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Jorge Karadima CEO José Miguel Fernandez Managing Director José Antonio Jiménez Managing Director Victus Colombia Larrain Vial Colombia S.A. General Partner Sembrador S.p.A First closing Fund size objective Percentage available for investment in companies USD 15 million (first compartment) USD 50 million First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2016 5 years 10 years Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund The Fund expects to invest in any Colombian region up to 60% of The Fund. The remaining percentage (40%) could be invested in other Latin-American countries such as Chile, Perú, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay, Panamá and Ecuador. Private Equity. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 100% Fund's investment policy Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Agriculture - Agro Industry. Minimum: USD1 million Maximum: 50% of total investment commitments. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Shareholding of the fund in the company Preferred economic sectors The Fund is likely to develop new corporations that acquire the assets the Fund is interested on. This company will start with fresh accounting. A through due diligence of the land using professional legal advisors will be carried on. Having said this, investing in existing corporations is not banned from the business model. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests • Start-ups with prototype • Scaling-up of existing companies • Initiatives in mature industries 14% (estimated). Majority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2.4X (estimated). 151 PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Fund information VENTURE E CAPITAL VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Description of the general partner Description of the fund Axon Partners Group is an international investment, corporate development and consulting company specializing in emerging markets. It was founded by entrepreneurs with extensive financial experience in business development, Axon has grown to create a team of over 40 experts worldwide. Amerigo Ventures Pacífico is a private equity fund launched by Axon in 2013 to concentrate its investments in LatAm, particularly in Colombia, Mexico and Peru. It is notable for being the only 100 % market fund focused in local companies of the Digital Economy with potential for regional expansion. Amerigo Ventures Pacifico has invested in five companies to date: Axon Partners Group - Investment has two great qualities, as they combine global presence with local expertise. They manage funds of several hundred million dollars and invest in companies in Latin America, Spain and India. Axon has a successful track record in sectors such as energy, health and digital economy. They invest from USD 200.000 to USD 15.000.000. • ClickDelivery ( May 2013 ) - divested with multiple 4x • RedSeguro ( May 2013 ) - now called Busqo • PideFarma ( Aug 2013 ) - divested • O4IT ( February 2014 ) • Enmedio ( June 2015 ) Contact information Alfonso de León Partner [email protected] [+571] 635 3007 154 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Daniel Martin - Manager Mario Alejandro Rojas - Associate [email protected] [email protected] Iván Feito - Manager [email protected] Fund name Amerigo Ventures Pacífico FCP Final closing USD 52 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Axon Partners Group Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria Bancolombia Alfonso de León Daniel Martin Iván Feito Percentage available for investment in companies >75% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) January 2013 January 2018 2023 (10 years) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia, Mexico, Peru. Start-up & growth. Preferred economic sectors • Technology. • Media and telecoms. Type of fund General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Company annual sales, in which the fund invests The main objective of the fund is to invest in companies in the digital economy, such as: • E -Commerce, eg retail, e-health, e-learning or work. • Online Advertising, eg classified, Crowd -sourcing or collective marketing models. • Digital entertainment, eg Video OTT, social gaming or fantasy gaming. • Financial online services, eg online payments or aggregators. • Online platform enablers, eg cloud or hosting e- commerce services. • Machine to machine communication ( M2M ), p.ejs mart energy, environmental management, location based services or digital home. • Online Security, eg authentication or security applications in companies. Confidential. Venture Capital. We seek enterprises with annualized sales over USD 1 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 200.000 / USD 15 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 5 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 2 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) • Total capital 2x times approx. • Capital participation 4x sold. 155 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund NXTP Labs has developed and implemented an innovative accelerating program which provides young entrepreneurs with seed funding plus infrastructure, training, mentoring and interactive marketing services. NXTP Labs assists entrepreneurs with the plan, the prototype, the business model, the marketing and the growth strategy. With operations in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay, NXTP Labs is the most active early-stage fund for tech companies in Latin America. The firm has partnered with teams from more than 15 countries, and has invested in more than 160 companies in just over 4 years of operations. The company is focused on helping early-stage companies become the next unicorns on tech verticals: Advertising, Agribusiness, Bitcoin, Big Data, Cloud, E-Commerce, Education, Finance, Gaming, IoT, Mobile, Security, Social Network, Social Commerce and Video. NXTP Labs has strong digital business know-how, rich regional business experience and relevant international contacts in the target sector of high value-added technological companies. NXTP Labs is rolling out a program that enables mentors, in different areas, not only provide their knowledge but also co-invest in its accelerated companies. Contact information Catalina Gutiérrez Operations Manager Colombia [email protected] 156 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Francisco Coronel Chief Financial Officer [email protected] [+54 11] 5278 3248 Fund name Certo S.A. Fund administrator Nibeluz S.A. Final closing USD 38.5 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Nibeluz S.A. Fund Director(s) Marta Cruz Francisco Coronel Ariel Arrieta Gonzalo Costa Percentage available for investment in companies 25% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2015 July 2019 July 2022 (10 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Latin America, particularly Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Preferred economic sectors Technology, preferably in these sectors: Advertising, Agribusiness, Bitcoin, Big Data, Cloud, E-Commerce, Education, Finance, Gaming, IoT, Mobile, Security, Social Network, Social Commerce and Video. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Between USD 0 and USD 2 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Minimum USD 25.000 Maximum USD 1 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Early-stage technology companies that have growth potential at regional or global scale, oriented to digital business such as: Advertising, Agribusiness, Bitcoin, Big Data, Cloud, E-Commerce, Education, Finance, Gaming, IoT, Mobile, Security, Social Network, Social Commerce and Video. +160 Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Start-up. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 9 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 8 times. 30% Type of fund Venture Capital. 157 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund The Fondo de Capital Privado de Emprendimiento e Innovación en Servicios Públicos is the private equity investment platform of Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) and EPM Inversiones. FCP Innovación SP, the fund managed by the GP, has the mandate of investing in companies and start-ups focused on innovation and applied technologies for public services sectors. The Fund focuses on maximizing return on investment and on accelerating innovation for public services value chains, including energy, gas, water, ICTs and waste management. Contact information Felipe Zárate Gutiérrez Key Person [email protected] 158 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Cristian Vallejo Isaza Senior Analyst [email protected] [+57 4] 380 7907 Fund name FCP Innovación SP State of fund: Closed General Partner FCP Innovación SP Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A Felipe Zárate Gutiérrez Final closing Fund size COP $100 billion USD 34 million COP $100 billion USD 34 million Percentage available for investment in companies 75% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) April 2013 April 2018 April 2023 (10 years) Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia or abroad (except Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela). Venture Capital / Private Equity. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Preferred economic sectors • Energy. • Water. • Waste transformation. • Information. • Communication technologies. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies or start-ups dedicated to the design & production of leading-edge products or services or to the development of processes focused on innovation and applied technologies that can be leveraged by public service value chains, or the operational aspects of public services and/or information and communication technologies (ICTs), and that qualify as venture capital opportunities. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Start-up & growth. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $1 billion / COP $20 billion. USD 0.3 million / USD 7 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 3 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. 159 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Promotora is a leading firm specialized in Private Equity in Latin America and is backed by the largest economic group in Colombia. Progresa Capital Fund was the first Early Growth Fund created in Colombia. Since 1987, we have structured, mobilized and managed significant investments, facilitating the growth of small and medium sized enterprises in Latin America. Our team has proven experience and track record in strategic consulting, financial structuring and Private Equity. We firmly believe that trust, flexibility, dynamism, objectiveness, opportunity and closeness, constitute the attributes that allow Promotora to deeply understand the businesses and markets of our clients, investors and investees. Contact information Juan Andrés Vásquez Gutiérrez Investment Manager [email protected] [+57 4] 448 4511 Ext: 126 160 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Our investments aim to have a stake at Colombian companies that have developed innovative products or services and could be globally competitive. These companies are usually at an early stage of growth and in need of equity and strategic support. The Fund will seek a minority share, with the possibility of actively participating in strategic and investment decision making, through the Board of Directors of the companies in which it has invested, in order to add value in a period of three (3) to six (6) years, as well as the possibility of participating in follow on investment rounds and subsequently seeking strategic investors related to the business in which it has invested. Fund name Progresa Capital Final closing COP $40 billion USD 12.81 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Promotora Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria Bancolombia Francisco Alejandro Mira Aguilar Percentage available for investment in companies 0% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) October 2008 April 2014 October 2017 (9 years) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • ICTs. • Life Sciences. • Applied Engineering. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $1 billion / COP $8 billion. USD 0.32 million / USD 2.56 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Minority. Companies that are at an early stage of technological adoption of their products or business models, with developed proofs of concept and/or prototypes, and preferably with income below USD 1.5 million. Number of companies in which the fund has invested Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Early Growth. Type of fund Venture Capital. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests 7 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Two total exits and one partial exit. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) 2.55x Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) 22,63% COP $1 billion COP $5 billion. USD 0.32 million USD 1.6 million. 161 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Velum Ventures specializes in managing investments in companies that are in an early stage of development and that are highly innovative in their business models. The management team's experience in this type of business, has allowed us to develop a support methodology based on the identification of key implementation activities, seeking to maintain a fast and efficient growth of the enterprises we invest. Founded in 2012, Velum Ventures has positioned as one of the most active managers of Venture Capital on early stage in Colombia and Latin America, promoting a new generation of successful entrepreneurs in the region. Velum Early Stage Fund I is the first fund managed by Velum, which focuses in multi sector companies based on digital business and information technology. The fund is actively seeking early-stage companies with high differentiating value in its business model, established in Colombia, in markets with high growth rates, and which have highly talented, experienced entrepreneurs committed to expand their companies. Contact information Esteban Velasco Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 4] 266 9243 162 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Esteban Mancuso Managing Partner [email protected] [+57 4] 266 9243 Fund name Velum Early Stage Fund I Final Closing COP $29.4 billion USD 9.44 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Velum Ventures S.A.S. Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Helm Fiduciaria S.A. Esteban Velasco Esteban Mancuso Percentage available for investment in companies 27% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) June 2014 June 2017 2021 (7 years) Regional focus/ Countries Type of fund Colombia. Venture Capital. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Preferred economic sectors Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Fund's investment policy Multi-sector, using digital businesses and information technologies. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The investment philosophy of the Fund, as well as DNA of Velum, focuses on investing first and most important on people: Dedicated, talented, with deep experience in their businesses, and capable of leading their companies to new market challenges. Likewise, Velum invests exclusively where there are clear differentiating business models, entering in early stages, searching expanding market opportunities. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Early Stage: Where there is a minimum viable product (MVP) and have successfully validated their commercial implementation in the market. Preferably in companies with turnover of less than COP $1 billion - USD 0.32 million a year. N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company First rounds between COP $200 - USD 0.06 million and COP $1 billion USD 0.32 million, with possibility to extend subsequent investments (follow-on). Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 13 companies to date. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. 163 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Atom Ventures S.A.S. is a subsidiary of Socialatom Ventures, a company formed for the purpose of managing venture capital funds in Colombia or abroad and invest directly or through national or international vehicle investments. As General Partner, will participate as an investor with an investment equivalent to at least 1 % of the size of the Fund. Firstrock invests in technology-based companies that are born global or for all of Hispanic America from Colombia and have provided positive indications of exponential growth. Contact information Edgard D. Duque Associate [email protected] [+57] 320 952 4246 164 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Firstrock Capital Colombia I State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Atom Ventures S.A.S. Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A. First closing Fund size objective COP $10 billion USD 3.2 million COP $20 billion USD 6.4 million Andres Barreto | Key Person Erik Stettler | Principal Edgard D. Duque | Associate Percentage available for investment in companies 100% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) 2016 2021 Final closing date (term years) 2024 (8 years) Can be extended for up to an additional 2 years. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries All the regions of Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Investments will be aimed to companies across different economic sectors that provide physical or digital products or services through the Internet or digital networks. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The Fund invests in companies of the digital economy in their early stages of development that provide physical or digital products or service and that present innovative projects based on technology, with additional Follow-On investments in those that have the most potential. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Seed/ Start-up, with additional Follow-On investments in those companies that have the most potential. Type of fund Venture Capital. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests COP $0 - COP $1 billion / up to USD 0.32 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $50 million / COP $1 billion. USD 16.015 / USD 320.313. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Expected to be greater than 30% 165 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Our collective track record includes: creating 27 companies and selling 12, doing 32 investments and exiting 9, participating in 3 US-based IPO, helping in 3 LatAm roll outs, creating the first accelerator in LatAm, first compay-builder in LatAm, leading 3 entrepreneurial organizations and developing a government-sponsored early stage funding program. Most importantly we are a group of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Nazca Colombia is a local Venture Capital Fund backed by regional experienced entrepreneurs. We offer a multi-stage funding structure: from product to growth and growth to profitability. Nazca, at a regional level, has proved track record with 23 investments in Chile and Mexico. Using deep data, Nazca has optimized the investment allocation strategy in order to boost return, through its Power Law investment strategy which implies high ownership in high performing companies. Nazca is the only regional fund with 5 local operations to offer companies a regional soft-landing. The regional strategy improves three indicators: i) A larger market size, ii) Improved profitability ratios and iii) Improved investment and exit probabilities. Contact information Daniela Calleja Martínez Managing Director [email protected] 166 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Santiago Caniggia Bengolea Managing Partner [email protected] Fund name Nazca Investments FCP State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Nazca Ventures Colombia S.A.S Fund Director(s) Fund administrator Santiago Caniggia Bengolea Daniela Calleja Martinez Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A. Regional Board: Felipe Henríquez Santiago Caniggia Bengolea Héctor Sepúlveda First closing Fund size objective COP $10 billion USD 3.2 million COP $46.8 billion USD 15 million Percentage available for investment in companies 85% *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) June 2015 June 2018 June 2021 exponential, measurable and evident, clearly accomplishing a breakthrough. Type of fund Outstanding Team Verify that the team has the correct DNA and required execution capabilities to achieve the above. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company With a chance to expand it 6 more years. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries LATAM region with a potential global expansion. Preferred economic sectors Technology: nanotech, IT, IoT o Internet of things, biotech, clean-tech, e-health, among others. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Clear “Unfair Advantage” Identify that the company has an outstanding value proposition that clearly demonstrates they can achieve the potential market share. Nazca refers to the outstanding value proposition as the “unfair advantage”. Nazca focuses in identifying the following value proposition types: Non Existing Competitors A product or service that has been successfully proven outside the target region (LatAm), is not currently available and has achieved a proof-of-concept, market-product fit or considerable traction unique operational execution capability prove that the mirror product or service requires local management in order to succeed Value by Break-Out or Disruption A product or service that clearly improves the alternative’s existing value proposition. The proposed improvement must be Attractive Profitability and Business Metrics Verify that the company has potential to reach high profitability ratios and solid business metrics. Vast Scale Opportunities Identify companies that have the potential of generating enough growth or revenue in order to, at least, return the entire fund based on a high-ownership scenario. Market Size Identify that the company serves a large enough or uncapped market that enables such growth or potential revenue. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Seed/ Start-up/ Growth/ Nazca invests in 3 phases follow-on: Phase 1: Seed - Idea to Product Phase 2: Seed - Product to Growth Phase 3: Series A and B - Growth to Profitability Venture Capital. Phase 1: Seed - Idea to Product USD 200.000 - USD 400.000 Phase 2: Seed - Product to Growth USD 500.000 - USD 800.000 Phase 3: Series A and B - Growth to Profitability USD 1 million USD 3 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 1 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Expected: 38,83% 167 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Promotora is a leading firm specialized in Private Equity in Latin America and is backed by the largest economic group in Colombia. Our investments aim to have a stake at companies that have developed innovative products or services and could be globally competitive. These companies are usually at an early stage of growth and in need of equity and strategic support. Since 1987, we have structured, mobilized and managed significant investments, facilitating the growth of small and medium sized enterprises in Latin America. Our team has proven experience and track record in strategic consulting, financial structuring and Private Equity. We firmly believe that trust, flexibility, dynamism, objectiveness, opportunity and closeness, constitute the attributes that allow Promotora to deeply understand the businesses and markets of our clients, investors and investees. Contact information Agostinho Almeida Investment Manager [email protected] [+57 4] 448 4511 Ext: 112 168 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 The Fund will invest in companies in Colombia and co-invest with local funds in companies within the Pacific Alliance (Peru, Chile, Mexico) The Fund will seek a minority share, with the possibility of actively participating in strategic and investment decision making, through the Board of Directors of the companies in which it has invested, in order to add value in a period of three (3) to six (6) years, as well as the possibility of participating in follow on investment rounds and subsequently seeking strategic investors related to the business in which it has invested. Fund name Promotora Early Growth Fund II State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Promotora Fund administrator Fund Director(s) Fiduciaria Bancolombia Francisco Alejandro Mira Aguilar First closing Fund size objective COP $30 billion USD 9.6 million COP $100 billion USD 32 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. N.A. 9 years *Exchange rate 30th Sep. 2015: COP $3.121,94 0% Extendable one year. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia and co-investments in Chile, Mexico and Peru. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $1 billion / COP $12 billion. USD 0.32 million / USD 3.84 million. Preferred economic sectors • ICTs. • Life Sciences. • Applied Engineering. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies that are at an early stage of technological adoption of their products or business models, with developed proofs of concept and/or prototypes, and preferably with income below USD 1.5 million. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Early Growth. Type of fund Venture Capital. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) N.A. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests COP $1 billion - COP $5 billion. USD 0.32 million - USD 1.6 million. 169 VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS Fund information IMP PACT IMPACT FUNDS Description of the general partner Description of the fund Established in 2001, Acumen is a pioneering impact fund that is changing the way the world tackles poverty. Acumen invests in early stage companies that provide services to low income communities, focusing on the following sectors: agribusiness, education and energy. Contact information Virgilio Barco Latin America Director [email protected] [+57 1] 638 60 33 172 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Acumen Final closing N.A. - Evergreen fund State of fund: Closed General Partner Acumen Fund administrator Fund Director Acumen Virgilio Barco Percentage available for investment in companies 100% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) N.A. - Evergreen fund N.A. - Evergreen fund N.A. - Evergreen fund Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Shareholding of the fund in the company Colombia and Peru. Minority. Preferred economic sectors Number of companies in which the fund has invested • Agribusiness. • Education. • Energy. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest 80 globally/4 in Latin America. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. Early stage companies that provide services to low income communities in the following sectors: agribusiness, education and energy. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Early stage/early growth. N.A. N.A. Type of fund Impact Fund. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Not a criteria. Must have 12 months of sales. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company USD 250,000 / USD 3 million 173 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Bamboo Finance is a commercial investment firm managing US$ 280 million and representing a unique portfolio of investments. Bamboo specializes in business models that benefit low-income communities in emerging markets. The Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund was launched in 2007 and is the largest commercial microfinance private equity fund with USD 195 million in AUM. The fund invests in a range of microfinance institutions and funds worldwide. The Fund acquires minority stakes in their capital while playing an active governance role by sharing international experience, information, networks, knowledge and by taking an active role at a board level. We use a market-oriented approach to deliver social and environmental value and attractive financial returns to investors. By working closely with investors, microfinance networks and technical assistance providers, we aim to contribute to the development of our partner institutions and funds by sharing our financial and operational expertise and our connections with related resources. Contact information Santiago Álvarez Investment Manager [email protected] [+57 1] 322 5720 174 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund I S.C.A., SICAV-FIS Final closing USD 195 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Bamboo Capital S.à r.l. Fund administrator Fund Director Bamboo Finance S.A. Jean Philippe de Schrevel Percentage available for investment in companies 0% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2007 July 2015 July 2020 Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries None – Developing, emerging and middle-income countries worldwide. Preferred economic sectors Financial services. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund makes equity investments in companies that provide financial services to low-income customers, looking to promote the financial inclusion and to close the gap in the access to this kind of services. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company Significant minority positions with board seat. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 32 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 3 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Growth. Confidential. Type of fund Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Private Equity/ Growth/Impact. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests Market rates. N.A. 175 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Bamboo Finance is a commercial investment firm managing USD 280 million and representing a unique portfolio of investments. Bamboo specializes in business models that benefit low-income communities in emerging markets. The Oasis Fund invests in commercially viable companies that deliver essential goods and services which directly benefit low income communities by providing access to affordable housing, healthcare, education, energy, livelihood opportunities, water, and sanitation. We use a market-oriented approach to deliver social and environmental value and attractive financial returns to investors. Contact information Eric Berkowitz [email protected] 176 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Bamboo Finance Oasis Fund S.C.A., SICAV-FIS Final closing USD 53 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Oasis Capital S.à r.l. Fund administrator Fund Director Bamboo Finance S.A. Jean Philippe de Schrevel Percentage available for investment in companies 10% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) December 2007 N.A. N.A. Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries None – Developing, emerging and middle-income countries worldwide. Preferred economic sectors Health, energy, education, housing, financial inclusion and rural development. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest The fund finances a whole range of social business delivering goods and services to low-income communities (e.g. Energy, Education, Health, among others). Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company Significant minority positions with board seat. Number of companies in which the fund has invested 15 Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 3 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Confidential. Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Confidential. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. 177 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Corporación Inversor was founded by 14 institutions with and important social and business background in Colombia, which are: Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, JP Morgan, Fundación Bavaria, Fundación Bolívar-Davivienda, Fundación Saldarriaga Concha, Fundación Avina, Fundación Diego & Lía, LAEFM Colombia, Corporación Mundial de la Mujer, Estrategias Financieras y Corporativas, Mckinsey & Co., Banca de Inversión Bancolombia, Compartamos con Colombia and Brigard & Urrutia. Inversor is a multi-sector fund that aims to invest in small and medium sized companies with a triple bottom line focus (social impact, environmental impact and financial return). Corporación Inversor, with the support of its founding members, specializes in finding, structuring and managing investments with a high social impact, environmental impact and financial return. Contact information Alberto Riaño Executive Director [email protected] [+57 1] 313 9800 178 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 The Fund was created with the purpose of developing the impact investing industry in Colombia by creating employment opportunities, developing inclusive businesses, supporting companies that generate environmental or social benefits through their business model and supporting the economic growth of Colombia. Fund name Fondo de Capital Privado Inversor Final closing COP $25 billion - USD 8 million State of fund: Closed General Partner Corporación Inversor Fund administrator Fund Director Corredores Davivienda S.A. Comisionista de Bolsa Alberto Riaño Percentage available for investment in companies *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 37% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) July 2011 July 2016 2021 (10 years) • Inclusive businesses, attached to value chains of different competitive sectors. • Positive environmental impact. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) Stage of the companies in which the fund invests Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors • Agroindustry. • Basic infrastructure. • Social services aimed at vulnerable population and economically. • Developing technologies to guarantee access to different services to vulnerable populations. • Productive businesses in the production chain of an enterprise. • Green technologies with high environmental and social impact. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Inversor invests in Companies with: • Differentiated business models, with scalability and innovation, proven in the market. • Management teams with important experience in their business, the sector and the market. • High potential to generate direct and indirect employment. • Business models that promote the inclusion of vulnerable populations, such as consumers, producers or entrepreneurs. 0 Start-up and growth. N.A. Type of fund Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Venture Capital. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. COP $1 billion - COP $5 billion. USD 0.32 million - USD 1.6 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company COP $1 billion / COP $2.5 billion. USD 0.32 million / USD 0.8 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Significant minority shares (35,0%-49,9%). Number of companies in which the fund has invested 4 179 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Bamboo Finance is a commercial investment firm managing USD 280 million and representing a unique portfolio of investments. Bamboo specializes in business models that benefit low-income communities in emerging markets. We use a market-oriented approach to deliver social and environmental value and attractive financial returns to investors. The Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund II is a private equity fund investing in financial services companies such as microfinance and SME banks as well as mobile money operators, correspondent banking businesses and micro-insurance companies in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Contact information Santiago Álvarez Gerente de Inversiones [email protected] [+57 1] 322 5720 180 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Fund name Bamboo Financial Inclusion Fund II S.C.A., SICAV-FIS State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Bamboo Capital S.à r.l. Fund administrator Fund Director Bamboo Finance S.A. Jean Philippe de Schrevel First closing Fund size objective USD 31 million USD 200 million Percentage available for investment in companies First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) April 2015 N.A. N.A. 100% Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries None – Developing, emerging and middle-income countries worldwide. Preferred economic sectors • Microfinance. • SME finance. • Mobile money. • Correspondent banking. • Remittances. • Micro-insurance. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company N.A. Shareholding of the fund in the company Significant minority positions with board seat. Number of companies in which the fund has invested The fund makes equity investments in companies that provide financial services to low-income customers, looking to promote the financial inclusion and to close the gap in the access to this kind of services. 0 Stage of the companies in which the fund invests N.A. Growth. Type of fund Private Equity. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) 0 Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) N.A. 181 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information Description of the general partner Description of the fund Capitalia Colombia is a company entrusted with the management of investment funds, which operates a network of connecting intelligent capital, while also managing funds of collective investment and venture capital. Our Angel Investor network is forever expanding with a wider network of Business Angels and financial backers, aimed at supporting Colombian SMEs with high growth potential. These services are based on methodological and financial practices, which can be tailored to each individual client, allowing the correct access to capital, on the right time frame. The ‘Sethos Capitalia fund’ is a robust financial structure that seeks to create value by investing in assets with high growth potential; by injecting strategic financial resources that are supplemented with the possibility of leverage with low-cost debt facilities. The fund operates in various segments, the first of which being the segment of ‘Impact and Development,’ which promotes expansion and progress of companies that generate positive social and economic changes on a national level. Capitalia Colombia identifies market opportunities and develops theory behind our investment funds that aim to facilitate the development of these opportunities. Contact information Alejandro Marín Toro Fund Director Sethos Capitalia [email protected] [+57 4] 444 9070 182 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 :: Fund name Sethos Capitalia, Compartimento de Impacto y Desarrollo State of fund: Fundraising General Partner Capitalia Colombia S.A.S Fund administrator Fund Director Fiduciaria de Occidente S.A Alejandro Marín Toro First closing Fund size objective COP $12 billion - USD 3.8 million COP $40 billion - USD 12.8 million Percentage available for investment in companies *Exchange rate 30th Sept. 2015: COP $3.121,94 100% First closing date Investment period (final date) Final closing date (term years) September 2015 August 2019 2025 (10 years) growth; looking to support plans of expansion and apprehension of opportunities in new markets. Total Multiple of Invested Capital of realized companies (consolidated) Type of fund Fund´s Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of realized companies / participations (consolidated) Fund's investment policy Regional focus/ Countries Colombia. Preferred economic sectors Multi-sectorial, with preference in: Agroindustry, basic infrastructure, health, education y green tech. General description of the type of companies in which the fund invest Companies with a minimum of 18 months of operation, with proven and commercially scalable business models; with a clear identification of opportunities for growth and expansion, and defined strategies to achieve it. They must also have strategies and indicators of social and/or environmental impact tied to the development of the company and to generate social inclusion of vulnerable populations. A responsible management of the environment during their expansion is mandatory. Stage of the companies in which the fund invests ‘El compartimento de Impacto y Desarrollo’ invests in stage of high Private Equity. Company annual sales, in which the fund invests N.A. N.A. Companies with annual sales between COP $500 million up to COP $30 billion. USD 0.16 million - USD 9.6 million. Minimum / maximum fund investment by company Investments from COP $600 million to COP $6 billion. USD 0.19 million - USD 1.92 million. Shareholding of the fund in the company Minority, between 20-49%. Number of companies in which the fund has invested N.A. Number of companies / participations realized (exits) N.A. 183 IMPACT FUNDS Fund information PROCOLOMBIA is the entity that promotes international tourism, foreign investment and non-traditional exports in Colombia. Through its national and international network of offices, it offers support and integral consultancy to clients through services or instruments aimed at facilitating design and execution of its globalization strategy, which seeks to generate, develop and close business opportunities. In terms of investment, it supports and promotes attracting FDI through different mechanisms and tools, available to foreign private equity funds interested in investing in Colombia: Tailor made information: basic notions of Colombian legislation for private equity funds, sector information for investment opportunities, among others. Agendas and visits: contact support at a national level to explore and understand investment opportunities in different regions. Support during the process of arrival and after care services to investors already in the country. Identification of investment opportunities in different sectors nationwide. Communication tools coordinated jointly with investors. For more information, visit the section of Private Equity funds opportunities for Investment in our website: 184 | Bancóldex Private Equity and Venture Capital 2015 - 2016 Socio de los empresarios que se atreven a crecer. Bogotá Phone National Phone (+57 1) 742 0281 01 8000 18 0710