Español 1
(del 14 de marzo al 18 de marzo)
Día 1
1. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of Spanish vocab.
2. Language objective(s): Students will complete the 6th data cycle pre-test, identify main events in a
Spanish story and respond to questions in Spanish,
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to… (5 min.)
2. Activity 2: Students will complete the 6th data cycle pre-test. (20 min)
3. Activity 3: Warm up. Quiz Veinticuatro—Have students number 1-10 and match the Spanish
with the English vocab. Set timer for 3 minutes and give more time in small increments if needed.
Go over the answers and have students grade their own (10 min.)
4. Activity 4: TPR/introduce new vocab. Teach the TPR vocab. with commands. Sample TPR
commands: México juega al béisbol. Chile juega al tenis. La clase se pone zapatos grandes.
Introduce the three phrases (ni idea, le gusta practicar deportes, interrumpe el partido) and make
up gestures or PQA to remember them. (15 min)
5. Activity 5: Tell story. Tell “El chico que le gusta practicar deportes” with student actors (20 min)
6. Activity 6: Q & A. Ask the whole class questions in Spanish about the story, re-working all the
vocab. Then go back through the story again with a quick verbal “Fill in the Blank” in Spanish
(10 min)
7. Activity 7: Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and and answer the HOTS
question ¿Por qué no está contento chip? Chip no está contento porque los jugadores no juegan
bien (5 min)
1. El fútbol—Soccer
2. El fútbol americano—Football
3. El básquetbol—Basketball
4. El béisbol—Baseball
5. El tenis—Tennis
6. El volibol—Volleyball
7. El entrenamiento—Training
8. Los zapatos—Shoes
9. Pone—Puts
10. Se pone—Puts on
11. La pelota—Ball
12. Ni idea—No idea
13. Le gusta practicar deportes—Likes to play sports
14. Interrumpe el partido—Interrupts the game
15. Los jugadores/Un jugador—Players/player
Día 2
1. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of Spanish vocab.
2. Language objective(s): Students will write about the story using a graphic organizer, read and
translate a novel in Spanish, respond to questions and create 2 dictionary pages of new Spanish
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to… (10 min.)
2. Activity 2: Write about the story. Give each student a blank La tela tres. Chip is the protagonist,
and the three branches are for each sports game he interrupts. Give students 2 minutes for the
protagonist box to describe Chip in Spanish and two minutes for each branch to write what
happens at each game in Spanish. Compile class answers on the transparency each time the timer
goes off (20 min)
3. Activity 3: Read and translate a novel in Spanish. Students will respond to questions in Spanish
(25 min)
4. Activity 4: Diccionario pgs. 30 & 31. Pass out a blank dictionary page to each student. Model
writing definitions, etc. on the transparency. Check and assign points (25 min)
5. Activity 5: Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and translate one sentence
from today´s story (5 min)
1. El fútbol—Soccer
2. El fútbol americano—Football
3. El básquetbol—Basketball
4. El béisbol—Baseball
5. El tenis—Tennis
6. El volibol—Volleyball
7. El entrenamiento—Training
8. Los zapatos—Shoes
9. Pone—Puts
10. Se pone—Puts on
11. La pelota—Ball
12. Ni idea—No idea
13. Le gusta practicar deportes—Likes to play sports
14. Interrumpe el partido—Interrupts the game
15. Los jugadores/Un jugador—Players/player
Día 3
LECCIÓN: Lectura
1. Content Objective(s): Students will demonstrate comprehension of Spanish vocab. structures in
context while reading a novel in Spanish
2. Language objective(s): Students will read a novel in Spanish, translate the reading, and identify
main events in the novel by responding to questions in Spanish
1. Activity 1: Entrance ticket- Find content and process words for the Content and Language
Objectives and copy them in Portfolio. Review What we are doing and What we are learning on a
T-Chart. By the end of class, I will be able to… (5 min.)
2. Activity 2: Read a novel in Spanish while translating and identifying main events in the novel by
responding to questions in Spanish (30 min)
3. Exit ticket-Students will rate their learning on a scale of 1-4 and translate one sentence from the
novel (5 min.)