May, 2016 Review / (OBS*) CALL FOR PAPERS Observatorio (OBS*) is an international interdisciplinary e-journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles. It presents empirical and theoretical research aiming at promoting a better understanding of communication phenomena. The journal extends its scope from issues related to media and the novel usages of the Internet, through the challenges surrounding the evolution of new media platforms, to the dynamics of service innovation in the telecommunications industry. It welcomes work from academics, practitioners and policy-makers and is open to contributions coming from all branches of social science inquiry and the humanities. Its formula of Open Access ensures maximum of public availability of research work. Free access papers going through a sound scholarly process of peer-review present a mix of key advantages to authors and readers such as high scientific standards and worldwide ready dissemination. The multilingual approach of (OBS*) is one of its distinctive characteristics. The e-journal accepts and publishes manuscripts submitted in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Catalan and Galician. (OBS*) ONLINE “Having now published its twenty-fourth open access issue and a total of more than 500 papers, (OBS*) achieved more than 30.000 downloads between July 2015 and May 2016. (OBS*) is already one of the most successful journals in terms of audience within the broad field of Communication research”. (OBS*) WORLDWIDE REACH (July 2015 - May 2016) 1 1 5.330 Source: Google Analytics (July 2015 - May 2016) (OBS*) 2016 MOST READ ARTICLES July 2015 - May 2016 1 Socializing and Self-Representation online: Exploring Facebook. Gunn Sara Enli, Nancy Thumim 2 Aproximación metodológica al estudio de la innovación en periodismo. Miguel Carvajal, Félix Arias, Samuel Negredo, Avelino Amoedo 3 La construcción televisiva de la deliberación política. Análisis comparativo de programas informativos y de infotainment. Óliver Pérez, Mercè Oliva, Eva Pujadas 4 Rediscovering the netiquette: the role of propagated values and personal patterns in defining identity of the Internet user. Michał Piotr Pręgowski 5 Public Engagement with Science and Technology: contributos para a definição do conceito e a análise da sua aplicação no contexto português. Liliana Tavares de Oliveira, Anabela Carvalho 6 Use of blogs, Twitter and Facebook by UK PhD Students for Scholarly Communication. Yimei Zhu, Rob Procter 7 Calidad vs. Credibilidad en el periodismo por internet: batalla desigual. Liliana María Gutiérrez-Coba 8 La fotografía y el texto en la construcción del framing de la Primavera Árabe: un análisis del cubrimiento y tratamiento informativo de la prensa de referencia Colombiana, en 2011. Ana María Córdoba Hernándeza 9 Hacia una comunicación política avanzada en la Internet 2.0. Miguel Moya-Sánchez, Susana Herrera-Damas 10 De la radio convencional a la móvil. Usabilidad, multimedialidad y distribución de contenidos en las radioAPPs portuguesas. Teresa Piñeiro-Otero EDITORIAL TEAM EDITORS • Gustavo Cardoso • Rita Espanha ISCTE-IUL and OberCom (.pt) ISCTE-IUL (.pt) ASSOCIATED EDITORS • Fausto Colombo • Piet Bakker UC del Sacro Cuore (.it) ASCoR (.nl) USC Annenberg (.us) Universidad de San Andrés (.ar) • Manuel Castells • Michael Wieviorka Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (.fr) • Hernan Galperín • Sergio Godoy Pontifícia Universidad Católica (.cl) • Jianbin Jin • Robin Mansell Tsinghua University, Beijing (.cn) London School of Economics (.uk) Hong Kong Baptist University (.cn) Universidad de Navarra (.es) University of Macau (.cn) Rutgers University (.us) University of Minho (.pt) MJIBS-MMTC (.se) ASCoR (.nl) UOC (.cat) Harvard University (.us) Universitá de Lugano (.ch) University of Oslo (.no) Universitá Torino (.it)Torino (.it) Universidad de Málaga (.es) Université Catholique de Louvain (.be) & CADIS/EHESS Paris (.fr) • Angus Cheong • Wu Mei • Manuel Pinto • Eugene Loos • Jonathan Zittrain • Espen Ytreberg • Bernardo Diaz-Nosty • Nico Carpentier • Charo Sábada • James Katz • Lucy Kung • Imma Tubella • Giuseppe Richeri • Peppino Ortoleva • Geoffrey Pleyers Free University of Brussels (.be) • François Bar USC Annenberg (.us) ADVISORY EDITORS • Pedro Braumann • Enrico Menduni ESCS-IPL (.pt) Universita Roma (.it) Univ. Complutense de Madrid (.es) UNL (.pt) Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (.pt) ESCS-IPL (.pt) Universidade Lusófona (.pt) JIBS-MMTC (.se) Universidade Beira Interior (.pt) ISCTE (.pt) Universidad Santiago Compostela (.es) UCP (.pt) Universidade do Minho (.pt) University of Navarra (.es) • Enrique Bustamante • João Caraça • Manuel Damásio • António Fidalgo • Xosé Lopez • Moisés Martins • Sandro Mendonça ISCTE (.pt) • José Bragança de Miranda • Pedro Pereira Neto • Robert G. Picard • José Rebelo • Rogério Santos • Ramón Salaverría EITORIAL STAFF • Caterina Foà Journal Manager • Tiago Lima Journal Manager • Patricia Lopes Editorial Assistant • Diogo Vitorino IT Manager • Lina Cardoso • Miguel Paisana Copy Editor • Ricardo Pereira Rodrigues Graphic and Multimedia Design Published by: OberCom ISSN: 1646-5954 Registo ICS/ERC: 123483/00