RATE TITLE RATE COMPONENT OLD RATE CURRENT RATE LGS Commercial / Industrial Customer Charge $362.86 $341.00 Large General Service Daily Demand Metering 19.42 18.25 Delivery Charge / CCF - First 5,000 CCF 0.0162 0.0150 - Over 5,000 CCF 0.0050 0.0046 Peak Day Rate / MDQ 1.1207 1.0532 DIMP Charge / MDQ 0.0223 0.0210 Supply Service: Sales Services Charge / MDQ 0.3998 0.3757 Transportation Service: TSC Shifted Cost / CCF 0.0033 0.0033 TSC Onsite Demand Cost / MDQ 0.2514 0.2363 SE Residential Customer Charge $20.75 $19.50 Seasonal Gas service Delivery Charge / CCF 1.2650 1.1737 DIMP Charge / CCF 0.0272 0.0252 (Winter Only) Sales Services Charge / CCF 0.0249 0.0231 Residential Service Charge $31.20 Unchanged Seasonal Gas service Delivery Charge / CCF Established each May-September based on current market conditions (Summer Only) SE Commercial/Industrial Customer Charge $50.54 $47.50 Seasonal Gas service Delivery Charge / CCF - First 100 CCF 0.5918 0.5491 - Over 100 CCF 0.1623 0.1506 DIMP Charge / CCF 0.0086 0.0080 (Winter Only) Sales Services Charge / CCF 0.0378 0.0378 Commercial/Industrial Customer Charge $80.00 Unchanged Seasonal Gas service Delivery Charge / CCF Established each May-September based on current market conditions (Summer Only) L Lighting Per light charge $22.80 $22.07 IS Commercial / Industrial Customer Charge Interruptible Service Manual Interruptible $120.00 Unchanged Automatic Interruptible 90.00 Unchanged Daily Demand Metering 19.42 18.25 All CCF Established monthly Established monthly NGV Natural Gas Vehicle Customer Charge - Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA): Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA): The PGA collects the total cost of gas. This rate will change monthly as approved by PURA. CAM, DIMP and TSC Shifted Cost rates change annually as approved by PURA. Supply Services are also available from several qualified Third-Party Suppliers from which Customers can choose. This list shall be available to Customers upon request or visit cngcorp.com/YourBusiness/ChooseEnergySupplier/RegisteredMarketrs. NOTE: RMDS, SGS, MGS & LGS Customers that choose Third-Party Supply are subject to the Transportation Services Charge (Updated Annually). El Ajuste de Gas Comprado (Purchased Gas Adjustment, PGA) El Ajuste de Gas Comprado (Purchased Gas Adjustment, PGA) recauda el costo total del gas. Esta tarifa cambiará mensualmente, tal como lo apruebe PURA. Las tarifas CAM, DIMP y TSC Shifted Cost cambian anualmente, tal como lo apruebe PURA. Los clientes también pueden obtener servicios de suministro de varios proveedores calificados. Los clientes pueden solicitar la lista o visitar cngcorp.com/YourBusiness/ChooseEnergySupplier/RegisteredMarketrs. NOTA: Los clientes RMDS, SGS, MGS y LGS que elijan el suministro de terceros estarán sujetos al Cargo por Servicios de Transporte (Transportation Services Charge) que será actualizado en forma anual. © 2014 Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation | Rate Schedule | 145K | 30388-I-0040 | Paid for by CNG customers. In the event of an error or omission with respect to the rates, charges or explanations published herein, CNG reserves the right to correct the error, omission or explanation which will automatically be reflected in the rates and charges on customers’ bills. En caso de error u omisión con respecto a las tarifas, cargos, o explicaciones publicadas en este documento, CNG se reserva el derecho a corregir el error, omisión o explicación y se reflejará automáticamente en lastarifas y cargos de las facturas de los clientes. RATE SCHEDULE CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION To Our Valued Customers A nuestros valiosos clientes: RATE TITLE During the past year, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) and The Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation (CNG) have been working on a new rate structure for CNG customers. The PURA issued a decision on the new rate structure for an interim period beginning February 1, 2014 and subsequently approved replacement rates effective April 1, 2014. These new rates are in effect until further notice. These new rates are designed to more accurately assign the cost of providing service to the various customer classes. The purpose of this brochure is to explain the new rates, highlight changes on your bill and show what rates are available to our customers. RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Residential customers have three separate rates: •RSG (Residential Service General) rate. This rate is for non-heating customers e.g. water heating, drying and cooking. •RSH (Residential Service Heating) rate. This rate is for customers using natural gas as their primary home heating source. •RMDS (Residential Multi-Dwellings Service) rate. This rate is designed to serve all multi-dwellings with six (6) or more units served through a single meter. Customers qualifying for the RMDS rate continue to have the option of buying their gas from a third party supplier. COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS The new rates for commercial / industrial customers have been designed around 12 months of usage. Customers are assigned a rate based on their annual consumption: •SGS (Small General Services) rate is designed for customers using less than 5,000 CCF (hundred cubic feet) annually. •MGS (Medium General Services) rate is designed for customers whose annual usage is between 5,000 and 30,000 CCF. •LGS (Large General Services) rate is designed for our largest customers whose annual usage is greater than 30,000 CCF. SEASONAL AND INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMERS Seasonal and Interruptible customers will continue to receive value-of-service rates that are set based upon the Company’s tariffs and alternate fuel prices. EXPLANATION OF OTHER CHARGES •Customer Charge - A fixed monthly charge designed to recover the Company’s basic administrative expenses associated with maintaining and servicing a customer account. •Conservation Adjustment Mechanism (CAM) – A charge that collects the cost of conservation programs available to customers. •Daily Demand Metering - A fixed monthly charge for the cost of providing daily usage information. The charge is prorated based on the percentage of successful daily reads as compared to the number of days in the customer’s billing cycle. •Delivery Rate - A charge for moving natural gas across the Company’s distribution lines to a customer’s home or business. •Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP) - A charge for expenses related to any pipeline replacement for cast iron and bare steel mains and services each year. •Peak Day Rate - A charge for providing local pipeline space to accomodate the customer’s highest daily usage •Sales Services Charge (SSC) - A fee designed to recover unique costs specific from those customers that receive their gas supply directly from the Company. •TSC Onsite Demand Cost - A transportation service charge that is designed to recover unique administrative costs specific from those customers that receive their gas supply from a third-party supplier. •TSC Shifted Cost - A transportation service charge that is designed to recover supplier of last resort costs from those customers that receive their gas supply from a third-party supplier. Bills less than 28 days or more than 34 days will be prorated. Durante el último año, el Ente Regulatorio de Servicios Públicos (Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, PURA) y la empresa Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) han trabajado en una nueva estructura tarifaria para los clientes de CNG. El Ente PURA dictó una decisión sobre la nueva estructura tarifaria para un plazo provisorio a partir del 1 de febrero de 2014 y después aprobó tarifas de reemplazo que entrarán en vigor el 1 de abril de 2014. Estas nuevas tarifas están en vigor hasta nuevo aviso y tienen el objetivo de asignar con mayor exactitud el costo de suministrar el servicio a las diversas clases de clientes. Este folleto se propone explicar las nuevas tarifas, resaltar los cambios en su factura y mostrar las tarifas que están disponibles para nuestros clientes. CLIENTES RESIDENCIALES Los clientes residenciales tienen tres tarifas distintas: •La Tarifa de Servicio Residencial General (Residential Service General, RSG) para los clientes que no usan el gas para calefacción, por ejemplo, calentamiento de agua, secado y cocción. •La Tarifa de Servicio Residencial para Calefacción (Residential Service Heating, RSH) para los clientes que usan el gas natural como fuente principal de calefacción en el hogar. •La Tarifa de Servicio Residencial para Viviendas Múltiples (Residential MultiDwellings Service, RMDS) para las viviendas múltiples cuando hay seis (6) unidades o más que comparten un único medidor. Los clientes que clasifican para la tarifa RMDS seguirán teniendo la opción de comprar el gas de otro proveedor. CLIENTES COMERCIALES/INDUSTRIALES Las nuevas tarifas para clientes comerciales/industriales fueron diseñadas según el consumo de 12 meses. A los clientes se les asigna una tarifa según su consumo anual: •La Tarifa de Servicios Generales para Clientes Pequeños (Small General Services, SGS) fue diseñada para los clientes que utilizan menos de 5.000 Ccf (cientos de pies cúbicos) por año. •La tarifa de Servicios Generales para Clientes Medianos (Medium General Services, MGS) fue diseñada para los clientes cuyo consumo se encuentra entre 5.000 y 30.000 Ccf. •La Tarifa de Servicios Generales para Clientes Grandes (Large General Services, LGS) fue diseñada para nuestros clientes más grandes cuyo consumo es superior a 30.000 Ccf. CLIENTES DE TEMPORADA O CON INTERRUPCIONES Los clientes de temporada o con interrupciones seguirán recibiendo tarifas según el valor que se basan en los aranceles de la Compañía y los precios de combustible alternativo. EXPLICACIÓN DE OTROS RECARGOS •El Cargo al Cliente es un cargo mensual fijo creado para recuperar los gastos administrativos básicos de la Compañía asociados con el mantenimiento y los servicios de una cuenta de cliente. •El Mecanismo de Ajuste de Conservación (Conservation Adjustment Mechanism, CAM) es un cargo que recauda el costo de los programas de conservación disponibles para los clientes. •La Medición de la Demanda Diaria (Daily Demand Metering, DDM) es un cargo mensual fijo por el costo de brindar información sobre el consumo diario. Se prorratea según el porcentaje de lecturas diarias exitosas comparado con el número de días en el ciclo de facturación del cliente. •a Tarifa de Entrega (Delivery Rate) es un cargo por el desplazamiento del gas natural en las líneas de distribución de la Compañía a la vivienda o al negocio del cliente. •El Programa de Gestión de la Integridad de la Distribución (Distribution Integrity Management Program, DIMP) es un cargo por los gastos relacionados con cualquier reemplazo de ductos por cañerías de hierro fundido y acero sin pintar y sus servicios en cada año. •La Tarifa Diaria Pico (Peak Day Rate) es un cargo por brindar espacio en el ducto local para acomodar el consumo diario más alto del cliente. •El Cargo por Servicios de Venta (Sales Services Charge, SSC) es una tarifa creada para recuperar los costos únicos específicos de aquellos clientes que reciben su suministro de gas directamente de la Compañía. •El Costo de Servicios de Transporte por Demanda en el Sitio (TSC Onsite Demand Cost) es un cargo de servicio de transporte creado para recuperar costos administrativos únicos específicos de aquellos clientes que reciben su suministro de gas de otro proveedor. •El Costo Transferido de Servicios de Transporte (TSC Shifted Cost) es un cargo de servicio de transporte creado para recuperar los costos del proveedor de última instancia de aquellos clientes que reciben su suministro de gas de otro proveedor. Las facturas por menos de 28 días o más de 34 días serán prorrateadas. RATE COMPONENT OLD RATE CURRENT RATE RSG Residential Non-Heat Customer Charge $20.75 $19.50 Delivery Charge / CCF 1.2650 1.1737 DIMP Charge / CCF 0.0272 0.0252 Sales Services Charge 0.0249 0.0231 RSH Residential Heating Customer Charge $17.56 $16.50 Delivery Charge / CCF - First 30 CCF 0.7491 0.6950 - Over 30 CCF 0.3148 0.2921 DIMP Charge / CCF 0.0078 0.0072 Sales Services Charge 0.0458 0.0425 RMDS Residential Multi-Dwellings Customer Charge $69.17 $65.00 Daily Demand Metering 19.42 18.25 Delivery Charge / CCF - First 400 CCF 0.1719 0.1595 - Over 400 CCF 0.0794 0.0737 Peak Day Rate / MDQ 0.6917 0.6500 DIMP Charge / MDQ 0.0381 0.0358 Supply Service: Sales Services Charge / CCF 0.0243 0.0225 Transportation Service: TSC Shifted Cost / CCF 0.0033 0.0033 TSC Onsite Demand Cost / CCF 0.0217 0.0201 SGS Commercial / Industrial Customer Charge $50.54 $47.50 Small General Service Delivery Charge / CCF - First 100 CCF 0.5918 0.5491 - Over 100 CCF 0.1623 0.1506 Peak Day Rate / MDQ 1.0109 0.9500 DIMP Charge / MDQ 0.0720 0.0676 Supply Service: Sales Services Charge / MDQ 0.3230 0.3035 Transportation Service: TSC Shifted Cost / CCF 0.0033 0.0033 TSC Onsite Demand Cost / MDQ 0.2765 0.2598 MGS Commercial / Industrial Customer Charge $164.94 $155.00 Medium General Service Daily Demand Metering 19.42 18.25 Delivery Charge / CCF - First 300 CCF 0.1072 0.0995 - Over 300 CCF 0.0564 0.0523 Peak Day Rate / MDQ 1.0881 1.0226 DIMP Charge / MDQ 0.0295 0.0277 Supply Service: Sales Services Charge / MDQ 0.2825 0.2655 Transportation Service: TSC Shifted Cost / CCF 0.0033 0.0033 TSC Onsite Demand Cost / MDQ 0.2457 0.2309