796 TREATY SERIES . No. 14. 1908. DECLARATION BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PARAGUAY AMENDING THE TREATY OF COMMERCE OF OCTOBER 16, 1884. Signed at Asuncion, March 14, 1908. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. June 1908. LONDON PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. And to be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from W YMAN AND SONS, LTD., FETTER E.O.; and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER , S.W.; or OLIVER AND BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT, EDINBUEOUI O.' E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, Dun i s. [Cd. 4134. Price id. DECLARATION BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PARAGUAY AMENDING THE TREATY OF COMMERCE OF OCTOBER 16, 1884. Signed at Asuncion, March 14, 1908. Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and Paraguay, relating to the A-niendmcut of the Treaty of Contnmerce of October 16, 1884. Gran la Declaration entre Bretamla y In Republica del Paraguay para. let Enntienda del Tratado de Concercio de 16 de Octubre, do 1884. WHEREAS the Treaty of Commerce between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and the Republic of Parauay, of 1884, is terminable by' twelve months' notice given by either of the High Contracting Parties, and whereas it is desirable that liberty should be reserved to any of His Majesty's Colonies, Possessions or Protectorates to withdraw from the Treaty without impairing the validity of the Treaty as between the United Kingdom and those other parts of His Majesty's Dominions which may desire to remain bound by the said Treaty, the Government of His Britannic Majesty and the Government of Paraguay hereby agree that any of His Majesty's Colonies, Pos- Pon cuanto, el Tratado de Coinercin entre Su Magestad el Rey del Reino Unido do In Gran Bretafia a lrlanda y do los Dominios Britttnicos de allende los Mares, Enrperador de In India, y In Republica del Paraguay, do 1884, es denunciable inediante una notificacidn hecha por una de las Altas Partes Contratantes mi In otra con dote meses de anticipation, y siendo conveniente reservara cads min de ]as Colonies, Posesiones 6 Protectorados de So. Magestad Ia libertad de desligarse de las obligations contrafdas por el Tratado, sin alterar su validez entre el Reino Unido y aquellas otras partes de los Dominios do Su Magestad que quisieren permanecer ligados ;t dl, el Gobierno de Su Magestad Britdnica y el G obierno del Paraguay convienen on que cualquiera de lasColonias, [69] 2 sessions or Protectorates may Posesiones 6 Protectorados de withdraw from the Treaty Su Magestad Britdnica pueda separately at any time on separarse de dicho Tratado, giving twelve months' notice to aisladamente, cualquier on that effect, but that nevertheless tiempo, mediante una notificathe. goods produced or manu- cidn anticipada de dace ineses factured in any of HisBritannie quo liana a eats 'efecto, sin Majesty's Colonies, Possessions perjuicio de quo los'rprodactos and Protectorates shall enjoy in naturales 6 manufacturados de Paraguay complete and uncon- cualquiera ` de. las Colonias, ditional most- favoured- nation Posesiones 6 Protectorados de treatment, so long as such Su Magestad Britanica gocen Colony, Possession or Protec- on el Paraguay complete, c intorate shall accord to goods condicionalmente del tratamithe produce or manufacture of , ento de la naci6n mas favorecida, Paraguay treatment as favour- siempre quo tal Colonia, Posesi6n able as it gives to the produce 6 Protectorado conceda a los or manufacture of any other productos naturales 6 manuCountry. facturados del Paraguay el mismo tratarniento favorable que acuerde a los produetos naturales 6 manufacturados do cualgnier otro pais.' In witness whereof, the Undersigned have. signed the present Declaration and have affixed thereto their Seals. En f6 do to eual, los infrascritos firmau ]a preaente Declaraci6u y In sellan con sus Sellos. Done at Asuncion, in duplicate, the Fourteenth of March 1908. Hecho en Asuncion, por duplicado, el Catorce de Marzo de 1908. (L.S.) CECIL GOSLING. (L.S.) CECILIO BAEZ. , q