(Oraciones subordinadas concesivas)
Las oraciones concesivas van introducidas a menudo por conectores tales como: 'although', 'in spite of, o 'though'.
Una oración concesiva necesita una oración principal para formar una oración completa. La oración concesiva puede
ir delante o detrás de la oración principal:
Se usa 'although', 'though' o 'even though' para expresar un contraste entre dos afirmaciones:
Although he was late, he stopped to buy a sandwich. (= He was late, but he stopped to buy a sandwich)
‘Though' es menos formal:
Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in German.
'Even though' es más enfático que 'although':
I used to love listening to her, even though I could only understand about half of what she said.
Cuando el sujeto de la oración concesiva y el de la oración principal son el mismo, se puede omitir el sujeto y el
verbo 'be' de la oración concesiva.
Although poor, we still have our pride. (Although we are poor...)
Though dying of cancer, he painted every day. (Though he was dying of cancer...)
‘Though' pero no 'although' se puede usar al final de la frase, como adverbio, para decir que la información de una
oración contrasta con la información de la oración anterior:
I eat most dairy products. I’m not keen on yoghurt, though. (NO …although)
La única diferencia entre ambos no es de matiz, sino el OF:
in spite of + sustantivo / verbo en -ing
despite + sustantivo / verbo en -ing
Ojo: sólo se pueden utilizar como conjunciones añadiéndoles "the fact that":
in spite of the fact that + oración
despite the fact that + oración
In spite of / Despite our lack of time, we listened to them.
(A pesar de nuestra falta de tiempo, los escuchamos.)
In spite of / Despite lacking time, we listened to them.
(A pesar de la falta de tiempo, los escuchamos.)
In spite of / Despite the fact that we lacked time, we listened to them.
(A pesar de que nos faltaba tiempo, los escuchamos.)
Complete the sentences below with although - despite - in spite of.
___________ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip.
The children slept well ____________ the noise.
________________ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents.
John rarely sees Paul ___________ they live in the same town.
Julie failed the exam ____________ of working very hard.
____________ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat.
Tom went to work ___________ not feeling very well.
Anna never learned the language ___________ she lived there for two years.
____________ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.
I couldn't eat _____________ I was very hungry.
1) although
6) although
2) despite/in spite of 3) in spite of 4)although 5) in spite
7) despite/in spite of 8) although 9) in spite 10) although
Bob had a considerable amount of experience but the job went to a junior colleague.
1. Studying on the Internet has a lot of advantages but it may not always be as effective as face to
face study.
In spite...
2. A lot of people do not know how to use the Internet. Nevertheless it is very popular.
Even though...
3. He was much criticised but he kept on behaving the way he used to.
4. A lot of people prefer a PDA to a desk computer although the screen size is very small.
Even though..
5. The job market was difficult last summer. Nevertheless Bill got a job soon after graduation.
6. Her writing style is elegant but her power of description is limited.
Although Bob had a considerable amount of experience, the job went to a junior colleague./In spite of the fact that studying on
the Internet has a lot of advantages, it may not always be as effective as face to face study./ Even though a lot of people do not
know how to use the Internet, it is very popular./ Despite the fact that He was much criticised, he kept on behaving the way he
used to./ Even though the screen size is very small, a lot of people prefer a PDA to a desk computer.