
gençanasummerschool nº4 //
How much do you know about rhinos and rabbits?
Five-year-olds and students of 1st cycle of Elementary school are making an art project based on animals. In the project,
called ‘Miravaca’ and designed by Marta Mata, they’re working on the four main types of animals: mammals, birds, fish
and reptiles.
Each week the teachers propose an animal from each group and the kids work on it. This week they are learning about
rhinos. The first step they’ve taken is a free drawing of the animal. Then they’re going to analyze its outline and create a
second drawing on DIN-A3. Finally they will make a whole design of the creature. As a fundamental resource, they’re using
the book `Just so stories for children´ (Precisamente así) by Rudyard Kipling.
On the other hand, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School are focusing their work on the ‘White Little Rabbit´.
Now they’re reading the book and then they will perform a theatrical play. As a complementary task, they’re attending a
handicraft workshop to make masks and use them in their acting. We are all looking forward to seeing their work acted
“I have only to
break into the
tightness of a
strawberry, and
I see summer
- its dust and
lowering skies”
on stage
Alumnos de 5 años y de 1º ciclo de Primaria están trabajando en un proyecto sobre animales titulado “Miravaca”. El proyecto, diseñado por
Marta Mata, se concentra en los cuatro tipos principales de animales: mamíferos, aves, peces y reptiles (esta semana está dedicada a los
rinocerontes). Como recurso fundamental de aprendizaje están leyendo el libro “Precisamente así” de Rudyard Kipling.
Por otro lado, los alumnos de 3º, 4º y 5º de Primaria están leyendo la obra “White Little Rabbit” (“Conejito Blanco”) para posteriormente
ensayarla y representarla. Como actividad complementaria, están realizando un taller de máscaras que luego utilizarán en la misma obra.
Toni Morrison
The Bluest Eye
Collage to make a rhino
Preschool kids reading and doing research on rhinos
White Little Rabit rehearsal
Pupils trying the size of the rabbit masks
nº 4 July 2014 //
Performance and audiovisual arts
The students enrolled in the Intensive English and Maths course at Gençana Summer
School are going to perform a theatrical play called `Uncle Wolf ´, being guided and
organized by Sara, the theatre teacher.
We’re rehearsing the play in the expression room and then we’ll act it out at the
school’s garden in front of Elementary and Preschool groups on Friday 11. We’re doing
this theatre to learn more English vocabulary, practice our listening and speaking skills,
enhance our body expression, gain self-confidence and, of course, to have a lot of fun!
`When I’m doing theatre I have an awesome time, I lose my stage fright and that will
help me stop being shy´, explained Carlos, one of the students attending the course.
As regards the Cinema workshop (entitled ‘Roll camera, slate… action!’), the pupils
are relying on the guidance of Joaquín Labios (TV producer and audiovisual creator)
and Lilia Koutsoukou (photographer). They’re carrying out this activity to learn about
the main processes and tools required to make a film. The workshop is held in the
classroom of 3rd of Elementary, and the first step they’re taking is to think about how
to produce a short film. Then, they’ll look for the necessary materials and props and
Cinema students planning the short film’s script
finally they’ll shoot it using everything they have collected and learnt.
Los alumnos inscritos en el curso intensivo de Inglés y Matemáticas están ensayando una breve
representación teatral en inglés titulada “Uncle Wolf”. Además de practicar sus destrezas en
comprensión y expresión oral, las clases no solo les permitirán desarrollar su expresión corporal,
sino también la confianza en sí mismos a la hora de representar un texto dramático en público.
En lo que respecta al curso de Cine, los alumnos están dirigidos por Joaquín Labios (productor
televisivo y creador audiovisual) y Lilia Koutsoukou (fotógrafa). El objetivo del curso es la grabación
de un corto, para el que previamente habrán redactado un guión.
Uncle Wolf rehearsal
Mediterranean art and fauna
Put a robot in your life
The Mediterranean project is being carried out by Preschool students aged three and
four years old. In this project about the Mediterranean Sea, the kids are learning about
sea animals that they’ll draw later on. What motivates them? A single character that
sends them a message in a bottle every week!
The main goal of this workshop is that the students understand
about the basics of robotics and build an educational robot to
perform some easy tasks. They will also improve their English
grammar, vocabulary and reading skills in the PET classes. How
are they working? First of all, they read a little bit of theory and
then they’ll start their `Robot with Obstacle Detection´, using
Fischertechnik materials.
`I like the robotics course because I’m learning many things
about the parts, components and devices that make up their
automatisms. From those theoretical aspects I’ll then learn
how to build my own’, said Jorge Sanmartín, a student in 6th
grade of Elementary. Pepe Guillem (2nd of E.S.O) added: `I love
this workshop because I enjoy technology and making robots,
Through these activities they’re increasing their vocabulary and they’re becoming more
confident when working in English. We strongly believe that it’s a great exercise to
increase the number of children who practise English at an early stage. The results will
eventually be displayed in September.
El proyecto “Mediterráneo” es llevado a cabo por alumnos de 3 y 4 años. Cada semana deben
leer un mensaje en una botella enviado por un personaje de la fauna marina, para posteriormente
aprender sobre esa criatura y dibujarla sobre cartón. El trabajo se expondrá en septiembre.
especially if they are humanoids.´
Un grupo de alumnos de 6º de Primaria a 2º de Secundaria están
realizando un curso de Robótica en inglés, cuyo objetivo es diseñar
y construir un robot capaz de detectar y evitar obstáculos. Al mismo
tiempo, están mejorando sus destrezas en gramática, léxico y
comprensión lectora en las clases de preparación a la prueba oficial de
Cambridge del nivel PET (B1).
Preschool kids working in the Mediterranean project
Drawing a fish
Students planning the design of the robot