FACULTAD DE QUÍMICA FARMACÉUTICA CODE F-8516-24 AUTHOR CURRICULUM VITAE VERSION 01 REVISTA VITAE Thanks for coonsidering Vitae as the journal for your publication. Please fill out this form with the required information for Colciencias indexation and help us to keep A1 classification (Publindex). We remember you that if your information is available and updated in CvLAC, there’s only necessary to fill the items in bold. GENERAL INFORMATION Name SANTA Last Name TOXQUI-LOPEZ ID Birth Date 01/11/1968 Email [email protected] Physical Address Av. 18 Sur Ciudad Universitaria, Puebla, Pue. Méx. Phone Number (52) 222 2295500 ext 7610 City / State Puebla, Puebla Country México CURRENT POSITION Institution Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Faculty Ingeniería Department Área de básica Email [email protected] Degrees Doctor en ciencias en el área de materiales holográficos Maestría en ciencias en el área de microscopía óptica Lic. en Física Research and Teaching Interests Materiales holográficos, análisis microestructurales de (separate them with comma) productos vegetales PUBLICATIONS Remember to write in the publications of the last two years. Article’s Name “UHU adhesive holograms replication” Journal Optiks Volume 119 Pages 528-534 Issue 4 Publishing date 2008 Article’s Name Duplication of holograms by using fingernail polish Journal Opt. Mat FACULTAD DE QUÍMICA FARMACÉUTICA CODE F-8516-24 AUTHOR CURRICULUM VITAE VERSION 01 REVISTA VITAE Volume 29 Pages 1604-1611 Issue Publishing date 200