Global Identification System to guarantee the legal origin of the

Global Identification System
to guarantee the legal origin
of the product.
Gesvatec is an identification
system whose objective
is to provide the control
mechanisms necessary to
control the production of
such protected varieties or
products and to avoid the
possible fraudulent use that
it can arise in the process of
their commercialization.
Rio Pisuerga, nº 6 bajo
46011 Valencia (España)
Tel: +34 963 391 890
Fax: +34 963 932 607
Gesvatec is the first global online management
system for protected varieties all over the world.
Help to the owner of a protected variety or product to
have a total control of his product.
Protect and help the legal
owners, packers and growers
of the variety against the illegal
commercialization in the market.
Identification system which
uses secures, uniques and
recognizables labels.
Fundamental tool to manage
Royalties or Fees on the product.
Strong legal tool in case of legal
suits against illegal producers.
Gesvatec system is present in...
+170 packers
+8 countries
Gesvatec system controls...
+160.000 tons per year
+20.000.000 of Gesvatec
labels per year
The access to the information
in Gesvatec for packers and the
entity control is very clear and
easy to manage.