Creativity and collaboration on the Net KA1 Erasmus + PROJECT PROPOSAL Context Nowadays, the Internet is used mainly for work and leisure time, to surf, read, buy, etc. We want to focus here in the tools that could be used for sharing, communicating and collaborating. Each tool is suitable for specific goals and can be applied in different scenarios, needs and targets. In a teaching institution, it is important to know the possibilities but also the potentialities available and how those can be used to get a greater impact on education. We base our course on the European Policies of digital inclusion, active citizenship and active ageing. Approach We will show, explain, propose and discuss about internet tools and services to communicate and share information, that can be used with learning purposes for different targets: seniors, virtual learning, support networks, building communities, etc. ABOUT These tools include wikis, blogs, cloud services, virtual networks, etc. but we will not learn how to use them in detail but see them from a user perspective (how they can be useful, potentialities, capacities, difficulties…) CIDET Who is it aimed at? The Centre for the Innovation and Development of Education and Technology (from now on CIDET) is a training and consultancy company focused on adult learning and technology-enhanced education. CIDET is set in the city of Castellón (Spain) and we work together with the Senior Citizens’ University of the Jaume-I University. [email protected] to link ICT tools to plan better learning activities, greater impact and dimension (transversal activities). • to plan and apply learning ICT-based activities to teach soft skills, attitudes, and competences to specific students target. Monday Programme (tentative) · Welcome. Needs, expectations, experience discussion. · First introduction to the information and knowledge society: society, media and power (Social perspective). · Basic tools and services in the ICT era and its relationship with daily routines (technical perspective). Tuesday The technology as a tool and methodology for: learning other subjects and attitudes (as languages, health, culture, tolerance, entrepreneurship…) in other contexts (in classrooms, self-learning, rural areas…), needs (people in risk of exclusion, disabled, immigrants...) and models (non-formal, informal, collaborative, serious games…) • · From web 1.0 to web 2.0: the user-power, identity, experience and digital inclusion. · From ICT expertise to ICT experience; roadmap. · The virtuous circle of digital inclusion (skills, attitudes, awareness). · Opportunities, risks, and challenges of the net-society. Wed. • The technology as a subject and teaching content not only for adult learners, but also for multipliers (experts, trainers, teachers, facilitators, managers) to understand the capacities of technology to be applied by learning institutions as a support for the current learning activities. · Pedagogies applied to net-learning; constructivism, connectivism… · Examples and practises: learning by research, learning sharing. · Study visit of the Senior Citizens’ University. Thursday • • · Complex learning environments and mixed methodologies; comparison, effectiveness, potentialities. · Examples and practises: blended learning, cloud services, virtual communities, MOOCs… Friday Our main area of expertise is the use of technology on education from two perspectives: Focused on trainers and staff that work in adult and senior education institutions that want: · Discussion, follow-up, next steps, the future of the education on the Net. · New skills, competences (of the learners and the trainers). · Creation of a network between participating institutions for experience exchange and support. Dates and prices Course Dates September 21st to 25th - 2015 NoV. 30th to Dec. 4th - 2015 March 11th to 18th - 2016 June 13th to 17th - 2016 Place Espaitec 1 Universitat Jaume I Castellón – Spain Course Fees Course fee: 300€* Hotel (5 nights): 320 € Lunch (5 days): 100 € *(including materials)