Resumen: Pap>English
The Government Programme: 2013 – 2016
A Summary
A government programme is a document that explains what the
objectives are that the government has for governing the country, as
well as how this will be executed.
The title “Hope and Confidence” is indicative of the prevailing frame of
mind in Curaçao’s community, where the challenge to create a
sustainable and just future seems to be very difficult.
That is why the title expresses the hope that exists in achieving a better
future for Curaçao’s community, based on the confidence in our capacity
to make the most of our potential in creating the best possible results
for our fellow countrymen.
In the introduction of the ‘Government Programme: 2013 – 2016’ the
government explains its starting point, which is based on the following
core objectives:
Good education
Public health
A healthy living environment
Social support
The execution of the Government Programme is based on 5 strategic
1. ‘Nation Building’
2. Lasting Economic Recovery and Investments
3. Improve quality of life
4. Promote Good Governance
5. Responsible and cautious Budgetary Management
Each of the 9 ministries will emphasize these 5 strategic objectives, of
which ‘Nation Building’ is the starting point for a Curaçao nation united
in love of country and determined to realize the necessary development
to improve the quality of life for the whole community.
A very important factor in the realization of this ideal starting point is
the need – one can even speak of an ‘obligation’ – of each ministry to
work closely together, in order to create a management that goes
beyond the individual ministry, so as to enable them to create synergy
and efficiency to achieve the best possible results for the nation.
The government will also create the conditions for individual initiatives
and talents to give their support so that all together the whole
community can help in making this government programme come true.
1. ‘Nation Building’
This starting point is important to strengthen national identity and
conscience. Social coherence is a continuous and real process, based on
basic principles like participative democracy, solidarity and tolerance.
Nation building is a strong instrument for the development of a young
nation like Curaçao, in order to create a self-reliant population that
looks to the future with confidence how to face the challenges of the 21st
century and knows how to convert opportunities into possibilities for
the development of Curaçao’s human potential.
The implementation of the plan consists of:
 The people’s participation: for instance, by means of a ‘National
Dialogue’ to realize the concept of ‘direct and participative
 A fund for Sports and Social Development: f.i. by means of
National Institutes for Culture and Sports
 Creating a critical and well-informed public: f.i. by means of
the stimulation of Papiamentu (local vernacular) as the official
language of instruction and better communication between the
government and the public.
A ‘participative democracy’ can be realized, among other things, by
means of a national dialogue. The human being is central in the creation
of ‘nation building’. That is why knowledge, wisdom, the potential and
quality of the Curaçao Citizen and his love of country are essential and
will help to focus on the very foundation of the community, which is
formed by the child, the family, school and neighbourhood.
2. Lasting economic recovery and investment
An open dialogue will be initiated with partners in and outside the
Kingdom, especially with Latin America and the Caribbean in order to
arrive at an economic development. The Ministries of General Affairs,
Economic Development, and Public management, Planning and Service
will jointly play a crucial role in this respect.
The UNPD project (United Nations Plan of Development) will render an
important contribution to this strategic objective.
Employment is an important objective in the field of interest of the
Ministry of Social Development, Labour and Well-being (SOAW).
Based on the open communication with the public via Internet – f.i.
information in the ‘vacancy bank’ – a positive result can be realized.
The implementation plan consists of:
 A constructive relationship with the Kingdom, the region and
the world: f.i. via an action plan for economic diplomacy in the
region and the world
 Trust in the relationship with the Private Section: f.i. via the
UNDP project in close cooperation with the Department of
Economic Development to develop a Master Plan – Set up a plan
for Industrial Management, directed towards exports –
Strengthen the Consumers’ Foundation – Support the Agricultural
 Attract investors: f.i. Establish the Curaçao International
Financial Board – Evaluate and introduce the ‘Recovery Bank’ and
the possibility of establishing a Curaçao Economic Development
Board / Offshore Board – Evaluate and adapt the ‘Tax Holiday’
law and other fiscal incentives
 Promote job creation: f.i. Create financial possibilities to fight
poverty – Obligatory social education (SOAW) – Control
compliance with ‘social and labour laws’ - Make an inventory of
successful projects for poverty reduction.
In support of these initiatives an economic development is necessary.
Small and medium-sized businesses are important pillars of our
economy. The government will stimulate a dynamic economy to create
new possibilities for local initiatives.
Strengthen existing ‘Recovery Banks’ so that local entrepreneurs can
have more opportunities for development.
3. Raise the quality of life
The problems that affect the quality of life of Curaçao’s population must
be dealt with, such as crime, school dropouts, insecurity and an
inadequate schooling system. This is the responsibility of all the
Ministries together.
The following is a limited enumeration of many more action items:
Promote the quality of and access to education at all levels:
Free schooling for every child
Incorporate compulsory education with all school boards
Legalize supervision on compliance with the quality of Special
Formalise the primary objectives and final attainment levels of
Special Education
Formulate regulations and qualifications for teachers in
secondary education
Arrive at a collective labour agreement with education personnel
Formulate a law for advanced education
Optimize public health
- Set up an effective management for preventive health care
- Establish a Health Institute
- Shorten the waiting list with specialists
- Build the new hospital
- Introduce social care in the neighbourhoods
Fight and prevent (juvenile) crime and domestic violence:
- Establish a policy plan for the police to better execute tasks of
maintaining order
- Arrive at a new arrangement for the legal position of the Police.
- Raise community service assignments imposed on youthful
- Establish a ‘Security Home”
- Improve the Curaçao ‘Detention and Correction Centre’
- Start preparing projects for the return of ex-convicts in the
Formulate a long-term vision for the development of the
- Formulate the relationship between the government and
FKP (Public Housing Foundation)
- Formulate a long-term vision for the development of the
- Renew the EOP arrangement (Insular Development Plan)
- Set up a commercial city development plan for neglected
plots and buildings (Urban Growth Boundary)
- Adapt legal regulations for town and environmental
- Develop a lasting traffic security plan
High-level and affordable education is essential. That is why all the
available expertise must be used to improve education and to make it
relevant to the development of Curaçao. New concepts in education must
be considered to create citizens with enough confidence so that they can
meet the challenges of a rapidly advancing world. Modern teaching is
much more geared towards inspiring the student to progress. The
Curaçao student that finishes secondary education must be confident,
with a strong developed sense of justice and belief in her/his own
capabilities and potential; who knows her/his own strengths and
limitations, who is flexible and capable to face the surrounding world,
who accepts individual responsibility, who questions and reflects, takes
the initiative, who shows a strong social conscience and is active in
helping to improve the quality of life of her/his fellow-man.
Health and support of vulnerable groups in society have a high priority.
Therefore the Ministry of Social Affairs considers the establishment of
neighbourhood offices, directed towards the needs of the barrio, of the
utmost importance.
The environment, Nature, the quality of our living environment and
pollution are important points of action. The elimination of pollution
and identifying natural areas are priority issues.
In order to deal with the future of the Curaçao Refinery, a multi
disciplinary team has been installed. One group works on how to
improve the quality of the refinery in accordance with modern
standards and on the negotiations for a new agreement that will benefit
Curaçao. The second group is working on a scenario in case of the
refinery’s closure, followed by a dismantling process and clean-up of the
premises and the new social-economic development of the area round
the Schottegat (i.e. large inland water basin).
Everything has to be planned on an area of 444 km², where
infrastructure, nature, commerce and habitation are important
ingredients. To guarantee an agreeable Curaçao, we must consciously
and cautiously give priority to a long-term plan with affordable housing
in pleasant neighborhoods. This is the responsibility of the Ministry of
Traffic, Transport and Spatial Planning, together with the ministry of
Public Health, Environment and Nature.
4. Promoting good governance
The government has accepted the recommendations of the investigation
made by Transparency International about fighting corruption and
improving integrity, by - among other things - upgrading the capacity of
institutions responsible for the maintenance of law, which will be
included in an implementation plan.
There is a high priority to optimize government organizations by
improving internal procedures and by inter-connecting these sectors in
order to make public service more efficient and effective, so as to be
able to meet the expectations of the public.
The government also wants to work on transparency and promotion of
citizens’ participation, for instance by making all information available
to the public on the Internet and by creating interactive possibilities,
which facilitate a direct contact with the citizen and at the same time
strengthens transparency.
Relevant activities to promote good governance:
Evaluate the structure and policy plan of the tasks of the
National Security;
Develop the master plan;
Develop and execute an HRM and HRD policy to promote an
efficient and effective public apparatus;
Re-install the Health Council;
Increase trust in the integrity and quality of the government,
for instance, by means of the implementation of various
arrangements – judicial and organizational – to improve
cooperation between ministries and to reduce the repetition of
tasks; determine and execute a plan to improve internal and
external service, get rid of all activities that are not part of the
government’s tasks.
5. Responsible and cautious implementation of budget
The government will execute a management to realize a (more)
balanced budget by means of severe but responsible austerity
measures. No measures will be taken at the expense of economic
initiatives and the development of the human potential. The budget
must project a complete and trustworthy idea. The final results will be
compiled and placed in a ‘dash-board’, which will be used to guide the
process in a responsible manner.
Relevant activities for the implementation of a responsible and
cautious budget management:
1. Revise the present figures to obtain a good idea of the current
financial situation
2. Set up a Central Planning Department
3. Introduce the ‘Human Development Index’ as part of the program
and publication of statistics
4. Join the CPB* and CBS* as an independent entity: BPD* (*Central
Planning Bur.- Central Bur. of Statistics– Central Planning Dept.)
5. Manage operational expenses / Implement cost reducing
6. Improve Tax inspection and control (FIN)
7. Study sources of innovative and creative income (FIN)
8. Optimize income by registering ships (VVRP: Traffic Transport
Spatial Planning)
9. Improve long lease collection (VVRP)
Evaluate Monetary Union with St. Maarten (FIN)
Establish Budget Chamber (FIN)
Contain government’s office rent, awaiting central office
space (BPD: Planning and Public Service Dept.)
Strengthen central purchasing in the context of optimizing
government’s functioning (BPD)
Upgrade inspection and control (FIN)
Introduce General Basic Health Insurance
Formulate management for educational institutions for
work distribution, removal or integration (OWCS: Social & Labor
Formulate a policy plan and approach, based on
achievement indicators, to synchronize or integrate government
companies (FIN)
Formulate a policy plan for dividend payments of
government companies (FIN).
The government program illustrates the most important initiatives that
transcend the ministries and appeal to their cooperation and that of
other interested entities. The expenses of the Ministries of Public
Health, Environment and Nature, of Social Development and Labor and
of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, weigh heavily on the financial
resources of the Curaçao government. The austerity measures in the
ministries must relate with the investment in our economy and
community. Through a more efficient functioning of the ministries and
other measures, more resources will be created for investment
The financial situation of many health and educational institutions and
foundations is in a bad shape and affects the quality of health care,
education and wellbeing of the community. These institutions must be
fortified via ‘soft’ loans for maintenance and to meet with inspection
The financial translation of the program
The budget is the most important policy document in the country,
because it is a projection of an integral process of which the allocation is
based on the limited overall resources. The budget must give a complete
and trustworthy idea of the budgetary policy for years to come. The
budget must also be realistic. The planned expenses must correspond
with the financing thereof. Budget transparency is essential for the
upgrading of the financial and economic analysis. When all the budgets
of the government program have been added, a calculation can be made
to see what is attainable. A new priority can be made in the budget or
new funding must be found. The government has tried to create a
balance between the very delicate situation of the public budget and the
social needs of the community.
In the following chapter the priorities of each ministry in the
government agreement are given, as well as the policy goals. The
specific activities, concrete projects, and policy interventions will be
The ambition to indicate goals and achievement will be realized and the
department or person responsible will be mentioned. Finally,
supervision and evaluation will receive due attention in order to
determine which policy activity renders the desired result. With the
help of the ‘dash-board’ and based on the information about the
activities in the government program, the 2013 budget and changes in
future budgets will be explained as a consequence of the implemented
Strategic Goals and Activities of the Nine Ministries
This chapter elaborates on the strategic goals and specific activities,
concrete projects and policy interventions of the 9 ministries in the
government period of 2013 – 2016.
The starting points are the Government Agreement 2012 – 2016
(December 2012), the Government Declaration (June 24, 2013), the
annual policy plan (July 2013), National Ordinance Official
Governmental Organization (A.B. 2010 nr. 87) and each ministry’s
Business Plan (2010).
For each ministry there is a summary of the activities that must be
carried out and in what manner. More details will be given if this
contributes to more clarity in the governing process.
General Affairs
The Ministry of General Affairs is responsible for contacts within and
outside the Kingdom, for internal communication – together with other
ministries - to maximize exchange of information with the citizen,
because, in order to bring about important changes in the management
of the country, the contribution of the citizen is indispensable.
This is the reason why Nation Building – national identity and
patriotism – is a point of departure to realize a sane and stable Curaçao
that is aware of what is taking place around it; a Curaçao, proud of its
own identity and its human potential. Communication in and outside the
Kingdom will be reinforced to expand valuable contacts for economic
development. This government will also look for the best way to arrive
at a constructive dialogue, open and transparent between the
government and the citizens, for example via the Internet.
To maximize the concept of Nation Building a task force will guide the
process with the assistance of ‘Reda Sosial’ (Foundation for Social
Projects). The government considers Nation Building a strong
instrument for youth development, for the creation of an efficient and
conscious population that faces its future with confidence and capable
of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. By means of nation
building we can transform opportunities into concrete possibilities for
the development of Curaçao’s human potential.
The activities the Ministry of General Affairs is responsible for are,
amongst other things: Nation Building – long-lasting Economic
development and inversion – Promotion of good governance.
These activities are executed by working parties, together with other
ministries and with the assistance of UNDP’s ‘Human Capital
Development’ and/or in close cooperation with private entities and also
through the cooperation of the public via national dialogues, the
Internet, or other measures that will be developed to improve the
exchange with the population.
Details of the activities for implementation:
- Promote use of the Internet: formulate and execute policy
- Carry out participative democracy policy together with local
and international organizations
- Constructive relations with Kingdom, region and the world:
evaluate ‘consensus’ laws
- Policy plan for economic diplomacy in the region and the
world: > make an inventory of and evaluate program and
project together with local, regional and international
- Increase confidence in the integrity and quality of
Government and State: Evaluate structure and policy plan of
the National Security and Introduce a legal manual to
promote good governance in decision taking
- Implement recommendations of Transparency
- Write Master Plan 2015
- Improve cooperation among ministries
Ministry of Governance, Planning and Service Rendering
This Ministry develops a vision for Curaçao together with all the
ministries and the community that must give its support. Therefore –
the same as ALL the 9 ministries – there will be discussions in and with
the community and attention will also be given to promoting the
government’s integrity to increase the community’s confidence. The
ministry is specifically responsible for the organization of independent,
trustworthy and transparent elections, the publication of reliable data
and compilation of a good archive with well-protected data.
The following objectives will be executed: draw up a scientific master
plan to create a planning and control cycle by means of a responsible
and efficient budget management; an annual plan and a feedback
structure to responsibly monitor and guide quality service for all
programs and projects.
Finally, the various sectors of all ministries will be optimized to create a
well-motivated and harmonic public service that gives effective service.
The civil service will have an evaluation and development structure,
enabling the personnel to follow various basic courses. To improve
external services the permit counter will expand its services in handling
more permits.
Additional activities:
- Make an inventory of all inactive personnel and decide on
their status
- Implement HRM and HRD planning to promote an efficient
and friendly service
- Implement recommendations of the “Integrity and public
service code of behaviour” report.
- Reduce vacancies based on the adapted business plan
- Evaluate all other business plans related with HRM tasks
and authority
- Institutionalize the Central Planning Bureau
- Control operational costs by, for instance, managing the
government’s rent of buildings in view of its future office
Ministry of JUSTICE
Starting point and Mission
Fighting and preventing crime transcends the ministry and must be
considered in a larger context: the roles of the family, neighbourhood
and school.
Considering the multifaceted task of the Ministry of Justice –
‘implementing legal order, maintain public order and guarantee security’this ministry plays an important role in the themes of ‘Nation Building’,
‘Social Investment’, ‘Increase Quality of Life’, ‘Economic Recovery and
The challenges of the Ministry of Justice cannot be approached sectorwise. By accepting the coherence between criminal acts and the
organization entrusted with the task of prevention and fighting crime,
execution, and re-socialization, one must try to promote and realize an
integral approach.
Now that the ‘Ordinance of Higher Supervision’ has been cancelled, the
‘Implementation Plan for the Curacao Police Corps’ and the ‘Intensified
SDKK Plan of Approach’ can be implemented, which contain many
projects, requiring a lot of human input of the public administration and
external assistance. That is why the Minister of Justice increased his
priorities, dealing with urgent issues in the organization chain, which
has immediate consequences for the structure of the Ministry.
Executive organizations:
Curacao Police Corps – Control & Security (SKS and Public Transport) –
Curacao Fire Department – Organization of Admissions (formerly
Department of Foreigners)
Legal Care, Execution and Re-Socialization sector:
The ‘Curacao Prison System’ – ‘Judicial Youth Institute’ (formerly GOG)
– Rehabilitation – Guardianship Board – Aid to Victims Organization
Some of the many projects and activities
‘Police in the barrio’ campaign, with citizens’ approval
Tourism and security campaign (Politur)
Promote cooperation among prisons in the region
Promote citizens’ involvement in preventing & fighting crime
(“eye and ear” duty for the police)
Result: crime and insecurity reduction; more police on the road &
increase of legal detentions
Introduce new regulation on the legal position of the Police
Cooperation between ministries to prevent domestic violence and
child abuse; emphasis on the role of school & family
Establish ‘HALT’: Safe home, intensive guidance 12-18-year-olds.
Optimize GOG/JJIC institutions for better guidance of kids before
their return to society
Re-socialization: teaching program for administrative & technical
‘Admission & Expulsion’: accelerate residence permits procedure.
Starting point
Curacao’s financial position must be strengthened, for instance by a
smaller and more efficient public administration that weighs less
heavily on the economy. The government will offer more space for the
private sector to do business by facilitating private initiative and giving
attention to changing the tax system.
The basis for the policy reform is to eliminate the structural budgetary
deficit by implementing measures to raise income and lower cost. It is
hoped that these two trajectories – a policy of financial reorganization
and economic incentives, including investment in the social-economic
area and education – will recover confidence in the government’s
management and finances, through which the economy will recover
The following are some activities that have not been mentioned
Lasting economic recovery: Attract investors/projects
Responsible and efficient budgetary management
Lasting balanced budget (for borrowing & investing purposes)
Revise government’s figures, showing current financial situation
Devise a result-based plan to synchronise/integrate public comp.
Policy plan for dividend payment by public companies
Reduce cost in public administration by more efficient
performance > 45-million reduction in 2013; 73 million in 2014;
100 million in 2015 and 130 million in 2016.
Simplify tax system (reduce administrative burden) by IT input
increase >> Result: modern online tax system in 2nd half 2014.
Improve cooperation between inspectorate & execution dept.:
one integrated tax organization (tax, control & customs) >> New
organization operational in 2014.
Study new & innovative source of income: completed mid 2014
Establish budget chamber
What is already known:
Austerity measures: creative and effective incentives – Reduction
operational cost/Implement necessary measures (ALL ministries) –
Funding for Sports & Social Responsibility (FDRS established 1-1-2014)
– Evaluate/adapt Tax Holiday & other incentives: New Tax Holiday Law
– Reduce cost in Public Health and Social Security sectors - Evaluate &
implement austerity measures: OAP age: 65 and reduce cost of
medicine>> Collective costs remained at the same GDP %
Education Science, Culture and Sports
Starting point
High level, affordable and accessible education is essential to improve
education as the foremost instrument for the development of Curaçao.
Innovative educational concepts are determining factors for the
education of the local population and have a crucial role in the
ministries concerned with ‘Social Investment’, ‘Quality of Life’,
‘Economic Recovery and Inversion’, and especially ‘Nation Building’.
Mastery of the national language Papiamentu: essential for
national dialogue and cultural and identity development of
tomorrow’s human being
Increase school hours for maximum time and participation
Arrange subsidy for national institutions for sports & culture
Educate the community to create a critical/well-informed public,
via gov’t channels & educational programs – Restore Art Centre
Formalise Papiamentu as language of instruction: Law for
Elementary education & supervision to enforce compliance
Legalise ‘Free Education’: financial proposal – National ordinance.
Protocol signed with Holland to guarantee diploma validity &
opportunity for advanced education
Strengthen vocational education, esp. technical school
Promote/guarantee quality/accessibility of education by
integrating ‘Information Brigade’ & supervision of public servant
Improve Inspector’s performance for adequate & effective quality
of education via adaptation of legal basis
Formalise policy, core and final objectives of special education
Arrange for new labour agreement for education personnel
Measures for cost reduction: integrate subsidized institutions
HR measure and school transportation financing: implemented
Health, Environment and Nature
Starting Point
This Ministry’s main objective is to guarantee the quality and security of
patient care, the quality of the environment and to fight pollution.
Areas of priority are the realization of a general health insurance and a
new hospital; quality, access to and maintenance of health, and a
restructuring to make the high cost manageable, based on a strict
control on the part of the Ministry.
The government’s dedication to a sound public health is evidenced by
the introduction of ‘Primary Health Care’, together with the investment
in prevention to make the public aware of its own responsibility.
Efficiency, health education and the promotion of the very essence of
health are essential.
The government’s responsibility for medical care is demonstrated by
the construction of the new hospital and the realisation of the empirical
and epidemiological research. All this is necessary for a relevant health
management. The process of legislation must be finalised and the
protocol of cooperation with several ministries and/or entities to
realize a reduction in pollution as well as the identification of natural
areas, will be signed. Steps will be taken to comply with the
recommendations of Transparency International, especially in
explaining the relevant decisions, tasks, competencies and
Objectives to attain the stipulated targets
Invest in proper accommodation and infrastructure to stimulate
motivation, achievement, efficiency and job security
Reinforce personnel’s performance by filling up all vacancies and
offer training and study for capacity improvement
Maintain legal supervision through efficient inspection
Health bills (2008-2011, 2012) must be ready as soon as possible
Institutionalize and legalize “health authority”
Adapt additional law of Basic Insurance to guarantee accessibility,
payment and quality of health
Facilitate democratic exchange via ‘Faces, Voices and Places”
Arrange ministerial cooperation for ‘Seven-beaches-‘Clean-up’
Improve self-help and public feeling for better health
Supra-ministerial cooperation between GMN, Social Workplace,
and ‘Work-experience’ Project for the poor
Supra-ministerial cooperation between GMN, VVRP, “Sewage
Water Purification Project” for Band’ Abou farmers
Activate LGO treaty for WTO membership together with MEO
Formulate a Farming and Fishing policy in cooperation with MEO
‘Public Private Partnership’ for a healthy life and prevention of
venereal disease
Implement policy plan for integral prevention
Establish Health Institute for research & implement & maintain
Public Health Law
Established: centre for obesity prevention, malnutrition, high
blood pressure, heart & vein diseases, cancer, and other chronic
diseases and information on better food quality
Introduce electronic file for ‘young people health care’
Implement plan for Integral Mental Care
Upgrade Care for the Aged: 3 reports ‘Grandi ku Orguyo’ project
Inform & educate the public about health and diseases
Evaluate, register & recognize natural medicine
Finalise decisions for execution (indicate what they are)
Optimize/Revise laws on the environment, animal protection,
import & export, phytosanitary aspects
Measures for the ISLA Refinery to abide by pollution norms
Tariff for basic care: Law to adapt Basic Medical Insurance
National Ordinance generic care: ‘Contract for Generic Care’
Social, Labour Development and Wellbeing
Starting point
The objective of the Ministry of SOAW is based on the points of action of
the Government agreement: ‘lasting work for the local labourer, improve
labour participation, fight poverty and develop the barrio’.
This vision requires a vision directed towards job creation and the way
to achieve this, based on the analysis of the social-economic problems,
with the participation of action groups and a visionary program.
The economic, labour and educational developments must be combined
to form a compact inter-ministerial organization to connect these
sectors and consult with external stakeholders.
Working on labour means working on social development and fighting
crime and poverty based on several instruments like an effective
Community Centre, financing for social projects and a good subsidy
The strategic element is activation. The inhabitants will be encouraged
to be more pro-active in solving problems in the community. The
government expects a cooperative attitude on the part of the people to
help each other solve labour problems and fight poverty together.
Activities to realize the objectives stated
Encourage youth participation in the job market by means of:
Revise instructions for job permits to foreigners to protect the
local worker and to promote a climate of inversion
Process work permits fast and transparently through information
- make appointments & handle complaints online
Establish networks between SOAW and labour sectors of other
ministries: OWCS, MEO, GMNT and Justice
Optimize a multi-functional vacancy bank via a network with
several employers
Make an inventory of the labour and education process to match
supply and demand
Restructuring and lasting economic inversion
Promote a lasting & healthy work environment & make legislation
Project for stimulation & training with partners
Facilitate local apprenticeship (via Vacancy Bank)
Inspection & control on compliance with the law &
Labour law in accordance ILO norms
Upgrade quality of life
A just distribution of social wellbeing & improve self-help ability
Introduce the social worker in 3 marginalized barrios
Train community centre personnel in all barrios (Comm. for
Developm. & Analysis of Barrio Work & Mediation
Cooperation with other ministries & private organizations to
study, plan & realize (adapted) homes for the aged
Generous offer of social assistance & help those in need hereof
Plan execution of … houses in 2 pilot barrios
Better care: from ‘cradle to burial’ > 20% fewer social security
dependents for each barrio
Employment project/do business in the barrio
Extra guidance for problem families in the barrio
Adapt OAP level & retirement age
Fight poverty
Plan to fight poverty 2014 with other organizations
Make inventory/evaluate poverty fighting projects/foundations to
determine their success, effectiveness & concrete results
Improve work conditions in the field for the aged, families & the
Mediation, for example in barrios, at work, with Justice Dept.
Centre for treatment of domestic violence & juvenile crime
Prevent social-emotional problems & retarded development of
the youth
Prevent a/o reduce internment (list of requirements)
Cost reducing measures: Policy plan for subsidy & funding 2014
Economic Development
Starting point
The Ministry of Economic Development focuses on a long-term plan to
stimulate Economic Recovery and Investment. Therefore economic
recovery and investment is one of the 4 strategic objectives of this
Curaçao is a prosperous country thanks to our creativity, enterprising
spirit and our innovative ability. To maintain and increase our
prosperity our companies must export, invest in innovation, take risks
and use the opportunity of our geographical location and our relation
with Holland. The government facilitates this process by creating an
investment climate in which the local and international investors feel at
The spearheads for 2013-2016 are tourism, international financial
services, transport, logistics and free zone, while the private sector is
stimulated to compete with high quality products and services.
The Ministry realizes this ambition by offering optimal services to
business and consumer, by strengthening the economic structure and
effective use of international developments.
Activities to realize the stipulated objectives
Local apprentices: for local expertise, train local apprentices will
be offered opportunities to be trained
Set up Central Planning Bureau for study & research
Strengthen Economic Structure & improve investment climate
Establish Restructuring Bank to promote economic growth
Project plan for agriculture, cattle breeding and fishery
Five-year project plan for economic development: Accepted!
Set up a Curaçao Economic Development Board to promote &
attract local & international investors
Plan to promote investment & policy to stimulate potential
markets: Accepted!
Organize economic & commercial missions & fairs & improve
economic diplomacy
Monitor government’s projects, public companies, foundations &
private sector for economic stimulation (Snowball)
The coordination within the government as part of economic
development has been regulated
Fortify the consumer with information, protection & awareness
The contact between the Curaçao businessman and other
countries has been facilitated
Traffic, Transportation & Infrastructure
Starting point
The macro-economic effect of transportation from and to Curaçao is
enormous and has an impact on all economic sectors on the island.
International regulation for air and sea transportation stipulates
conditions for the different means of transportation. Moreover, the
sector focuses on the protection of the community and property against
climatic and geophysical circumstances.
Together with the Ministry of Economic Recovery and Investment, this
Ministry plays an important role in stimulating Social Investment and
Quality of Life.
Activities to realize these objectives
Lasting economic recovery and inversion:
Upgrade confidence in the relationship with the private sector &
increase service to the public
Optimize construction permit distribution
Improve maintenance of government plots, water and buildings
Renew legal policy for spatial permit & maintenance of
government property
Formulate Urban Growth Boundary plan
See to it that space is well used in Curaçao
Fix physical infrastructure & guarantee access & habitable
environment in Curaçao
Catching-up project for road maintenance
Accelerate and optimize service:
Speed up handing out permits and application handling
Improve basic registration
Take action against illegal constructions
Reduce waiting list
Take action against illegal occupation of public grounds
Finish restructuring the Curaçao Road Fund Foundation
Realise harbour law, CPA (Cur.Ports Auth.) and aviation
Optimize aviation & shipping organization to comply with
international norms
Formalise relation policy between Curaçao & FKP (Public Housing
Develop lasting policy to guarantee safety in traffic
Evaluation of the implementation of the government
We will use an online dashboard tool to evaluate the government
programme. By means of this tool the Council of Ministers will monitor
progress and obstacles, reduce risks and act if necessary.
All ministries must update information on the dashboard. An employee
of the General Affairs dept. will coordinate the dashboard and supervise
the implementation of the information by the several ministries.
Dash-board Tool
For all projects, activities, project interventions, the dashboard will give
information about:
Progress of the initiative
Adaptation of the planning
Adaptation of human resources
Adaptation of necessary funds
The government indicates that the budget has an input character and
that it is the intention to change it into a policy budget with more
emphasis on results. This will make the budget more transparent and
accessible and will give the government insight in its policy (objectives,
instruments and finances) in order to make the effectiveness of the
policy more visible.