820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete

Last update: 02-06-2016
820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete
Coordinating unit:
820 - EUETIB - Barcelona College of Industrial Engineering
Teaching unit:
737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering
Academic year:
BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Optional)
ECTS credits:
Teaching languages:
Teaching staff
Degree competences to which the subject contributes
1. EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATI0N RESOURCES - Level 3. Planning and using the information necessary for an
academic assignment (a final thesis, for example) based on a critical appraisal of the information resources used.
Learning objectives of the subject
Study load
Total learning time: 150h
Hours large group:
Hours medium group:
Hours small group:
Guided activities:
Self study:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 02-06-2016
820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete
(ENG) 1
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 1 Normas y códigos.
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 2 Materiales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 3 Acciones
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 4 Estados Límites
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 5 Estado límite último frente a solicitaciones normales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 6 Estado límite último de inestabilidad
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 7 Estado límite último frente a tensiones tangenciales. Cortante y
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 8 Estado límite último de punzonamiento
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 02-06-2016
820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete
(ENG) Tema 9 Otros estado límites últimos: anclaje, adherencia y frente a esfuerzo
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 10 Estado límite último de fatiga
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 11 Estado límite de fisuración
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 12 Estado límite de deformación
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 13 Estado límite de vibraciones
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 14 Cuantía mínimas. Disposición de las armaduras. Longitudes de
anclaje, solape y empalmes de armaduras
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 15 Mecanismos de deterioro. Ataque químico al hormigón. Corrosión de
las armaduras
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 16 Resistencia al fuego
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 17 Métodos de análisis de estructuras de hormigón. Elástico,
redistribución y plástico. El método "paso a paso" en el tiempo
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 02-06-2016
820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 18 Método de bielas y tirantes
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 19 Construcciones agro-industriales. Cubiertas industriales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 20 Forjados. Placas. Pórticos virtuales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 21 Cimentaciones
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 22 Muros de retención y de sótano
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 23 Pavimentos industriales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 24 Depósitos
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 25 Tuberías
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 26 Puentes
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 02-06-2016
820443 - FEM - Reinforced Concrete
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 27 Anclaje al hormigón
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 28 Túneles
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 29 Contenciones de Centrales Nucleares
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 30 Secciones compuestas. Secciones mixtas
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 31 La teoría de Vecchio-Collins
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 32 La teoría del profesor Hsu: unificación del comportamiento del
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
(ENG) Tema 33 Hormigones especiales
Degree competences to which the content contributes:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya