Dear Families As we approach the second semester, we wanted to

42 West Madison, 3rd Floor • Chicago, Illinois 60602
Dear Families
As we approach the second semester, we wanted to take this opportunity to address the news you might have
seen in recent days.
Over the past 24 hours, there has been increasing coverage of our negotiations with the Chicago Teachers’
Union (CTU), as both parties have acknowledged that we are making progress toward agreement.
These conversations are the product of negotiations on a serious multi-year proposal that would ask both the
CTU and CPS to share in the solution to our fiscal challenges. This proposal would prevent mid-year layoffs,
preserve class sizes, and prioritize what is most important to everyone involved: the gains your children make
every day.
While work remains to finalize any contract, the CTU leadership announced that they’ll take the next step in
that process, with a preliminary vote on Monday. We remain cautiously hopeful about the outcome and
appreciative of the CTU’s willingness to thoughtfully consider this offer and be part of the solution.
Reaching agreement with our teachers is a crucial step in protecting our classrooms, and in closing the $480
million budget gap we face this year, as well as making progress towards our larger $1.1 billion deficit next year
- and we’ll continue to keep you updated as progress is made.
Thank you again for all you do for our schools.
Forrest Claypool
Chief xecutive Officer
Dr. anice . ackson
Chief ducation Officer
42 West Madison, 3rd Floor • Chicago, Illinois 60602
stimadas familias,
Al aproximarnos al segundo semestre, ueremos aprovechar la oportunidad para referirnos a una noticia ue
pueden haber visto en d as recientes.
n las ltimas 24 horas ha habido una cobertura creciente sobre nuestras negociaciones con el Sindicato de
Maestros de Chicago (CTU), al reconocer ambas partes ue hemos progresado hacia un acuerdo.
stas conversaciones son el producto de la negociaci n de una propuesta multianual seria ue pedir ue
tanto a CTU como a CPS compartan la soluci n de nuestros desaf os fiscales. sta propuesta evitar a despidos a
mitad de a o, conservar a el tama o de las clases y dar a prioridad a lo ue es m s importante para todos los
involucrados: los avances ue logran todos los d as nuestros ni os.
Aun ue todav a faltan detalles para finalizar el contrato, el liderazgo del sindicato anunci ue dar el pr ximo
paso en el proceso, con un voto preliminar el lunes. osotros aguardamos esperanzados y con cautela el
resultado, y apreciamos la disposici n de la CTU de considerar atentamente esta oferta, y de ser parte de la
soluci n.
legar a un acuerdo con nuestros maestros es un paso crucial para proteger a nuestros salones de clase, y para
cerrar la brecha de $480 millones en nuestro presupuesto de este a o, adem s de ser un progreso hacia el
tratamiento de un d ficit mayor de $1.1 bill n anticipado para el pr ximo a o. os mantendremos informados
de los progresos ue se realicen.
racias nuevamente por todo lo ue hacen por nuestras escuelas.
Forrest Claypool
Chief xecutive Officer
Dr. anice . ackson
Chief ducation Officer