NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2. SEMESTER: WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT (0661) Eight to Tenth 3. CYCLE: Professional 4. AREA: 5. COURSE TYPE: Medicine and Animal Health, Livestock Production and Economy Theory (Elective) 6. DURATION: Hours per week: Total number of hours: 7. REQUIREMENTS: Eight weeks Theory: 4 Practice: 0 Theory: 32 Practice: 0 All courses of the intermediate cycle 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To understand the variability and basic characteristics of the biology of Mexican terrestrial vertebrates, identifying their different taxonomic groups, recognizing risk factors that affect them and their potentiality as a resource, towards their protection and rational use. 1. COURSE SYLLABUS: AND PROTECTION 9. TEACHING UNITS 9.1. Unit 1. Introduction 9.1.1 Basic concepts on wildlife. 9.1.2 The relationship of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and wildlife. 9.2. Unit 2. Actual situation and problems regarding terrestrial vertebrates in Mexico 9.2.1 Intrinsic, functional and economic values of wildlife. 9.2.2 Threatens for wildlife in Mexico and worldwide. 9.2.3 Protection and rational use perspectives to allow a sustainable use of resources and the conservation of wildlife. 9.3. Unit 3. Taxonomy and evolution 9.3.1 Taxonomic nomenclature 9.3.2 Bases on evolution 9.4. Unit 4. Mexican Amphibians 9.4.1 Evolution and main biological characteristics of Amphibia class. 9.4.2 Taxonomic orders in Mexico and main characteristics. 9.4.3 Biology, actual situation and importance of selected species. 9.4.4 Basic capture, identification and register techniques of amphibians in the field. 9.5 Unit 5. Mexican Reptiles 9.5.1 Evolution and main biological characteristics of Reptilia class. 9.5.2 Taxonomic orders in Mexico and main characteristics. 9.5.3 Biology, actual situation and importance of selected species. 9.5.4 Basic capture, identification and register techniques of reptiles in the field. 9.6 Unit 6. Mexican Birds 9.6.1 Evolution and main biological characteristics of Aves class. 9.6.2 Taxonomic orders in Mexico and main characteristics. 9.6.3 Biology, actual situation and importance of selected species. 9.6.4 Basic capture, identification and register techniques of birds in the field. 9.7 Unit 7. Mexican Mammals 9.7.1 Evolution and main biological characteristics of Mammalia class. 9.7.2 Taxonomic orders in Mexico and main characteristics. 9.7.3 Biology, actual situation and importance of selected species. 9.7.4 Basic capture, identification and register techniques of mammals in the field. 9.8 Unit 8. Wildlife – Human interactions (case studies). 9.8.1 Wildlife interactions with humans related to cultivations and domestic stock predation 9.8.2 Main conflicts related to urbanization: public health, wild – domestic animals interfase, problems in wild populations caused by urbanization 9.8.3 Wildlife use: hunting, farming, ecotourism. 10. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ceballos, G. y Márquez V., L. (coord.). Las Aves de México en Peligro de Extinción. Instituto de Ecología, UNAM; CONABIO; y Fondo de Cultura Económica, México D. F. 2000. 2. Ceballos, G. y G. Oliva. Los Mamíferos Silvestres de México. Fondo de Cultura Económica. CONABIO, 2005. 3. Pough, F. H., R. M. Andrews, J. E. Cadle, y M. L. Crump.. Herpetology. Tercera Edición. Prentice Hall. EUA, 2003. 4. Primak, R., R. Roíz, P. Feinsinger, R. Dirzo y F. Massardo. Fundamentos de Conservación Biológica, perspectivas latinoamericanas. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México D.F., 2001 (ISBN 0-87893-721-8) 5. Villa R., B y Cervantes F. A. Los Mamíferos de México. Inst. de Biología, UNAM, Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica, S. A. de C. V., México, D. F. 2003. 6. Zug, G., L. Vitt, y J. Caldwell. Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Segunda Edición. Academic Press. EUA, 2001. 11. SUPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arizmendi, M. C. y Márquez V., Laura. Áreas de Importancia para la Conservación de las Aves en México. CONABIO, México, DF. 2000. 2. Ceballos, G. y Simonetti J. A. (eds.) Diversidad y Conservación de los Mamíferos Neotropicales. CONABIO-UNAM. México, D.F. 2002. 3. Edwards, E. P. The Birds of México and Adjacent Areas. University of Texas Press. 3rd. ed. Austin, Texas, USA. 1998. 4. Flores-Villela O. 1993. Herpetofauna Mexicana. Lista anotada de las especies de anfibios y reptiles de México, cambios taxonómicos recientes y nuevas especies. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Special Publication No. 7. 1993. 5. Flores-Villela O. Hernández G., E. y Nieto M. de O., A. Catálogo de anfibios y reptiles. Serie de Catálogos del Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera”, UNAM. México, D. F. 1991. 6. Flores-Villela O. y Geréz P. Biodiversidad y conservación en México: vertebrados, vegetación y uso del suelo. 2nda. Ed. CONABIO, UNAM, México, D. F. 7. Howell, S. N. G. A guide to the birds of Mexico and Northern Central America. Oxford University Press, USA. 1995. 8. Lee, J. C. A field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of the Maya World. The lowlands of Mexico, northern Guatemala, and Belize. Cornell University Press, USA. 2000. 9. Leopold, A.S.: Fauna Silvestre de México; aves y mamíferos de caza. 3era. Ed. IMRNR (Instituto Mexicano para el Estudio de los Recursos Naturales Renovables). México, D.F. 1990. 10. Macdonald D. 1992. The velvet claw. A natural history of the carnivores. BBC Books. Londres, UK. 1992. 11. Pérez-Gil, R., Jaramillo F., Muñiz A., Torres M.: Importancia Económica de los Vertebrados Silvestres de México. Proyecto financiado por la Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, CONABIO, México, DF. 1995. 12. Ramamoorthy, R., Bye R., Lot A. y Fa J.: (eds.) Diversidad Biológica de México, Inst. de Biología, UNAM. México, D. F. 1998. 13. Ramirez-Pulido, J., A. Castro Campillo, M. A. Armella y A. Salame Méndez. Bibliografía Reciente de los Mamíferos de México 1994-2000. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, D. F. 2000. 14. Zim, H. S., H. M. Smith and J. G. Irving. Reptiles and amphibians: Revised and updated. A Golden Guide from St. Martin’s Press, USA. 2001. 15. Llorente Bousquets, J. y Isolda Luna (comps). Taxonomía Biológica. Fondo de Cultura Económica, UNAM, México. 1994. 16. Papavero, N. y J. Llorente Bousquets. Herramientas prácticas para el uso de la taxonomía zoológica. Ediciones Científicas Universitarias, México. 1999. 17. Papavero, Nelson y Llorente-Bousquets Jorge, La taxonomía evolutiva. México, UNAM: FC, 1996. 18. Sosa Ortega Victoria. Taxonomía: la clasificación de los seres vivientes. Consejo Nacional para la enseñanza de la Biología (CECSA), México. 1987. Lecture with question-answer session 12. TEACHING Case studies METHODOLOGY Group discussion Selected readings Problem solution Written tests 13. COURSE Homework, projects, exercises EVALUATION Class participation 14. REQUIREMENTS FOR Veterinarian or animal science specialist with 5 years of TEACHING THE COURSE experience in these areas