Subido por jessiperez462


Nombre: Álvaro Pérez Ávila
Matricula: J000008685
Materia: Ingles XII
Profesora: Miryam Montoya Ramírez
Grado y Grupo: 12VO – Nin1221
Presente Simple: She asks for directions whenever she gets lost.
Presente Continuo: I am asking for more information right now.
Presente Perfecto: I have asked for a raise twice this year.
Presente Perfecto Continu: I have been asking for assistance for the last
Pasado Simple: They asked for a refund last week.
Pasado Continuo: She was asking for advice during the meeting.
Pasado Perfecto: I had asked for permission before starting the project.
Pasado Perfecto Continuo: I had been asking for updates for months before
I finally got a response.
Futuro Simple: I will ask for a recommendation letter tomorrow.
Futuro Continuo: I will be asking for your input during the presentation.
Futuro Perfecto: I will have asked for all the necessary documents by the
end of the day.
Futuro Perfecto Continuo: I will have been asking for assistance for three
hours by the time you arrive.
Condicional Simple: They would ask for advice if they were unsure.
Condicional Continuo: I would be asking for clarification if I didn't
Condicional Perfecto: They would have asked for directions if they had
gotten lost.
Condicional Perfecto Continuo: I would have been asking for updates if I
had been involved in the project.
Presente simple: I always ask after my grandmother when I visit my parents.
Presente continuo: She is asking after you right now.
Pasado simple: He asked after you yesterday.
Pasado continuo: They were asking after you when I arrived.
Presente perfecto: I have asked after her several times this week.
Pasado perfecto: By the time I called, she had already asked after him.
Futuro simple: I will ask after him when I see him next.
Futuro continuo: I will be asking after you when I visit your office tomorrow.
Condicional simple: I would ask after her if I saw her today.
Condicional perfecto: I would have asked after him if I had known he was
Futuro perfecto: By this time next year, she will have asked after everyone
in the department.
Futuro perfecto continuo: By the end of the month, they will have been
asking after her for weeks.
Presente Simple: I ask around when I need information.
Presente Continuo: I am asking around for recommendations.
Presente Perfecto: He has asked around to see if anyone knows a good
Presente Perfecto Continuo: I have been asking around for advice on this
Pasado Simple: I asked around about the new manager.
Pasado Continuo: I was asking around for opinions when you arrived.
Pasado Perfecto: They had asked around to find a solution.
Pasado Perfecto Continuo: I had been asking around for a few hours before
I got an answer.
Futuro Simple: I will ask around for more information.
Futuro Continuo: I will be asking around for volunteers.
Futuro Perfecto: I will have asked around by the time you arrive.
Futuro Perfecto Continuo: I will have been asking around for advice for days
by the time you return.
Condicional Simple: I would ask around if I needed more information.
Condicional Continuo: I would be asking around if I were looking for help.
Condicional Perfecto: I would have asked around if I had known.
Condicional Perfecto Continuo: I would have been asking around if I had
been involved in the project.
I asked the teacher for help with my homework
I ask Luis a favor to go to work
I want to ask my teacher a question will
A will ask family out to eat
Bob will ask for you while you will at work