Instituto Cultural Argentino Británico

ATENCIÓN: El material que figura a continuación es sólo una muestra del
tipo de ejercitación para la práctica y entrenamiento enfocada a nuestras
pruebas escritas. Queda prohibida su venta o reproducción parcial y/o
A. Read the first part of a story.
The arrival
A young man arrived at Brighton station. His name was Jan Polanski and he came from Poland. He was in
England for a course at an English language school. He took a taxi to the Modern Language Institute, went
inside and met the director.
“Welcome to Brighton,” the director said. “You’re staying with the Hawkins family. Ah! Here’s Mario. He´s
also living with the Hawkins.”
“Hello, Jan,” said Mario.
That evening after dinner, Mario said, “Would you like to come to a disco next Saturday?”
“Yes,” said Jan. “Thanks very much.”
On Saturday Jan went to Mario´s room. He was ill. “I can´t go to the disco tonight, Jan,” Mario said. “But
here´s the address.”
Jan arrived at the disco at nine o´clock. He liked dancing, but most of the girls were with their boyfriends.
Suddenly a girl stepped on his foot.
“Oh,” she said. “I´m sorry.”
“That´s all right,” said Jan. He looked at the girl. She was very pretty. “Can I buy you a drink?” asked Jan.
They went to the bar.
“You´re not English, are you?” said the girl.
“No,” said Jan. “I´m Polish. My name´s Jan. What´s your name?”
“Ruth,” she said. “Ruth Clark.”
“Would you like to dance?” said Jan.
“Yes,” said Ruth.
Now ask or answer the questions below:
What nationality was Jan?
Why did he go to England?
How did he get to the Modern Language Institute?
At the Hawkins´ house.
5. Was he alone there?
6. ........................................... ... to the disco?
On Saturday.
7. Did Mario go too?
8. the disco?
At nine o´clock.
9. What was Ruth like?
10. What did Jan do as soon as he met her?
ATENCIÓN: El material que figura a continuación es sólo una muestra del
tipo de ejercitación para la práctica y entrenamiento enfocada a nuestras
pruebas escritas. Queda prohibida su venta o reproducción parcial y/o
B. This is the second part of the story. Choose the right words to complete it.
Jan and Ruth
The next day, Jan met Ruth and they walked (1)across/along/over the sea. Then they (2)are
going/went/were going to a coffee bar. (3)Lately/Differently/Suddenly a tall man came over to the table.
“Jan, (4)can/might/should you go outside?” said Ruth.
Jan (5)has waited/waited/was waited outside for about ten minutes. Then the man came out and walked
(6)into/out of/away.
“(7)Who/Which/Whose was that?” asked Jan.
“That was Bill. (8)They/She/He was my boyfriend. I´ve told (9)he/his/him to go away. I
(1 0)wouldn´t/don´t/won´t like that man any more.” She looked into (11)Jan´ /Jans´ /Jan´s eyes. “Jan, I ...
like you ... very much.”
Jan smiled. “I like you very much too,” he (12) asked/told/said.
C. Complete the third part of the story.
Ruth´s Parents
The next afternoon, Jan went (1)--------------- Ruth´s house for tea.
“(2)........................................................................, Mr. and Mrs. Clark,” Jan said.
“Sit down, Jan” said Mrs. Clark. “(3)...................................................................... a cup of tea?
“Yes, please,” said Jan. He didn´t feel very(4) .......................................
“With sugar?” said Mrs. Clark.
“Yes, please,” Jan answered. “Sugar, but no milk.”
“”No milk?” said Mrs. Clark. “But everybody (5)....................................... milk in tea.”
“Oh...” said Jan. “Well, but in Poland, we (6)...........................................................milk in our tea.”
Mr. and Mrs. Clark looked (7) ....... Jan. “(8)...................................... foreigners have strange ideas,” said Mr. Clark.
Jan stayed for about (9)........ hour. Mr. Clark spoke English very quickly and Jan did not always understand.
Outside (10) --------------- door, Jan said to Ruth, “(11).................... parents don´t like me very much.”
“(12)................................. be silly, Jan,” said Ruth. “ (13) ----------- parents haven't met any foreigners before.
That´s all. (14) ---------------- are really very friendly people.”
“Ok, Ruth. I suppose you are right.” said Jan. “I(15)............................... you tomorrow.”
ATENCIÓN: El material que figura a continuación es sólo una muestra del
tipo de ejercitación para la práctica y entrenamiento enfocada a nuestras
pruebas escritas. Queda prohibida su venta o reproducción parcial y/o
D. Now read the fourth part of the story. Say whether the statements below are true or false
Going Home
It was the last day of the course at the Modern Language Institute and Jan was very sad. He said goodbye to
Mario and his other friends and left the school. That night, Jan and Ruth went for a long walk in Brighton.
“We´ve been together for a month, and I´m sure I love you, Ruth,” Jan said.
“I love you too, Jan.”
“I´m going home tomorrow, but I hope to see you again soon. Why don´t you come to Poland at Christmas?”
said Jan.
“Yes,” said Ruth. “I´d love to.”
Ruth got home at eleven o´clock that evening. Bill was there waiting for her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“We have to talk,” said Bill.
The next morning, Ruth went to Brighton station with Jan.
1.The end of the course wasn´t a happy day for Jan.
Jan had only one friend in Brighton.
Ruth and Jan went out for about a month.
Ruth didn´t want to see Jan again.
Jan invited Ruth to go to Poland in November.
Ruth was surprised to find Bill in her house.
He was interested in talking to her.
Jan didn´t see Ruth before he left.
E. What about the end? How do YOU think the story continues? Write a few lines.