7 Skins - Languages Initiative

7 Skins
►vanagloriarse vr (jactarse) to boast: se vanagloria de sus hazañas de
juventud, he boasts about his youthful exploits
agredir vtr defect to assault
indignarse verbo reflexivo to get indignant [por, at, about]
zurrar vtr fam (pegar) to beat, flog
1 (mano cerrada) fist
puño m
What is so disgusting?
Why should “they” be thrown out?
What’s the word for ‘scum’?
Who are the scum?
What is the service the person quoted in the article is offering humanity?
Why isn’t s/he usually armed?
miope adjetivo & mf short-sighted: soy miope, I'm short-sighted
quieto,-a adjetivo
1 (sin movimiento) still: ¡estáte quieto!, don't move
2 (tranquilo, pacífico) placid, calm
impune adjetivo unpunished: su delito quedó impune, her crime went
paliza f 1 (tunda, somanta) beating: aquellos bárbaros le dieron una paliza,
those thugs beat him up
cinismo m cynicism
semejante adjetivo
1 (parecido) similar: no había oído nada semejante, I had never heard
anything like it
2 (tal) such: ¿de dónde sacó semejante idea?, where did he get such an idea
Noun m (prójimo) fellow man: ama a tus semejantes, love your fellow men
Find: to leave someone almost for dead
How did Ana feel about the article?
How does she feel about the Skins?
She feels we all could be in danger, why?
Explain the questions Cómo era possible…..
What did she decide to do?
llevar a cabo, to carry out
querella f
1 Jur lawsuit
2 (conflicto) dispute
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La aventura de Saïd
rechazo m
1 (de una idea, petición, un plan) rejection
2 (desprecio) contempt: mostraron su rechazo al racismo, they showed their
contempt for racism
comprometer verbo transitivo
1 (obligar) to compel, oblige
2 (implicar) to involve, compromise
3 (poner en peligro) to jeopardize: no comprometas tu carrera, don't put your
career at risk
What had happened in relation to Skinheads a few weeks previously?
What did the sentence consider?
How did Ana’s father feel about her actions?
What dangers does he warn her about?
Translate her questions at the end of the page.
What was her reaction to her father? What was his reaction?
►tragarse verbo reflexivo
1 (mentiras, excusas, el orgullo, comida) to swallow
2 fig (soportar, tolerar) to put up with
caducar verbo intransitivo to expire: tengo el carné caducado, my identity card
has expired
How did Ana win the argument with her father?
Ahmed’s papers are mentioned in what context?
What would happen to Ahmed if he gets better? NB! mood
SOS Racismo y CITE intervened and did what?
For nine days how is Ahmed’s state of being described?
al cabo de, (transcurrido) after: al cabo de cinco minutos se marcharon, they
left after five minutes
homenaje m homage, tribute: el libro rinde homenaje a Góngora, the book
pays homage to Góngora
alentar vtr fig to encourage
How did he feel about what of SOS Racismo y CITE had done?
How is his state of being described?
What length of time has passed?
How was the band doing on in Ahmed’s absence?
Who went to the last concert?
J. McCrohan
Alí came out to talk and raised what issues?
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La aventura de Saïd
In spite of all the risks, why do they emigrate, according to Alí?
He mentions something cheap, what’s he referring to?
What’s their role if they stay in their own countries?
How does this relate to what happened to Saíd’s father?
How does he respond to people who say that immigrants take jobs from natives?
1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
ser humano, human being
ser vivo, living being
2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
sanguijuela f
1 Zool leech
2 fam pey (persona) bloodsucker
arenga f impassioned speech
arengar verbo transitivo incite, rouse, rally, exhort
What’s the mention of social security?
What is the ultimate dream of many immigrants?
What rights does he feel that they have and that he wants recognized?
How is his tone recognized?
How did people react?
Whose self-esteem was affected? How?
How did Ana react?
How is Fátima described?
What did Saíd want to do?
What does Hussein want?
What’s the update on Hussein?
Tener presente algo es recordarlo i.e. take note!
ayunar verbo intransitivo to fast
Explain in Engish “un lobo no se convierte en cordero de la noche a la manana”
How did Saíd’s life improve?
What did he do with his extra free time?
Why did he take this on?
What did his religion oblige at this time?
What other benefits might his new spare time activity yield for him?
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La aventura de Saïd
no te amargues la vida por eso, don't get upset about it, familiar don't let it get
to you
apalear verbo transitivo to beat, thrash
plantar cara (a alguien), to stand up (to sb)
acobardar verbo transitivo to frighten
►acobardarse verbo reflexivo
1 (sentir temor) to become frightened
2 (retraerse) to lose one's nerve o to shrink back
Where is he?
What’s bugging Hussein?
What is Saíd’s response?
What does Hussein suggest? How does he feel about the police?
What happened the other day to Hassan?
What is Hussein advocating?
How did Saíd react?
What is his response to violence? What is his ultimate fear?
What does Saíd feel if they respond with violence?
How does Hussein’s opinion differ from this?
How does Saíd feel respect is won?
Hussein says Saíd has fought in the past? How, when & why?
agalla f
1 (de pez) gill
2 pl (valor) guts: tuvo las agallas de decirlo, she had the guts to say it
conveniente adjetivo
1 (medida) advisable
2 (precio) good, fair
3 (comentario) convenient
What action is Saíd taking?
What are Hussein’s parting shots?
What were Saíd’s feelings on Hussein as he went down the stairs? What are his
What action does he consider he might have to take?
J. McCrohan
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La aventura de Saïd