La qualitat, garantia de millora

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Curriculum Vitae
Datos personales / Personal details
Nombre/ First name
Apellidos / Family name
Franch Benavent
Nacionalidad / Nationality
Formación académica / Academic Qualifications
PhD in History from the University of Valencia
Datos profesionales / Professional details
Académico / Academic
Organismo / Institution
University of Valencia
Centro / Centre
Faculty of Geography and History
Departamento / Department
Early Modern History
Área de conocimiento / Knowledge area
Early Modern History
Categoría / Professional status
Full Professor
Profesional / Professional
Entidad – Empresa / Body - Enterprise
Rama de actividad / Branch of activity
Cargo actual/ Current Post
Líneas de investigación / Research lines
Palabras clave (máximo 5 líneas) / Key words (maximum 5 lines)
Early modern history, economic and social history, history of industry and trade, history of the middle class and
craftsmanship, public finance history and taxation, history of social conflict, Valencian history in the early modern
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Experiencia como evaluador / Experience as evaluator
Máximo de 5 colaboraciones (más relevantes) / Maximum 5 (most relevant) collaborations
- Collaborator in the assessment of research projects for the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency since
- Collaborator in the assessment of research projects for the Quality Assurance Agency for the University System
in Catalonia since 2005.
- Assessor to the Commission for Accreditation of Research in the Area of Humanities at the Quality Assurance
Agency for the University System in Catalonia in the first call of 2007.
- Member for evaluating research groups in the Basque higher education system submitted under the calls issued
through Orders of the Basque Ministry of Education, Universities and Research at the Basque Regional
Government, 21 October 2009 (BOPV no. 220 ZK of 16 November 2009) and 27 July 2012 (BOPV no. 146, of 27
July 2012).
- Advisor for the GEOEHIS area of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge for evaluating applications for excellence
projects submitted under the 2012 call.
Experiencia en investigación / Research experience
Indicar las 5 publicaciones/patentes/proyectos más relevantes / Indicate the 5 most relevant
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., Crecimiento comercial y enriquecimiento burgués en la Valencia del siglo XVIII,
Valencia, 1986.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., El capital comercial valenciano en el siglo XVIII, Valencia, 1989.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., La sedería valenciana y el reformismo borbónico, Valencia, 2000.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., “Los genoveses en la España moderna: finanzas, comercio y actividad laboral de los
protagonistas de un intenso flujo migratorio”, in Genoa. Una “porta” del Mediterráneo (L. Gallinari, ed.), Genoa,
2005, pp. 643-683.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., “El proceso de concentración de los negocios y las actividades marítimas en la España
moderna”. Ponencia presentada en el congreso El mar en los siglos modernos. X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish
Foundation of Early Modern History held at Santiago de Compostela and Ferrol in June 2008.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., “Regalismo e inmunidad eclesiástica en la España del siglo XVIII: la resistencia del clero
valenciano a la imposición del estanco del tabaco”, Hispania. Revista Española de Historia, no. 225, Madrid, 2007,
pages 295-316.
FRANCH BENAVENT, R., “El comercio en el Mediterráneo español durante la edad moderna: del estudio del
tráfico a su incidencia en la actividad productiva y el contexto social”, Obradoiro de Historia Moderna, no. 17.
Monográfico: El comercio en la España del Antiguo Régimen, Santiago de Compostela, 2008, pages 77-112.
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Experiencia en docencia / Teaching experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines
- Since the 1981-82 academic year, he has lectured on various courses in the Degree in History at the University of
- He has lectured on the postgraduate programme at the Department of Early Modern History, which became
interdepartmental in the 1999-2000 academic year under the name “Economies, societies and cultures in the
Western Mediterranean since the Lower Middle Ages until the French revolution (13th to 18th centuries)”, forming
part of the Academic Commission.
- Since 2013, member of the Academic Commission of the Programme “Doctorate in Geography and History of the
Mediterranean from Prehistory to the Early Modern Age by the University of Valencia (Estudi General)”.
- Together with Dr. Rafael Benítez Sánchez-Blanco, he has promoted the creation of the interuniversity and
international masters degree in “Hispanic History and Identities in the Western Mediterranean (15th to 19th
centuries)”, in conjunction with the Universities of Alicante, Jaume I de Castellón, Cagliari and Valencia, which
commenced in the 2008-2009 academic year.
Experiencia en gestión / Management experience
5 cargos más relevantes / 5 most relevant posts
- Director of the Department of Early Modern History at the University of Valencia between 26 April 1988 and 5
June 1994, and since 16 September 2004 up to 13 July 2011.
- Member of the Teaching Staff Commission of the University of Valencia between the 2004-2005 and 2009-2010
academic years.
Experiencia profesional / Professional experience
Máximo 10 líneas / Maximum 10 lines
Premios y distinciones / Awards and Honours
Máximo 5 premios / Maximum 5 awards
- End of Degree Award from the University of Valencia for the 1979-80 academic year.
- Special PhD Award from the University of Valencia for the 1984-85 academic year.
Otros méritos / Other merits
Máximo de 5 / Maximum 5
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Spanish Early Modern History Foundation between 2000 and 2002.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Vínculos de Historia. Journal of the Department of history at the
University of Castilla - La Mancha.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the journals Estudis, published by the Department of Early Modern History at
the University of Valencia, Revista de Historia Moderna. Anales de la Universidad de Alicante, published by the
Department of Medieval and Early Modern History at the University of Alicante and the Spanish Foundation of
Early Modern History; and Pedralbes, published by the Department of Early Modern History at the University of
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