TLMC HALF SHEET need lyrics to HERSTORY + Tesser PR

GOING FOR ADDS: August 26th, 2015
FILE: Jazz+Vox
Ad Astrum Records (AD12614)
Track Breakdown: In: 1,6,15 Out: 2,8,10 Specialty: 4,12,14
1. Muraski 7:27
2. War Department 10:15
3. Matthew: Jazz Mass 1:21 [INT excerpt]
4. Bismillah 7:04
5. Durand: New/Vibrant/Dangerous/Sexy 0:46 [INT excerpt]
6. El Viento 9:36 Spanish Voc
7. Jess: Get Our Act Together 0:27 [INT excerpt]
8. Interitus 10:15
9. Jess: Tolerance 101 0:53 [INT excerpt]
10. Wedding Hymn 11:13
11. Julian: Feminism 0:54 [INT excerpt]
12. Herstory 5:58
13. Durand: Black Man in America 0:54 [INT excerpt]
14. Black & Red 7:32
15. Anthem of the 99% 4:43
Cross genre album – Emphasis is JAZZ, reaching out to Latin (tk 6),
World (tk 4,6) and Hip Hop / Rap / Spoken Word (tk12)
The Liberation Music Collective is a socially-conscious big band
dedicated to performing original compositions about contemporary social
issues. "Siglo XXI" means "21st century" in Spanish, and we bring a
modern approach to the tradition of protest music in jazz. By focusing on
social issues and embracing a plurality of styles within a jazz context, we
hope to bring jazz back into the sound of socially provocative music of
our era. Each song on this album is dedicated to a specific challenge
within our society today, and in between each song are snippets of
interviews with band members speaking about music in the modern
world. The album cover is a modern take on the traditional image of
Lady Justice carrying a sword and scales--and with some shades instead
of a blindfold.
1 Murasaki This song is dedicated to Lady Murasaki Shikibu, a 10th century Japanese poetess
who is credited with writing the world's first novel, The Tale of Genji. In addition to evoking her
poetry, this piece is intended to be a tribute to all the unsung contributions of women to art and
culture through the ages.
2 War Department War Department is a hymn from the American Sacred Harp tradition. It was
written in 1835 and serves as a cry for peace in a troubled time. This blistering free jazz
arrangement explores the absurdity and confusion of war and our continuous failure as a society
to escape its cycle.
3 Matthew: Jazz Mass Segment of an interview with Matthew Setzler, alto sax.
4 Bismillah "Bismillah" means "in the name of God" in Arabic. The samples in this song feature
Muslim feminist, racial, and LGBTQ activists who have dedicated their lives to reclaiming Islam
from the hands of violent extremists. In asserting that there are beautiful and sacred things in
Islam worth reclaiming, these activists also work in peaceful resistance to Islamophobes who
characterize all Muslims as brutal savages. The featured samples include spoken word from
Amina Wadud, El Farouk Khaki, and Malcolm X, a sung Qur'anic recitation by one of the few
women publically performing in the tradition, Sharifah Khadsif Fadzilah, and an adhan, or call to
prayer, from an interfaith service in a cathedral.
5 Durand: New/Vibrant/Dangerous/Sexy Segment of an interview with Durand Jones, bari sax.
6 El Viento This song is about immigration and demographic change in the United States. It is
based on "Baba Fururu," a Santerían hymn to the deity of justice and wisdom, Obatalá.
[Translation on back of One Sheet.]
7 Jess: Get Our Act Together Segment of an interview with Jess Henry, lead trumpet.
8 Interitus This tour de force chronicles humanity's relationship with the planet Earth, from our
start in primordial pools, to the apogee of civilization, to our mismanagement and desecration of
the environment into inevitable disaster.
9 Jess: Tolerance 101 Segment of an interview with Jess Henry, lead trumpet.
10 Wedding Hymn A meditation on the love and devotion expressed between LGBTQ+ couples
-- and a miniature narrative about the struggle for marriage equality and against homophobia
worldwide. The song represents an "exploded view" of an exchange of vows and the celebration
11 Julian: Feminism Segment of an interview with Julian Loida, Latin percussion.
12 Herstory A hip-hop feminist manifesto. [Lyrics on back of One Sheet.]
13 Durand: Black Man in America Segment of an interview with Durand Jones, bari sax.
14 Black & Red In 1929, Andy Razaf wrote "Black & Blue," considered to be the first racial
protest song in the jazz tradition. "Black & Red" is built around a poem written in the wake of Eric
Garner's and Michael Brown's deaths (R.I.P. Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, and others).
It includes samples of speeches by Malcolm X and Troy Jackson, audio from the Black Lives
Matter protests in Toronto, and audio from footage of Eric Garner's final moments.
15 Anthem of the 99% This piece was informed by our power in solidarity. As individuals join
into collectives, they can do things that none of them could do alone. We can create fairer social
structures, more inclusive outlooks, and better ways to love and live.
Global Radio Campaign
[email protected]
Lyrics to El Viento (The Wind)
La gente grita para justicio
The people cry out for justice
Como un desierto para lluvia
Like a desert for water
Pero todavía el viento seco
But still the dry wind
Trae aviso solo de lagrimas
Brings news only of tears
Tenemos fuerza en la familia
We have strength in our families
Tenemos paz en la comunidad
And peace in our communities
Pero todavía el viento seco
But still the dry wind
Trae aviso solo de miedo
Brings news only of fear
Los poderosos han decidido
The powerful have decided
Jugar con las vidas de personas
To play with the lives
Cuyos piel no coincide
Of those whose skin color
Con sus propias
Does not match their own
Cambian destrucción por votos
They trade destruction for votes
De personas con mentes cerradas
Of closed-minded people
Apuestan nuestro futuro
Gambling our future
Por un sentido de pureza
For a sense of purity
¡El viento, traiga valor!
Wind, bring courage!
El iyá me llama al justicio, a la sabiduría.
The iya (mother drum) calls me to justice,
Todo del mundo dice ¡Basta, basta!
to wisdom. The whole world cries “Enough,
¿Cuando escucharán a los hijos de Obatalá?
enough!” When will they listen to the
El iya les llama a los poderosos para dar
children of Obatalá? The iya calls them to
cuenta de nuestra canción. (Baba fururu…)
give notice to our song. (Baba fururu…)
Now get this—how many women you see on this stage, three?
Well the three of us are stronger than the whole U.S. army
“If Eve by herself could turn the world upside down
Then together us women will turn it back right round”
You know those words? They’re from Sojourner Truth
A slave in her youth
But with the confidence to rise and say “Ain’t I a woman?”
History don’t treat the Henriettas like the Henrys
But women help build everything from nations down to families
Take feminism back from the hands of the academics
Pay some pussy pushers for the politics and their polemics
Guys who think that if she wearing jeans it’s fine to rape her
Why do I feel like it’s still the world of Donald Draper
La illaha illa allah sisters
Only got one master misters
Don’t you even call us bitches
If I cook you wash the dishes
Oh…gonna pass it like Pelosi
Gonna pen it like Adichie
Gonna emanate break the state fate the hate that holds the gate
To the sky above the glass ceiling, cuz we’re progressing
We’re not screaming for no reason, this ain’t PMS-ing
Rush and Glenn can take their diatribes to the MRA’s
Cuz Lilly Ledbetter better finally get her raise
We are here for the struggle the working mom
For the girls who get raped on the night of prom
Where are you for wives who cannot choose how many kids they bear?
Where are you for women segregated from their halls of prayer?
Until we live in a world where all women can drive cars
And none suffer from FGM or obstetric fistulas
Until rape is not used as a weapon of war
Until every little girl knows what a textbook is for
We cannot say that we live in a free world
We cannot say that inequality is cured
When half the sky lives under fear and oppression
We must bring to justice each for his transgressions
Lyrics to Herstory
Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
More like miseducation of boys in Steubenville, the force of will
Making victims out of girls for just lying still
Oh no, Mr. Supreme Court justice
Making rules about our bodies like you just can’t trust us
Well screw this, even Malala Yousafzai
Fighting the Taliban for women and children’s rights
Would earn for a man’s dollar just nickels and dimes
And could be sold in child slavery if it came her time
These aren’t the angry ramblings of some liberal femi-nazi
It’s human rights for all—from New York to Benghazi
To start we’ve got to point out all the causes of iniquity
But down the road the hope is that we’ll all have human dignity
So remember, treat your sister like an equal
And recall what MLK said while fighting for his people
Say it once say it twice yell it out scream it
Hate cannot fight hate, it’s only love that can defeat it