UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR ECOMUNDO ACADEMIC PERIOD 2015 – 2016 SUBJECT: LANGUAGE ACQUISITION PHASE : 3 UNIT 3 PROJECT GRADE: 9 SECTION: A-B-C NAME: Digital Portfolio TEACHER: Miss Leyda Peñafiel / Miss Doris Cali Instructions: Students will create their digital portfolio including relevant information about an event that helps them understand how amazing is our body and demonstrate what an athlete needs to do to win a contest. (The portfolio has to have minimum 200 words and 4 photos) Students will research a movie, television show, or sporting event that will help them understand how amazing the human body is. You can check this example: http://www.rinkerphoto.com/Sports/Action-Sports/ The project will be handed on January 11th, 2015. Criterio C : Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text i. respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Achievement level 0 LEVEL DESCRIPTOR The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 1–2 The student: 3–4 i. makes limited attempt to respond to spoken and/or written and /or visual text; responses are often inappropriately. (limited= describe 1 detail in the portfolio correctly, 10 grammar mistakes and between 100-149 words) The student: 5–6 i. responds to simple short phases and basic information in spoken and/or written and/or visual, though some responses may be inappropriate. ( some= describe 2 details in the portfolio correctly, 8 grammar mistakes and between 150-179 words) The student: 7–8 i. responds appropriately to spoken and/or written and /or visual text. (appropriately= describes 3 details in the portfolio correctly, 6 grammar mistakes and between 180-199 words) The student: i. responds in detail and appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text ( simple and appropriately= describes 4 or more details in the portfolio correctly, 4 grammar mistakes and between 200 or more words) Unidad Educativa Particular Ecomundo ha adquirido la categoría de colegio solicitante* para ofrecer el Programa de los Años Intermedios y desea obtener la autorización para ser un Colegio del Mundo del IB. Los Colegios del Mundo del IB comparten una filosofía común: un compromiso con una educación internacional rigurosa y de calidad que consideramos importante para nuestros alumnos. Unidad Educativa Particular Ecomundo ha adquirido la categoría de colegio solicitante* para ofrecer el Programa de los Años Intermedios y desea obtener la autorización para ser un Colegio del Mundo del IB. Los Colegios del Mundo del IB comparten una filosofía común: un compromiso con una educación internacional rigurosa y de calidad que consideramos importante para nuestros alumnos.