The 1911 Panama Advertising Booklet Scope of this exhibit - The Panama Advertising Booklet is one of the true gems of Panama philately and rarely seen by collectors as only five unused booklets are known to exist. This exhibit documents for the first time the design and manufacturing of it by the American Banknote Company, provides the costs and shipping dates of the booklet and displays the signed discovery letter which announced it in the philatelic press. To prove that there was usage of these booklet stamps the exhibit finishes with three examples from the exhibitor's collection of the five recorded covers. F2659 S[P 27191 ABNCo Foreign Order F2659 - Specimen Margin Block of Un gummed 5c Arosemena stamps Design and Manufacturing Background - September 1, 1910 Panama ordered 2,000,000 ungummed stamps of five different denominations: Y2 c, lc, 2 Y2 c, 5c, and IOc. From these the ABNCo removed 300,000 stamps to assemble 5000 booklets using the left selvage to staple the stamps between red cardboard covers. To help fund this booklet Panama sold advertisements at $ 5 each to 21 Panama merchants. The advertisements were printed on the interleaves between each pane of 6 stamps and on the inside back cover. ABNCo Foreign Order F2659 - 1911 Panama Advertising Booklet Specimen Covers The ABNCo produced two Specimen Booklets both of which are in this exhibit. Unless noted in red all materials in this exhibit are unique REDID° NUMERO 9, 4 Que hate is Direcoi6n General de Correos y Telegrafos, 4 is Seoretaria de Hacienda y Tesoro, en is facia. MILLON (1.000.000) de estampillas de dos y medic centesimos de Balboa, come is muestra (iltima emision de is "AMERI BANK NOTE COMPANY". CIEN MIL (100.000) estampillas de cinoo centesimos de Balboa, cow mo la muestrao retrato de don Justo Arosemena (ultimo a sign de is misma oasa)1 MII (100.000) estampillas de dies centesimos de Balboa, co is muestra,retrato de Jose de Obaldia, (iltima emisi5n de is misma oasa). LIEN MIL (100.000) estampillas de un centesino de Balboa, como muestra, retrato de "VASCO NUffEZ DE BALBOA". QUINIENTAS MIL (500.000) estampillas de medio centesimos de Balboa,(El Istmo de Paname,cono is muestra de is iltima sion heoha en is misma casa en 1904, de dos centavos, pero sin la palabra "CANAL ZONE" y el co'or como is e. tampilla que se a43Inta de is RepAblica Argentina, .OINDOMIL (5.000) libretitas como is muestra,con sesenta estampillas cads. una, de las siguientes denominaciones,i saber: 6 estampillas de £ B/ 0.10 6 " " " " 0.05 12 " " " " 0.02-1/2 18 " " " " 0.01 18 " TV " 0.00-1/2. Del pedido de estampillas quo se haws de las denominacioaes anotadas, se tomari is cantidad neoesaria pars lienar eslias libretas y el recto deberi venir empacado en oajetaa de carton de dies mil (10.000) estampillas nada mia. ms-mwoovikala das estampillas no deban ilevar gems. Panami, Septiembre 10 de 1910. Director General. • Internal Postage Advertisements Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet Rates 1, 2 On the following 10 pages the stamp pane preceding the advertising interleaves in the booklets is at the top of the exhibit page. All panes and interleaves from this mockup booklet, excepting advertisements 1,2, 11 and 12 which were missing when it was acquired, are exhibited next to their counterparts from the two specimen booklets. The two specimen booklets were manufactured identically to the booklets as issued except that booklet panes for the two specimen booklets were torn both horizontally and vertically from the ungummed stamp sheets. In contrast the issued panes were. tom vertically and then cut horizontally. The perforations at the top and bottom of the ungummed stamp panes of the production booklets show a straight cut, the only way to identify stamps as coming from these booklets. On page 8 a comparison between the Icpane from a specimen booklet and the Ic pane from a production booklet shows this difference. This comparison between cut and torn panes will also help identify advertising booklet stamps. All 2,000,000 stamps from order F2659 did not have gum when issued and these should not be confused with stamps from other printings. The back of a pane from a specimen booklet is shown on page 8 to help identify stamps from this unique order. The ABNCo added a small number from 1 to 20 on each advertisement in the booklets to help the ABNCo assemble the booklets. These numbers are used in this exhibit to identify each advertisement. RATAS LOCALES. Cartas hasta 20 gramos 2~ cts., y 1~ cts. por cada fracci6n de 20 gramos adicional. Tarjetas Postales 1 ct. cada una, y por paquetes de docenas. Encomiendas de 1 lb. 10 cts. " " 2 Ibs. 12~ " " "3" 15 •• ypor cada libra adicional 2~ cts. mas el porte de recomendado 5 cts. Inside Front Cover showing postage rates within Panama and to the Canal Zone and USA. PIN E L & CIA. MANUEL ESPINOSA Ava. Central VENTAS POR MAYOR C\ ~ S 10 ~~~ ~!.. FERRETERiA ~,,~ ~ y '\.%%'\.. .....1\. ~ ~i>lo~~ ~ ~~,,~'\.~o ~ ~v C~ Y AL DETAL. ... B. 103. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT MODERATE Dep6sito de Maderas. PRICES. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED BY GRADUATED PHARMACIST. PRECIOS Advertisements I and 2 from the front of the specimen booklet. Advertisements missing when that booklet was acquired. SIN COMPETENCIA. I and 2 from the mockup booklet were j Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet lOe Obaldia stamp Advertisements 3, 4 The tOc Obaldia stamp paid 5c for a letter to a foreign country plus 5c for registry fee /tJ /t/ The mockup booklet uses a 1906 10e Hamilton Banknote Co. Obaldia stamp to show placement of the 10c pane. All stamps in the mockup and specimen booklets have a security punch. Stamps from the specimen booklets also have a SPECIMEN overprint • .~~·11: ~ SURTIDO d1 COMPLETO PARA .. )rJ ~ {)J V~ ~ CABAL.LEROS Y NINOS . 5c Arosemena stamp Advertisements 5, 6 Comparison between _ lockup and Unused Booklet The 5c Arosemena stamp paid the letter rate to foreign countries or the 5c registry fee ~- The mockn booklet uses a 1909 5c Arosemena stam.urom the A!nerican Banknote Co. to show lacement of the 5c-v=an=e'--- G U A R D I A & C o. Lumber BUILDING .L MATERIAL, PAINTS AND ALL KINDS OF FERRETERiA HARDWARE. Y MADERAS. L P. ODUBER & co., 52 & 54 8TH ST., ~~. '0~ 0 PANAMA. \.~~ \;~\) ~\\~ ONLY FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Advertisements 5,6 - Ladies' Store mockup pane is a photocopy because the original is on the back of Guardia & Co. pane. I 2 Y2 c Arms stamp first pane Advertisements 7, 8 Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet b----~= The 2 Y2 c Arms stamp paid the letter rate within Panama and to the Canal Zone and USA FERRETERIA Lyons HARDWARE. FRANK ULLRICH & Co. COLON LIQUORS, AND PANAMA. PROVISIONS WHOLESALE & MODERATE SPECIAL ATTENTION e 7,8 -Er.Jl.'!kJlJlrk!ungckup~pane is 2, photocnp~ CIGARS. RETAIL. PRICES. PAID MEN-OF-WAR •Q AND TO ORDERS . OF 2 ~ c Arms stamp second pane Advertisements 9, 10 This mockup booklet pane did not include a 2 Y2 cent stamp for the second 2 Y2 cent pane --------~~------------ C. QUELQUEJEU & CO. COMERCIANTES POR1'ADOReS DE IMPORTADORES ABARR01'ES MADERf\8 y y TODA E8 CLASE DE CO DE ABARROTES MADERAS TODA DE MA1'ERIA· CLASE DE MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION S1'RUC(lION COMISIONISTAS EI SURTIDO COMPLETO PARA SENORAS. CABALLEROS Y NINOS. PRECIOS ~?J.~e9> BARATOS. ~o<Je ~\~'3i ce~ ~e r V -( .y . ~. -( V 0" )..J;JO?J."'c '-?J. o ...• ~~'b ?J.c\.o ~e \~ COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS LADIES' GOODS. Advertisements 9, 10 AND MODERATE OF MEN'S PRICES. How to Identify an Advertisement Booklet Stamp 1 c Balboa stamp first pane - Advertisements 11, 12 Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet I_-----l-ne-l-c-.Balboa stamp paid-the-pesteard-rate-within / / / . Panama-and-to-t1re61ID1d-iMre;:rm:ttJ~r-----' / / ·· .• ............. , ·· ·· ·:. · . ....... -,· ·· ··• ··· ·•• ·· ··• ·•· ·· ·•• · . . :. No gum on any unused stamps from order F2659 Issued booklet pane: top and bottom perforations are clean cut The booklet panes were torn from a full sheet of 100 stamps. To create the pane on the issued booklet the left 3 stamps were torn vertically to produce a 3 x 10 stamp column. Then the columns were cut horizontally. LA CARAQUENA HEURTEMATTE BAZAR El Alm acenma s surtido de Panama VENTAS POR MAYOR Y MENOR - BARATO Y AL CONTADO Importadores de toda c1ase de Mercandas Francesas, Americanas, Inglesas y Alemanas, Etc. VENTA AL POR AI precio -J. MIsTELLi. FRANCES "PANAMA" S. SHOCRON. SOUVENIRS. & CO. CASA EN PARis: MAYOR Y MENOR fijo y al Contado. HEURTEMATTE & CO. 43, Rue de Trevise 1 c Balboa stamp second pane Advertisements 13, 14 Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet / / / / / 1c mockup pane. 1c pane from specimen booklet. "La Ultima Moda" P. OOUSER = Direccion cablegraiica: Nuevo & CIA. Esquina Calle 8 y Calle de Sosa establecimiento importador EUROPEAS = "LA ULTIMA MODA' Moda-Panama. de toda P. ODUBER & CIA. clase de mercaderias ESQUINA CALLE 8 Y CALLE DE SOSA y AMERICANAS. DIRECCI6N CABLEGRAFICA: MODA-PANAMA. Especialidad en el ramo de articulos para senoras y nifios, Escojido surtido de encajes, tiras bordadas, telas de hilo para ropa interior, telas de seda, lana y algodon. Articulos de fantasia de alta novedad para obsequios. Perfumeria, Juguetes, VENTAS POR Pastillas MAYOR Nuevo establecimiento importador de toda clase de mercaderias EUROPEAS Y AMERICANAS. Especialidad en el ramo de art!culos para Seiioras y nifios. Escojido surtl~o de.encajes, tiras bordadas, telas de hilo para ropa lntenor, telas de seda, lana y algod6n. Art!culos de fantasia de alta novedad para obsequios. Perfumeria. ]uguetes. Pastillas, &c. & &. Y MENOR. JrtfUNCIO EARll: L'\C LIDRH'PAC DE ES-'UM VENTAS Y MENOR. PILI -.. .Maduro Lupi Company EIGHTH MADURa LUPI COMRANY EIGHTH STREET AND NORTH AVENUE , LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE ON THE ISTHMDD PANAMA CITY, POR MAYOR STREET LARGEST AND NORTH AVENUE DEPARTMENT STORE ON THE ISTHMUS PANAMA. PANAMA Advertisements 13, 14 CITY, PANAMA. 1 c Balboa stamp third pane Advertisements 15, 16 Comparison between ~ ocknp and nused Booklet ..~~~.~~-------~~-~----~------------------~-----~--~-. " Third Ie pane from specimen booklet. The mockup booklet did not have a third Ie pane. AGE N -T FOR S 'f..~t'>-~. WALK-OVER i : SHOES. -:s. . .-- ~~ ,,~-t ~\."" ". .~ ~ \.C~,,~~ : Co\O~· .••..~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~£,~~ 9-~9-'\S'-'3- ~ Agencies SOROSIS SHOES MANHATTAN SHIRTS YOUNG BORSALINO STRAW FELT Visit our ladies' department HATS HATS in Colon. Abraham J. Benedetti Ramon E. Benedetti. RAM6N E. BBNBDBTTI. ABRAHAM J. BBNBDETTI. BOTICA Y LIBRERIA ··enedeUi Hermanos wr•..•. PU\ZA Farmacia, Droguerla, Perlumerla, Papelerfa, titHes de Escritorio. DE LA CATEDRAL PA N A IVlA. Apartado No. 123. Advertisements "LA UNION" 15, 16 Benedetti Hermanos Plaza de la Catedral PANAMA. VI c Isthmus of Panama stamp first pane Advertisements 17, 18 Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet VI cent Isthmus of Panama stamp paid postage for printed matter PEDIDO NUMERO 9, Order No.9, on page 2 directed the ABNCo to create a new stamp by modifying their 1904 2c rose Isthmus of Panama-stamp, ovet=pcinte<LCANAL20NE,_by eplacing.the 2c with Y2 c and changin the color to the oran _e shoWIl on the accompanying stamp from Argentina. JOYER'iA r RELO]ERiA ..,•.. SILVERWARE SOUVENIRS- DE JOSE MISTELLI ~ILA lmA§(C([J)1rA~ CARLOS e1\THEDR1\L - ~ ~ +~~~.+4 -@o ---'):....~""""""- SQU1\RE - CO:MPLBTE Read!:! Made Clothing, Stockings, etc., W. MULLER ...•••••• '01 111 ~""'i"ii'<-K -->.~ .... ~~--<"~~-:. - •••• ,ASSORTMENT OF Hats, Underwear, Ties, Umbrellas, English Tweeds, Ladies and Children's alwags •••••• LA + .:.+ V1\N1\M1\ Diagonals, '~~ Shirts, Serges, etc., Shoes of all kinds. in stock h full line of genuine panama 11ats from mont~cristi, for fa.bies cno <BwtIemen. OFE,N UNTIL 9 F. M. MASCOTA CARLOS W. MULLER Cathedral Square, Panama Complete Assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Underwear Ties U.mbrellas, Shirts, Stockings, etc.' , ~n9hsh Twe:ds, Diagonals, Serges, etc. Ladles and Children's Shoes of All Kinds. Always in stock a full line of genuine Panama Hats from Montecristi, for Ladies and Gentlemen. ' OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. Yz c Isthmus of Panama stamp second pane Advertisements 19.20 Comparison between ~ocknp and Unused Booklet ". . Second Yz c pane from specimen booklet. Second Yz c pane in mockup booklet. LA D POSTAL E G. GAR C f A Tarjetas, Albums, Fonografos y Discos• •.. '" RELOJERIA JOSE DE .. , MISTELLI. G~~~·~ cME~~?!<?~2T~0 METROPOLE & PETERSEN CENTRAL AVENUE = HOTEL SILVERS SANTA ANNA l-ARK PANAMA R. P. AVENIDA CENTRAL o ca NEWLY FURNISHED: BATHS: ELECTRIC LIGHTS AAtlSltle]l(N OfnfES -,rim DE SANTA P AN A MAR. MEALS AT ALL HOURS IA4BQR]SP PARQUE I ANA DEep. !!left:PItt wuwrr Decorado y amueblado recientemente "". Banos Luz electrica. . Comidas a todas horas. Advertisements 19 and 20 Yi c Isthmus of Panama stamp third pane 21 st Advertisement on the Inside of the back cover Comparison between Mockup and Unused Booklet ., - = , ... ~ - .R.-:~,·-- ••. .:;u•• :~,~RI ;- - .. ~z ...............• _ : ~ ~.. ~: Third Yz c pane from specimen booklet. ABNCo logo on selvage. Third Yz c pane in 'mockup booklet. ~-------------- ~ Co., Pdbrioo~Avenida Norte-PanamA • "le~~""'_ • I t_ L A L A Z{ Frenta al Meroado ---~- & Agentes exoluisvos en Is. Rep~blica~paraIS. venta "'- de 'SoB a.ored1tadas M4.quinas "New Home". Venden ferreteria ,~d varnis Negooiantes en general,pinturas a.oeites ~ ':/ en gra.nde escala en aguardientes ~ na.- como IR<I ,sacot aJ.COhol y anis y en vin1jS cionalas :; ~ y _Jicores extrang-e~O-St ~~----------~=-~~. VILLALAZ FRENTE & AL MERCADO PUBLICO--A co. VENIDA NORTE--PANAMA. Agentes exclusivos en la Republica para la -venta de las acreditadas Maquinas ••New Home, " Venden ferreterla en general, pinturas, aceites, vamises, etc., etc. etc. Negociantes en grande escala en aguardientes nacionales como ron, seco, alcohol y anis, y en vinos y licores extrangeros. P AN i\ M A, 19 1 O. 21 st and last advertisement - on the inside of-the back cover December 29, 1910 Invoice and Bill of Lading Invoice for $ 1026.05 and Bill of Lading to Panama for booklets and stamps oe. 2 , 1910 ':ho Cens u _ 1 ,)0 r .;.,.. -4~ , roadYlS.J, - (1) Box 'Io. 48, •.: iJ)pv' pe:.. cont in in::;: 5,0 ,0 Dooks 0" " eh eo'~t"'l' ,1........ \. /2 cens 18 I 18 12 6 6 :•.• 01' •. e:9 \"0 01' c of oncf,o c o 0 l.'''''r:-o -iJ.~J' 1 con u 2-1/2 cent C c -nt 10 cent n .<', .nc.J. in dr-olic on t'r J' oruer ; 1.·CJ.~ \-rdch ~o ~1206.C5, Q r-e,:pee ~:t'Gl1,, / • , The Advertising Booklets were shipped on the S.S.Advance and arrived in Panama around January 5th, 1911. The remainders, 1,700,000ungummed stamps, had already been shipped December 22, 1910 on the S.S. Colon. t J uary 25 1911 Letter to Mekeers Announcing Booklet as Issued Booklet 'ertising Booklets have been recorded - In this letter to Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News, published Feb. 18, Bliss wrote that the booklets were seen at the Panama Post office but not ready to be put on sale. On Feb. 25 Meekel's reported that Bliss had sent them an Advertising Booklet. Advertisement Booklet Stamps on Cover Oct. 1913 - Jan. 1914 Covers with ad booklet stamps are extremely scarce. Only the 5 in the exhibitor's collection have been recorded and they have either the Yz or 1 cent stamps. All used covers were postmarked between October 1913 and January 1914. , .. 'fp . '; •~".J .~ • ~.'t\ =-==""""-- ...•. Bottom Perforations ~hlut~ r 1 " ., 11 January 15, 1914 Panama reduced the letter rate to 2c (' -Ir- \, cut L n ._I.=--~"""t.--;C"'-~~-'-"'-- _--- .••..... -: r - To Perforations OJ/ . cut ) cO.N":Y; Bottom Perforations cut 4c underpaid registered letter to Argentina- correct rate 10c ) ) FOST CAR 0; c Z es a es &": Top Perforations cut lc pays Postcard rate to USA Write Here. 100 years after they were issued these booklets were correctly listed and described in the Scott Stamp Catalogue.