
Dirección de Promoción
de Inversiones
Information to be published on PROINVERSIÓN’s web portal, pursuant to subsection 27.3 of
article 27 of the regulations of Legislative Decree 1012, approved by Supreme Decree 127-2014EF and its amendments:
1. Private investment participation proposal.
Concession Contract.
2. Name and type of project, indication of public infrastructure, public service and/or
services connected to those required to be provided by the government, or which
comprise applied research and/or technological innovation and are the
responsibility of the government, and upon which the project will be developed, as
well as references on the owner of the assets upon which the project or the legal
their situation rests.
Name of Project:
Building, maintenance and complementary services for educational cen ters –
Lambayeque region, Zone 2.
Type of Project
This project is a Public-private partnership. The concession’s life is a minimum
guaranteed 25 years. It includes building, maintenance and operation of
complementary services for the following educational centers:
o IE. Rosa Flores de Oliva
o IE. Carlos Augusto Salaverry
o I.E. José María Arguedas
The project for this private initiative will include the following components: i)
education public infrastructure, including the replacement and expansion of
education institutions, as well as their equipment; and ii) education management services. The Ministry of Education is the owner of the existing facilities .
The entities involved in this project are the Lambayeque Regional Government
and the Ministry of Education.
3. Project Scope of Influence
The project will be undertaken in the city of Chiclayo, and specifically in the
districts of La Victoria and Chiclayo.
Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra Nº 150, Piso 9, San Isidro, Lima Telf.: (511) 200-1200, Fax:(511) 442-2948
Dirección de Promoción
de Inversiones
4. Objectives, includes the characteristics of the service , and if applicable, the level
of service to be rendered.
Provide students and teachers and the population at large with educational
facilities in appropriate state of repair meeting the technical and functional
conditions to make possible adequate educational and human development a t
each school.
Create a modern and differentiated facility, characterized by simple and pure
design lines, through efficient architecture in harmony with the environment and
with open and leisure spaces to create a comfortable working atmosphere for
teachers and students.
Provide maintenance and operation services that will ensure users an educational
facility in optimum state of repair and equipped with the components needed to
enhance the teachers and students’ self-esteem as part of the educational
project. The project must be prepared so as to ensure teaching of a full day study
Reduce government spending through the efficient management of investments
to build, operate and maintain the facilities.
5. Project Benefits
 Providing students and teachers and the population at large with educational
facilities in appropriate state of repair with the technical and functional
characteristics that can foster educational and human development at each
 Ensure the safety and physical integrity of students and faculty.
 Building technically appropriate classrooms, and complementary and
administrative facilities in compliance with regulations in force.
 Improve the students’ learning accomplishments through primary and secondary
full day school study programs.
 Improve the quality of educational services and enhance social inclusion of the
school population by providing education services in appropriate technical and
pedagogical conditions.
Important notice: This is an unofficial translation. In case of divergence between the English and Spanish
text, the version in Spanish shall prevail
Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra Nº 150, Piso 9, San Isidro, Lima Telf.: (511) 200-1200, Fax:(511) 442-2948