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Llamada de Inicio: Ingeniero de Aplicaciones Weatherford

Kick-Off Call
Ileana Dominguez
Kick-off Call Date:
Position Title:
Anticipated Start Date:
Requisition Number:
Hiring Manager:
Ingeniero de Aplicaciones de Colgadores,
Accesorios de Cementación y Terminación
de Pozos
2020 - 106322
Gabriel Socorro
Phone Number:
Cargo: Technical Sales Manager
Phone Number:
Cost Center:
HR Manager:
Maria Teresa Cifuentes /HRBP Karla De la
MC: Cel: +
KD: Cel: +52 1 9931 179447
Teléfono: 993.399.7384
Email: [email protected]
Purpose: As indicated in my e-mail, the purpose of my call is to introduce the recruitment team, explain the recruitment process,
understand your needs, set expectations, and answer any questions regarding your open position(s).
Note: it is imperative to have read the job description as outlined in the requisition before conducting a Kick-off Call. The
objective of the Kick-off Call is to gain additional insight into a position and key skill sets to better shape a sourcing strategy.
I. Job Overview
Why is this position open?
Reemplazo de Jorge Fernandez
Salary Band:
Salary Range:
Más bonos de campo
Ubicación: Villahermosa
# of Openings: 1
Reports to: Gabriel Socorro
Travel Requirements (% of month, #of day/month, etc.): Si, viaja con
II. Position Requirements and Candidate Qualifications
Business Group Overview / Role Duties and Responsibilities
Please tell me about the group you manage. How many people, what
geography, what product lines?
Hiring Manager’s Answers
Están trabajando en la apertura de un nuevo contrato en el area Marina.
En México hay 58 personas en total. Completions está en varias
ubicaciones en el País. En todas las ubicaciones operativas de
La PL se dedica a la renta y venta de Herramientas especiales para
terminación y perforación de pozos.
Kick-Off Call
Can you describe the working conditions of this position (environment, team,
manager, etc.)?
Trabajo en oficinas, visita de forma regular, diaria las oficinas del
cliente y está en contacto
What are the primary responsibilities of this role? i.e. What will they do on a
day to day, or on their rotation?
Soporte técnico que incluye propuesta técnicas manejo de inventarios
manejo de operaciones, visitas al cliente, presentaciones técnicas
relacionadas con terminación de pozos.
How do you determine if someone is successful? What do you expect out of
your employees?
Apego a normas
Trabajo bajo presión
Enfoque a resultados-logro de objetivos
Administración-control de procesos
Liderazgo-comunicación con el resto del equipo ((Operaciones
/ Service Quality / Ventas / Finanzas / Contratos)
Toma de Decisiones - Tácticas u Operativas
Compromiso - Asumir Responsabilidades
Construir confianza
Planificar y organizar el trabajo
What are the challenges associated with this role?
Will this person be managing anyone? If yes, who and how many people? Will
this be a direct reporting relationship?
What is the logical step progression for this role?
When I am talking to candidates from competitor companies, what can I tell
them to attract them to this role?
Skills, Knowledge, and Experience
Review current job description. Any modifications necessary?
Plan de carrera; es un Ingeniero de aplicaciones Senior. De ahí son
puestos Gerenciales.
Posibilidad de desarrollo
Hiring Manager’s Answers
Asistir a reuniones operativas con Pemex todos los días a las 8:30 am
Contacto con el cliente para seguimiento de operaciones pendientes y
por venir
Generación de propuestas técnicas y económicas
Presentación técnica al cliente de la propuesta
Verificación de inventario disponible para las operaciones
Simulaciones con los equipos seleccionados
Presentación de propuesta al cliente
Seguimiento de la operación hasta su finalización.
Responsable del cierre de los ACR que se generen en sus operaciones, e
incidentes de HSE y Calidad durante sus operaciones.
Generar confianza con el cliente que atiende de manera tal que el cliente
siempre tenga claridad cuando, donde y como va a recibir los servicios.
Comunicación interna y externa de necesidades y tareas (reporte)
Kick-Off Call
What are the must haves for this position?
10+ años de experiencia y conocimiento en operaciones de colgadores,
accesorios de cementación y terminación de pozos.
10+ años de experiencia en operaciones costa afuera.
Conocimiento avanzado del análisis de problemas operacionales y
estrategias que pasa si.
Manejo y Control de inventario
Conocimiento de la metodología de análisis de Causa Raiz
Inglés avanzado. Fluido
What would be nice to haves for this position?
Do you require any sort of degree or certifications for this position?
What questions can I ask applicants/candidates during the phone screen that
will help you determine if you would like to interview them?
III. Additional Information & Sourcing Suggestions
Requisition Background Information
Internal/external Candidate(s) identified
Is there a strong internal/external candidate identified?
If yes, who? What is their contact information?
Are there referrals or existing CVs you are aware of?
Hiring Manager’s Answers
Requisición abierta para contratar a Schumann Solís con el salario y
grado correcto
Does this person have to be based out of the location listed on the job
The job posting states there is full / partial / no relocation, is this
Viva en Villahermosa.
Sourcing Suggestions
Do you have any names/resumes of great team members that you've
hired recently that I could view to compare to candidates I'm
Are there any target companies you’d like me to recruit from? Are
there companies you don’t want me to recruit from?
Are there any companies, we must not headhunt from? (check if
active applicants can be considered or need to be flagged to HR)
Known educational programs / groups in area? Associations or
professional groups candidates may belong to?
Key words that would be useful to include in a search? Technologies,
tools, equipment, techniques, standards, alternate job titles, etc.?
Do you want to advertise this position in any papers, radio, or niche
job boards? Please make sure the HM understands they will pay the
Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Schlumberger
Portal Weatherford y demás disponibles.
Kick-Off Call
IV. Interview Information
Who will be participating in the interview process? (Remind HM that it’s their
responsibility to inform the interviewing participants/get their commitment as
soon as possible)
Gabriel Socorro
What type of interview will take place (one-on-one, panel)?
What is the interview duration?
30 minutos
Where will the interview take place? (Capture specific address and building)
Do candidates need to bring anything to the interview? Any special instructions
(i.e. safety dress)?
Do you have any work day preferences on days of week, time of day, etc.? Are
you willing to block time in advance?
Lunes a Viernes
Are there any scheduling barriers that may impact the timeline? Dates out of
office? Backup contact?