TIPS FOR FINAL ORAL TASK Before Familiarize yourself with the evaluation criteria. Make sure you understand what aspects will be evaluated. Dedicate time to prepare for the final oral task. Study and review the course units and lessons. Practice with your partner regularly to improve fluency and confidence in oral communication. Practice listening comprehension to be prepared for understanding your instructor's questions or instructions during the evaluation. During During the final oral task, it is essential to participate in the conversation with your partner. Ask relevant questions, offer opinions, and provide complete answers. Avoid short and monosyllabic responses that do not demonstrate your language proficiency. Use appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary to express your ideas. Use complete sentences and avoid direct translation from Spanish to English. Show respect and listen attentively to your partner while they speak. If you don't understand a question or instruction during the Final oral task, don't hesitate to ask for clarification. Make effective use of the allocated time for the final oral task. Don't rush, and ensure you develop your ideas clearly and comprehensively. If you have additional time, you can ask extra questions or provide examples to support your answers. It's normal to feel nervous before and during the final oral task. Try to stay calm and breathe deeply to control your nerves. Remember that practice and proper preparation will help you feel more secure and confident in your abilities. After After the evaluation, reflect on your performance and consider the feedback and suggestions from your instructor.