jachie chan es una estrella de cine y cantante de hong. su esposa, joan lin, es una actriz de taiwán. tienen un hijo, jc chan. es cantante y actor en los Estados Unidos. otra familia famosa es la familia williams. Venus y Serena Williams son tenistas famosas. el nombre de su madre es oracene price.su padre, richard willyams, era su entrenador. otra familia famosa es la familia fernández de méxico. vicente y alejandro son padre e hijo. ambos son cantantes.y son famosos en toda latinoameri Jackie Chan is a movie star and singer from Hong Kong. His wife, Joan Lin, is an actress from Taiwan. They have a son, JC Chan. Hes a singer and actor in the united states. Another famous family is the Williams family. Venus and Serena Williams are famous tennis players. Their mothers name is Oracene Price. Their father, Richard Williams, was their coach. Still another famous family is the Fernandez family from Mexico. Vicente and Alejandro are father and son. They are both singers, and they are famous all over Latin America.