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Time Idioms & Discussion Questions

Discuss these Questions
Idioms about Time
In your country...
Do people arrive on time for work?
Appointments? Parties?
In your country...
Do trains and busses operate exactly on
In your country...
How long do you wait for a late person
before you give up and leave?
Do you think you have enough time to do the
things you want to?
Are you a punctual person? Are you usually
early or late when you meet friends?
Have you ever been very late for an important
event? What happened?
How many hours do you spend sleeping each
day? Is it enough for you?
Have you ever missed a plane, train, or bus?
Why were you late?
If you had 1 year of free time, what would you
do with it?
What kinds of things do you feel are a waste of
time? Do you do them?
If your friend was having a party at 8pm, what
time would you arrive?
How many hours a day do you spend cooking
and eating?
Discuss these Questions
Idioms about Time
Idiom: Kill time
Question: What do
you usually do to
kill time when
you're waiting for
Idiom: Run out of time
Question: Have you ever
started a project and ran
out of time? What
Idiom: Watch the clock
Question: Do you watch the
clock at school or work? Why
do you think that happens?
Idiom: Time off
Question: If you could take
some time off right now, how
would you spend it?
Idiom: Time to spare
Question: Have you
ever finished
something with time to
spare? What did you do
with the extra time?
Idiom: Save time
Question: What are some
ways you try to save time
during your day?
Idiom: Waste time
Question: What do you
do every day that
wastes time?
Idiom: Work around the
Question: Can you think of
a job where people have to
work around the clock?
Would you want to do that
job? Why or why not?
Idiom: Time will tell
Question: Have you
ever made a decision
and thought, "Only
time will tell if this was
the right choice"?
What was it about?
Idiom: Time flies when
you’re having fun
Question: When was the
last time you felt that
time flew by because you
were having so much
Idiom: Time’s up!
Question: Have you ever
been doing something
and suddenly heard,
"Time's up!"? What were
you doing, and how did
you feel?
Idiom: A good time
Question: What was
the last event or
activity where you had
a really good time?
What made it so