Subido por Erick David Bolaños Espíritu

english class that this

1.- Complete the sentences using this, these, that, or those:
1. ______ pen on the table is mine.
2. ______ trees in the park are very tall.
3. Can you bring me ______ file from the shelf across the room?
4. ______ pictures here are from my last vacation.
5. I can’t believe we saw ______ beautiful sunset yesterday.
6. ______ sandwiches over there look delicious.
7. ______ keys in your hand belong to my car.
8. Do you remember ______ party we went to last year?
9. ______ people standing near the door are waiting for someone.
10. Look at ______ stars in the sky tonight!
Complete each sentence with the appropriate word!
2.- Instructions: Read the following passage carefully. Afterward, each person will
answer one question about the use of this, these, that, and those in the text.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and my family and I
decided to visit a nearby beach. We packed these
towels, snacks, and sunscreen into the car. This
day was going to be perfect, I thought. When we
arrived, we noticed that beach had more people
than expected, but we still found a quiet spot. The
children quickly ran to the water with those toys
they brought from home. Meanwhile, I set up the
umbrella and laid down this book I had been
wanting to read. As I watched the waves, I
couldn’t help but admire how peaceful those
waves looked from a distance. Later, we decided
to eat some of these sandwiches we had packed, enjoying the fresh sea breeze. After a
while, my friend called and asked if I could meet her at that café near the parking lot.
We all walked together, and as we left the beach, I felt grateful for this wonderful day
we shared as a family.
3.- Home Parts Exercise: Fill in the blanks with more options
1. You can wash dishes and prepare food in the _______.
2. We watch TV and relax on the sofa in the _______.
3. I keep my clothes and shoes organized in the _______.
4. The car is parked in the _______.
5. We have our meals together in the _______.
6. I brush my teeth and take a bath in the _______.
7. The washing machine and dryer are kept in the _______.
8. You can store old furniture and boxes in the _______.
9. The kids play with their toys in the _______.
10. We grow plants and relax in the _______.
Fill in each blank with the correct room or area of the house!