Subido por Heavenly Skylar

Speaking Challenge Unit 1

Unit 1
Speculate about the Past (Must
have, May have, Might have,
Could have):
Day 1
One student talks about a friend who
hasn't been responding to messages.
The other speculates about what might
have happened. They then switch roles
and discuss another scenario, such as
why a favorite restaurant is closed or
why someone was late to an event.
Causative 'get' and 'have':
Need + Passive Infinitive:
Need + Verb + ing:
Day 2
One student talks about a slow
suggestions on how to fix it using 'get'
or 'have'. They then switch roles and
discuss another issue, such as a leaky
faucet or a noisy neighbor.
Day 3
One student talks about having trouble
understanding a lesson. The other
offers help and explains what needs to
be done. They then switch roles and
discuss another problem, such as
fixing a broken appliance or arranging
travel plans.
Day 4
One student talks about planning a
party. The other offers to help and
explains what needs to be done. They
then switch roles and discuss another
event, like organizing a picnic or a
group study session.
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 5
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 7
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 8
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 9
One student talks about losing their
wallet. The other speculates about
where it might be. They then switch
roles and discuss another lost item,
such as keys or a phone.
One student talks about wanting to
improve their English. The other offers
suggestions using 'get' or 'have'. They
then switch roles and discuss another
skill, like cooking or playing an
One student talks about moving to a
new apartment. The other offers to
help and explains what needs to be
done. They then switch roles and
discuss another task, such as cleaning
the house or planning a trip.
One student talks about preparing for
an exam. The other offers to help and
explains what needs to be done. They
then switch roles and discuss another
preparation, like getting ready for a job
interview or a presentation.
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 11
One student talks about a broken
phone. The other speculates about
how it might have happened. They
then switch roles and discuss another
broken item, like a laptop or a kitchen
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 12
One student talks about wanting to
learn a new skill. The other offers
suggestions using 'get' or 'have'. They
then switch roles and discuss another
goal, like getting fit or learning a new
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 13
One student talks about organizing an
event. The other offers to help and
explains what needs to be done. They
then switch roles and discuss another
event, such as a charity fundraiser or a
community clean-up.
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 14
One student talks about preparing for
a job interview. The other offers to
help and explains what needs to be
done. They then switch roles and
discuss another preparation, like
getting ready for a presentation or a
[Insert video recording link here]
[Insert video recording link here]
[Insert video recording link here]
[Insert video recording link here]
Hypothetical about the Past
(Would have, Should have,
Could have):
Day 5
One student talks about missing an
important deadline. The other
sympathizes and suggests what they
could have done differently. They then
switch roles and discuss another
missed opportunity, like forgetting a
friend’s birthday or not applying for a
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 10
One student talks about missing a
great concert. The other sympathizes
and suggests what they could have
done differently. They then switch
roles and discuss another missed
event, such as not attending a friend's
wedding or a family gathering.
[Insert video recording link here]
Day 15
One student talks about not getting a
promotion they wanted. The other
sympathizes and suggests what they
could have done differently. They then
switch roles and discuss another
missed opportunity, such as not
winning a competition or missing out
on a scholarship.
[Insert video recording link here]