Subido por Cristian Montenegro


#Comando #Descripcion #Ejemplo
/gmpost Hablar global /gmpost Holaa todos :)
/track seguir xusuario /track xusuario
/trace traer xusuario /trace xusuario
/cleaninv limpiar inventario limpiar inventario
/abrirevento Empezar evento Inicia evento
/ruletarussa Ruleta Rusa Evento Ruleta Rusa
/quieroir Para ir evento Ruleta los usuarios que quieran participar /quieroir
/hide volverse invisible /hide poniendolo otra vez se desactiva
/classe cambiar raza cambia raza
/Banchar Banear pj /Banchar xusuario
/UnSetBlock Desbanear pj /UnSetBlock xusuario
/fireworks Cohetes Para tiralo más comodo /1//fireworks Enter y Alt 1
/disconnect Desconectar Desconecta usuarios que no cumplen las normas
/gmove Muevete a donde quieras /gmove TESEO numerodemapa cordenadaX cordenadaY
#Index #Command #Description
0 "/move" //Move to a map
1 "/post" //Post a message in global chat
2 "/addstr" //Add points in Str
3 "/addagi" //Add points in Agi
4 "/addvit" //Add points in Vit
5 "/addene" //Add points in Ene
6 "/addcmd" //Add points in Com
7 "/pkclear" //Clear PK
8 "/zen" //Add zen 9 "/evo" //Evolve char class
10 "/ware" //Change warehouse
11 "/reset" //Reset character
12 "/gmmove" //Move a player
13 "/gmpost" //Send global message
14 "/track" //Go to player
15 "/trace" //Bring a player
16 "/disconnect" //Disconnect Player
17 "/fireworks" //Start Fireworks
18 "/make" //make <Group> <item> <level> <skill> <luck> <option> <exe> <set> <socket>
19 "/skin" //Change player skin
20 "/setmoney" //Change player zen
21 "/notice" //Send msg to all servers
// #Index #Command #Description
22 "/mreset" //Master reset
23 "/guildwar" //Challenge another guild
24 "/guildsoccer" //Challenge another guild to battle soccer
25 "/request" //Resquest system
26 "/hide" //hidden gm
27 "/rei" //Seize throne in king of mu event
28 "/cleaninv" //Clear inventory
29 "/setvip" //Add vip to a account
30 "/marry" //Marry to a player
31 "/abrirbau" //Open warehouse
32 "/classe" //Change character class
33 "/premiar" //Reward a player
34 "/premiarall" //Reward all players
35 "/reload" //Reload config
36 "/banchar" //Ban character
37 "/banacc" //Ban account
38 "/mudarnome" //Change character name
39 "/veloz" //Start Quickly event
40 "/info" //Character status 41 "/abrirevento" //Open event
42 "/participar" //Join in event
43 "/pegapega" //Start Run and Catch event
// #Index #Command #Description
44 "/queroir" //Go to Run and Catch event
45 "/escesc" //Start Hide and Seek event
46 "/makeset" //makeset <item> <level> <skill> <luck> <option> <exe> <set> <socket>
47 "/drop" //drop <Group> <item> <level> <skill> <luck> <option> <exe> <set> <socket>
48 "/quest" //Quest Command
49 "/presente" //Gift command
50 "/roletarussa" //Start Russian Roullete event
51 "/top" //Show top player 52 "/readd" //ReAdd stats
53 "/resp" //Quiz event 54 "/pick" //Auto get itens
55 "/ajuda" //Summon help
56 "/remaster" //ReAdd Master Skill Tree
57 "/startbc" //Start Blood Castle event
58 "/startds" //Start Devil Square event
59 "/startcc" //Start Chaos Castle event
60 "/startit" //Start Illus.Temple event
61 "/offpvp" //Disable Pvp
62 "/lock" //Block Itens Move
63 "/unlock" //Desbloc Itens Move
64 "/store" //Open Custom Store
65 "/offstore" //Open Custom Store Offline
// #Index #Command #Description
66 "/attack" //Start Custom Attack
67 "/offattack" //Start Custom Attack Offline
68 "/moveall" //Move all players
69 "/moveguild" //Move all guild
70 "/pvp" //Start PvP Event
71 "/matamata" //Start Kill All Event
72 "/starttvt" //Start Team vs Team Event
73 "/spot" //Summon monsters
74 "/setcoin" //Command for add or remove coins
75 "/pack" //Command for pack jewels
76 "/unpack" //Command for unpack jewels
77 "/startquiz" //Start Quiz Event
78 "/startdrop" //Start Drop Event
79 "/startking" //Start King of MU Event
80 "/startinvasion" //Start Invasion
81 "/startarena" //Start Custom Arena
82 "/startgvg" //Start Guild vs Guild Event
83 "/setparty" //Create a new password party
84 "/joinparty" //Join the password party
85 "/blocchat" //Bloc character chat
86 "/startbr" //Start Battle Royale Event
87 "/setpk" //Set PK Comand
#Index #Map #Cordenada
28. 0 Lorencia 125 / 125 29. 1 Dungeon 233 / 126 30. 1 Dungeon 2 232 / 126/ 31. 1 Dungeon 3 3 / 85 32. 2 Davias 211 / 40 33. 2 Davias 2 35 / 25 34. 2 Davias 3 225 / 215 35. 3 Noria 175 / 112 36. 4 Losstower 209 / 71 37. 4 Losstower 2 241 / 237/ 38. 4 Losstower 3 86 / 166 39. 4 Losstower 4 87 / 86 / 40. 4 Losstower 5 130 / 53 41. 4 Losstower 6 52 / 53 / 42. 4 Losstower 7 8 / 85 43. 5 Exile 102 / 32 44. 6 Arena/Stadium 64 / 116 45. 7 Atlans 24 / 19 46. 8 Tarkan 187 / 58 47. 8 Tarkan 2 97 / 145
48. 9 DevilSquare 64 / 150 49. 10 Icarus 15/13 - 47/205 50. 10 Icarus 2 121 / 121 51. 11 Blood Castle 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 52. 12 Blood Castle 2 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 53. 13 Blood Castle 3 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 54. 14 Blood Castle 4 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 55. 15 Blood Castle 5 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 56. 16 Blood Castle 6 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 57. 17 Blood Castle 7 15 / 13 - 15 / 94 58. 18 Chaos Castle 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 59. 19 Chaos Castle 2 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 60. 20 Chaos Castle 3 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 61. 21 Chaos Castle 4 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 62. 22 Chaos Castle 5 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 63. 23 Chaos Castle 6 25 / 76 - 42 / 106 64. 24 Kalima 20 / 25 65. 25 Kalima 2 20 / 25 66. 26 Kalima 3 20 / 25 67. 27 Kalima 4 20 / 25 68. 28 Kalima 5 20 / 25 69. 29 Kalima 6 20 / 25 70. 30 Valley of Loren 93 / 37/ 71. 31 Land of Trials 60 / 20 72. 33 Aida 82 / 8 73. 33 Aida 2 189 / 173 74. 34 Cry Wolf 120 / 8 -115 / 235 75. 34 Cry Wolf 2 230 / 43 76. 37 Kantru 1 19 / 217 77. 38 Kantru 2 138 / 162 78. 39 Kantru 3 197 / 56 79. 40 MAPA DE GMS 220 / 20
//Swords (0)
/make 0 0 15 255 1 7 63 168//Kris
/make 0 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Short Sword
/make 0 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Rapier
/make 0 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Katache
/make 0 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Scimitar
/make 0 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blade
/make 0 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Gladius
/make 0 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Falchion
/make 0 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Serpent Borg
/make 0 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Salamander
/make 0 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Saber
/make 0 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Sword
/make 0 12 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Helical Sword
/make 0 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Double Blade
/make 0 14 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lightning Sword
/make 0 15 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Giant Sword
/make 0 16 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Destruction Sword
/make 0 17 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Spirit Sword
/make 0 18 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Thunder Sword
/make 0 19 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Divine Archangel Sword
/make 0 20 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blade of Devourer
/make 0 21 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Reign Blade
/make 0 22 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bone Sword
/make 0 23 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Explosive Sword
/make 0 24 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Daybreak
/make 0 25 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dancer Sword
/make 0 26 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Flambergue Sword
/make 0 27 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Breaker Sword
/make 0 28 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Imperial Sword
/make 0 31 13 255 1 7 63 168 //Rune Blade
/make 0 36 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cyclone Sword
/make 0 37 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blast Break
/make 0 38 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Sword
/make 0 39 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Magic Sword
/make 0 42 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Sword
/make 0 44 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Magic Sword
/make 0 51 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Sword
/make 0 54 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Sword
/make 0 55 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Magic Sword
/make 0 57 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holyangel Sword
/make 0 58 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holyangel Magic Sword
/make 0 62 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Sword
/make 0 63 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Magic Sword
/make 0 72 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Sword
/make 0 73 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Magic Sword
/make 0 142 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sealed Bloodangel Sword
/make 0 143 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sealed Bloodangel Magic Sword
/make 0 171 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Bone Blade
/make 0 172 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Bone Blade
/make 0 173 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Bone Blade
/make 0 174 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Bone Blade
/make 0 175 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Explosion Blade
/make 0 176 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Explosion Blade
/make 0 177 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Explosion Blade
/make 0 178 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Explosion Blade
/make 0 183 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Bone Blade
/make 0 184 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Explosion Blade
/make 0 186 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Bone Blade
/make 0 187 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Explosion Blade
/make 0 189 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sword Extremix MG
/make 0 190 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sword Extremix BK
/make 0 32 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sacred Glove
/make 0 33 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Storm Hard Glove
/make 0 34 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Piercing Blade Glove
/make 0 35 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Phoenix Soul Star
/make 0 240 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bloody Dragon Claw
/make 0 241 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Rudra King Claw
/make 0 242 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Claw
/make 0 243 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Claw
/make 0 244 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Divine Claw Archangel
/make 0 245 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Claw
/make 0 246 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Tigris Claw
/make 0 247 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crimson Skull Claw
/make 0 248 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Claw
/make 0 249 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Claw
/make 0 250 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Awakening Soul Claw
//Axes (1)
/make 1 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Small Axe
/make 1 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Hand Axe
/make 1 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Double Axe
/make 1 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Tomahawk
/make 1 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fairy Axe
/make 1 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Battle Axe
/make 1 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Nikkea Axe
/make 1 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Larkan Axe
/make 1 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crescent Axe
//Maces (2)
/make 2 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Mace
/make 2 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Morning Star
/make 2 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Iron Hammer
/make 2 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Great Hammer
/make 2 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crystal Mace
/make 2 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crystal Sword
/make 2 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Chaos Dragon Axe
/make 2 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Elemental Mace
/make 2 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Battle Scepter
/make 2 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Master Scepter
/make 2 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Great Scepter
/make 2 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lord Scepter
/make 2 12 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Great Lord Scepter
/make 2 14 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Solay Scepter
/make 2 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Divine Scepter of Archangel
/make 2 15 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Shining Scepter
/make 2 16 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Frost Mace"
/make 2 17 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Absolute Scepter"
/make 2 18 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Stryker Scepter"
/make 2 19 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Thunderbolt Scepter
/make 2 20 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Horn of Steal
/make 2 22 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bloodangel Scepter
/make 2 25 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Scepter
/make 2 26 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Scepter
/make 2 27 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Scepter
/make 2 28 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Scepter
/make 2 29 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Scepter
/make 2 30 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Scepter
/make 2 122 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sealed Bloodangel Scepter
/make 2 180 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Soleil Scepter
/make 2 181 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Soleil Scepter
/make 2 182 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Soleil Scepter
/make 2 183 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Soleil Scepter
/make 2 184 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Soleil Scepter
/make 2 185 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Soleil Scepter
/make 2 186 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sceptor Extremix DL
//Spears (3)
/make 3 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Spear
/make 3 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Spear
/make 3 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dragon Lance
/make 3 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Big Pike
/make 3 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Serpent Spear
/make 3 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Double Halberd
/make 3 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Halberd
/make 3 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bardiche
/make 3 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Great Scythe
/make 3 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bill of Balrog
/make 3 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dragon Spear
/make 3 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Beuroba Spear
/make 3 12 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Magmus Peer
/make 3 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Spear
//Bows/CrossBows (4)
/make 4 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Short Bow
/make 4 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bow
/make 4 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fairy Bow
/make 4 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Battle Bow
/make 4 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Tiger Bow
/make 4 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Bow
/make 4 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Chaos Nature Bow
/make 4 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bolts
/make 4 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crossbow
/make 4 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Gold Crossbow
/make 4 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Arquebus
/make 4 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Crossbow
/make 4 12 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Serpent Crossbow
/make 4 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Crossbow
/make 4 14 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dragon Crossbow
/make 4 15 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Arrows
/make 4 16 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Shadow Crossbow
/make 4 17 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Giant Bow
/make 4 18 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Divine Crossbow
/make 4 19 15 255 1 7 63 168 //GreatRain Crossbow
/make 4 20 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Viper Crossbow
/make 4 21 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 22 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Albatross Bow
/make 4 23 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Stinger Bow
/make 4 24 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Aileen Bow
/make 4 25 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Angelic Bow
/make 4 28 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Bow
/make 4 31 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Bow
/make 4 32 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Bow
/make 4 33 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Bow
/make 4 34 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Bow
/make 4 40 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Devil Crossbow
/make 4 41 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Crossbow
/make 4 180 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 181 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 182 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 183 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 184 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 185 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Sylph Wind Bow
/make 4 187 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Bow Extremix Pro
//Staffs (5)
/make 5 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Skull Staff
/make 5 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Angelic Staff
/make 5 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Serpent Staff
/make 5 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Thunder Staff
/make 5 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Gorgon Staff
/make 5 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Staff
/make 5 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Resurrection Staff
/make 5 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Chaos Lightning Staff
/make 5 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Staff of Destruction
/make 5 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Grand Soul Staff
/make 5 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Staff of Archangel
/make 5 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Kundun Staff
/make 5 12 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Platina Staff
/make 5 30 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Deadly Staff"
/make 5 31 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Imperial Staff"
/make 5 32 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Merlin Staff"
/make 5 37 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Spite Staff
/make 5 41 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Staff
/make 5 49 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Staff
/make 5 51 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Staff
/make 5 53 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Staff
/make 5 55 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Staff
/make 5 57 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Staff
/make 5 59 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Staff
/make 5 141 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sealed BloodAngel Staff
/make 5 179 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 180 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 181 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 182 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 187 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 189 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Grand Viper Staff
/make 5 191 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Staff Extremix pro
//Sticks (5)
/make 5 14 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Mistery Staff
/make 5 15 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Violent Wind Staff
/make 5 16 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Red Wing Staff
/make 5 17 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Ancient Staff
/make 5 18 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Black Rose Staff
/make 5 19 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Aura Staff
/make 5 20 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lilium Staff
/make 5 21 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Book of Sahamutt
/make 5 22 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Book of Neil
/make 5 23 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Book of Ghost Phantom
/make 5 33 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Chroma Ticks Staff
/make 5 34 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Raven Stick
/make 5 42 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Summon Spirit Stick
/make 5 43 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Stick
/make 5 50 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blessed Divine Stick
/make 5 52 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Stick
/make 5 54 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Stick
/make 5 56 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Soul Stick
/make 5 58 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blue Eye Stick
/make 5 143 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Sealed BloodAngel Stick
/make 5 183 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fire Storm Blitz Stick
/make 5 184 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Water Storm Blitz Stick
/make 5 185 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wind Storm Blitz Stick
/make 5 186 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Earth Storm Blitz Stick
/make 5 188 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Storm Blitz Stick
/make 5 190 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Storm Blitz Stick
//Shields (6)
/make 6 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Round Shield
/make 6 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Horned Shield
/make 6 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Kite Shield
/make 6 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fairy Shield
/make 6 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Buckler
/make 6 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dragon Slayer
/make 6 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Skull Shield
/make 6 7 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Spike Shield
/make 6 8 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Tower Shield
/make 6 9 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Plate Shield
/make 6 10 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Large Round Shield
/make 6 11 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Serpent Shield
/make 6 13 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Chaos shield
/make 6 14 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Shield
/make 6 15 15 255 1 7 63 168//Grand Soul Shield
/make 6 16 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Elemental Shield
/make 6 17 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Crimson Glory Shield
/make 6 18 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Salamander Shield
/make 6 19 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Frost Barrier Shield
/make 6 20 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Guardian Shiled
/make 6 21 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cross Shield
/make 6 22 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lazy Wind Shield
/make 6 23 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Light Lord Shield
/make 6 24 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Devil Shield
/make 6 25 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Magic Knight Shield
/make 6 26 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Ambition Shield
/make 6 27 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blood Angel Shield
/make 6 28 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Dark Angel Shield
/make 6 29 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Holy Angel Shield
/make 6 30 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Awakening Shield
/make 6 31 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Blueeye Shield
/make 6 32 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Silverheart Shield
/make 6 33 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Shield Extremix
/make 6 34 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Snake King Shield
CAMBIANDO EL 168 DEL FINAL POR 5 LO VOLVES ACC AL ITEM.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0"Bronze" /makeset 0 15 0 1 7 63 168
1"Dragon" /Makeset 1 15 0 1 7 63 168
2"Pad" /makeset 2 15 0 1 7 63 168
3"Legendary" /makeset 3 15 0 1 7 63 168
4"Bone" /makeset 4 15 0 1 7 63 168
5"Leather" /makeset 5 15 0 1 7 63 168
6"Scale" /makeset 6 15 0 1 7 63 168
7"Sphinx" /makeset 7 15 0 1 7 63 168
8"Brass" /makeset 8 15 0 1 7 63 168
9"Plate" /makeset 9 15 0 1 7 63 168
10"Vine" /makeset 10 15 0 1 7 63 168
11"Silk" /makeset 11 15 0 1 7 63 168
12"Wind" /makeset 12 15 0 1 7 63 168
13"Spirit" /makeset 13 15 0 1 7 63 168
14"Guardian" /makeset 14 15 0 1 7 63 168
15"Storm Crow" /makeset 15 15 0 1 7 63 168
16"Black Dragon" /makeset 16 15 0 1 7 63 168
17"Dark Phoenix" /makeset 17 15 0 1 7 63 168
18"Grand Soul" /makeset 18 15 0 1 7 63 168
19"Divine" /makeset 19 15 0 1 7 63 168
20"Thunder Hawk" /makeset 20 15 0 1 7 63 168
21"Great Dragon" /makeset 21 15 0 1 7 63 168
22"Dark Soul" /makeset 22 15 0 1 7 63 168
23"Hurricane" /makeset 23 15 0 1 7 63 168
24"Red Sprit" /makeset 24 15 0 1 7 63 168
25"Light Plate" /makeset 25 15 0 1 7 63 168
26"Adamantine" /makeset 26 15 0 1 7 63 168
27"Dark Steel" /makeset 27 15 0 1 7 63 168
28"Dark Master" /makeset 28 15 0 1 7 63 168
380 (S2)
29 "380 Set Dragon Knight" /makeset 29 15 0 1 7 63 168
30 "380 Set Venom /makeset" 30 15 0 1 7 63 168
31 "380 Set Sylphind" /makeset 31 15 0 1 7 63 168
32 "380 Set Volcano" /makeset 32 15 0 1 7 63 168
33 "380 Set sunlight" /makeset 33 15 0 1 7 63 168
43 "380 Set Storm Blitz SUM" /makeset 33 15 0 1 7 63 168
73 "380 Set Phoenix RF" /makeset 33 15 0 1 7 63 168
34 "Ashcrow Set" /makeset 34 15 0 1 7 63 168
35 "Eclipse Set" /makeset 35 15 0 1 7 63 168
36 "Iris Set" /makeset 36 15 0 1 7 63 168
37 "Valiant Set" /makeset 37 15 0 1 7 63 168
38 "Glorious Set" /makeset 38 15 0 1 7 63 168
39 "Violent Wind Set" /makeset 39 15 0 1 7 63 168
40 "Red Wing Set" /makeset 40 15 0 1 7 63 168
41 "Ancient Set" /makeset 41 15 0 1 7 63 168
42 "Demonic Set" /makeset 42 15 0 1 7 63 168
43 "Aura Set" /makeset 43 15 0 1 7 63 168
44 "Eternal Set" /makeset 44 15 0 1 7 63 168
45 "Titan Set" /makeset 45 15 0 1 7 63 168
46 "Brave Set" /makeset 46 15 0 1 7 63 168
47 "Phantom Set" /makeset 47 15 0 1 7 63 168
48 "Destruction Set" /makeset 48 15 0 1 7 63 168
49 "Seraphim Set" /makeset 49 15 0 1 7 63 168
50 "Divine Set" /makeset 50 15 0 1 7 63 168
51 "Royal Set" /makeset 51 15 0 1 7 63 168
52 "Hades Set" /makeset 52 15 0 1 7 63 168
54 "Lazy Wind Set" /makeset 54 15 0 1 7 63 168
55 "Dark Devil Set" /makeset 55 15 0 1 7 63 168
56 "Sticky Set" /makeset 56 15 0 1 7 63 168
57 "Hell Night Set" /makeset 57 15 0 1 7 63 168
58 "Ambition Set" /makeset 58 15 0 1 7 63 168
59 "Sacred Set" /makeset 59 15 0 1 7 63 168
60 "Storm Hard Set" /makeset 60 15 0 1 7 63 168
61 "Piercing Set" /makeset 61 15 0 1 7 63 168
73 "Phoenix Soul Set" /makeset 73 15 0 1 7 63 168
62 lUCKY SCALE /makeset 62 15 0 1 7 63 69
63 lUCKY SILK /makeset 63 15 0 1 7 63 69
64 lUCKY SPHINX /makeset 64 15 0 1 7 63 69
65 lUCKY VIOLET WIND /makeset 65 15 0 1 7 63 69
66 lUCKY ADAMANTINE /makeset 66 15 0 1 7 63 69
67 lUCKY DRAGON /makeset 67 15 0 1 7 63 69
68 lUCKY GUARDIAN /makeset 68 15 0 1 7 63 69
69 lUCKY LEGENDARY /makeset 69 15 0 1 7 63 69
70 lUCKY RED WING /makeset 70 15 0 1 7 63 69
71 lUCKY STORM DE MG /makeset 71 15 0 1 7 63 69
72 lUCKY STORM ZAHARD /makeset 72 15 0 1 7 63 69
74 Set Stormwing /makeset 74 15 0 1 7 63 168
75 Set Light Lord /makeset 75 15 0 1 7 63 168 76 Set Magic King /makeset 76 15 0 1 7 63 168 77 Set Bloody Dragon /makeset 77 15 0 1 7 63 168 78 Set Rudra King /makeset 78 15 0 1 7 63 168
79 Set Snake King Fem /makeset 79 15 0 1 7 63 168
80 Set Snake King Mas /makeset 80 15 0 1 7 63 168
91 Set Succubus /makeset 91 15 0 1 7 63 168
98 Set Bloodangel Knight /makeset 98 15 0 1 7 63 168
99 Set Bloodangel Wizard /makeset 99 15 0 1 7 63 168
100 Set Bloodangel Elf /makeset 100 15 0 1 7 63 168
101 Set Bloodangel Summoner /makeset 101 15 0 1 7 63 168
102 Set Bloodangel Magic /makeset 102 15 0 1 7 63 168
103 Set Bloodangel Lord /makeset 103 15 0 1 7 63 168
104 Set Bloodangel Fighter /makeset 104 15 0 1 7 63 168
106 Set Awakening Soul Knight /makeset 106 15 0 1 7 63 168
107 Set Awakening Soul Wizard /makeset 107 15 0 1 7 63 168
108 Set Awakening Soul Elf /makeset 108 15 0 1 7 63 168
109 Set Awakening Soul Summoner /makeset 109 15 0 1 7 63 168
110 Set Awakening Soul Magic /makeset 110 15 0 1 7 63 168
111 Set Awakening Soul Lord /makeset 111 15 0 1 7 63 168
112 Set Awakening Soul Fighter /makeset 112 15 0 1 7 63 168
138 Set Darkangel Knight /makeset 138 15 0 1 7 63 168
139 Set Darkangel Wizard /makeset 139 15 0 1 7 63 168
140 Set Darkangel Elf /makeset 140 15 0 1 7 63 168
141 Set Darkangel Summoner /makeset 141 15 0 1 7 63 168
142 Set Darkangel Magic /makeset 142 15 0 1 7 63 168
143 Set Darkangel Lord /makeset 143 15 0 1 7 63 168
144 Set Darkangel Fighter /makeset 144 15 0 1 7 63 168
146 Set Tigris /makeset 146 15 0 1 7 63 168
147 Set Crimson Skull /makeset 147 15 0 1 7 63 168
150 Set Holyangel Knight /makeset 150 15 0 1 7 63 168
151 Set Holyangel Wizard /makeset 151 15 0 1 7 63 168
152 Set Holyangel Elf /makeset 152 15 0 1 7 63 168
153 Set Holyangel Summoner /makeset 153 15 0 1 7 63 168
154 Set Holyangel Magic /makeset 154 15 0 1 7 63 168
155 Set Holyangel Lord /makeset 155 15 0 1 7 63 168
156 Set Holyangel Fighter /makeset 156 15 0 1 7 63 168
164 Set Blue Eye Knight /makeset 164 15 0 1 7 63 168
165 Set Blue Eye Wizard /makeset 165 15 0 1 7 63 168
166 Set Blue Eye Elf /makeset 166 15 0 1 7 63 168
167 Set Blue Eye Summoner /makeset 167 15 0 1 7 63 168
168 Set Blue Eye Magic /makeset 168 15 0 1 7 63 168
169 Set Blue Eye Lord /makeset 169 15 0 1 7 63 168
170 Set Blue Eye Fighter /makeset 170 15 0 1 7 63 168
198 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 198 15 0 1 7 63 168
199 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 199 15 0 1 7 63 168
200 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 200 15 0 1 7 63 168
201 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 201 15 0 1 7 63 168
203 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 203 15 0 1 7 63 168
204 Set Sealed Bloodangel /makeset 204 15 0 1 7 63 168
206 Set Fire Dragon Knight /makeset 206 15 0 1 7 63 168
207 Set Water Dragon Knight /makeset 207 15 0 1 7 63 168
208 Set Wind Dragon Knight /makeset 208 15 0 1 7 63 168
209 Set Earth Dragon Knight /makeset 209 15 0 1 7 63 168
210 Set Fire Venom Mist /makeset 210 15 0 1 7 63 168
211 Set Water Venom Mist /makeset 211 15 0 1 7 63 168
212 Set Wind Venom Mist /makeset 212 15 0 1 7 63 168
213 Set Earth Venom Mist /makeset 213 15 0 1 7 63 168
214 Set Fire Sylphid Ray /makeset 214 15 0 1 7 63 168
215 Set Water Sylphid Ray /makeset 215 15 0 1 7 63 168
216 Set wind Sylphid Ray /makeset 216 15 0 1 7 63 168
217 Set Earth Sylphid Ray /makeset 217 15 0 1 7 63 168
218 Set Fire Volcano /makeset 218 15 0 1 7 63 168
219 Set Water Volcano /makeset 219 15 0 1 7 63 168
220 Set Wind Volcano /makeset 220 15 0 1 7 63 168
221 Set Earth Volcano /makeset 221 15 0 1 7 63 168
222 Set Fire Sunlight /makeset 222 15 0 1 7 63 168
223 Set Water Sunlight /makeset 223 15 0 1 7 63 168
224 Set Wind Sunlight /makeset 224 15 0 1 7 63 168
225 Set Earth Sunlight /makeset 225 15 0 1 7 63 168
226 Set Fire Storm Blitz /makeset 226 15 0 1 7 63 168
227 Set Water Storm Blitz /makeset 227 15 0 1 7 63 168
228 Set Wind Storm Blitz /makeset 228 15 0 1 7 63 168
229 Set Earth Storm Blitz /makeset 229 15 0 1 7 63 168
230 Set Fire Phoenix Soul /makeset 230 15 0 1 7 63 168
231 Set Water Phoenix Soul /makeset 231 15 0 1 7 63 168
232 Set Wind Phoenix Soul /makeset 232 15 0 1 7 63 168
233 Set Earth Phoenix Soul /makeset 233 15 0 1 7 63 168
234 Set Dark Dragon Knight /makeset 234 15 0 1 7 63 168
235 Set Dark Venom Mist /makeset 235 15 0 1 7 63 168
236 Set Dark Sylphid Ray /makeset 236 15 0 1 7 63 168
237 Set Dark Volcano /makeset 237 15 0 1 7 63 168
238 Set Dark Sunlight /makeset 238 15 0 1 7 63 168
239 Set Dark Storm Blitz /makeset 239 15 0 1 7 63 168
240 Set Dark Phoenix Soul /makeset 240 15 0 1 7 63 168
241 Set Light Dragon Knight /makeset 241 15 0 1 7 63 168
242 Set Light Venom Mist /makeset 242 15 0 1 7 63 168
243 Set Light Sylphid Ray /makeset 243 15 0 1 7 63 168
244 Set Light Volcano /makeset 244 15 0 1 7 63 168
245 Set Light Sunlight /makeset 245 15 0 1 7 63 168
246 Set Light Light Storm Blitz /makeset 246 15 0 1 7 63 168
247 Set Light Phoenix Soul Helm /makeset 247 15 0 1 7 63 168
/make 12 30 1 0 1 7 63 168 //Pack bless 10
/make 12 31 1 0 1 7 63 168 //Pack soul 10
//Wings S1 (12)
/make 12 0 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Elf
/make 12 1 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Heaven
/make 12 2 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Satan
//Wings S2 (12)
/make 12 3 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Spirits
/make 12 4 15 255 1 7 63 168 /Wings of Soul
/make 12 5 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Dragon
/make 12 6 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Darkness
/make 13 30 15 255 1 7 63 168 // cape of lord
/make 12 49 15 255 1 7 63 168 // cape of RF
/make 12 42 15 255 1 7 63 168 // Wings of summoner
//Wings S3 (12)
/make 12 36 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wigs of storm /make 12 37 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of eternal
/make 12 38 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Illusion
/make 12 39 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Ruin
/make 12 40 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cape of emperor
/make 12 43 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Violent Wind
/make 12 50 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cape of RF
//Wings S4 + (12)
/make 12 150 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Dragon (Demonic)
/make 12 151 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Soul (Demonic)
/make 12 152 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Darkness (Demonic)
/make 12 153 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Spirits (Demonic)
/make 12 154 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cape Of Lord (Demonic)
/make 12 155 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Despair (Demonic)
/make 12 156 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cloak Of Warrior (Demonic)
/make 12 182 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Life
/make 12 183 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cloak Of Death
/make 12 184 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Conquero Blue
/make 12 185 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Angel and Devil
/make 12 186 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Heavenly Wings
/make 12 187 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Avatar Wings
/make 12 188 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Orb Wings
/make 12 189 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Fall Wings
/make 12 190 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Control Cloak
/make 12 191 15 255 1 7 63 168 //The Wings
/make 12 192 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Referre Cloak
/make 12 193 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cloak of Limit
/make 12 194 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Cloak of Transcendence
/make 12 195 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Conqueror
/make 12 196 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Disillusionment
/make 12 197 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Fate
/make 12 198 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Conqueror Pro
/make 12 199 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Capa de luz
/make 12 200 15 220 1 7 63 168 //Capa LemonPie
/make 12 201 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Capa Mitologica
/make 12 202 15 220 1 7 63 168 //Capa del Angel Blanco
/make 12 203 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Capa del Señor Oscuro
/make 12 204 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lava Wings Pro
/make 12 205 15 255 1 7 63 168 //IceBlue Wings Pro
/make 12 206 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wing of Conqueror
/make 12 207 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wing of Flame God /make 12 208 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wing of Condemnation
/make 12 209 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wing of Silence
/make 12 210 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wing of Halloween
/make 12 211 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Devil Christmas Wing
/make 12 212 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Aura Blue
/make 12 213 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Aura Red
/make 12 214 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Aura Green
/make 12 215 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Legendary Aura Yellow
/make 12 216 15 255 1 7 63 168 //King Of Blue Wing
/make 12 217 15 255 1 7 63 168 //King Of Gold Wings
/make 12 218 15 255 1 7 63 168 //ProGreen Wings
/make 12 219 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Archangel Wing
/make 12 220 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Kristal Gold Wings
/make 12 221 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Fenix
/make 12 222 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings GoldPro V2
/make 12 223 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings God Knight
/make 12 224 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Sony
/make 12 225 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Angel Pro
/make 12 226 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of DarkRaven
/make 12 227 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Gold V1
/make 12 228 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Celestial King
/make 12 229 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Celestial Green
/make 12 230 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings GoldenBlue
/make 12 231 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings GoldenGold
/make 12 232 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Lairiz Gold Wings
/make 12 233 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Daemon King Wings
/make 12 234 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Aion Wing Celeste
/make 12 235 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Aion Wing Violeta
/make 12 236 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Vilen King
/make 12 237 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Purple
/make 12 238 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings FireBlue
/make 12 239 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings FireRed
/make 12 251 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Alas de la Destruccion
/make 12 252 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Alas de la Vida
/make 12 253 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings Of Power
/make 12 254 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Maya's Wings
/make 12 255 15 255 1 7 63 168 //CollectorWings Purple
/make 12 256 15 255 1 7 63 168 //CollectorWings Red
/make 12 257 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Silence
/make 12 258 15 255 1 7 63 168 //Wings of Condemnation
//Pets (13)
/make 13 0 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Guardian Angel
/make 13 1 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Satan
/make 13 2 15 15 0 1 7 63 168//Horn of Unicorn
/make 13 3 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Horn of Dinorant
/make 13 4 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Dark Horse
/make 13 5 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Dark Raven
/make 13 37 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Horn of Fenrir
/make 13 64 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Demon
/make 13 65 15 15 0 1 7 63 168//Spirit of Guardian
/make 13 67 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pet Rudolf
/make 13 80 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pet Panda
/make 13 37 15 255 1 7 0 168 //Fenrir
/make 13 37 15 255 1 7 1 168 //Fenrir + Destruction
/make 13 37 15 255 1 7 2 168 //Fenrir + Protection
/make 13 37 15 255 1 7 4 168 //Fenrir Illusion
/make 13 106 15 0 1 7 63 168 // Unicornio
/make 13 123 15 0 1 7 63 168 // Skeleton
/make 13 200 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Necromantico
/make 13 201 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //MonkeyHGSSX
/make 13 202 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //WarriorBirdLZZ
/make 13 203 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //HeavenTTZZ
/make 13 204 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //GolemFireYH
/make 13 205 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Premium Archangel Pet
/make 13 206 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Boo Pet
/make 13 207 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Nix Pet
/make 13 208 15 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Nix Necro Pet
//Rings (13)
/make 13 8 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Ice
/make 13 9 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Poison
/make 13 21 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Fire
/make 13 22 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Earth
/make 13 23 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Wind
/make 13 24 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Ring of Magic
/Pendants (13)
/make 13 12 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Lightning
/make 13 13 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Fire
/make 13 25 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Ice
/make 13 26 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Wind
/make 13 27 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Water
/make 13 28 15 0 1 7 63 168 //Pendant of Ability
//Rings of transformacion (13)
/make 13 10 0 255 0 0 0 //Budge Dragon Transformation Ring
/make 13 10 1 255 0 0 0 //Giant Transformation Ring
/make 13 10 2 255 0 0 0 //Skeleton Transformation Ring
/make 13 10 3 255 0 0 0 //Thunder Lich Transformation Ring
/make 13 10 4 255 0 0 0 //Poison Bull Transformation Ring
/make 13 10 5 255 0 0 0 //Death Cow Transformation Ring
/make 13 20 0 255 0 0 0 //Wizards Ring TE HACE ROJITO :3
/make 13 20 1 255 0 0 0 //Warrior of Ring
/make 13 20 2 255 0 0 0 //Warrior of Ring
/make 13 38 0 255 0 0 0 //Moonstone Ring
/make 13 39 0 255 0 0 0 //S3 Ring 1
/make 13 40 0 255 0 0 0 //S3 Ring 2
/make 13 41 0 255 0 0 0 //S3 Ring 3
/make 13 42 0 255 0 0 0 //GM Ring
/make 13 52 0 255 0 0 0 //Flame of Condor
/make 13 53 0 255 0 0 0 //Feather of Condor
//Jewells Custom (14)
/make 14 269 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Level
/make 14 270 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Luck
/make 14 271 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Optieon
/make 14 272 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Skill
/make 14 273 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Excellent
/make 14 274 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Socket
/make 14 275 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Ancient 1
/make 14 276 0 255 0 0 0 // Jewell of Ancient 2
//BOXS (14)
/make 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Apple"
/make 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Small Healing Potion"
/make 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Healing Potion"
/make 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Large Healing Potion"
/make 14 4 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Small Mana Potion"
/make 14 5 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Mana Potion"
/make 14 6 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Large Mana Potion"
/make 14 7 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Pocion de Soul" *Para Pociones de Bless poner el item+1
/make 14 8 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Antidote"
/make 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Alcohol"
/make 14 10 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Town Portal"
/make 14 11 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Box of Luck"
/make 14 12 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Heart"
/make 14 13 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Bless"
/make 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Soul"
/make 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Zen"
/make 14 16 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Life"
/make 14 17 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Devil Eye"
/make 14 18 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Devil Key"
/make 14 19 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Invitation of Devil Square"
/make 14 20 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Remedy of Love"
/make 14 21 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Rena"
/make 14 22 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Creation"
/make 14 23 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of the Emperor"
/make 14 24 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Broken Sword"
/make 14 25 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Tear of Elf"
/make 14 26 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Soul of Wizard"
/make 14 28 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Lost Map"
/make 14 29 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Symbol of Kundun"
/make 14 31 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Guardian"
/make 14 32 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Pink Chocolate Box"
/make 14 33 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Red Chocolate Box"
/make 14 34 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Blue Chocolate Box"
/make 14 35 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Small SD Potion"
/make 14 36 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"SD Potion"
/make 14 37 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Large SD Potion"
/make 14 38 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Small Complex Potion"
/make 14 39 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Complex Potion"
/make 14 40 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Large Complex Potion"
/make 14 41 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Gemstone"
/make 14 42 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Jewel of Harmony"
/make 14 43 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Lower Refining Stone"
/make 14 44 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Higher Refining Stone"
/make 14 45 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Haloween Pumpkin"
/make 14 46 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Haloween Scroll"
/make 14 47 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Haloween Scroll"
/make 14 48 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Haloween Scroll"
/make 14 49 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Haloween Strange Item"
/make 14 50 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Haloween Pumpkin"
/make 14 51 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Sky Event Invitation"
/make 14 52 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Gm Gift Box"
/make 14 54 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Ema Leto"
/make 14 55 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Green Chaos Box"
/make 14 56 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Red Chaos Box"
/make 14 57 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Purple Chaos Box"
/make 14 63 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Fireworks"
/make 14 64 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Strange Item"
/make 14 65 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Flame of Death Beam Knight"
/make 14 66 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Horn of Hell Maine"
/make 14 67 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Feather of Phoenix of Darkness"
/make 14 68 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Eye of the Abyss"
/make 14 84 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Box of Cherry Blossom"
/make 14 85 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Cherry Blossom Wine"
/make 14 86 255 0 1 7 63 168//"Cherry Blossom Dumpling"
/make 14 87 255 0 1 7 63 168 //"Cherry Blossom Petal"
/make 14 90 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"White Cherry Blossom"
/make 14 96 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Chaos Talisman"
/make 14 99 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Christmas Fireworks"
/make 14 100 0 0 0 0 0 168 //"Luky Penny"
/make 14 121 0 0 0 0 0 168 //SEADLER GOLD
/make 14 122 0 0 0 0 0 168 //SEADLER SILVER
/make 14 123 0 0 0 0 0 168 //CAJA GOLD
/make 14 124 0 0 0 0 0 168 //CAJA SILVER
/make 14 52 12 0 0 0 0 168 //CAJA GM ←-------
/make 14 57 12 0 0 0 0 168 //CAJA CUSTOM
/make 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Poison"
/make 15 1 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Meteorite"
/make 15 2 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Lighting"
/make 15 3 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Fire Ball"
/make 15 4 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Flame"
/make 15 5 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Teleport"
/make 15 6 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Ice"
/make 15 7 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Twister"
/make 15 8 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Evil Spirit"
/make 15 9 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Hellfire"
/make 15 10 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Power Wave"
/make 15 11 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Aqua Beam"
/make 15 12 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Cometfall"
/make 15 13 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Inferno"
/make 15 14 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Mass Teleport"
/make 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Mana Shield"
/make 15 16 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Decay"
/make 15 17 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Ice Storm"
/make 15 18 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Nova"
/make 15 19 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Drain Life"
/make 15 20 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Chain Lighting"
/make 15 21 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Electric Surge"
/make 15 22 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Reflex"
/make 15 23 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Sword Power"
/make 15 24 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Sleep"
/make 15 25 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Magic Speed Up"
/make 15 26 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Magic Defense Up"
/make 15 27 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Red Storm"
/make 15 28 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Magic Circle"
/make 15 29 15 0 0 0 0 168 //"Scroll of Lighting Storm"
/skin NAMEPJ 501
/skin NAMEPJ 275
GOLD TANTALOS /spot 82 5 144 127
index del Monster, cantidad(max10), cordX, cordY
82 5 144 127
/spot 501 5 144 127
index del Monster, cantidad(max10), cordX, cordY
501 5 144 127
/spot 561 5 144 127
index del Monster, cantidad(max10), cordX, cordY
561 5 144 127
/spot 459 5 144 127
index del Monster, cantidad(max10), cordX, cordY
459 5 144 127
/spot 275 5 144 127
index del Monster, cantidad(max10), cordX, cordY
275 5 144 127
/gmove SAFIRO 40 220 20
/make 12 48 0 255 0 0 0 0 //Scroll Of chaotic