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A Lion lay asleep in the forest

A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws. A
timid little mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and
haste to get away, ran across the lion's nose. Roused from his nap, the
lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to kill her.
-Spare me! Please let me go and someday I will surely repay youbegged the poor mouse
The lion was much amused to think that a mouse could ever help him.
But he was generous and finally let the Mouse go.
Some days later, while stalking his prey in the forest, the lion was
caught in the toils of a hunter's net. Unable to free himself, he filled the
forest with his angry roaring. The mouse knew the voice and quickly
found the lion struggling in the net. Running to one of the great ropes
that bound him, she gnawed it until it parted, and soon the lion was
-You laughed when I said I would repay you. Now you see that even a
mouse can help a lion- said the mouse
Moral: A kindness is never wasted.
Once upon a time lived a wood carver named Geppetto. He made
puppets from pieces of wood, and he called his favorite puppet
- I would love to be a father to a real boy like Pinocchio- he wished.
That night, the blue fairy, who knew Geppetto was a good man, cost a
magic spell over Pinocchio. The very next day, Gappetto awake and
was very happy to find that Pinocchio could walk, sit and talk like a real
Geppetto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for
a spelling book.
- Now you can go to school like a real boy -s aid Gappetto as we
waved goodbye to Pinocchio.
On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to wacth a puppet show in a
- How would you like to join my puppet show? - asked the evil puppet
Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the evil puppet
master’s caravan. He wished he was safe with Geppetto. The blue
fairy suddenly appeared. She had heard Pinocchio’s wish and set him
free. Pinocchio is happy to be free.
- I’m going straight to school- he said.
But he met an evil fox who told him all about a wonderful place called
fun island. Pinocchio forgot all about school and gave the fox his
spelling book in return for a ticket to Fun island.
- Where are you going, Pinocchio?- asked the b fairy.
- I’m on the way to school - lied Pinocchio.
Pinocchio‘s nose grew very, very long. He wished he hadn’t told a lie.
The fairy called a bird to peck of his long nose because Pinocchio was
very sorry. Pinocchio promised never to be naughty ever again and
went straight to school.
At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun island. His friend
wanted to go with him. Pinocchio and his hurriedly climbed aboard a
ship that was going to Fun Island. On the island they didn’t know that
little boys were turned into donkeys and used for very hard work.
Pinocchio cried and wished he hadn’t come the island. He also wished
didn’t look like a silly donkey. The blue fairy had heard his wish and
with a wave of her magic wand his donkey ears and tail disappeared.
Pinocchio sad on the shore, sadly looking out to the sea. He wondered
if he would ever see Geppetto again.
Suddenly, he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of
Pinocchio. Geppetto didn’t see the huge whale behind him. The whale
swallowed Geppetto and his boat. Pinocchio knew he had to save
Geppetto. He jumped into the water and swam with all his might. As he
got closer, the whale open his mouth and Pinocchio swam right in.
Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged each
other, happy to be together again.
- We must find a way out- said Geppetto - we will make a fire from the
wood of my boat.
The smoke made the whale sneeze. They shot out of the whale’s
mouth and back into the sea. Pinocchio and Geppetto swam safely to
shore. They were both tired. They laid on the sand and fell asleep.
When Geppetto awoke, he saw that the blue fairy, as a reward for
being so brave, had turned Pinocchio into a real boy.
- At last my wish has come true!- cried Geppetto.
Había una vez un tallador de madera llamado Geppetto. Hizo títeres
con trozos de madera y llamó a su títere favorito Pinocho.
- Me encantaría ser padre de un niño de verdad como Pinocho- deseó.
Esa noche, el hada azul, que sabía que Geppetto era un buen
hombre, lanzó un hechizo mágico sobre Pinocho. Al día siguiente,
Gappetto se despertó y se alegró mucho al descubrir que Pinocho
podía caminar, sentarse y hablar como un niño de verdad.
Geppetto quería enviar a Pinocho a la escuela. Vendió su único abrigo
por un libro de ortografía.
- Ahora puedes ir a la escuela como un niño de verdad. Ayuda a
Gappetto mientras nos despedíamos de Pinocho.
De camino a la escuela, Pinocho se detuvo para ver un espectáculo
de marionetas en un pueblo.
- ¿Te gustaría unirte a mi espectáculo de marionetas? - preguntó el
malvado titiritero.
Pinocho aceptó felizmente. Estaba encerrado dentro de la caravana
del malvado titiritero. Deseó estar a salvo con Geppetto. El hada azul
apareció de repente. Ella había escuchado el deseo de Pinocho y lo
había liberado. Pinocho está feliz de ser libre.
- Voy directo a la escuela- dijo.
Pero conoció a un zorro malvado que le contó todo sobre un lugar
maravilloso llamado Fun Island. Pinocho se olvidó por completo de la
escuela y le dio al zorro su libro de ortografía a cambio de un boleto
para la isla Fun.
- ¿A dónde vas, Pinocho?- preguntó el hada b.
- Voy camino al colegio - mintió Pinocho.
La nariz de Pinocho se hizo muy, muy larga. Deseó no haber dicho
una mentira. El hada llamó a un pájaro para que le picoteara la larga
nariz porque Pinocho estaba muy arrepentido. Pinocho prometió no
volver a ser malo nunca más y fue directamente a la escuela.
En la escuela, Pinocho le contó a su amigo todo sobre la isla divertida.
Su amigo quería ir con él. Pinocho y los suyos subieron
apresuradamente a un barco que se dirigía a Fun Island. En la isla no
sabían que a los niños los convertían en burros y los utilizaban para
trabajos muy duros.
Pinocho lloró y deseó no haber venido a la isla. También deseaba no
parecer un burro tonto. El hada azul había escuchado su deseo y con
un movimiento de su varita mágica sus orejas y cola de burro
desaparecieron. Pinocho triste en la orilla, mirando tristemente al mar.
Se preguntó si algún día volvería a ver a Geppetto.
De repente vio a Geppetto que se había hecho a la mar en busca de
Pinocho. Geppetto no vio la enorme ballena detrás de él. La ballena se
tragó a Geppetto y su barco. Pinocho sabía que tenía que salvar a
Geppetto. Saltó al agua y nadó con todas sus fuerzas. A medida que
se acercaba, la ballena abrió la boca y Pinocho nadó hacia adentro.
En lo profundo del vientre de la ballena, Pinocho y Geppetto se
abrazaron, felices de estar juntos de nuevo.
- Debemos encontrar una salida- dijo Geppetto - haremos un fuego
con la madera de mi barco.
El humo hizo que la ballena estornudara. Salieron disparados de la
boca de la ballena y regresaron al mar. Pinocho y Geppetto nadaron
sanos y salvos hasta la orilla. Ambos estaban cansados. Se tumbaron
en la arena y se durmieron. Cuando Geppetto despertó, vio que el
hada azul, como recompensa por su valentía, había convertido a
Pinocho en un niño de verdad.
- ¡Por fin mi deseo se ha hecho realidad!- gritó Geppetto.