Results of your language assessment LAST NAME nn FIRST NAME n LEVEL ACHIEVED B1 You can understand the main points of clear, standard language related to familiar matters and current affairs, as well as descriptions of feelings, experiences and events. TAKEN ON 2020-12-02 LANGUAGE TESTED French View your breakdown of results by skill GRAMMAR B1 VOCABULARY B1 You understand the relation between a series of interconnected elements linked to experiences, events, ambitions and plans. You understand a fairly wide range of vocabulary linked to pertinent, everyday life topics and situations. This is enough to get by when travelling, working or socialising. READING COMPREHENSION C1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION B1 You are able to understand longer and more complex texts, including specialised articles, technical instructions and literary texts, regardless of whether they relate to your areas of interest, provided there is time to reread the documents. You can understand the main points of clear, standard speech in familiar social and work-related domains, as well as many radio and TV programmes on current affairs or topics of interest, when the delivery is relatively slow.