BASIC LEVEL actor actress advice American April apron architect assistant attached August aunt begin bend bill black blue board game bookstore both break bridge bring brother brought brown build bus driver butcher afternoon aggressive amazing ambitious anxious apartment armchair attend attractive awesome basketball bathroom bed bedroom behave blankets blender blindfold blond board book brave Brazilian break down bruise building calculator carpet INTERMEDIATE LEVEL acknowledgment accountant advertising airport amazingly ankle apple arm assets attract autumn avocado avoid bagel baker banana basket beans beef belly below biking bleed boom boring break up breast breathe belt admire afford anniversary attach attempt bag bar be a shame be in pain beans belong bend bitten blouse boots bottle box bring along can carton cereal charity cheek cheese chicken chin chocolate ADVANCED LEVEL accommodation ace agree allow anesthetic apology argue arrange bad bank be worth blood blow bookkeeping bottom brown budget capital captain catchy caught cent chance character chart chemotherapy chief clearance additional advertise afraid allergens anger apparel approve arrive arrogant balance beautifully beforehand benefit bet bind bizarre bought branch brand brave bread breed broad broadcast brought back bruise bumpy burst butler carried choose clean clerk clever come concert costume cousin cuisine daughter daylight December dentist doctor draw drive driver drove elbow electrician encourage enjoyment fancy father February fed up feed chair championship cheerful Chinese closet clothes computer confident contest creative cricket crosswalk cruel curtains dairy day desk dictionary disgusting door dresser easygoing employer English entire eraser evening farm faucets broccoli brooches butter cake camping cap carpenter carrots catch up cheer chef church cleats climbing cloak club coal collect concern copywriter cream cucumber curry cut down on damage delay denim designer dig in coat comb come from complete cookies crackers deliver disgusting dislike dreamt dress dropkick dry cleaner eggplant eggs electrical short embarrass emotional envision expect fish flour forbade forehead freeze garlic gloves greet grill climb collect column come down with company compare consonant continue cotton cover letter crops crowd current currently danger dead deal with decimal demand depend desert design destruction determine dictionary die difficult dock dollar capacitive carefully catalogues cautiously changeable charge claim clear up concussion condition connect conservation continent contribute correctly crash crawl creep criticize cue curve customer dear death degree deliver deserve destroy dilute feel fight find football forget Friday furniture gave up ghost town give grandfather grandmother green grill grow gymnast hairdresser hang have hear helmet housekeeper housewife husband imperative improve introduce January July festival filled up floor fur garage garbage give up have time heard heavy height hostel hotel house huge issue job application keep kitchen know lamb lamp laundry room leave look for lose magazine make marker distant diving educate electrician equinox exchange exhilarating exports eye eyebrow fall fill fin find out finger fireman fishing fist food stand forbid foreign gadget gardener get along glove go out goalpost goggles grab guarantee hair hamburgers hand hang hang out hat haunt head heal hedge hoop hurry identify imagine impound impress inexpensive instruct interest interrupt jacket jam jar jeans jumper knee left-handed lettuce dress drop drought earn effect electric element enter equal exact except exhale expect expel experiment fair famine famous fear feasible fertilizer flea market flooding flow footwear fresh fruit gadgets garden discuss division double drawback dream duck dull dust eco-friendly enemy enthusiastic especially ethanol evening experience false claim fashion favor features feed filthy flaw flee flood foggy foolish force forgetful forward June kennel laugh library living room looked at make sure makes fun March May mechanic Monday mother mussels neighborhood nephew never niece November nurse October office officer orange outlets park pet plates plumber married mean meet Mexican mirror mixer morning necklace night notebook outfit parents parrot pen pencil perform picture pillow pool possibility poster pretend printer projector qualifications rarely raw read refrigerator grabbed hail head for heat hiking hunger hunting influence injured injury iron jeweler journey knit labor laundry lawyer leg lemon let librarian look forward to machinery makeup measure mold museum net nostril locksmith logic long and hard look after luggage make a living market milk misbehave mouth mustard neck nonstop noodles nose notice obtain optometrist orange overalls overcoat package pajamas pants piece piracy poverty power bill power grid gather gender gentle get back at grew guess handle height history hole human hurry imagine indicate individual insect intake invent iron item job prospect join keep down keep in mind lady least lengthy lift locate fossil fuels gain weight get along with glad gossip grin grumpy guide hand rub hay fever homeless huge illness instant irritate issue jar juicy keep fit knowledge lean liberation lick lifetimes liquid look out for magnet market mass politician pork presentation prize race receptionist rehearsal ridden rugby Saturday saw scary school secretary seldom September several shop shrimp silly sister soldier son soul store strange Sunday supermarket surgeon rest ride rode roof room rug safe setting shelf short shout sidewalk silly single smart sofa sometimes speak spend spoke spooky stereo stove successful suitcase support surfboard swam swim nowadays one-way overcome painter pharmacy pork portion potato practice prepay prevailing rafting rain receptionist restaurant resume revenue run the place sailing scientist senior set sew share shine shrink signpost slide sneeze profit properly raincoat rice rid rise roast beef saturation sauce scarf scoreboard seize shaft shake shave shirt shocked shoes shorts shoulder shrank sink skirt slacks slippers socks sophomore sought soup major marketing meat melody message method mix modern mouth Myanmar nation necessary needless neighbor office operate opposite outfits overseas over-the-counter ownership particular pier pitch please plenty practice praises process master match meant mild molecule motion mysterious nap narrow nasty naturalist nature neck noisy obviously occur offer on the go ordinary original overseas oxygen paperless parent path permanent pitch pitch in populate teacher thief throughout Thursday trust Tuesday uncle university violet waiter waitress Wednesday white wife worship table take tall taught teach television think though thought track wear weightlifter window yard yellow snore snow somewhere spring station strike studs study stung suck summer suspect swollen tax-free thrust thumb tire tomorrow trouble unsinkable want wheat wind wink winter wipe withdraw workout yesterday spit spread steel stoppage sugar suit surround sweater sweetener take of with take off tamper throughout toast tongue tough tread troublemaker trust undertake unlike vest waist watch wedding wine wood workaholic wrestling product promote protect provide quart quiet raise rather realize receive recognition remarkable renewable reschedule rise rub run a business save search section sedentary seed sent separate service sharp shine shoulder shout prepare prescription pretty price tag profit proper property pull off quickly range rapid rates recently regardless regulate repeat replace reply require rhinoplasty rink rinse rope sale scars score seat segment selfie yolk wrist sight sleek smile soldier soothing speed spoke spooky spot spread stand for stand up for stick stone straight stream strengthen stretch string subtract success suggest suit supply surprise survey symbol team thefts share shear sheet shell shock shore side effects slave slip smell socialize solution speech spend spoil spots spouse spray stamp state station steady steam sticky strategy stride strip subsidized substance thick throw thus tie tiny touch trade triangle trip trouble truck tube twenty wash wear whose wing wire wisdom wooden worldwide wrote suddenly suffix support surround sweat take over teeth terrible tight tire tough track tricky valley vase weak weave welfare wide withstand wrong yield