Subido por nordy17

Ortiz Alarcon, Nordelys 1-18-23 (2)

January 18, 2023
RE: Nordelys Ortiz Alarcon
SSN: xxx - xx – 3771
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to serve as verification that Nordelys Ortiz Alarcon is currently employed
with Southwest Key Programs. MS Ortiz Alarcon has been employed since 08/22/2022
and works as a Youth Care Worker. She is a full-time employee who works an average of
40 hours per week at an hourly rate of $21.34, paid semi-monthly.
Should there be additional questions regarding their employment with Southwest Key
Programs, Inc. or if any additional information is needed, please feel free to contact us.
Cecilia Martinez
Human Resources
Southwest Key Programs, Inc.
Phone: (512) 583-2567
Fax: (512) 597-4433
[email protected]