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Course 14 MCH Quiz Unit 4

Course 14 MCH Quiz Unit 4
Puntos totales16/20
Choose the best answer
Student's Name*
estephania alin castro diaz
Student's ID*
1. I don't think this weekend would be good for an outdoor party. ___ rain.*
a. It wasn't supposed to
b. It was going to
c. It's supposed to
2. A: Did Marco give you directions? B: Not yet. ___ call me this afternoon, but I
guess he forgot.*
a. He's supposed to
b. He was going to
c. He's not supposed to
Respuesta correcta
b. He was going to
3. I'm sorry, I'm on a diet. ___ have any cake for dessert.*
a. I'm not supposed to
b. I was going to
c. I'm supposed to
4. It ___ be a nice day yesterday according to the weather forecast, but it turned
out to be warm and sunny.*
a. was supposed to
b. was going to be
c. wasn't supposed to
5. Have Chris and Bella called? ___ meet us here at 3:00, and it's now 3:30.*
a. They aren't supposed to
b. They're going to
c. They were supposed to
6. Don't tell Cindy about the party. ___ be a surprise!*
a. It was going to
b. It's supposed to
c. It wasn't supposed to
7. I'm sorry, I can't go with you. ___ take care of my little sister tonight.*
a. I'm supposed to
b. I was supposed to
c. I was going to
8. ___ be out past midnight, so I had better call my parents and tell them I'm going
to be a little late.*
a. I'm not supposed to
b. I was going to
c. I was supposed to
9. A: Hi, Phil, what are you doing? B: Well, ___ be studying, but instead I'm
watching TV.*
a. I was going to
b. I wasn't supposed to
c. I'm supposed to
10. I'm a little angry at David. He ___ work with me on the project, but I did it all by
a. wasn't going to
b. was supposed to
c. wasn't supposed to
11. Do you think it's OK to ___? For example, would you say that you were busy to
get out of an invitation?*
a. tell a "white lie"
b. tell an anecdote
c. tell the truth
12. Oh, no! I didn't ___ the fish for dinner. I guess we'll have to go out.*
a. get around to buying
b. get away with buying
c. get used to buying
13. A: I'm nervous about going to dinner with my girlfriend's parents. B: I'm sure
you'll ___ it OK, and you'll make a good impression on them.*
a. get the feeling of
b. get through
c. get out of
Respuesta correcta
b. get through
14. A: Do you have time to go out with a group of us after work? B: Not today. I'm
trying to ___. My mother is coming for a visit.*
a. call a meeting
b. get home on time
c. think of myself as a social animal
15. If a friend ___ at the last minute, I'm usually disappointed, but I go ahead and
do what I had planned to do.*
a. calls a meeting
b. makes an appointment
c. cancels plans
16. A: I really don't like to be the center of attention, like at parties. B: So you don't
celebrate your birthday with a big party, ___?*
a. OK
b. right
c. on the other hand
Respuesta correcta
b. right
17. A: How's it going? B: Good. I'm keeping busy. A: ___, Carol's birthday party is
next week. Have you bought a gift?*
a. Really
b. Certainly
c. So
18. A: The office always has cake and fruit for people's birthdays. B: ___*
a. So you didn't have a surprise party for your birthday?
b. So you don't like to celebrate your birthday?
c. So people at work had some food for your birthday last week?
19. A: It was supposed to be a surprise party, but I noticed all these presents in the
closet. So . . . B: ___*
a. You opened them.
b. You knew they were giving you a party.
c. You refused to go.
20. A: I never know what to get my brother for his birthday. B: ___*
a. So I guess he has a birthday.
b. So he's hard to shop for, huh?
c. So what happened?
Respuesta correcta
b. So he's hard to shop for, huh?