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Google's Culture & Strategy: A Report

Benemérita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla
Facultad de administración
English for managent
Google questions report 1
Docente: Ramírez Fernández
Andrea del Carmen
Alumna: Cuatlacuatl Toshua
María Angélica
Matricula: 202065348
Primavera 2024
After reading the book "How Google works" develop the following questions
1. From the chapter "Culture, believe in your own slogans", explain the
concepts of:
• The 2 pizzas
This concept refers to the fact that the teams of a company should be small in such
a way that it is possible to feed them only with 2 pizzas, because teams with more
members require more maintenance costs, more time and there may be more
conflicts and resolving them will be even more difficult.
Smaller teams tend to be like families even if there are discussions the way they
regroup and join efforts is very likely to do so at the right time, when a company
begins to grow it is necessary to have both groups.
• Do not be bad (No seas malo)
This concept talks about a philosophy that is part of Google's culture, where the
company recognizes the value of the company and at the same time gives power to
its employees, because the moment someone sees that something is not being done
correctly within the company, they have the power to stop the activities so that
everyone can analyze the situation and make a moral decision, keeping in mind the
values that the company has as a company.
Look for examples of at least two cases where the concept "don't be bad" (no
seas malo) is applied.
Example 1
The Mexican company Iberdrola is recognized by the Confederation of Industrial
Chambers of the United Mexican States because it always works with a strong
culture of ethics and values, as it works in different social projects focused on
education, health, culture, biodiversity and infrastructure, in order to support the
Example 2
Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo, S.A.B. is a developer and operator of infrastructure,
committed to operating in accordance with a Code of Ethics and the values of its
Promotes an organizational culture that fosters integrity and transparency in all its
operations, adhering to its corporate values and respecting the laws of the entities
where it operates.
From your point of view, describe how the use of these concepts can impact
the development of Electronic Marketing strategies. (Extension one page at
E-marketing is understood as the set of activities, strategies and techniques carried
out by a company to attract new business, customers, create relationships,
promoting a product or service on websites, social networks and search engines.
To create strategies in electronic marketing we must be clear about the objective to
be achieved, these will be determined by a previous analysis, taking into account
our market and competition, only then we can know what the company needs to get
the best results.
Marketing strategies are essential to stay in a market with a high level of
competitiveness, especially if it is in the electronic field, which in recent years has
grown significantly.
The use of the concept of the 2 pizzas in the development of electronic marketing
strategies can be of great help in the beginnings of a company in the electronic field,
since having a small budget and having a small group of collaborators will make your
expenses lower, at the time of managing and involving our work team taking into
account their decisions and in case of different opinions, there will be less conflicts
to reach the same agreement.
The use of these terms helps the management of the business, because decisions
are made that are efficient, with that small group with which you can self-manage
and devote more time to what really matters working together and achieve their
objectives previously established.
As for the use of the term do not be bad, it will help the company to take into account
its values and principles, because in the end it is what represents them to others so
that they do things according to their morals.
It is important that companies analyze and question their activities before carrying
them out and in turn give the freedom to each employee to say their opinion on
whether or not they agree with it and if not, explain why so that it can be analyzed
as a team and know if it is the best for the company or not without questioning their
2. Referring to the chapter "strategy your plan is wrong", explain in a mind
map "the plan is fluid, the foundation is stable", include the sub-themes of the
entire chapter.
In this second chapter several points are touched among them the technical intuition
that is a way to apply the technology or the design that will help us to lower costs
and increase the functions. As well as the ease of use of the products.
It is important to mention that giving the customer what he wants. It is less important
than giving them what they don't yet know they want, that is when market research
becomes more important than technical innovation. Continuing with technical
intuitions, he also mentions that you should start with a solution that reduces a
problem and then look for a way to expand its application.
In one of the subtopics we are told that when a product strategy is used in technical
intuitions, it avoids a series of similar products that simply offer what customers ask
for. Growth within a company is very important, but at the same time it goes hand in
hand with scaling, the latter refers to growing something very quickly and globally.
It is more likely that a platform will scale faster when it is open because in this way it
will be able to reach its own objectives, however, this can also bring different
problems since some people make use of them with a bad intention, that is why you
should look for a way in which customers can stay with you.
Sometimes we are so focused on the competition that we leave aside what we are
offering, it is important to focus on offering something truly innovative, that does not
mean that you should leave aside the competition but not that you should follow them
and much less do the same as them.
Bet on
intuitions, not
on market
A period of
Open by default,
not closed
A solution
Search from a
Base product
strategies on
Don't look for
faster horses
Optimize for
Potential to
Speed, precision, ease of
use, completeness and
when open
Willing to
open, except
Leverage your
competitive advantage
Openness is
often the best
way to manage
innovation and
reduce costs in
an ecosystem
follow the
distribution and sales
Technical innovation
If you focus on the
competition, you will never
offer something truly
and dising
Coase and the
nature of the
Provide a
basis for
3. Make a flowchart where you explain the google hiring process, briefly explain the
• Compare the Google process to what you've been through when joining a job.
I have never gone looking for a job because I help in a family business but from my
point of view I feel that most jobs focus more on skills and what you can provide to
the company than knowing more about their employees, they don't care due to the
work environment and sometimes there is abuse of power.
• What differences and similarities do you find
On google if you are interested in knowing more about your employees
The work teams are different
In both cases they look for people to contribute
4. From the chapter "Decisions, the true meaning of consensus"
Explain the concept "the big-headed dolls"
The use of the concept of big-headed dolls refers to the automatic yes, the fact that
everyone says yes in a meeting does not mean that an agreement has been reached
but rather that there are many big-headed dolls, because in most cases not everyone
supports as ought.
Mira, A. R. (2023, agosto 28). Qué es y cómo crear una estrategia de marketing
Rosales, A. (2022, octubre 6). Industriales reconocen a Iberdrola México por su ética
Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo. (s/f).
Historia de cómo Google se enfrentó a China y perdió. (1970, enero 1). MIT
Technology Review.